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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

BloodyKharma said:
Although hidden behind his helmet, Katsuki's own eye were filled with rage. He hated the fact this boy, had managed to close the distance between them in such an insane amount of time. Not to say that he didn't have enough time to prepare a counterattack. As the blade came into contact with rhe armor on his neck, he grit his teeth in frustration. Rge glowing palm of his hand was level with the boys chest, and he didn't let his guard down until Rin mentioned that he was a member of Night Raid.
"You bastard, your gonna sneak up on ME and then say that I'M the one being rude! Are all the members of Night Raid full of bullshir?" Katsuki scoffed, lowering his arm to his side, a faint glow still emaminating from his fist. "Although from the looks of you, your obviously at the bottom of the pecking order. Especially if you thought coming at me with such a flimsy sword would accomplish ANYTHING!" Katsuki waved the boy off before turning to leave. "Your not worth my time..."

"...oh and the name's KATSUKI BAKUGOU! The man who will steadily rise through the ranks of Night Raid, until he's number one!" with a soft 'click' he took his helmet off, brushing aside his mane of unruly blonde hair, his fiery eyes meeting Rins'. Remember this face, cause you'll be seeing a lot more of it! I give you permission to watch my rise to power from the sidelines!" his voice echoed throughout the surrounding forest, the sunlight glinted off his charred armor. A wicked smile spread across his face as he tilted his hand to the side, several bones popping in his neck. "Unless you think you can prove me wrong here and now!" pointing an index finger at Rin, while widening his own stancw slightly, just in case the assassin decided to accept his challenge.
"I could've killed you there and then, but I didn't. You should be thanking me for being so lenient, especially after you've been so rude to me. I might as well tell Krieg and watch him rip you into pieces."

Rin stood there, his brows angled down into a hateful scowl as he stared deep into the soul of this boy. The flurry of insults that he hurled his way really annoyed him. Although, Rin appeared to be totally calm... That was until Kyūketsuki was brought into the occasion. "Let me enlighten you, Katshit." Stepping back, Rin held his teigu at his side as he kept his gaze completely averted onto this rude guy. "You're blind, and you're obscenely arrogant. Judging me by my physical appearance? That's pretty pathetic, and a common mistake people make before being torn apart. Limb from limb, with ease." Kyūketsuki glistened in the sunlight as Rin continued, the scowl slowly disappearing but the anger in his tone still present. "You'd be a fool to think I'm the weakest out of all of us. And calling Kyūketsuki 'Flimsy' will be your last mistake." Placing his right foot back and his left forward, Rin raised both of his arms up and arched his elbows outwards as he held Kyūketsuki upright with both hands. From the looks of things, the boys teigu involved his armour and those strange gauntlets. However, armour could be broken. And Kyūketsuki was sharp and durable enough to pierce it and kiss Katsuki's skin. Rin knew this, but Katsuki didn't.

"Hope that one of the others stop this, because I have no qualms with bringing your head back home with me."

This boys arrogance... It really wound Rin up. And to top it off Rin hated being underestimated. It was a fact that everyone in the Night Raid knew.

"I'll let you have the first move. Prove to me that that arrogance of yours isn't just for show."

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LeSoraAmari said:
"I could've killed you there and then, but I didn't. You should be thanking me for being so lenient, especially after you've been so rude to me. I might as well tell Krieg and watch him rip you into pieces."

Rin stood there, his brows angled down into a hateful scowl as he stared deep into the soul of this boy. The flurry of insults that he hurled his way really annoyed him. Although, Rin appeared to be totally calm... That was until Kyūketsuki was brought into the occasion. "Let me enlighten you, Katshit." Stepping back, Rin held his teigu at his side as he kept his gaze completely averted onto this rude guy. "You're blind, and you're obscenely arrogant. Judging me by my physical appearance? That's pretty pathetic, and a common mistake people make before being torn apart. Limb from limb, with ease." Kyūketsuki glistened in the sunlight as Rin continued, the scowl slowly disappearing but the anger in his tone still present. "You'd be a fool to think I'm the weakest out of all of us. And calling Kyūketsuki 'Flimsy' will be your last mistake." Placing his right foot back and his left forward, Rin raised both of his arms up and arched his elbows outwards as he held Kyūketsuki upright with both hands. From the looks of things, the boys teigu involved his armour and those strange gauntlets. However, armour could be broken. And Kyūketsuki was sharp and durable enough to pierce it and kiss Katsuki's skin. Rin knew this, but Katsuki didn't.

