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Fandom Pokémon (Kanto)

Riley sighed when he got back to the others. He could tell that a storm of emotions was brewing and tensions were rising, looking to explode any second now. Having packed eleven of the Oran berries, Riley held the last one in his right hand and extended his mechanical left hand to Yume, silently asking for the now dead Spearow.
“Was that supposed to be a threat?” Kayla asked. There was nothing confrontational in her tone. Just confusion. What had she said that was so wrong?

Then, her gaze hardened, and she spoke up in her defense. “You can try breaking Sole’s Pokeball, but you won’t be doing him any favors. He knows his place. I command, he obeys. Isn’t that right, Sole?”

“Veniii,” came his affirmative cry. Maybe it was the mind-altering effects of his Pokeball talking, or the last three months being Kayla’s partner that conditioned him to be this way. But Sage didn’t bother to speculate, turning her attention to Teddy instead.

Whatever. There was plenty Kayla could say about her too. Of course a sorry excuse for a trainer like Sage, who coddled her Pokemon so much that it was barely viable in combat, would accuse anyone with a healthy degree of impersonality toward raising one of not having empathy. People like her were overly sentimental.

Viridian was a three-day journey on foot. There was enough time for the emotions to settle, and a whole host of other things to rise. Like the feeling of hunger within them. Or the moon, high in the sky. Kayla sat around a fire, the group having made camp in a forest clearing some distance from the main road. She’d returned from a short trip farther north, where she’d happened upon a stream and pulled out her Old Rod. Time passed slowly as she caught enough Magikarp to feed their party, tying them together with twine and carrying them back to camp.

Now, they cooked on sticks by the flame. She knew she wasn’t popular with her group, but the fact that she’d saved the sentimental types in it the trouble of killing Pokemon had to count for something.

“You know, a thank-you would be nice,” Kayla said.

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