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  1. M

    Exalted 2.5 is Out

    It really doesn't mean much. Solars have always had cheap BP costs for Charm purchases and Essence. Evening Solaroids being able to buy up to 5 dots in an Ability freely during the Ability allocation of Character Creation isn't that big of a deal since really all it does is save you some BP...
  2. M

    Exalted: Masters of Jade Available Now!

    Also..... [spoiler=]A NEW type of Exalted
  3. M

    Dragon-Blooded and aging.

    Going off of memory, as I mentioned, though the wording is a big vague on Raksi.
  4. M

    Dragon-Blooded and aging.

    Last time I read the write up for her, it's simply because she exalted at a young age. So she's still got the body of a 16 year old. And we already know that if a Celestial Exalts at an older age they still look the same but have the vigor of youth. See also Dace, Sands,etc.
  5. M

    Dragon-Blooded and aging.

    Off the top of my head I think Celestials stay the same. If I remember correctly Raksi still has the body of a 16 year old.
  6. M

    Exalted's Overall Power Levels

    The way that Alchemicals stride the divide of Terrestrial and Celestial power is no surprise. They are supposed to at the bottom end of Celestial power the way that Solaroids represent the top tier of Celestial power. On the mechanics side, you might be pleased to know that Dragon Blooded are...
  7. M

    What should be in a 3rd Edition

    Return of the Scarlet Empress is not a book that creates a metaplot in Exalted. As for changes in a potential third ed. Given the chances of a 3rd ed happening in the near future or even slightly distant future is not very high. I want to wait and see what fundamental changes the Ink Monkeys...
  8. M

    What should be in a 3rd Edition

    Still entirely true. Return of the Scarlet Empress and information on what might happen to a given area, people, etc if things continue as they are as of Year Zero does not make it a metaplot.
  9. M

    What should be in a 3rd Edition

    There is no metaplot in Exalted.
  10. M

    Infernals and Experience

    GSP's cannot normally break the elder Essence cap. Though they have a lot of incentives to get their Essence raised ASAP.
  11. M

    Alchemicals under powered?

    Not really. For things like the mechanics and fluff to make sense. It means that ALL exalt types must be balanced within where they all fall in relation to each other. It's just as important how Sidereals, Lunars,etc all are balanced as it is how Solar tier exalts co exist. My point was. All...
  12. M

    Alchemicals under powered?

    Considering who's baby Alchemicals 2nd edition was. No it was decidedly NOT "attaching names to putty and slinging them at the wall."
  13. M

    Alchemicals under powered?

    I don't get the mentality either. It almost feels like some sort of MMO mindset sort of thing. One thing about trying to house rule stuff when it come to Alchemicals to boost them is that people need to be careful they don't royally screw it up. All the things that mechanically balance...
  14. M

    Sidereal Question(s)

    The 2nd edition book I think did a better job of explaining what non ronin Sidereals do much better than the 1st edition book did. The problem is mostly in that the mechanics in the 2nd edition Sidereals book suck A LOT. There have been some Ink Monkey love and some errata to fix a few things...
  15. M

    Ride and Sail: Need ideas on making them valuble

    This ends up amounting to "never spend essence on anything but perfect defense charms." And I assume you include defensive charms as in non perfect defenses. The nature of perfect turtling is well known and while it contributes to the issue with wanting to give a separate pool charm for Sail and...
  16. M

    Ride and Sail: Need ideas on making them valuble

    No one has said to the otherwise. It's simply that so far, they've only made pools for those Abilities. Which makes no overt statements as to what might be done with other Abilities. Though my guess is that it will depend in part of what noncombat abilities are more likely going to be activated...
  17. M

    Ride and Sail: Need ideas on making them valuble

    Actually it has to do with what motes end up actually representing in Exalted combat and why Ride and Sail charms shouldn't be punished as result. Not liking certain aspects of over the top anime or other genre considerations in Exalted's creation=good concept for an individual game. Not so...
  18. M

    So uh, Black Lead?

    Basically as of Infernals. Stuff like that make artifact weapons with no magical material bonus.
  19. M

    So uh, Black Lead?

    The five magical materials do not exist in Malfeas naturally. But infernal artifacts(relics) can be made out of any of the metals or items of Malfeas with the proper application of vitriol. Hence stuff like black lead artifact weapons,etc.
  20. M

    Reworking the "Dawn Solution"

    So basically. You DIDN'T read it. Gotcha.