A new age begins. . .

The Dark Wizard

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“It is quite ironic that you a Chosen of Secrets will bring about the ending of two ages†- Saturn, Maiden of Endings to Chejop Kejak, Chosen of Secrets

Hello fellow Pattern Spiders,

Its been awhile since I made an announcement about updates and future changes for the site. The last one concerning the arcade system, which while enjoyable, was not too important site-wise. There are many issues that are going to be discussed and I will try to keep it as simple and to the point as possible.

IMPORTANT - Future Merger - This has been a proposed concept for some time, and with a lot of thought by the staff, we have come to the conclusion that two major changes will be coming to Pattern Spider in the near future. The first is a merger between Pattern Spider and our sister site, the Wayward Inn.

You can visit the Wayward Inn at:


What is the Wayward Inn? As explained previously in other announcements, the Wayward Inn is another roleplaying site I owned before obtaining Pattern Spider. It is also where Ghan and other staff members work hard to provide new features and other content come from (such as Miz and Pineapple, for those of you who have met them). The Wayward Inn is a smaller forum, being much younger than Pattern Spider, that has grown fast in its first year, and has various roleplaying projects from non-exalted forum roleplays, to chat and dice games, to elaborate nation builders.

In reality though, this isn’t much of a merge on the site level, both sites use the same tools, have the same staff, and even have the same teamspeak. Members from both sites have signed up on the two sites and even play with each other in different roleplays. So in reality this will help everyone because it will improve overall activity, and allow all of our energies to go to one large site. (As some newer features from the Wayward Inn will be incorporated into Pattern Spider)

The Wayward Inn/Pattern Spider Staff is dedicated to both communities, or rather, the future community of our site. No members will be given preference over one another, roleplays will remain (as long as they are still active when the merge occurs) and you can continue using the same account!

For those with two accounts on both sites, your accounts will be merged, so do not be alarmed.

IMPORTANT - Future Name Change - So if we are merging, what will this new site become? This was and still is a question being pondered by the site. It is also one of the most important requests that have come to the staff’s attention lately from a completely different matter as there is a current struggle between Pattern Spider’s own name.

Its a feud we have yet to resolve, and it's leading to some major confusion by new members. Some members wish to call this site EC/ECR (Exalted Compendium, Exalted Compendium Redux), others desire it to be called by its URL, Pattern Spider. Three different names brings forth its own confusion, as users have repeatedly asked us where and what the ECR is and if it's different from Pattern Spider. So at the end of the day we have a problem. It was upon discussing this issue with members that a few of them approached us with a brilliant idea, select a brand new name.

Why should we get a brand new name?

Well for starters a brand new name will be excellent because we might have a chance of securing .com, .net, .org, etc.

A shorter name (preferably?) will help us with new members and traffic.

It will allow us to remove all this confusion about different names

And conclusively it allows both of our communities to become one, under one new banner, as one roleplaying empire.

Suggesting a New Name - However, there is one tiny issue with selecting a brand new name. Names are hard to come up with, especially good ones. So we are asking all of you to help us out in selecting a new name. If you have a name idea that you think will match a new universal roleplaying forum/community, you can submit it as a reply to this thread or for those who are more nervous, you can private message me your idea. Of course just because you submit a name doesn’t mean we will use it, but we will certainly take it into account or even draw inspiration from it. Just remember to try to keep it short.

Feel free to post in the suggestions thread with your own opinions or criticism, just remember to give reasons as to why you like or dislike something, it will help us make a correct decision.

Theme/Skin - We heard the complaints and we are getting closer to releasing an actual custom style that properly fits the site’s theme instead of the current makeshift one we are utilizing. Of course this theme change will come after much labor and consideration from our staff and will most likely occur after the name-change and merger.

Post Dice Roller - The dice roller will hopefully be buffed out to have some new features that will allow for some Exalted based options due to all the feedback and will include successes and a hotfix if the options for an Exalted roll are checked.

Resource/Project Manager - Requests for a resource manager to replace the previous Lore5 system have not gone unheard, and the wonderful coders of xenforo will be releasing an official product called the Xenforo Resource Manager. It will be integrated into Xenforo and all board features will be able to hook up to it with ease once its released. The new project manager will function similar to the old Lore5 System with more features and better organization due to the fact that it will be a function in the forum software and not a standalone page/product.