"Hope that one of the others stop this, because I have no qualms with bringing your head back home with me."

This boys arrogance... It really wound Rin up. And to top it off Rin hated being underestimated. It was a fact that everyone in the Night Raid knew.

"I'll let you have the first move. Prove to me that that arrogance of yours isn't just for show."


Krieg Stein

Meanwhile throughout the entire argument Krieg had been on the other side of the forest. Doing what one may ask? Well, chopping down trees of course! It was still decently cold so the base needed firewood. What better person to get it for them than a man that could easily fell entire grown trees in a few blows. Once he'd heard the explosion of sorts mid conversation echo through the forest he knew something was up, however. Resting his axe on his shoulder he drug the chopped up trees with the other hand on the rather large tarp thing he'd made to carry them all on, walking towards the source of the sound. Either someone was training or there was a fight going on. Either way Krieg was interested.

The forest was the main place, if not the only place, the big man could be stealthy in. Or at-least somewhat stealthy. It was kind of hard to miss a 7' giant of a man if you were concentrating hard enough. After a few minutes of trudging he was able to spot Rin and Katsuki in the distance, seemingly preparing to fight. Deciding to give himself a front row seat he sat down a little ways off, hidden in the shadows the almost leafless snow covered trees were offering, resting his Teigu in his lap. If they tried to kill each other, he'd step in. Friends and allies had no place killing each other, the true enemy and one they should be killing was the Empire.
Alice turned her head and grinned as Santios finally came down to see the extravagant mess of hers. She was quite relieved to know that he wasn't that mad about the whole burnt food situation. Not that she thought he would. "I think I did something wrong." She joked, laughing along with her husband. Alice took a deep breath and calmed herself down, taking a few steps towards Santios and placing her hands on his shoulders. "Fortunately I didn't burn your book, but I do think I need some help. Obviously breakfast isn't edible right now..."

Fujio chuckles slightly and gently wrapped his arms around Ciri and she laid against him. "I know I'm safe around you Ciri. Thanks." He said in a smooth and quiet voice. His hair was a big mess and his face showed a tired but gentle expression. He really needed a shower, but Ciri was curled up on him and he didn't want to upset the girl. "I'm not sure what I want to do today. I think we should check up with Santios first, see if he has anything for us to do. But if he doesn't then we can go into town." Fujio explained, petting her head again. "But I need a shower first."

@National @Mitchs98
Santios looks at the burnt monstrosity, nodding his head.

"Yeah, don't worry I can take care of the cooking. Also, we have quite a big day ahead of us today. We're getting visited by none other than the Rebel Council. You'll finally get to meet my sister!"


Leo looks up at her as she softly reassures him with her own pleasant touch to his hand. He slightly smiles, something he wasn't too comfortable with, since he almost never smiled in his life. It was a rarity, definitely to him at least. He starts to walk with her as well, slowly but surely quickening the pace as he got more and more comfortable. He listens to what she said about the mask, and his head continues to tilt as he got more and more curious. As she tells him about how she was a slave as well, his head untilts itself before falling over. As she was telling him where she got the mask, they finally got to the entrance of the forests. As they start to walk down the dense forestry, Leo's keen ears perk up. He suddenly stops before looking at Arden.

"People are he-"

Suddenly, Leo's eyes widened as he saw something not too far away from them. What he saw, would have intimidated him no matter what. It was a massive ogre of a what he thought was a man carrying tons of wood just behind him, and on his other shoulder, was a massive, gruesome looking Axe. Leo almost falls over before shakily pointing at the massive man.

"W-w-w-what is.... That? Its gonna eat us!"

