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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

Hanjizoe said:

Ichigen began to wonder about a few things, mainly his future, as his past friends are gone, and one maybe still held captive, maybe already dead, or has betreyed him due to an offer of some sort, other being is that will he continue his legacy as a lonely assassin? though that didn't bother him at all, group work isn't much of his thing, and worring about others safety keeps him off track of what he needs to do.

He is quite known to ditch others during his past group assignments. "I didn't have much problem with the base, just that I needed to go out, and about. A guy like me can't just sit, and do nothing for the rest of his life" Ichigen released his hand, and dropped them from his head, and plaed them in his pocket. @Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair smiled and brought her hands to a rest behind her back as she listened to the boy's reply. He seemed to be somewhat frustrated with the whole 'lying in wait' thing that came naturally with the job , of course this was to be expected in fact Clair had been the exact same way when she was relatively new to the Raid. 'Oh yes those were the days , i used to be quite impatient back then'. That's not to say he was new to Raid , no not at all he had been around almost as long as she had maybe longer.

Clair turned the next corner with him and the light quickly dissipated as they did so , of course this was due to the fact this route was protected from the suns rays by a set of large buildings. "were getting into pretty shady territory , we could be mugged !" she joked.


Ichigen, and his walking partner clair turned to the next corner where the shade came around, as the building seem to block the sun "or maybe robbed, since there are sneaky bastards laying around here, waiting, watching for a perfect oppertunity to open up" Though what he is saying is realistically true. In any given moment, a smuggler could appear, and snatch them up, and take there money, but with ichigen's high sense's. Not even a great smuggler could steal from him.

Ichigen rubbed the bottom of his nose, as if something had irritaited it. There was a wanted poster spotted by his eyes, as they begin to walk, it was a picture of him, it had his face, full name "Ichigen Miwagasa" and a unrealistic number if captured alive. A grin appeared on his face. @Mr Swiftshots
Hanjizoe said:

Ichigen, and his walking partner clair turned to the next corner where the shade came around, as the building seem to block the sun "or maybe robbed, since there are sneaky bastards laying around here, waiting, watching for a perfect oppertunity to open up" Though what he is saying is realistically true. In any given moment, a smuggler could appear, and snatch them up, and take there money, but with ichigen's high sense's. Not even a great smuggler could steal from him.

Ichigen rubbed the bottom of his nose, as if something had irritaited it. There was a wanted poster spotted by his eyes, as they begin to walk, it was a picture of him, it had his face, full name "Ichigen Miwagasa" and a unrealistic number if captured alive. A grin appeared on his face. @Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

A grin began to spread across Clair's face when Ichigen mentioned the very real chance of the two being attacked however the chances of Clair being successfully robbed were minimum if not nonexistent , she was a professional assassin and master of the sword for petes sake ! Besides she was also walking with another assassin.

Clair turned her head to examine the poster on the wall when she felt Ichigen's gaze shift , it was a poster of him with a rather big reward on it. Clair let out a sigh and looked him up and down "you know you could of at least tried to disguise yourself". Clair continued on down the path the grin vanishing as she did so "also i hate to break it to you but that hammer isn't really ........inconspicuous" @Hanjizoe
An ominous pillar of smoke, bellowed from a massive crater in the forest, just beyond Night Raids' base of operations. Pouring into the bright sky, completely obscuring the suns rays, bathing the world below in shadow. Small fires dotted the landscape, consuming overturned trees, whise bark was scorched as black as the world around them. Not a soul stirred, all was deathly silent, no living thing dared to-


Someone howeled, a line figure rising from the pile of suit and ash, completely covering the center of the crater. "I still can't...FUCKING CONTROL IT!" the boy sniffled, bringing a gloved hand to his fave, in a vain attempt to kep the sweat from mixing with th tears brimming his eyes. "Practice makes fucking perfect. I hope whoever came up with that quote died in the process of making it!" his pale skin was blackened from the ash covering the ground, and being blown through the air. He rose to his feet, mounds of the stuff rolling off him like grains of sand, but not before thoroughly staining his armour.

