Keychain 206 through 210.

I think he was speaking of Sol Invictus, the Sun Unconquered.
We know. We were gracefully skirting around the giant ball of flaming awesome in the room looking for feasible alternatives. It was a ballet dance of shadow and illusion, all feint and flickering grace. Then you went and ruined it.

For shame.
Only one thing could possibly be band's drummer. A spine chain with hammers in each of it's many hands for it to pound against the many suits of armor it wears on it's hundred chests... or you know... it could be something else completely.
Only one thing could possibly be band's drummer. A spine chain with hammers in each of it's many hands for it to pound against the many suits of armor it wears on it's hundred chests... or you know... it could be something else completely.
I think that Jukashi is hinting that the drummer actually is the Unconquered Sun.
Come on, imagine the look on Misho's face. It would be priceless.

I mean, yeah, they're creatures of darkness, but the Unconquered Sun is a cool guy, and when he heard they needed a drummer, well, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, right?
Aquillion said:
Only one thing could possibly be band's drummer. A spine chain with hammers in each of it's many hands for it to pound against the many suits of armor it wears on it's hundred chests... or you know... it could be something else completely.
I think that Jukashi is hinting that the drummer actually is the Unconquered Sun.
Come on, imagine the look on Misho's face. It would be priceless.

I mean, yeah, they're creatures of darkness, but the Unconquered Sun is a cool guy, and when he heard they needed a drummer, well, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, right?
Trust me, I figured that one out. I was talking about what it could actually be ;p
Aquillion said:
I mean, yeah, they're creatures of darkness, but the Unconquered Sun is a cool guy, and when he heard they needed a drummer, well, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, right?
"Quite frankly, I'd rather damn all Creation than leave a bro without a drummer."
krrackknut said:
Also, Keytarklaive Katie does not really look like a woman unless you look real hard.
What are you talking about. That's a-*panel 6*-ZOMG BEWBS.

*ahem* If you'll excuse my loss of composure.

Please observe the last panel. Specifically, the woman with the bright red eyes and the lock of red hair who is otherwise completely cloaked.

Look familiar?

Guess she's not Ten Winds after all.
Brickwall said:
krrackknut said:
Please observe the last panel. Specifically, the woman with the bright red eyes and the lock of red hair who is otherwise completely cloaked.
Look familiar?

Guess she's not Ten Winds after all.
Nice catch. Would make sense, especially after the yellow sid's comment to Ten Winds back in 203 "It can't be put off any longer. She will likely be in the next town."
I don't know what that person in the background could be to keep Misho from getting seriously hosed, but it had better be good to face off with two Abyssals, ghosts, and whatever is clawing out of the ground.
I meant that he sank to meme punning. I have no problem with undead breasts. Perfectly preserved at their most beautiful kinds, anyway. Not the rotting kind. Except for the cold. That is in no way fun. But they're still purdy.

Also, you said 'in-depth'. Hehe.
Man, I loved this comic. Both the conversation in panel 2 ["Another blow against Creation!"], and how much Forgotten Flame looks like he wishes he wasn't there.

And I have no idea who Unconquered Sun is.
Kalatash said:
And I have no idea who Unconquered Sun is.
The Unconquered Sun? The big glowy ball of light in the sky? Sol Invictus? Created the Solars to be the ultimate shock troops in the war against the Primordials? First came up with the idea of overthrowing the Primordials? Ring any bells?
Brickwall said:
I meant that he sank to meme punning. I have no problem with undead breasts. Perfectly preserved at their most beautiful kinds, anyway. Not the rotting kind. Except for the cold. That is in no way fun. But they're still purdy.
Also, you said 'in-depth'. Hehe.
In YOUR endo!
You should read Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake Series. I think it's Blue Moon that has the rotting vampire sex scene in it. They're torturing prisoners.
You should read Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake Series. I think it's Blue Moon that has the rotting vampire sex scene in it. They're torturing prisoners.
I think I speak for all of us when I say that we could've gone without reading that.
no no, that's fine. It was a non explicit stetement that ensures that I will never read an anita blake book. Closest I get to trashy vampire porn is Charlaine Harris thankyewvermuch and that's only cos the books were cheap



that's my story and I'm sticking with it
You should add Ann Rice's version of Sleeping Beauty to that list, too. That was one fucked-up, bizarre piece of porn, rape, and humiliation.
You should read Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake Series. I think it's Blue Moon that has the rotting vampire sex scene in it. They're torturing prisoners. d-do you...when...t-t-torturing...guh...blah...(brain broke)
krrackknut said:
You should read Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake Series. I think it's Blue Moon that has the rotting vampire sex scene in it. They're torturing prisoners. d-do you...when...t-t-torturing...guh...blah...(brain broke)
I guess his MDV was too low...

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