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari (mentioned) @BloodyKharma

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Tsutsumibachi's Party | Tags: N/A

After stumbling back over to her seat, she awkwardly sat down, and began to wolf down her meal, in a well-mannered way, if that was possible. Cornelia ate quickly, though somehow made it look elegant at the same time. It was an odd skill that she wielded, most likely just teachings from her late grandmother. Though, what she was looking forward to most was dessert. Again, in her unusual, polite way, she stuffed her face with fruit cake, only to chug down the rest of her water, though it was noticeably warmer than before, as the ice gradually melted away into liquid. Since there was nobody else around at her table, she vigilantly placed her dirty plates back to where they belonged, for the other servants to take care of. Fortunately, Cornelia wasn't assigned to any specific job at the celebration, it was merely something for her to enjoy, unlike the other guards. She was simply an 'extra', and because of that, she decided to leave early for a breath of fresh air outside, as there wasn't anything else she needed to tend to, especially when her hunger was perfectly alleviated. Approaching the main entrance guards, she mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before taking her leave. It was far from Cornelia's intentions to be rude, but her timidness and soft tone of voice said otherwise. Hopefully they had heard her. Hopefully.


Location: Outside

It felt refreshing as the sunlight pressed against her skin, or at least, what was revealed, like her face, hands, and neck. Most of her body was covered up in clothing, despite the humidity. Cornelia took a moment to admire the bright blue skies, and what a marvelous day it was. Usually, major parties like Tsutsumibachi's were hosted during late evening, or at least, that's what she was familiar with, so it was a change from what she was accustomed to. As she took a few steps forward, ambling around, the wind whispered through her hair, swaying along with the serene breeze. Cornelia's bangs waved around, deciding to become impediments as they slightly got into the way of her field of vision. She softly laughed, running her fingers through and pushing the hindrances, or strands of hair, away.
'Yes, today seems like a great day for a nice walk...' she thought, as her lips curved into a small, kind smile.

The Central Square seemed noticeably quieter than usual, as people were attending the famous celebration. Though she could still hear some signals of rowdiness, it was a nice atmosphere to settle in. Cornelia averted her gaze to the bundles of people buzzing around like bees, just observing them out of curiosity. Adults, teens, children; humans of all ages. The thought of the possibility that some of the ordinary civilians she saw could have been affiliated with Night Raid couldn't help but to cross her mind. She really couldn't trust people
too much, especially when appearances could be well-deceiving. Though, she was also quite curious about their true motives, and why they were supposedly against the Empire. Cornelia proceeded to wander around the locality, making good use of her break. Or at least, that's how she perceived it.

Kayzo said:
Alice turned her head and grinned as Santios finally came down to see the extravagant mess of hers. She was quite relieved to know that he wasn't that mad about the whole burnt food situation. Not that she thought he would. "I think I did something wrong." She joked, laughing along with her husband. Alice took a deep breath and calmed herself down, taking a few steps towards Santios and placing her hands on his shoulders. "Fortunately I didn't burn your book, but I do think I need some help. Obviously breakfast isn't edible right now..."

Fujio chuckles slightly and gently wrapped his arms around Ciri and she laid against him. "I know I'm safe around you Ciri. Thanks." He said in a smooth and quiet voice. His hair was a big mess and his face showed a tired but gentle expression. He really needed a shower, but Ciri was curled up on him and he didn't want to upset the girl. "I'm not sure what I want to do today. I think we should check up with Santios first, see if he has anything for us to do. But if he doesn't then we can go into town." Fujio explained, petting her head again. "But I need a shower first."

@National @Mitchs98
Cirillia Vines

Ciri smiled, returning the hug as best she could from her posistion. "
You bet!" She replied. This was nice to her, curled up on top of Fujio like this. She knew she'd have to move but it'd be nice if she didn't, she wouldn't mind staying like this all day really. When he said they should see if Santios needed them for anything she nodded. She hoped he didn't, but he probably did. If he did she guessed they could always go into town tommorrw. The good thing about not being on wanted posters was freedom of going where you wanted, provided Ciri hid her ears of course. It was a daunting task to do so but worth it every time.

When he said he nedeed a shower she hugged him once more before giggling and rolling off of him onto the bed itself. "
Okay Fujio! Sounds good to me, I'll wait on you to get ready." She told him. "Hopefully if Santios has something for us to do it'll be fun!" She added excitedly. It'd been a bit since they'd done a mission together, so in a way she was equally as excited to go on a mission if there was one in a way. It was what they were there for, after all.