"Shit, you know how long it takes to-" before he coukd finish his sentence, a gentle breeze blew tendrils of smoke straight down his throat. His hacking coughs could probably be heard from a mile away. After taking a couple of minutes to regain his composure, he strode over to where his helmet lay covered in dirt. He wiped the spitle from his mouth, before reaching down and picking up his helmet, vigorously shaking it up and down in order to get all of the dirt out.

"Guess I'll just head back to HQ." he groaned dejectedly, placing the helmet on his head, listening as it locked onto the suit with a sodt 'click'. "I could really use some donuts right about now." he grumbled, his words more muffled then before, as he slowly made his ascent out of the crater he had made. "I swear to god if someone ate my shit, their will be hell to pay!" he shouted out to know one in particular, gripping the loose earth just at the dge of the crater, and pulling hinself up onto solid ground. "Althkugh the placed will probably be DESERTED as usual. For fucks sake, I've been here nearly a week and have yet to see a single soul. Is everyone out doing their own thing!? I thought we were supposed to be a TRAM!" he grumbled to himself, quickening his pace as the large base for assassin's came into view.

Ichigen || Assassin

"Hey let's just say that I'm a confident person, and know's not a single guard, or an assassin who is willing to kill another assassin is able to overcome my hammer" He says as is appears in his hand once he reached out. The hammer was quite lengthy, and would almost surpass his height, standing about 6 feet tall, but ichigen standing over 6 feet, and 8 inches tall, just an 8 inch difference is all. He began to twerl it around, showing off his skill with a heavy object, the wind could be felt as he was twerling it around. He finished by slamming the end done on the ground. ( @Mr Swiftshots )

Akihito Tsutsumibachi || Guard Akihito appears to be in a building filled with a bunch of visitors, and newcomers from other known area's. There was a party going on in his families favor, his father, taiga tsutsumibachi the host of the party. Akihito would stand by his father, being his guard slash son, and the prince of the whole event. The event would acompany anyone within the guards, civilians with drinks, food, and music, anything to keep the party smooth sailing, hoping no one who would recklessly ruin this here event.

Akihito wasn't so sure about this idea of an event, as this could be an assassin's opertunity to just come in, and kill off someone that there boss of some sort command them to be, but with enough guards, that wouldn't be possible, but he digress
Rameal stood in front of the tables filled with platters of all kinds of different foods. The auroma of different dishes invaded his nostrils and made his mouth water. If there was anything Rameal loved more than killing strong opponents, it would be stuffing his face with delicious foods. As important people and there Entourage mingle and bustled about, Rameal crammed his mouth with foreign delicacies. While most people would kill to be at an event like this, Rameal just wanted food. He ripped his attention away from his face cramming and scanned the crowd. He saw his comrade Akihito and nodded. Though he enjoyed the food, his main concern was to watch gaurd over his comrade's father. Which Rameal thought was completely stupid. Akihito could take care of that himself. However, if a strong opponent tooke this opportunity to strick, the young killer wanted a crack at him first. Rameal hoped someone would try to attack. With that thought, he went back to stuffing his face. After he'd had his fill, he made his way over to the prince and his father. He'd never really had much contact with either of them nor did he care about the titles they held. What did catch Rameal's interest was his comrade's skill.

"Yo Akihito." He said, ignoring the boy's father. "How about we spar when this is over?"

