Five Days Darkness

You're right' date=' but if this is the only way to solve this problem then it suddenly becomes a "How far are you willing to go to fix it?" type of scenario.[/quote']
That way lies one's moral event horizon. From there, there is no turning back.

jademonkeytechnique said:
I'm guessing these peaches are the reason why the Empress hacked it for so long. I'm also guessing that most people don't know about them, otherwise we'd have dragonbloods lined up 1930's soup line style at the throne, moreso than they already had been.
I actually think it was Sorcery of some sort, IIRC...or at least, that sounds more likely. Some sort of 'steal years from you so that I live forever' sort of thing. Donno if that's canon or whatnot...but that was always the impression I ended up with anyhow.

As to knowledge of Peaches....they're only in Yu-Shan, where it's REALLY hard to go as a DB, for one...and it's not like there's thousands upon thousands of them just lying around for anyone to eat. The Gods aren't about to go giving them to just ANYONE, either...
cdi said:
That way lies one's moral event horizon. From there, there is no turning back.
I don't think it's so much of a moral problem - unless there's a Sidereal in the group - than it is one of a Am-I-willing-to-risk-certain-death-by-breaking-into-Yu-Shan-then-trying-to-get-past-several-Celestial-Lions-then-break-into-one-of-the-groves-just-to-steal-a-Peach-of-Immortality sort of problem - oh and let's not forget all the Celestial Lions that will follow and show up due to this, any gods that may have a taste for battle and then any Sidereals that might want to join in the fray. Of course there's always trying to get to be a vassal of a god or a being of essence 5 or higher, that gets to go to one of these parties, but getting caught means instant death for a vassal and the highest Celestial Audit (or will get bumped up to the highest for various things during the audit) for the person who sponsored the vassal and anyone else involved.
That's what I mean by how far is someone willing to go. It's one of those things you have to do yourself, because trying to pay someone off (which you would probably need an Eclipse caste to bind the oath of the both parties to help keep the thief from using it or hawking it off elsewhere) to steal them and then getting them to give/sell one to you (since the book states they are priceless in Creation and that wars have been fought over a single Peach) is just a good joke to use at a party, because if the thief gets caught they're dead or wish they were.
JerryMcJerrison said:
That actually sounds like a good idea to help Solars who want to infiltrate Deathlord citadels and other unfriendly places.
There's a Larceny Charm for that, it's the Mirror Charm of the Abyssal charm that makes them seem like they are a solar exalted. I am considering buying the required charms so that I can get that and sneak our Lunar (who has already gained the dire maggot form) into Juggernaut, then see what I can find out about Mask of Winters' castle.

Re: Peaches of Immortality

My Night caste namesake rolled way too well and found a hidden compartment in a smuggler's hideaway where a single peach and a bottle of wine were stored. He had no idea the value so he shared the wine with his circle mates that night and ate the peach on the roof top before bed. He was only 43 years old. Losing 20 or so years did help him outwit the Wyld hunt a couple times but he felt horrible for wasting such a valuable artifact.

However, he still has the peach pit and he's been trying to convince the twilights to build a wood manse to try and grow a tree from it in Creation.

I'm totally going to borrow my ST's 1st Ed sidereal book tonight, he'll have NO CLUE what I'm up to. I already looked through the Yu-Shan book since I was the one who bought it for him, EVERY time I have business in Yu-Shan I specify that I pass the orchards to eyeball and study the gods working and patrolling there. I figure once we get done with the next big event I'll make my move.
RedMantis said:
I'm totally going to borrow my ST's 1st Ed sidereal book tonight, he'll have NO CLUE what I'm up to. I already looked through the Yu-Shan book since I was the one who bought it for him, EVERY time I have business in Yu-Shan I specify that I pass the orchards to eyeball and study the gods working and patrolling there. I figure once we get done with the next big event I'll make my move.
Wait, let me get this straight; you're a Solar that goes and walks around in Yu-Shan, and every time you're there you pass by one of the (many) orchards where the PoI are grown?
I haven't read up on them in the Yu-shan book like I should because I've never seriously tried to steal more. When I asked him where they were he just gave me a district.

Are they actually all over the place?

