Exalted 2.5 is Out

Easy enough to extrapolate for the artefacts I think - drop their damage by a few dice and give them the O tag. I think you reduce Speed 3 weapons to Speed 4, too.
So, by the new Combos Rules, Alchemicals can use any Charm in a Combo as long as it is installed and only get the reduced attunement cost for making an Array?

Also on page 9 it contradicts itself, first saying than minimum mamage is 1 (Or more if it has the O tag), and on "Dealings Levels of Damage" saying that Essence provides minimum damage.
Page 9 suffers from an editing error, where an example from an old version of the game was left in. Holden has said it will be removed; minimum damage is 1.
Got this downloaded, anyhow. Not much looking at it, but I have to say the Chargen change kinda pisses me off (Only SOLARS get to be awesome and cool and get all this really spiffy stuff like not having to take Charms in their favoreds and really really cheap bonus point costs for Charms), though I do give kudos for everyone getting 18 BP now instead of only Sids (and even then you were SOL as a Ronin). I think the changes to Violet Bier are interesting indeed, but I haven't completely examined what all else in depth.

Loss of Essence ping to make Overwhelming more useful, I guess that works. Change to Piercing Tag...uh, I wasn't aware it was a problem, but sure, I guess that's fair. The changes to the weapons...need to look more closely at. But I'm not sure I like the killing off of Perfect weapons.

Gonna look more closely at Lunars later, see what it's like.
I think the last Errata I looked at was... *checks files* ...from 2010, it seems. So no, I did not since I haven't seen the last eighteen month's worth. I still don't like the the 'Solars must be the best!' mentality, or whatever.
Dracogryff said:
I think the last Errata I looked at was... *checks files* ...from 2010, it seems. So no, I did not since I haven't seen the last eighteen month's worth. I still don't like the the 'Solars must be the best!' mentality, or whatever.
It really doesn't mean much. Solars have always had cheap BP costs for Charm purchases and Essence. Evening Solaroids being able to buy up to 5 dots in an Ability freely during the Ability allocation of Character Creation isn't that big of a deal since really all it does is save you some BP since a lot of the time. Abilities you are taking to 4 or 5 are Favored or Caste abilities anyway.
I havent looked at Exalted for like 3 years. Just now saw the Errata and I must say that I am itching to try out all these goodies. AND I saw the Dawn fix from Ink Monkeys....pure awesome!
So when do the other castes get tagged with a similar charm setup?

i've never noticed Dawns as being nerfed, but I don't play them much.

I still think the Lunar No-Moon anima power should be swapped with the Solar Twilight anima power though.
Well I think it was mainly to fix the "Whats the point of playing a Dawn, if the other Castes are just as good or if not better at combat" opinion. Which was kind of true.
While no Caste has a right to wring consistent, constant and broad usefulness out of every one of their associated traits, Dawns (and Dusks) suffered the worst levels of redundancy and pointlessness in their Caste Abilities spread. The Martial keyword is there to enhance and encourage synergy between four extremely similar Abilities, the Merged keyword plays the same role while also alleviating the boring waste of experience that is "the same thing you can already do, but with a bow instead of a sword", and the Dawn keyword is there to mitigate the burden of key combat effects lying outside their Caste Abilities, so that being a Dawn Caste Solar didn't amount to "You have an extra Caste Ability called Dodge, but you have one less Favored Ability anyway."
Finally getting through the Eratta and I came across something odd on the last page of the Scroll of Exalts section. It mentions a Charm called "Hideous Husk Technique" in the text, but I can't find a reference to it in any of the books I have, on the White Wolf Wiki, or in the Eratta itself. I was able to find this same question posted on the White Wolf Forums, but there has not been an answer to it yet. Does anyone know where it comes from? Is this just a mistake in the Eratta that should be ignored?

I can't image that White Wolf would ever overlook an error that should be caught by a proof reader :eek: (see page xx).
Re-reading the entry, I think that Hideous Husk Technique is actually Wound-Eating Invulnerability misnames in the text.

Captain Hesperus
That is what I had originally thought too, but given the rest of the text indicating that the Charm ends prematurely and Wound-Eating Invulnerability only has a Duration of One Tick, it doesn't really seem to apply. Are there any damage prevention Charms with a Scene long duration?
[QUOTE="The Scorp]Well I think it was mainly to fix the "Whats the point of playing a Dawn, if the other Castes are just as good or if not better at combat" opinion. Which was kind of true.

Technically speaking the best Solar combatants in 2.0 were Twilights, because their anima power.
ghoti115 said:
That is what I had originally thought too, but given the rest of the text indicating that the Charm ends prematurely and Wound-Eating Invulnerability only has a Duration of One Tick, it doesn't really seem to apply. Are there any damage prevention Charms with a Scene long duration?
Other than Iron Kettle Body and Endurance of 10,000 Cuts, I'm not finding anything outside of Martial Arts Charms for Solars.
I may have missed something though.
After digging around the White Wolf Forum, it appears that Hideous Husk Technique is supposed to read as Wound-Eating Invulnerability. So the Charm ends before the Tick is over if you receive enough damage to drop you to Incapacitated or worse so the next hit can kill you so much more easily.

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