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden's eyes shot right to where Leo pointed, he seemed frightened and almost ghostly white as he point at the terrifyingly large man of which she instantly recognized was Krieg. Although he was someone to be quite scared of at first glance with his size and all, he was rather loyal to his comrades, or at least she'd like to believe so. When she first met him, Arden had to admit she was rather relieved that a man of his size was on their team rather the other way round. She seemed to be in a defensive stance, a fan out to attack just in case it were to have been someone else and her other hand still grasped with Leo's hand behind her. Letting out a small relieved sigh, she glanced back at Leo with pitiful eyes as he was rather terrified but she couldn't really blame him much. Krieg wasn't the most friendliest looking fella. "Its fine, he's a.. comrade." Having to think of whether to call him a friend or a comrade, unsure if they were on the level of which friends were..

@National @Mitchs98
LeSoraAmari said:
"I could've killed you there and then, but I didn't. You should be thanking me for being so lenient, especially after you've been so rude to me. I might as well tell Krieg and watch him rip you into pieces."

Rin stood there, his brows angled down into a hateful scowl as he stared deep into the soul of this boy. The flurry of insults that he hurled his way really annoyed him. Although, Rin appeared to be totally calm... That was until Kyūketsuki was brought into the occasion. "Let me enlighten you, Katshit." Stepping back, Rin held his teigu at his side as he kept his gaze completely averted onto this rude guy. "You're blind, and you're obscenely arrogant. Judging me by my physical appearance? That's pretty pathetic, and a common mistake people make before being torn apart. Limb from limb, with ease." Kyūketsuki glistened in the sunlight as Rin continued, the scowl slowly disappearing but the anger in his tone still present. "You'd be a fool to think I'm the weakest out of all of us. And calling Kyūketsuki 'Flimsy' will be your last mistake." Placing his right foot back and his left forward, Rin raised both of his arms up and arched his elbows outwards as he held Kyūketsuki upright with both hands. From the looks of things, the boys teigu involved his armour and those strange gauntlets. However, armour could be broken. And Kyūketsuki was sharp and durable enough to pierce it and kiss Katsuki's skin. Rin knew this, but Katsuki didn't.

"Hope that one of the others stop this, because I have no qualms with bringing your head back home with me."

This boys arrogance... It really wound Rin up. And to top it off Rin hated being underestimated. It was a fact that everyone in the Night Raid knew.

"I'll let you have the first move. Prove to me that that arrogance of yours isn't just for show."

Katsuki's smile widened all the more, to think, it'd be this easy! He could tell that he had riled the boy up, and now he was giving him an open invitation to make the first move! Could this day possibly get any better? "Good lord, you almost lulled me to sleep with that rant just now. Mind giving me a TD;LR next time? I guess your the cure to insomnia the worlds been looking for!" he snickered, both gauntlets on either arm beginning to glow brighter and brighter. "So tell me, you want me to finish this in one shot, or do you prefer long drawn out battles...that are just as boring as your god damn lectures!?" balling his hands tightly into fists, Katsuki took note of how much energy he had to work with. Due to the fact that he had just been training not to long ago, he had worked up quite the sweat, so he now had PLENTY to work with. "Tear me limb from limb you say? This teigu was DESIGNED to turn any opponent into nothing but a stain on the pavement after its done with them. Ripping off arms and legs, what are we cave men? Why go through all the trouble when you can simply pulverize your opponent in a single punch? Get with the times you fuckin douche, lone samurai lookin ass."

"You put up this façade, pretending to be so cool, soooo calm and soooo fucking collected. But you don't fool me, far from it, I can tell that your bristling underneath your skin eh? Well being the nice guy that I am, I'll let YOU attack first. I'd like to see you come at me with that ludicrous burst of speed again, so I can show you just how far the gap between you and I extends!"
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Rei threw the book at him he caught the book nearly it got close between his eyes almost hitting him.She left the room closing the door leaving him inside she proceeded to go to the city to explore it.she looked around for mainly criminals to possibly kill or take to jail."Hm what shall I find today a robber gang members or my favorite Assassins" She thought in her head while looking around
Alice smiled slightly as Santios said that he'd take care of the cooking. She did want to cook a meal for him, but today obviously wasn't the day. "I knew I could count on you Santios. Thanks." She said, reaching up and giving him a kiss. The silver haired was quite surprised to hear that Santios' sister was going to be arriving today. She had never actually met her let alone even know what she looked like. However she assumed that his sister was a very pretty lady. "Exciting! Does she even know about you and me? I don't recall her being at our wedding."

