Kickstarter Martial Arts POLL

Which Martial Arts Style you want to see in core book?

  • Dreaming pearl Courtesan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Arms of Unconquered Sun

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celestial Monkey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Centipede

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cobra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crystal Chamaleon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eye of Heaven

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mantis

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't mind Mantis. But if it means I have to wait for my darling DPCS, I have no problems kicking Mantis to the Curb!
I am currently going to start PMing people and purging votes. I have already found multiple accounts that belong to the same guy. Cheating will not be tolerated.

Greenstalker is being generous in even allowing the exalted fanbase to vote, and letting you decide how his money is used.
We don't hate fun we find Dreaming Pearl more fun than joint locks and kicks. Tradition already has Snake, Tiger and Crane. DPCS also adds more visual and creative style than just kicking people and joint locking them. Vote Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style !
[QUOTE="Ash Walter]Thanks, The Dark Wizard. As much as I love DPCS, I want it to win fairly.

No, the spamming is for Mantis.
Esbilon said:
aww :(
Oh well, good thing we have a large, competent and mature fan base.
Esbilon said:
By "other" I mean "Swallowed Darkness Style" ;)
It was banned because it's incomplete, before its content was even considered. Only three charms were published in the "preview", with implications that the rest was in the "full product".
[QUOTE="The Hanged man]It was banned because it's incomplete, before its content was even considered. Only three charms were published in the "preview", with implications that the rest was in the "full product".

to be honest I would like to see a full product of exxxalted :P (There was one for DnD by a third party with real pics and all)
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]No, the spamming is for Mantis.

Ah... its surprise popularity makes more sense suddenly. I'd just assumed everyone was like me, saw "you can vote for three", and decided it was a safe backup while throwing their "main" vote behind something else.
Greenstalker said:
to be honest I would like to see a full product of exxxalted :P (There was one for DnD by a third party with real pics and all)
That could be interesting, but it would be a risky move for White Wolf right now. They've taken some nasty hits from gaming press over that kind of thing. Still, if there was ever a development team I'd trust to do it right, it's the current guys.
kim said:
I'm justgoingto put the motivation for my vote here :)

In my opinion Dreaming Pearl Courtesan adds an element of creative and visual combat, that the other styles does not, and would really help cover a broader ground of what fighting/martial arts can be in this uniqe game.

Another "just fighting with weapons" style, seems a bit less contributing to me.

Even though they are all interesting and deserve a place in the game eventually.

But if I have to prioritize, I, personally, know what to choose :)
I agree :) !
Personally, I feel we have the social style quota filled with Black Claw. Just a bit redundant to have both, kinda like I like Crystal Chameleon but with Ebon Shadow chosen already we don't need two ninja styles in the core book.

What we lack, however, is a good grapple style.

Oh hello there Mantis, didn't see you there.
Might I once again draw attention to White Reaper's unique attraction as a 'fighting hordes of mooks' martial art? Something no other martial art is specifically geared to do?

Also: scythes.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]There was some duplicate spam for Dreaming and Monkey as well.

I'd ask how much, but I doubt it's enough to drop any of them below Centipede at dead last :-P
[QUOTE="Ash Walter]That's sad. Are the duplicates being culled, or do you have a number that we should mentally remove?

Trying to figure out how to remove them from the poll now, I will have a number if not that you guys should just pretend doesn't exist.

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