Battle of Deren's Ford


Primordial of Abstract Logic
Does anyone know what book this is in (or where the information is at if not in the books)?

I remember hearing something about it, but can't remember anything past the basic "There was a battle at Deren's Ford".
That was the battle near Halta with Bull of the North and Tepet Arada, right?

I think there was a mention of it in The East when they talk about the situation with Halta, Linowan, the Realm, and Bull. Not much info though.

Can someone with that book verify?
RedMantis said:
That was the battle near Halta with Bull of the North and Tepet Arada, right?
No. That was actually the Battle of Krellen Ford.

See page 14 of Scavenger Lands: "In the early summer of RY 754, Thorns took the field again and achieved temporary success, mauling a force of Seventh Legion and Confederation troops at Deren’s Ford."

Although, given Exalted's basic editing "talent", somewhere the two are probably swapped or combined.

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