Dragon-Blooded and aging.

Captain Hesperus

Harbinger of the End Times and Apostle of Ghan
I'm not sure it's ever been mentioned and I certainly can't find it here in the forums, so I'll ask.

I'm sure it says somewhere that Celestial Exalts cease aging when they exalt, only aging in the final years of their life and that it follows the natural lifespan they would have had if they had not exalted (i.e. a man exalts at 20, his natural lifespan would have been 80 years. So sixty years before his exalted lifespan ends, he begins to age again).

With Drogon-Blooded, it appears that instead their aging process is slowed, so they gradually age of the decades and centuries of their lives. This, however, raises an issue in my mind. Most Dragon-Blooded exalt in their pubescence (between 8 and 15 years of age) so this would mean that even in their twenties and thirties they would have developed only slightly beyond the age they exalted.

In my DB games, I have it that the Terrestrial Essence needs time to fully mature and confer the agelessness of their semi-divine nature on the Exalt, just as the Exalts themselves mature. Thus, a Dragon-Blooded continues to age into their early- to mid-twenties before their bodies lock into the slowed aging of their kind.

How does everyone else handle this?

Captain Hesperus
Wouldn't them staying teenagers be bad for their combat ability? They were made as soldiers, after all.

Also, in the real world, maturing and growing old are two separate procedures. This might be accurate (in some respects) in Exalted, as well.
As I understand it, anyone who Exalts before the prime of life continues to age as normal until they hit their peak of physical capacity - about 20-30ish. Anyone who Exalted after their prime are retain their aged look, but return to that peak of physical capacity. The exception is the Abyssal Exalted, who do not age from the moment of Exaltation.
From what I've read (and been forced to read), Kyeudo's comment is about right.
I always thought Raksi got mutated into being unaging at 16ish, part of why she's bat-shit crazy (along with the mental mutations helping that out). If there isn't anything about it written in Canon thoguh, then the sky is the limit. The only old Exalts I've seen are Chejop Kejak and the old Tepet Air Master (forgot his name). Even the Bull of the north went from 'too old to support his tribe & wandered off to die' to 'prime of his life, a bit of gray and more active than the dos-equis guy'. Whatever fits your game the best, do it.
Last time I read the write up for her, it's simply because she exalted at a young age. So she's still got the body of a 16 year old. And we already know that if a Celestial Exalts at an older age they still look the same but have the vigor of youth. See also Dace, Sands,etc.
MrMephistopheles said:
Off the top of my head I think Celestials stay the same. If I remember correctly Raksi still has the body of a 16 year old.
That is from Wyld Mutation, not Exaltation. Or are fingers that bend backwards and baby-eating also default components of Exaltation?
Kyeudo said:
That is from Wyld Mutation, not Exaltation. Or are fingers that bend backwards and baby-eating also default components of Exaltation?
Here here, I'm sure we all enjoy a good baby every now and again. Who could possibly gainsay that?
Kyeudo said:
That is from Wyld Mutation, not Exaltation. Or are fingers that bend backwards and baby-eating also default components of Exaltation?
Here here, I'm sure we all enjoy a good baby every now and again. Who could possibly gainsay that?
The backwards fingers, however, are just creepy.

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