Exact credentials on the Resource Manager cannot be determined as not all specs have been released, but we will work on incorporating once they are. For those of you curious, here is an example of it on the official Xenforo site: Xenforo Community Resource Manager. They use it for hosting mods and addons for the forum software, as well they use to public articles and other information.


Until Next Time

~ The Wayward Inn/Pattern Spider Staff
You've got this nice big tag up there that says "Pattern Spider" Keep it as such.

If you have to change it, and it has to be something that combines the two, Spider's Web Inn.
Charlotte's Tavern? :P

(no really, someone come up with something better than that... I suppose since Wayward Inn already covers all types of RP, we could actually just be merged into them without disrupting anything. They'd just gain a BUNCH of Exalted games and players, so the community would be largely Exalted but no longer dedicated to Exalted.)
gatherer818 said:
Charlotte's Tavern? :P
(no really, someone come up with something better than that... I suppose since Wayward Inn already covers all types of RP, we could actually just be merged into them without disrupting anything. They'd just gain a BUNCH of Exalted games and players, so the community would be largely Exalted but no longer dedicated to Exalted.)
We are trying to be fair to both sites and if everyone loses their name its an equal playing field and fair to all sites but if enough people want that then I suppose.
The idea is great, merging the two comunities can only bring players and STs closer together... I mean we had some non exalted game in the board for quite some time.

The resource manager will also be a big help for people !

Keep up the good work :cool:
As for the name, how about The Nexus ?

It brings out what the merging has become, with a fair reference to the Exalted universe.
cyl said:
As for the name, how about The Nexus ?
It brings out what the merging has become, with a fair reference to the Exalted universe.
Im interested a name that also has a fair reference to the exalted universe so that works.
If you're blending 2 forums together... a name change would be sensible or you risk alienating one or both forum populations.... so a new name would ideal.
I do think that there was an Exalted site called Nexus something something thou... but I could be wrong.
Any idea on the timeline you are looking at? How long will the site be down for the merger, and what will the new website be? I currently have this as my homepage from all the time I spend here, so I want to make sure I know for the change.
Sherwood said:
Any idea on the timeline you are looking at? How long will the site be down for the merger, and what will the new website be? I currently have this as my homepage from all the time I spend here, so I want to make sure I know for the change.
Giving about a month or two before it happens, merge should only actually be an hour or two maybe a few at max on what ever day it actually happen because I'd have all the systems and plans in place.
The Nexus Forum is for computer game modders (Skyrim et al). Some confusion is likely to occur.

Perhaps something that encourages all RPG-lovers, without sounding too geeky (MyMom'sBasement.org), like: Universes Within?

Captain Hesperus
Keep in mind that, as a general rule, all the good domain names one could ever think of have already been registered and have someone camping on them ;)

If anyone has a good suggestion, run it through here before posting to see if it's actually available:

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Thanks :)

No problem, quick question though: You said you wanted "short" names, so what kind of cap are you looking for on words/syllables/letters?
JayTee said:
No problem, quick question though: You said you wanted "short" names, so what kind of cap are you looking for on words/syllables/letters?
Trying to go shorter then patternspider or waywardinn
Gosh, that'll be tricky then.

They're both two words.

Fatesweb.com seems to be available. Pounce on it!
I'd say to keep Pattern Spider. Its the most known name, due to being featured in the Keychain of Creation URL, and it's how I and everyone I know refer to the site. Pattern Spider has become something of a hub for Exalted comics (even if only one of them are updating at the moment) and it'd be a shame to lose the brand recognition.
Weimann said:
I'd say to keep Pattern Spider. Its the most known name, due to being featured in the Keychain of Creation URL, and it's how I and everyone I know refer to the site. Pattern Spider has become something of a hub for Exalted comics (even if only one of them are updating at the moment) and it'd be a shame to lose the brand recognition.
Comics can be arranged to keep the same patternspider URL for their sake, however one of the points of the name change is that it doesn't permanently lock the site into an exalted brand, it would allow us to do other types of games as well and keep expanding as as a site while still having one of the biggest and best exalted communities around.

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