Infernals and Experience


Junior Member
From MOEP: Infernals:

Essence (to 6 and above): rating x 8: (rating) months
Does this mean that Infernals can break the Elder Essence caps before the century mark? If so, this explains an awful lot of the Infernal... Thing, for lack of a better word. I'm not thinking well.
GSP's cannot normally break the elder Essence cap.
Why? The Broken-Winged Crane sets the lifespan of a GSP at 150 years for Essence 1-5...that's enough to break the century gap.
DasDom said:
GSP's cannot normally break the elder Essence cap.
Why? The Broken-Winged Crane sets the lifespan of a GSP at 150 years for Essence 1-5...that's enough to break the century gap.
They cannot break the cap, as in they still have to be 100 years old before getting Essence 6.
skafte said:
DasDom said:
GSP's cannot normally break the elder Essence cap.
Why? The Broken-Winged Crane sets the lifespan of a GSP at 150 years for Essence 1-5...that's enough to break the century gap.
They cannot break the cap, as in they still have to be 100 years old before getting Essence 6.
consider the cap broken


Cost: —; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Native

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Appropriate First (Yozi)


The Primordials did not wait to exert their will over Creation and the crashing maelstroms of the Wyld at its shores, their authority rooted in the elegant ecology of superior might. The Green Sun Princes now emulate this splendor with a Charm of their devising, hastening their growth toward unknowable transcendence. As a permanent upgrade, the Infernal can spend experience to buy his Essence rating up to a dot higher than his age should permit (see Exalted, p. 275). Each version of this charm carries a different drawback depending on the Yozi used as a springboard for enlightenment. These drawbacks persist only as long as the character’s Essence rating is higher than it could be without this Charm. Upon reaching the age that Essence 10 is naturally available, the Infernal replaces this Charm with another of his choice. Characters may only learn a single Ascendancy Mantle of (Yozi).

Malfeas: The first five boxes of the Infernal’s Limit track are always full.

Cecelyne: This Charm is Messianic (Cult 4). If the Infernal’s Cult rating drops below this threshold, he loses all benefit from his excess Essence dot (high-Essence Charms, superhuman Attributes and Abilities, larger Essence pool, etc) while he has Cult 3 or less.

She Who Lives in Her Name: The Whispering Flame is unforgiving of deviation from proper purpose. When the character commits an Act of Villainy to mitigate Limit, he rolls only one die, regardless of his Virtue ratings.

Adorjan: When the Infernal violates his Urge, he automatically gains (Essence) points of Limit rather than rolling.

Ebon Dragon: The Ebon Dragon’s hollow Essence pervades the warlock, rendering him incapable of channeling Virtues.

Kimbery: This Charm has the Sea Keyword. While not in proximity to a sea, the Infernal loses all benefit from excess Essence (similar to Cecelyne).

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