Or was your reply shock that I'm waltzing around like a goggle eyed tourist in the middle of the street? Because that's not really the case. Most of the time I go into Yu-shan I spend a couple of days there and fly a Celestial rickshaw to the part of the city I have business in. I just make sure that I take the time to check out the orchards from a comfortable distance.

.... man, if it turns out having a high essence is all you need to earn one I'm going to be even more pissed at my ST.
RedMantis said:
I haven't read up on them in the Yu-shan book like I should because I've never seriously tried to steal more. When I asked him where they were he just gave me a district.
Are they actually all over the place?

Or was your reply shock that I'm waltzing around like a goggle eyed tourist in the middle of the street? Because that's not really the case. Most of the time I go into Yu-shan I spend a couple of days there and fly a Celestial rickshaw to the part of the city I have business in. I just make sure that I take the time to check out the orchards from a comfortable distance.

.... man, if it turns out having a high essence is all you need to earn one I'm going to be even more pissed at my ST.
A little of both. You're a Solar strolling around in Yu-Shan, some people love and fear you while others hate you; and both are mostly gods and the two biggest factions of Sidereals. All-in-all, every time you walk into Yu-Shan through one of the gates somebody high up is going to know.
The orchards are guarded like no bodies business (read the above post I wrote about trying to steal one, and the Sidereal 1E book starting on page 27 ). Chances are if you actually get a hold of one you're bound to get linked to the theft somehow; and then if you make it out of Yu-Shan, I wouldn't expect to ever come back.

Yes there are ways to get them without having a Celestial Audit (or even a hit from the Bronze Faction) out on your head, but you're probably going to need to be Essence 5 or higher... probably higher. Which you might get into one of the parties, but usually their only for gods. It doesn't go into too much detail about these parties so I'm guessing an Essence 5 or higher Exalt (obviously those that can get into Yu-Shan freely) can attend the party; but don't every forget that Yu-Shan is insanely political, it would probably be easier for an Essence 5 Sidereal to get to come to the party as a guest then it would be for an Essence 7 Solar.

If your ST is worth his salt then you just are not going to get one as easy as you would like and I question if he understands how impossibly valuable these are just by how easy you got a PoI and some CW; wars have been fought over a single PoI in creation, they are quite literally priceless (again read my above post talking about this and the 1E Sidereal book).

Thing is though, you're a Solar. You'll live for a thousand years or more if you try and let old age take it's course. So unless you need a PoI or CW (for curing ailments) then I wouldn't worry about it; but then again if you want one go ahead.
If your ST is worth his salt then you just are not going to get one as easy as you would like and I question if he understands how impossibly valuable these are just by how easy you got a PoI and some CW; wars have been fought over a single PoI in creation' date=' they are quite literally priceless (again read my above post talking about this and the 1E Sidereal book).[/quote']Or your ST was being an ass because no one in the group knew what they really were worth or really did. So, the priceless items were wasted.
No one needed healing and the peach dropped your age down to 21.

Big deal, right?

JUST REMEMBER: Your maximum age (unless you're a Sidereal) just got extended by a Millenium because of eating that peach.

Nifty eh?
JUST REMEMBER: Your maximum age (unless you're a Sidereal) just got extended by a Millenium because of eating that peach.
Nifty eh?
Yeah I asked him about that and he said it didn't. Just another thing to smack him around with.

As for the consequences of theft. Oh yeah I know, otherwise it would've been the first thing I did in Yu-Shan. My character has Essence 5 so that smooths out the minimums of a lot of Yu-Shan red tape and he spent a couple years learning about Yu-Shan enough that he could use his Bureaucracy charms to take care of the rest. The real thing he's got in his favor is that he has the armor that hides you from fate (I can't remember the name of it, the red outfit the guy on the cover of the Sidereal book has). He knows about the existence of the Bronze and Gold Faction and remembers some details about the ones he has interacted with in the past, he also knows better than to expect help from the Gold Faction guys.

