So uh, Black Lead?


Elder Member
Right, I'm running a wee game and one of my players has asked for a Caustic Blade (Infernals p178)

Now apart from the fact that this is an infernal relic bound with a living demon that constantly produces acid and acrid fumes.

Is there any reason he can't have it?

According to the Wiki black lead is jealously guarded and dissolves when away from Malfeas for too long, but I think that may be referring to first edition (But I'll admit this is the first time I've opened the Infernals book)

Any help muchly appreciated

Where is the player saying the character got it from? If it was forged in Malfeas, no problemo. You only have to get creative if he is avoiding that fact. As long as the origins are fitting anything goes. Rule of cool and whatnot.
Do you want him to not have it? If that's the case, that's reason enough.

Is it cool for him to have it? If that's the case, then let him have it anyway.
The five magical materials do not exist in Malfeas naturally. But infernal artifacts(relics) can be made out of any of the metals or items of Malfeas with the proper application of vitriol. Hence stuff like black lead artifact weapons,etc.
I think the answer to your question is that black lead was mentioned as a possible demonic magic material in first edition. I have not seen it in 2e material, but that's not to say it isn't there. If the artifact is appropriate to the character and the game, allow it. If you need stats for the material, rummage around 1e stuff or just make something up.
Virjigorm said:
I think the answer to your question is that black lead was mentioned as a possible demonic magic material in first edition. I have not seen it in 2e material, but that's not to say it isn't there. If the artifact is appropriate to the character and the game, allow it. If you need stats for the material, rummage around 1e stuff or just make something up.
It still is mentioned in 2nd Edition, but only in the same way that crimson silver and malfean iron are. Check out the Essence tap for Kimberry.
Ok, fair enough. Thanks for all the input.

Turns out he'd only read about them on the wiki and didn't know about the malfeas connection. He's decided to take a pair of ori short daiklaives instead.

Cheers though.

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