Leo looks at the massive goliath, before calming down. If Arden said that he was a nice guy, then it had to be true, right? He looks at Arden, nodding.

"Can we go say hi to him? Will he eat me? He looks like he could eat me. I am pretty sure he could eat me."

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden looked at Leo rather questionably as he spoke of Kreig possibly eating them, a small slight smile on her face as she recalled where he had come from. "He could probably eat you if you wanted him to." Bluntly stating as they drew closer to him, "Do you want him to eat you? I could ask him if he's hungry." The phrase sounding funnier than it actually was with her monotoned voice as she said so. Wanting to see how gullible Leo actually was, but than again, Krieg could probably eat him if he really wanted to.

@National @Mitchs98
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Leo shook in fear, and the fear accelerated into his heart. He shakes his head, not wanting to walk any closer to the man who could beat a bear in an arm wrestling match.

"I don't wanna get eaten, I don't wanna. What does he eat?"

Leo didn't really know much about the world, since he was always constantly locked up and chained. He was only allowed to see sunlight once a week, and that was only because his former master enjoyed how his rare eyes shone in the sun. For all he knew, Krieg could very well be a cannibal. What else would be able to feed him? He tightens his grip on Arden's hand, his gullibility obviously showing.

"Does he have a name? Is he human?"

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98
Santios nods his head, and for a sudden moment, his eyes dull for a minute.

"No, no she does know. She always knows more about me then I know about her. She's.... Intelligent, that's for sure. Alzie is coming with her as well of course. We need to make sure no one gets agitated by him. I don't know why my sister won't get rid of him..."

Santios was of course talking about Alzie, the demonic teigu of his sister. It always angered him to know that Alzue was playing much more of a role than he was intended to.

BloodyKharma said:
Katsuki's smile widened all the more, to think, it'd be this easy! He could tell that he had riled the boy up, and now he was giving him an open invitation to make the first move! Could this day possibly get any better? "Good lord, you almost lulled me to sleep with that rant just now. Mind giving me a TD;LR next time? I guess your the cure to insomnia the worlds been looking for!" he snickered, both gauntlets on either arm beginning to glow brighter and brighter. "So tell me, you want me to finish this in one shot, or do you prefer long drawn out battles...that are just as boring as your god damn lectures!?" balling his hands tightly into fists, Katsuki took note of how much energy he had to work with. Due to the fact that he had just been training not to long ago, he had worked up quite the sweat, so he now had PLENTY to work with. "Tear me limb from limb you say? This teigu was DESIGNED to turn any opponent into nothing but a stain on the pavement after its done with them. Ripping off arms and legs, what are we cave men? Why go through all the trouble when you can simply pulverize your opponent in a single punch? Get with the times you fuckin douche, lone samurai lookin ass."
"You put up this façade, pretending to be so cool, soooo calm and soooo fucking collected. But you don't fool me, far from it, I can tell that your bristling underneath your skin eh? Well being the nice guy that I am, I'll let YOU attack first. I'd like to see you come at me with that ludicrous burst of speed again, so I can show you just how far the gap between you and I extends!"
Rin stood there quietly, his scowl worsening as he clenched the hilt of his teigu ever so slightly. This Katsuki was extremely rude, and vile. Already Rin hated him, and his assassin like nature only gave him the drive and want to rid him from this earth. Of course, Rin couldn't do that. Technically this boy categorised as an innocent, and Night Raid didn't kill innocents. However, that didn't mean that he couldn't rough him up a little... Or a lot, the latter sounded much better. "Consider yourself lucky that I won't be taking this seriously, you are unworthy of Kyūketsuki's wrath." Now standing with his teigu at his side, Rin looked over his shoulder to see Krieg and others gathered there. With a sigh, Rin looked back over towards Katsuki when he spoke, a boyish grin consuming the nobles face. "If you think that was ludicrous, then wait till you see how quick I can really move... That was nothing. I'm not someone you should be underestimating." A slight grin covered his face as he then added, his facial expression becoming that of displeasure and outright disgust. "Your arrogance, it's unsightly. You're not any different from those bastards in the Capitol. You're not worthy of being in Night Raid... Comrades shouldn't be fighting, yet here you are... persisting on having one. I cannot respect somebody so unattuned to the way we run things. You really are a new member, aren't you?" Rin's less serious demeanour vanished as he then chuckled. "Never mind, it doesn't seem like anyone is going to stop me anytime soon. Anyway, if you can keep up quite a show, I might enlighten you on what this 'flimsy sword' can do. So, let me shut that arrogant mouth of yours!" It was then that Rin charged towards Katsuki in what seemed to be a flash, a blur to the untrained eye. Upon reaching Katsuki in no time at all, Rin slashed Kyūketsuki diagonally and then followed that swiftly with a kick to the side. Followed again by a horizontal slash, all three moves were executed perfectly and in quick succession. Rin looked emotionless, a nature of seriousness consuming him. Kyūketsuki began to glow a slight red as its thirst for blood increased.