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WrathSama17 said:
Rameal stood in front of the tables filled with platters of all kinds of different foods. The auroma of different dishes invaded his nostrils and made his mouth water. If there was anything Rameal loved more than killing strong opponents, it would be stuffing his face with delicious foods. As important people and there Entourage mingle and bustled about, Rameal crammed his mouth with foreign delicacies. While most people would kill to be at an event like this, Rameal just wanted food. He ripped his attention away from his face cramming and scanned the crowd. He saw his comrade Akihito and nodded. Though he enjoyed the food, his main concern was to watch gaurd over his comrade's father. Which Rameal thought was completely stupid. Akihito could take care of that himself. However, if a strong opponent tooke this opportunity to strick, the young killer wanted a crack at him first. Rameal hoped someone would try to attack. With that thought, he went back to stuffing his face.
(I don't see much of an approch, more like an appearance.)

Akihito Tsutsumibachi || Guard Akihito was conversating with one of his friends, complimenting the party, and what not. He wasn't into alcohol, and all that unhealthy stuff. He, and his buddies laughed, it had looked like they were having a wonderful time, which they were. A bunch of graduates having the time of there lives, akihito began to take a sip from his glass, as a familar face came around.

It was one of the known guards, a smile came about, akihito excused himself, and turned his attention to rameal, he had asked a question, which was about a sparing match. Akihito would set his glass down "Ah, sure thing rameal-san" he replied.
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Rin Shinohara


It had been at least three whole weeks since Rin left on his mission. Having been tasked with travelling to the northern parts of the country and assassinating a dangerous noble and all of his accomplices, Rin made his way back to Night Raid's Headquarters. Sticking to the shadows, Rin travelled through a route that directly took him through the woodland thus to avoid any contact with any Capitol personnel. Or at least, attempt to limit any contact with them. The nobleman that Rin had killed was a direct branch of the trade system to the Capitol, and his assassination would cause some definite damage. Even though that damage would undoubtedly be repaired in time. However, with his mission a success, Rin could finally sit back in the base and relax... for a few hours if he was lucky.

"Hmm, I wonder who's there.." A curious grin forming on his face as the seasoned assassin pondered on the thought. Had new faces joined the Night Raid in his absence? Had people left? There were many questions circling around in the boys mind and he was eager to gain answers to them. After a few more minutes of continuous running, manoeuvring carefully through the trees with great speed and agility. He finally reached his location. Well. More or less. The base was in perfect view, but Rin's attention was drawn to the large pillar of smoke that had seemingly accumulated out of nowhere. With his attention now focused onto what the hell just happened, Rin sped off in that direction. When he arrived, Rin saw another boy, who looked around his age stood there. He was walking towards the Night Raid base. "All of that noise was you, then?" Rin said suddenly as he dropped down from the trees and behind the boy, most likely startling him with his sudden and silent entrance. The famous Kyūketsuki in view, Rin stood there with both hands behind his back as he waited for a response from the male.

Things were always kept interesting whenever Night Raid was concerned. And now, Rin was glad to be
A childish formed on Rameal's face. He was liking this guy already. He'd ready heard good things about him. Rameal was a little overly eager to see if they were true. He clapped his hands together. He gave the crowd a quick once over as to see if anything stuck out. Nothing did.

"That's great!" He said, turning his attention back to his new comrade. "I'm curious to see your talent."

Reacting solely own instinct, Katsuki routed all of the power he could muster to the gauntlet on his right arm. Turning on his heel with blinding speed, he let loose a shotgun blast of pent up energy, with enough force to topple several trees, in a straight line almost a mile long. The young man didn't take kindly to surprises, and he acted before thinking, striking out at what he thought was a possible opponent. Not a word was spoken, as he completed these actions in a matter of seconds.
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Leo was still locked in curiosity. Her mask was beautifully carved and etched, the markings of the fox on the mask giving it a wild and bestial look, it really amazed him. His fingertips stayed on the mask for a second, before looking at her eyes again. They were deadlier than before, but they didn't seem angry.

"Am I able to see what's behind the mask, Arden?"

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden was waiting for him to take off the mask, not seeming to expect for him to ask for her permission before doing so. "If.. You'd like to.." Responding in her monotonous manner, "Although I must warn you.." Her eyes seeming to trail away before staring right at him again with a pricing glare as she continued, "Whats behind the mask may frighten you." She spoke ominously, seeming to want to tease him in a way before he actually saw her face.

