Five Days Darkness

Then you let them hang themselves and try not to get their ass print on the door on the way out.

BTW: I HATE rules-lawyers (EM is included when he gets uppity).
MrMephistopheles said:
Of course this is all assuming that the Sidereal doesn't spend enough time in the Wyld that the Threads of Fate lose him, and he's free to do as he wishes until he messes with Fate to get woven back in.
Going into the Wyld and the Loom losing you however is not the same as going into the Wyld and the nature of your Exaltation suddenly changing. If that was a regular occurrence the Lunar's fall from grace wouldn't be defined by it's rarity.
Yes, but if I find out I'm fated to die next month in a fight by being stabbed the throat in Nexus, I think a immediate sabbatical in the Wyld would be just the thing for me.
I never said they wouldn't croak in the Wyld trying to escape old age.
Yes, but if you find out were fated to die next month in a fight by being stabbed the throat in Nexus, I think a immediate sabbatical in the Wyld would be just the thing for me.
I never said they wouldn't croak in the Wyld trying to escape old age.
Oh I'm not arguing that. What I am saying is. Going into the Wyld isn't going to save you from that.
Better yet, is this REALLY a fucking issue? It's three thousand to FIVE THOUSAND YEARS, people. "Oh, I only get most of recorded human history!?" *stamp feet, starting wailing like a two year old*
Yes, but if I find out I'm fated to die next month in a fight by being stabbed the throat in Nexus, I think a immediate sabbatical in the Wyld would be just the thing for me.
Something I completely forgot about. Other Exalts don't have to worry about trying to do that. Spend enough essence and Exalts routinely thwart such fates. Sidereals don't seem to work under that however. Which makes sense. And I agree, it's pretty much a non-issue for the majority of games.
I don't plan on living forever but the the peach info in the 1st Ed sidereal book makes the peaches seem WAY easier to steal than I had thought. Especially for a burglar night caste like my character. I just hope the ST doesn't give me "1st ed means nothing" crap he spews when something doesn't go his way. If that's the case I'll just have to stunt my stealth up and invest in the 5th excellency to supercharge mental invisibility technique.

If anything my character would steal the peaches to extend the lifespans of mortal friends and minions. He's got the highest compassion in the group at a 4. It hasn't effected game since I started a chain of orphanages/safe houses throughout the scavenger lands.
The trouble is there are only so many peaches that are 'mature', and which likely would raise hell when the gods notice that they're being stolen. Also... how many friends and minions do you have? verses peaches.

It would be easier and better to just develop alternatices than to use peaches.
If the Monkey King did it, so can any Exalt. :P

According to Exalted's context, stealing Celestial Peaches sounds like the thing to do, at least to me. It happened all the time in classical folk tales and legends.
Haku said:
Also... how many friends and minions do you have? verses peaches.
That is the bigger concern now that I've reviewed the information.

If I get caught, sure deep poodoo but for all the might the Celestial Lions have I can trump them on stealth. I just have to decide what I would do with the peach. I'm going to start researching powerful people in Creation that we need as allies and see if any of them would be interested. After the session yesterday I think that the twilights will be willing to help me out when it comes to my friends and minions.
Aah, but the trick to getting away with it is getting some other chump to take the fall. :mrgreen: I could see a particularly vindictive PC going out of his way to get his mortal enemy an invitation into Yu-Shan - just so he'd be conveniently there when the Peaches disappeared.

After all, Night Castes can have fun with Social and Bureaucracy Charms, too...
Mempo said:
After all, Night Castes can have fun with Social and Bureaucracy Charms, too...
Oh don't I know it. My cover identity with the guild allows me to use Bureaucracy charms to smooth out sooooo many wrinkles for myself and the party.

I think right around when I bought Essence 5 I set up a bunch of paperwork to allow a certain number of my associates to accompany me through the gates and then go about business and leave as they saw fit. Once I get "Vanish From Mind's Eye Method" worked out I'll be able to bring in a schmuck and then remove myself from any connection to him. Now it's just a matter if the opportunity will come up before the ST throws another box of wrenches at us.

He just bought the Graceful Wicked Masques book and couldn't stop smirking before game yesterday.

You are so fucking screwed.
Luckily I just got Integrity Protecting Prana last session and bought my Integrity up. I led the circle on an expedition to Denandsor and all the players got a lesson in Dodge MDV. A couple people bought it up mid-session since it was favored for them.

It was pretty a good out of game social move in my opinion. Get everyone aware of the weak points that can be exploited if you aren't prepared.
Back on the origional topic, I just got my copies of Scavenger Lands and the Roll of Glorious Divinity 1 and have a new question: Is the Court of Seasons the calender spirits that Five Days Darkness is so ticked at?
Why the heck did 5DD ever want to hang with those losers? They don't do anything worthwhile except favor trading and planning parties!
Kyeudo said:
Why the heck did 5DD ever want to hang with those losers? They don't do anything worthwhile except favor trading and planning parties!
I think you just answered the question... parties, babes and favors... who wouldn't want those... really? ^_-

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