Ichigen || Assassin

Ichigen’s little display had came to an end, the girl didn’t seem amazed, however he couldn’t care less. The girl wouldn’t compliment his act, as if she was amazed by it. “You're stealing doughnuts now?” He says with his right eyebrow. “That’s pretty bold of you” he says jokingly “Well I’ll see you around then, I won’t be there until later, gotta meet an old friend of mine” he says walking ahead, and signaling a seeya with his right hand held a little above his head. Ichigen began to turn to the next corner to which it would be a bridge, their his eyes laid upon a large building. ‘Seems like he’s having a wonderful time’ ichigen began to pick up his pace, by jogging, he didn’t care if the guards would catch him, not like he’s the most wanted criminal in the city. His plan was to go straight to the castle where he assumes that there is a party being held at. @Mr Swiftshots

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside | Tags: @Hanjizoe

Cornelia had been peacefully admiring her surroundings, enjoying the brief time of relaxation that she acquired. However, an unusual figure caught her eye-- a certain redheaded boy, with a distinctive black eye-patch. The individual had seemed all too familiar, but where? The mercenary paused for a moment to ponder, though it became clear that he was Ichigen Miwagasa, one of the wanted 'criminals' from Night Raid-- or at least, that's what he looked like. She noticed that he was heading towards the direction of the castle, where the major party was held. Quickly, thinking that the assassin may have been up to trouble, Cornelia trailed after him, keeping her footsteps light, quick, and graceful. She paused once more for a moment of hesitation-- was what she was doing considered stalking? In a abnormal way? The girl paled at the thought, not wanting to be labelled as a creep. What if it was all just a coincidence that he had looked like one of
them? Quickly shaking away her thoughts, she took a deep breath, and mustered the courage to chase after him. As a mercenary, stalking people wasn't that weird of an act. Probably. It was all part of Cornelia's job, nonetheless. She briskly began to follow the assassin again, without any major stops, trying her best not to be noticed.


Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden felt a pull back when Leo stopped moving forwards towards Kreig, seeing that she might've pushed her boundaries again from her teasing. Shaking her head lightly, "No, he won't eat you unless you want him to. He's human, I think, and his name is Kreig but he isn't one for much words. Don't be scared of him, you'll be fine." Trying to lighten the mood and make her voice seem less dull but that was rather harder said than done. "Come, don't worry. I'm here." Tugging on his hand a little to try to push him to keep moving, if they slowed down or kept stopping anymore Leo would probably die of a heart attack from a bunny in a bush situation.

@National @Mitchs98
Alice sighed quietly as Santios displayed his disapproval of Alzie sticking around with his sister. No matter how much he explained how bad the Teigu was the silver haired girl never quite understood why. If the owl was such a danger than surely his sister would dispose of him. Santios did say she was intelligent. "Don't worry, we will be fine. Your sister won't let Alzie do anything to our group seeing that it would hurt the cause. Just try to relax a bit." She said with a smile, taking his hands and squeezing them reassuringly.

Leo looks at the massive goliath, before gulping down his nervousness, his head slightly nodding. He follows Arden's lead up the massive ape like man, now only a few feet away from him. Leo didn't know anything else to do, so he spoke up. To Krieg, it probably sounded like a mouse trying to squeal.