Fujio was having a rather pleasant sleep at the moment. His body was the perfect temperature, the pillow had the perfect amount of fluff, the covers resting comfortably against his body. Fortunately the sun wasn't shining in his eyes this morning, the Rays glowing down on poor Cirillia's face signaling her to get up. Unfortunately his peaceful sleep would be suddenly interrupted by his tiny Teigu. His eyes opened up and the boy jolted as Ciri's body landed on his chest. He was completely awake now. However Fujio calmed down when he realized who jumped on him, his hand reaching up and rubbing her head. "Jeez Ciri, I nearly had a heart attack."

Alice was in the kitchen of the Night Raid Base attempting to cook her honey up breakfast. She never was the cook of the group, and in fact never really cooked in her life. However Santios had been teaching her his ways of cooking and she thought that she could put these skills to the test. Unfortunately it wasn't working out so well for her as the room was filled with the stench of burning food. The worst part was that Alice was aware of how poorly she was cooking. Her arms were crossed across her chest and she sat herself on the counter and stared at the disappointment of a meal. "I should just leave the cooking to Santios..." She thought out loud, awaiting the arrival of her husband.

@National @Mitchs98
Yutaka was in his room reading a book about medicine and herbs he heard the door creak open he quickly put out the candle and closed the book.Rei opened the door to tell him about if he wanted to scout the city a book came flying out of the room that was thrown by Yutaka. "What the hell is wrong with you" she said going to pick up the book then returning back "You intruded in my space so I had the right to throw it at you now what do you want?" He asked her "I came to tell you about if you wanted to go scout the city with me but a flying book that was thrown by you stopped me from saying it you lunatic"

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with Guards | Location: Tsutsumibachi's Party | Tags: @ Anyone

Cornelia sat at an empty table of the celebration, calmly sipping a glass of water as she merely observed the lively events transpiring around her. She liked the cold feeling the glass gave to the palms of her fragile hands, so it was all the better for the young adult. Cornelia wasn't one to consume alcohol and such, anyway. Despite seeing the fun activities around her, as well as pleased guests and guards around the vicinity, she herself, wasn't too interested in such events of socialization. The mercenary felt a bit out of place, and was too timid to muster the courage to chat with anyone. It was even a surprise to her that she was actually invited to the party. Cornelia had been affiliated with the guards and the Empire for quite a while, and they usually treated her quite well. However, apart from work, she felt as though there wasn't really a connection between her and her peers. She shut her eyes for a moment, just for thoughts to silently drift about her mind. In rowdy places like this, Cornelia could find peace, if she tried hard to block out the noise. Eventually, her stomach began to lowly grumble, indicating her sudden hunger. After flashing open her eyes, she pushed out her chair, leaving the glass of water behind before heading over to the tables of food, carefully forking whatever was available onto her plate to alleviate her hunger. She acquired a reasonable amount of goods, careful not to take too much, to be courteous of others. Though, after glancing at the space in front of her, she had realized how difficult it may have been to get back to her original seat, because of the overwhelming number of people. Cornelia averted her gaze around, playing a quick game to see how many people she could recognize from where she was standing. She was not familiar with any of the civilian guests, though she was able to distinguish some of the guards she had seen during previous tasks.

