Five Days Darkness

And the Death Lord are ghosts, but know not only Ghost charms, but Abyssal Charms AND Solar charms.

Personally, I'd think the Incarna can do better than that. Myself, I'd grant them their own type of Exalt's charms and Spirit charms both.
Since I don't want to derail this thread any further, and since this subject was recently debated in depth on the WW Forums, I'll concede that there really is no right answer.

I'm liking this thread.

Anyway, this thread also totally got me wanting to use 5DD as an active NPC in the game I'm trying to get together. Also, I'd like to know what he and the Siderials are up to with that Immaculate terrestrial. (comics in Manual of Exalted Power: Siderials.)

First of all, this terrestrial has been trained (i think from birth) to know almost all of the Perfect Lotus- the totality of the supernatural martial arts that a terrestrial can learn. Secondly, it seems he knows some siderial forms. Third, they want to use 5DD to do "something" to him, which I'm thinking is raising his permenant Essence. And why the eff are they doing this anyways?
First of all, this terrestrial has been trained (i think from birth) to know almost all of the Perfect Lotus- the totality of the supernatural martial arts that a terrestrial can learn.
Basically he is yet another attempt by the Sidereals to try to successfully teach a DB SMA. All other attempts have killed the DB in question in..interesting ways.

Secondly, it seems he knows some siderial forms.
So far he does not know any Sidereal MA charms.

Third, they want to use 5DD to do "something" to him, which I'm thinking is raising his permenant Essence. And why the eff are they doing this anyways?
It's not clear yet what he is going to do, but the DB's sifu has made some sort of deal with 5DD, that she thinks might give him the chance to learn SMA and not die.
Ah you're right about the Sid martial arts.

Why are they even doing this though? Why train a dragonblooded in solar martial arts? It doesn't seem like something they can reproduce in prodigous numbers.
Why are they even doing this though? Why train a dragonblooded in solar martial arts? It doesn't seem like something they can reproduce in prodigous numbers.
That is pretty much the plan. If they could perfect a method that works, they want to be able to do that on a wider scale to other immaculates in order to make them better at their duties.

My guess is that if the storyline is ever advanced, and they even bother to touch on this storyline, they'll probably fail in a detrimental and spectacularly disastrous way.
The character's creator (Micheal Goodwin) has stated that in his game Ragara Myrrun did learn SMA ... a split second before he was killed by a Thousand Forged Dragon striking the Palace Sublime. Whether he would have ultimately survived learning SMA was left unstated.

jademonkeytechnique said:
Ah you're right about the Sid martial arts.
Why are they even doing this though? Why train a dragonblooded in solar martial arts? It doesn't seem like something they can reproduce in prodigous numbers.
Sidereals tend to have great ideas. Those ideas always end in tears.

Take Myrrun for example. At the time of the comic he has mastered something like 9 Celestial Martial Arts styles. This probably required about two centuries worth of dedicated effort to the exclusion of all else. Guess what, when a DB hits 200 years of age, they start rolling to see if they die of old age. Even if he does successfully learn one charm from Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style, the Bronze Faction has effectively wasted his life trying to prove a point.

Yeah. But if he dies from old age and not the Sidereal Martial Arts Charms, they can just go get another Dragon-Blooded. Lab rats can be replaced.
I suspect the Sidereals wanted FDD to use his special Endowment charm on the Dragon-Blood, to push his Essence even further upwards beyond the usual maximums (while also turning him into a Creature of Darkness), in the hopes that it would be enough to allow the DB to survive mastering Sidereal Martial Arts. I suspect it doesn't have a hope of success, but then again, FDD is an incredibly potent god directly connected to an Incarna, and he's known for being a master martial-artist (though he himself does not have SMA). Perhaps being enhanced by his Essence might do the trick?