"H-hello? Are you Krieg?"

Leo quickly takes a step back, looking up fearfully at the massive man. Leo's golden eyes shimmered in the sunlight, his hands pressed to his side.


@LeSoraAmari (Mentioned)[/color]
@Defective Kitten @LeSoraAmari @BloodyKharma @National @Mr Swiftshots

Krieg Stein

Krieg sighed heavily while watching the scene continue to unfold. From the looks of things Rin fully intended on fighting whereas Katsuki was just being an ass and trying to provoke him. Either way, if things got to out of control, Krieg would step in. He was fairly sure neither of them would like it if he had to, and thus sent Rin a subtle glare when he noticed him. He'd of course, also heard the entire conversation about him between Arden and Leo. Honestly it amused him. He killed people, not ate them. There was a difference. Eating them would be weird. Though of course, it wouldn't be the first time someone thought the same about him.

The main reason he hadn't attacked Leo was due to the fact he didn't percieve him as a threat and due to the fact he was with Arden. A little bit after Rin had started to fight with Katsuki it seemed Clair had stepped in to attempt to stop it. Of course..it would probably only make it worse and thus Krieg debated on stepping in himself. Ultimately he decided against it. As long as they didn't try to kill each other..he wouldn't step in. He didn't agree with treating allies as enemies, but he wouldn't stop them from learning a lesson.

Soon enough Leo walked over to him and spoke, causing the behemoth to tilt his head and look at the boy. He simply nodded and pointed to himself followed by saying "
Krieg.." in a low deep voice. "You..?" He asked, pointing at Leo.
@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @National @BloodyKharma

@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @BloodyKharma
Rin sighed when Clair entered the scene, obviously trying to stop the fight before it got worse. Before he actually did kill the newcomer. Rin scowled stubbornly at the woman as he was locked in combat, both of their swords kissing each other's surfaces as the two stood there quietly. Clair had blocked all three of his attacks, that didn't surprise him one bit. But, he couldn't help but smirk slightly when she kicked Katsuki back a few feet. However, Katsuki had riled him up so much that Rin actually wanted to continue the fight. Gazing at Clair's pretty eyes, Rin couldn't help but smile, this time it was filled with his usual kindness that really did conflict his tone of voice. "You know my honour is very important to me, Clair. I can't let him walk over me like shit!". After noticing the subtle glare Krieg sent his way, Rin stood there quietly as he quickly took Kyūketsuki away from Clair's sword and took a few steps back, his sword at his side. "He caused this. He insulted me, more than once! He provoked me. He underestimated me, he insulted Kyūketsuki. I can't let this slide. He is no ally of mine...". As Rin held Kyūketsuki in his grasp, the blade began to glow a more vibrant crimson, this further emphasised to the group that knew the blade that it wanted blood more desperately than before. Glaring at Katsuki, Rin turned back to face Clair before talking to her. "His mission was to piss me off, and he completed it. You can tell he did it all on purpose, his intentions are as clear as day. He wanted a fight... He just chose the wrong person to instigate that with." Rin had absolutely no intention on backing down, not now. Katsuki had provoked him to an incredible level, and Rin was furious. In fact, the anger that seeped from him was something none in Night Raid had ever seen before and it was actually quite alien. Of course, they had all heard of Rin's temper from himself. But, this was by far not the worst he could get. However, those that knew him well knew that he never backed down, and this was most definitely a clear example of that conviction. He looked at Clair and smiled ever so slightly, if she did end up getting involved, Rin wouldn't lay a hand on her. The same with any of the other Night Raid members and they all knew that. However, right now... Rin didn't consider Katsuki as one of their own.

The energy that seeped from Kyūketsuki was a scary one, and those that felt it would be able to tell just how bloodthirsty the blade was. It was dangerous, and it reeked of malevolence. Kyūketsuki, the vampiric sword. Just the mentioning of its name is enough to frighten even the toughest of Royal Guard.

"Katsuki... You really have no idea what you've angered, do you? I'm willing to drop this and sheath my sword. But only if you'll lay down your weapons as well. If not, then that'd be your last warning gone. And I will strike you with all of my power, with all of Kyūketsuki's intention to kill. So, take your pick."

