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  • Users: Hatz
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  1. Hatz

    Ahh, hello! Sorry for the late response! As I don't think I can be online here as much anymore...

    Ahh, hello! Sorry for the late response! As I don't think I can be online here as much anymore, I'd like to withdraw from the rp. >
  2. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Cornelia "Nelly" Andre Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe @Other Guards (?) Cornelia's eyes dilated as he swung his hammer towards her from the high altitude in the skies-- it was an interesting choice of weaponry...
  3. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Cornelia "Nelly" Andre Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe Cornelia fell silent for a little while, cautiously keeping her grip tight onto her Imperial Arm's bottle. She picked up on the hint of displeasure, or...
  4. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Cornelia "Nelly" Andre Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe Cornelia froze as Ichigen slowed his pace to a walk, her body slightly tensing up as his steps gradually decreased in speed. She vigilantly trailed after...
  5. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Cornelia "Nelly" Andre Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside | Tags: @Hanjizoe Cornelia had been peacefully admiring her surroundings, enjoying the brief time of relaxation that she acquired. However, an unusual figure caught her eye-- a...
  6. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Cornelia "Nelly" Andre Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Tsutsumibachi's Party | Tags: N/A After stumbling back over to her seat, she awkwardly sat down, and began to wolf down her meal, in a well-mannered way, if that was possible. Cornelia ate quickly...
  7. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Cornelia "Nelly" Andre Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with Guards | Location: Tsutsumibachi's Party | Tags: @ Anyone Cornelia sat at an empty table of the celebration, calmly sipping a glass of water as she merely observed the lively events transpiring around her. She liked the cold...
  8. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    Thank you very much! :'> I'm looking forward to getting along with all of you~ 8D
  9. Hatz

    Fandom Akame Ga Kill

    [border=5px double black] Cornelia Andre Name: Cornelia "Nelly" Andre. Age: Eighteen. Gender: Female. Sexuality: Heteroflexible. Crush: None at the moment. Assassin or Guard: Mercenary-- currently siding with the guards for pay. However, this may change in the...
  10. Hatz

    Fandom In the Country of...

    I'm interested!
  11. Hatz

    Oh, hello there.

    Oh, hello there.
  12. Hatz

    Fandom .:|Danganronpa: An AU RP|:.((DON'T U DARE NOT READ DIS. XD.))((Srsly, PLZ JOIN US!!!♡♡♡~~~)))

    I'm interested! (What will the minimum post length requirement be, out of curiosity?) I didn't vote for CelesGami, that wasn't me I swear.
  13. Hatz

    Fantasy Ichago Academy (CLOSED)

    Estelle observed at how intelligent Xenia was with opening up the grand gates. Her eyes dazzled in amazement as they opened up, though it wasn't that hard to fascinate her. She followed the group as she proceeded to carry all the luggage in hand, glancing from side to side at how marvelous the...
  14. Hatz

    Fantasy Capital Take Over

    Thanks for accepting me~ Are we waiting for more people to join before starting, or..? (I posted this in the sign-up page, but then I realized that there's an OOC place to ask, so I deleted my other post--)
  15. Hatz

    Fantasy The War

    [bg=navy]Sena Anemone [accordion]{slide=Appearance}{/slide} {slide=Basic Information} xxx Name: Sena Anemone Age: 16 Gender: Female Height: 5'0 Sexuality: Pansexual Rebellion/Empire/Undecided: Undecided Short Personality: Sena can come off as a quiet and...
  16. Hatz

    Fantasy Capital Take Over

    [bg=indigo]"Maiden of the Moon" [accordion] {slide=Appearance}{/slide} {slide= Basic Information} Name: Senika Ebalon Age: 17 Gender: Female Creature: ??? {error; classification unknown} {/slide} {slide=Personal Information} Personality: Senika naturally has a...
  17. Hatz

    Fandom S.A.O ~Brand New!! Accepting.~

    [bg=indigo]"Maiden of the Moon" [accordion] {slide=Appearance}{/slide} {slide=Basic Information} In-Game Name: Senika Age: 17 Character Level: 62 Character Alignment: Green Solo or Social?: Both {/slide} {slide= Combat Information} Weapon of Choice:
  18. Hatz

    Fantasy Ichago Academy (CLOSED)

    Estelle trailed after the three, lugging her suitcases behind her. She wasn't the strongest person around, which made the task of bringing her luggage a chore; a bit of a pain, at that. The lollipop-lover had accidentally bumped into several students due to the large crowd attempting to bundle...