...or, probably not. I suspect the Sidereals are just attempting this experiment because they like watching DBs explode.
I actually want them to succeed on that one. The Immaculate in question is a badass chunk of living marble who has mastered more Celestial Martial Arts than anyone short of a Sidereal or Lilith. He's put his whole life to the goal and as the latest in several millenia of experiments, he has a shot. At least, if 5DD doesn't just decide to see who knows the Immaculate Styles better first.
so what happens when 5dd uses his special gift on a solar? how does a solar become a creature of darkness (sans the monstrance of course.)?
Bystanderman said:
... (while also turning him into a Creature of Darkness) ...
That can't possibly have drawbacks for someone fighting Solars. Nope, no drawbacks at all. :wink:

jademonkeytechnique said:
so what happens when 5dd uses his special gift on a solar? how does a solar become a creature of darkness (sans the monstrance of course.)?
Being a Solar Exalt and being a Creature of Darkness are not mutually exclusive. There's also a Wyld Mutation that can make them one.

jademonkeytechnique said:
so what happens when 5dd uses his special gift on a solar? how does a solar become a creature of darkness (sans the monstrance of course.)?
If I was running the game, I'd probably make it a temporary effect. Decide on some arbitrary number of motes that the recipient can spend before burning away the darkness.

That actually sounds like a good idea to help Solars who want to infiltrate Deathlord citadels and other unfriendly places. Hides their sunny nature, but they've got to be extra careful about spending their essence, even if it's personal. Better yet, don't tell players that it will wear off, then alert them that things are going awry once they hit, say, 10 motes away from losing the endowment, right in the middle of conversation with a deathknight.
Damping the Inner Light. It raises permanent essence by one, reduces the maximum value of one virtue permanently and makes you a creature of darkness permanently.
cdi said:
Even if he does successfully learn one charm from Prismatic Arrangement of Creation Style, the Bronze Faction has effectively wasted his life trying to prove a point.
And then, they give him a Peach. *chuckles*
Ah, yes. Peaches of Immortality. The Sidereal book mentions them. Do they grant true immortality or just stave off aging?
Dracogryff said:
And then, they give him a Peach. *chuckles*
I keep forgetting that there is a solution to just about every problem somewhere in Creation. Well, every problem except for that whole "death is permanent" thing.

I think even that could be solved, if you brought the power of Void Circle Necromancy and Solar Circle Sorcery to bear on the problem at the same time within specific circumstances.
I cannot seem to manage to find the section detailing Peaches. *grumbles* However, from what I recall, I believe that it actually literally youthens you. IIRC, three bites (incidentally, all it takes to eat the entire thing) will restore a Drgonblood to youth (young adult, basically) or take up to 1000 years off a Celestial's age, or to the same age of Dragonbloods, whichever is less.

Just one bite removes a decade or something like that. If I can find a page reference, I'll add it. I can find tending the gardens...but not the Peaches themselves. *sighs*

Whether it removes rolling for old age...I'm not sure. That may be up to the ST to determine, for all I know.
I'm guessing these peaches are the reason why the Empress hacked it for so long. I'm also guessing that most people don't know about them, otherwise we'd have dragonbloods lined up 1930's soup line style at the throne, moreso than they already had been.
I doubt that, besides, you can make all the conjecture you want. The devs aren't talking until they release the Realm Civil War pack. If then.
I find it irritating that the Peaches of Immortality and the Celestial Wine had a more detailed description in the Siderial 1E book then it does in the CoCD: Yu-Shan. Yes, it explains the groves and how long they take to grow and even the fact that one of the gods vetoed the idea of letting mortals have some of the PoI and CW for fear that the Great Contagion might have killed off all the mortals; but all the knowledge of who actually gets these, when they are given, what they both can do, artifact cost and what the difficulty of trying to steal either one of these and then what the penalties for getting caught seems to be all Sidereal 1E.

I figured if any book should have covered these two in detail it would have been CoCD: Yu-Shan but I was sorely mistaken.

cdi said:
I keep forgetting that there is a solution to just about every problem somewhere in Creation.
You're right, but if this is the only way to solve this problem then it suddenly becomes a "How far are you willing to go to fix it?" type of scenario.

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