The Night Caste has already broken into the Imperial Manse so he's a bit cocky. If he hadn't learned better on his first trip, he probably would have tried sneaking into pleasure dome to peek at the Games of Divinity. If my character didn't have intimacies for the people that depended on his work back in Creation he'd be burglarizing all sorts of powerful entities. That would change if he found a way to remove attunements to artifacts though, that'd make it worth burglarizing just about any palace or freehold. That'd make a lot of risky jobs worth the risk.

Most importantly though, he doesn't want the pants. He just wants to see if he can steal them.
RedMantis said:
If he hadn't learned better on his first trip, he probably would have tried sneaking into pleasure dome to peek at the Games of Divinity.
It's a good thing he didn't, he probably would have died from dehydration due to instant addiction of having to watch the Games (assuming he never dropped his guard and stealth from this) - which I always wondered what I would be like for Exalts to watch the Games in person.
If you manage to actually get a couple PoI, get one for me too. ^.^
My bad. It removes a thousand years from your Exaltation's age, but does not say it adds it if you have no time to remove.
And Siderials die when they hit their determined age between 3000 to 5000 years. No exceptions, no Peach will save your ass.
I was pretty sure the peaches worked on the Sidereals, too.

In fact remember that it's been stated in canon that Carjack has been offered every way possible to extend his life, he's just declined them.
No, I remember reading it in the book. They're fated to die between 3000-5000 years. Doesn't save them from clocking out at all.
No' date=' I remember reading it in the book. They're fated to die between 3000-5000 years. Doesn't save them from clocking out at all.[/quote']
Yes but they can still extend their lives via supernatural means. What this means is that Sidereals have a fated day of death but other Celestials can extend their lives via natural means.

[QUOTE="MoEP: Sidereals]



Some gods and Sidereals can’t believe that

Chejop Kejak is about to die. Surely, the oldest

and most infl uential Vizier can capture some

kind of immortality for himself. A decade ago, a

group of Bronze Faction luminaries acquired the

hearthstone to the Ancient Estate, a powerful

Earth-aspected manse on the northern slope of the

Imperial Mountain. This hearthstone is a Gem of

Immortality (see Exalted, p. 382), and the group

presented it to Kejak at a feast in his honor, with

the humble request that he never deny them his

wisdom and guidance.

Kejak turned down the gift. His admirers left the

feast concerned, but they accepted his explanation

of why he could not take their gift. They have also

respected Kejak’s desire to keep his reasons private.

Some in the Bureau believe that Kejak prefers

to set his affairs in order and wrap up his projects

as best he can, rather than risk disaster should

something happen to his source of longevity. Others

speculate that he long ago considered such a thing,

but discovered that he was destined to wreak terrible

damage to the Loom itself—in a year long past the

point where he should be dead. Still others suggest

that perhaps Kejak is tired and simply wants to hand

over the burden he has carried for so many centuries.

Regardless of Kejak’s motives, the Bronze Faction

knows their leader will leave them in a few years.

No one knows who could replace him.
From what I heard on the WW forums that particular side panel was an oops. Sidereals are still apparently stuck dying when fated, and cannot extend their lifespan in any way.
That still doesn't flat out state that such means could have possibly worked. I'm quite certain that the longevity of a Sidereal cannot be messed with by any (sensible) means.

Though I'm not sure where I read this, exactly. It was in context with Solars extending their age with crazy Charms, though.
Of course this is all assuming that the Sidereal doesn't spend enough time in the Wyld that the Threads of Fate lose him, and he's free to do as he wishes until he messes with Fate to get woven back in.
Of course this is all assuming that the Sidereal doesn't spend enough time in the Wyld that the Threads of Fate lose him, and he's free to do as he wishes until he messes with Fate to get woven back in.
Going into the Wyld and the Loom losing you however is not the same as going into the Wyld and the nature of your Exaltation suddenly changing. If that was a regular occurrence the Lunar's fall from grace wouldn't be defined by it's rarity.
That still doesn't flat out state that such means could have possibly worked. I'm quite certain that the longevity of a Sidereal cannot be messed with by any (sensible) means.
*nods* Which is why StephenLS and others found the sidebar rather bad and better to be ignored. It really only creates confusion on the issue.
Though it does only state this as a guess by those around him and I doubt the Sidereals are that open about not being able to live longer.

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