Keychain #306-310


Junior Member

I guess it's necessary, but all I saw from this comic was Misho stating what we already knew.

That being said, it should've had a Glorious Solar [Chaise]. Maybe that's coming later. :3
Bravo, Jukashi! That is a wonderful twist to throw Marena's way! Sacrifice the one thing that's been her driving force all her life, and force her to become her own person. Instead of constantly using her mother as a gauge as to whether or not she's a success, she'll have to forge her own path!

I love it, and I can't wait to see the character development that ensues, providing that she decides to make that Sacrifice, of course. :D
Sacrifice the one thing that's been her driving force all her life, and force her to become her own person.
One thing? Doesn't she have other motivations in life, such as "find daughter," "find son," "have fun," and "maybe take care of kingdom?" I mean, "out-do your mother" only became the focus recently.
She don't need to sacrifice everything. Sacrifice for learning sorcery is giving up on something you don't want to lost. Jet Misho perfectly explained why she need to sacrifice this weary thing.
I'll admit I was a bit dense there. This comic just seemed like a talky timewaster. But it went from slow to awesome once I connected it back to the Trial of Sacrifice! Misho is very slick.
So would Marena have to make one Conviction roll to make the sacrifice and another Conviction Roll to hold onto her obsession?
RedMantis said:
So would Marena have to make one Conviction roll to make the sacrifice and another Conviction Roll to hold onto her obsession?
No roll. It's Role Play Time.
Well, that was pretty much the sacrifice I was expecting. But Misho did some good convincing. Normally Marena is the one dominating social situations, so its nice to see Misho's third radiance at work.

Incidentally, we have learned today (as if there was ever any doubt), that Princess <<< Exalted.
Thrice-Radient Misho = Solar who kicked ass in three things, even by Solar standards.

Ones we confirmed before: Swordsmanship and Sorcery

One we just confirmed: Socialize

As each area provides an exponential increase of whup-ass past the first, I propose the simple mathamatical formula that

Misho = (AWESOME)^3


(I cut your ass dead real good) * (I spell your ass dead real good) * (I talk your ass dead real good) averages out into ~(I kick your ass real good)^3

Now, I also propose that Mr. T and Chuck Norris are both AWESOME. If this can be accepted as fact, then the two of them working together is equal to 2(AWESOME).


As such, I believe we have mathamatically proved that Misho could own both Mr. T and Chuck Norris at the same time.

MorkaisChosen said:
He's Exalted. Chuck's just the top end of Heroic Mortal.
I'm 'fraid you're wrong there.

Chuck Norris isn't a mere Heroic Mortal. He's Chuck Norris, Chosen of Chuck Norris.

They're like Solars, but have no Flaws; neither Virtue nor Invulnerability. None of their actions (not even Sorcery or supernatural MA charms that otherwise carry the Obvious Tag) carry the Obvious tag, and they have only Personal pool, no Peripheral.

There's also only one Chosen of Chuck Norris. Currently, it's Chuck Norris.

Solars could concievably defeat him, but it would be a task on par with punking down Malfeas-that-Was in a stand-up fight. With M-t-W having ordered the Sun to fight in his defense.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
MorkaisChosen said:
He's Exalted. Chuck's just the top end of Heroic Mortal.
I'm 'fraid you're wrong there.

Chuck Norris isn't a mere Heroic Mortal. He's Chuck Norris, Chosen of Chuck Norris.

They're like Solars, but have no Flaws; neither Virtue nor Invulnerability. None of their actions (not even Sorcery or supernatural MA charms that otherwise carry the Obvious Tag) carry the Obvious tag, and they have only Personal pool, no Peripheral.

There's also only one Chosen of Chuck Norris. Currently, it's Chuck Norris.

Solars could concievably defeat him, but it would be a task on par with punking down Malfeas-that-Was in a stand-up fight. With M-t-W having ordered the Sun to fight in his defense.
Closer to my interpretation of Chuck Norris, but remember! Mathamatical proof that Moshio could beat him! :D
Andoriol said:
Closer to my interpretation of Chuck Norris, but remember! Mathamatical proof that Moshio could beat him! :D
Actually, Awesome^3 is not always greater than 2(Awesome). For values of Awesome less than 1, 2(Awesome) is greater than Awesome^3. Since the value of Awesome is measured in CNU (Chuck Norris Units) and noone is more awesome than Chuck Norris, that means that the value of Awesome cannot be larger than 1. So, Misho loses.
Kyeudo said:
Andoriol said:
Closer to my interpretation of Chuck Norris, but remember! Mathamatical proof that Moshio could beat him! :D
Actually, Awesome^3 is not always greater than 2(Awesome). For values of Awesome less than 1, 2(Awesome) is greater than Awesome^3. Since the value of Awesome is measured in CNU (Chuck Norris Units) and noone is more awesome than Chuck Norris, that means that the value of Awesome cannot be larger than 1. So, Misho loses.
I have no idea what you just said. But it's awesome.
Kyeudo said:
Andoriol said:
Closer to my interpretation of Chuck Norris, but remember! Mathamatical proof that Moshio could beat him! :D
Actually, Awesome^3 is not always greater than 2(Awesome). For values of Awesome less than 1, 2(Awesome) is greater than Awesome^3. Since the value of Awesome is measured in CNU (Chuck Norris Units) and noone is more awesome than Chuck Norris, that means that the value of Awesome cannot be larger than 1. So, Misho loses.
Ah, but that's only if you're using CNU. If you use the Standard Coolness Measurements, (SC) then the math works. After all, 1000 C = 1 A (Awesome). Both Chuck Norris and Mr. T equal 1 A, and this is incontrovertible, but if Misho equals (A)^3, then he is, in fact, more awesome then both Mr. T and Chuck Norris. But even if you use CNU, Misho is still as awesome as Chuck Norris, just not as awesome as Norris and Mr. T combined.
And draw his attention to the fact that it took this long for him to be mentioned in a discussion of awesomeness?
Well I thought that was just a given, that Ten Winds > Chuck Norris. I didn't think it needed to be stated. We're not worrying about who's the most badass/cool/awesome, we're worrying about who's got second place.

Besides, if we're defining an A (Awesome Unit) by how awesome Chuck Norris is, then we need tW's (Ten Winds) which are a unit's of Win. Obviously, a tW is greater than a single A, and any attempt to codify the tW further would probably summon Cthulu/the Kukla/all of the Neverborn or something.

And just asking Ten Winds is cheating, you get nowhere by cheating or taking the easy way, Secret isn't taking the easy way! :P
All I know is that I'd pay good money to see a tag team match with Chuck Norris/Mr. T vs. Misho/Ten Winds. Followed, of course, by the inevitable realization that they're all on the same side and the subsequent indescribably awesome team-up.

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