Hanjizoe said:

Akihito Tsutsumibachi || Guard Akihito appears to be in a building filled with a bunch of visitors, and newcomers from other known area's. There was a party going on in his families favor, his father, taiga tsutsumibachi the host of the party. Akihito would stand by his father, being his guard slash son, and the prince of the whole event. The event would acompany anyone within the guards, civilians with drinks, food, and music, anything to keep the party smooth sailing, hoping no one who would recklessly ruin this here event.

Akihito wasn't so sure about this idea of an event, as this could be an assassin's opertunity to just come in, and kill off someone that there boss of some sort command them to be, but with enough guards, that wouldn't be possible, but he digress
@Kayzo, @Mitchs98, @Defective Kitten, @Mr Swiftshots, and @any other guards.

Ryougin Sho || Guard

Often, a party is associated as an evening event. The blistering sun would have been blanketed by the horizon and drinks of all kinds would be drunked. Men and women would be dressed in expensive gowns and would laugh and cheer merrily with each other. Some would go home with a partner in hand.

Ryougin jested that the celebration for the son of the highly respected Taiga Tuutsumibachi was not a party but rather an event. Sure, there were barrels of alcohol involved in the event but so was a lunch buffet, couple of speeches (like the welcoming and the introduction of Akihito Tsutsumibachi), beautiful women and handsome men, talking... Yeah, this is sounding a lot like a party, but a party does not have a mini tournament!

This event was not just a celebration but it was to showcase the strength and ability of the Royal Guard to the shelters rich. This would strengthen the confident the public had for the guard and the rich would keep investing their money to the army.

Ryougin greeted the guests and helped zirself three dishes of fine food. The event have kicked of very well. Ze leaned back on zir chair and mentally checked off everything that happened so far. Ze any many party event planners have worked hard to make this celebration event worth its praise. With zir belly pleasantly full, Ryougin left the table to find the man of honour.

It did not take long for Ryougin to find the young man. Chatting beside him was another young Royal Guard, Rameal. The two looked excited for a reason. There was a glean in Rameal's eyes that made Ryougin wonder what the two young men are up to.

"Enjoying yourself, Akihito and Rameal?" Ze asks.
Karasu or 'Crow' as he preferred was stood in the guards training room, it was empty so what better time did he have to train. He began simply swinging his blade around every few seconds getting faster and faster. He swore he had something to do now but as it turns out he couldn't remember so it must not have been too important. The blade got faster and faster until it was nearly impossible to see but for Crow he could see it fine every fine feature. A single drop of sweat dropped down his face however before it hit the ground Crow's Teigu caught it on the blade. He began to hear a set of foot steps it was one person rushing. He heard the door open and the foot steps get closer to Crow. As soon as the person was close enough Crow's blade spun around pointing right at his neck. The man looked incredibly nervous before Crow realized who it was, he moved his Teigu and placed it to his side as the man began to speak. "Sir, aren't you meant to be at Taiga Tuutsumibachi event." Crow thought for a second and covered his face.

"I knew they was something, thank you." Crow said before wrapping up his Teigu. "Oh also they want you to make a event showing off the strength of the Captain of the guard." The man spoke causing a large sigh to escape from Crow's mouth. "Well there goes my plan to talk shake a few hands and leave." Crow sniggers as he leaves. He took the quickest way to get to the event location avoiding all main roads. As he arrived at the party he walked right in, looked around and ensured no speeches or anything majorly important was happen. Once he felt he was safe he watched as the next match of the tournament ended before taking the area where the event was happening.

Crow placed his hands towards the next two getting ready to continue the tournament and told them to sit back down. "Ladies and gentlemen allow me to apologies for interrupting this event." Crow spoke he projected his voice as much as possible. "For those of you who don't know me my name is Karasu Redbringer I also go by Crow and I am currently the captain of the Royal guard." Crow took a slight pause again as a few hush whispers passed around. "The men who have been participating in this tournament are my men, anyway onto the reason why I interrupted this event. I would like to propose a match I will take on any three people in a three vs one match." Crow paused once again before smirking a little as he took a seat. "Guards this is the first and only time outside of training where you will get a chance to punch your boss don't waste it." Crow joked before waiting on any takers.

@Kayzo @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots @Hanjizoe @anyotherguards.

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