Kayzo said:
Fujio was having a rather pleasant sleep at the moment. His body was the perfect temperature, the pillow had the perfect amount of fluff, the covers resting comfortably against his body. Fortunately the sun wasn't shining in his eyes this morning, the Rays glowing down on poor Cirillia's face signaling her to get up. Unfortunately his peaceful sleep would be suddenly interrupted by his tiny Teigu. His eyes opened up and the boy jolted as Ciri's body landed on his chest. He was completely awake now. However Fujio calmed down when he realized who jumped on him, his hand reaching up and rubbing her head. "Jeez Ciri, I nearly had a heart attack."
Alice was in the kitchen of the Night Raid Base attempting to cook her honey up breakfast. She never was the cook of the group, and in fact never really cooked in her life. However Santios had been teaching her his ways of cooking and she thought that she could put these skills to the test. Unfortunately it wasn't working out so well for her as the room was filled with the stench of burning food. The worst part was that Alice was aware of how poorly she was cooking. Her arms were crossed across her chest and she sat herself on the counter and stared at the disappointment of a meal. "I should just leave the cooking to Santios..." She thought out loud, awaiting the arrival of her husband.

@National @Mitchs98
Cirillia Vines

Ciri grinned when Fujio jolted, she expected that reaction and more really. It was a toss up with Fujio, really. Nevertheless when he calmed down and started rubbing her head she giggled and moved to lay down sideways on his chest. "Aww, you'll be fine Fujio. Plus I know CPR even if you weren't!" She replied. Not..that CPR would help all to much but hey Ciri didn't know that! "Sooo. What do you wanna do today?" She asked him. "We could go into town or something if you want. Hey, are you hungry?" She added. As usual Ciri's attention shifted several times mid conversation, but at-least it mostly made sense..she hoped. Oh well, she trusted Fujio to decipher it.
Leo's hands shake a little after her warning. Wait, was she being serious with him? Leo was always horrible at picking up sarcasm, and this wasn't any better of a situation. He was always whipped and hit whenever he took a question or statement the wrong way, and now he was a bit scared. His hands shake even more as his fingers grab the sides of her mask. Slowly, his hand pull the mask off, and he brings it to his side to look at Arden's face. His eyes widen a bit as he unmasks her, looking at her beautiful features. Her silvery, gray hair reflected off the sunlight, and her red eyes looked right at him, stunning him even more.

"You're... Not terrifying at all..."

It struck him a little funny that she looked slightly similar to his former master, which scared him a little as well. He tilts his head, seeing that she was about as tall as him.

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Her expression a bit lost in a way, staring at him with innocently smiling eyes. "Oh?" Responding almost sarcastically in a way but it was obvious he didn't take to sarcasm that well. "I've always been told I look terrifying.." A half serious half sarcastic tone in her voice as she said so, "I wear that mask in order to hide my hideous face and all." Wrapping her fingers around her mask that he continued to hold it, "Just kidding." Taking back the mask gently away from his fingers as she placed it back on, the few moments of fresh air she got from not wearing the mask rather refreshing. "Do you want to go out in the dark? Or now?"

Leo tilts his head more, now even more confused. She didn't look ugly at all, and it made him only wonder more on whether she was joking or not. His eyes trail down to her hands as she takes the mask back.

"Where can I get a mask like yours? They look cool..."

Finally, she confirmed to him that she was only joking before she put the fox mask back onto her face. Leo was still a bit frightened, as he was being pushed into a new way of life. His hands rest back to his side before thinking.

"C..Can we go now? I'm sorry if I ... If I.."

Leo starts to shudder a bit, thinking of what happened to him here. Instinctively, he flinches a bit from thinking of what happened, before shaking his head, his hands going up to his head. He started to shiver, his eyes now closed shut as his body starts to shake.

"I want to leave, please..."

Leo's head bowed to the floor, his body continuing to shiver. His cuts still continued to bleed, the bruises on his face and chest still showing. He hated being so helpless, but there was nothing else he could do.

BloodyKharma said:
Reacting solely own instinct, Katsuki routed all of the power he could muster to the gauntlet on his right arm. Turning on his heel with blinding speed, he let loose a shotgun blast of pent up energy, with enough force to topple several trees, in a straight line almost a mile long. The young man didn't take kindly to surprises, and he acted before thinking, striking out at what he thought was a possible opponent. Not a word was spoken, as he completed these actions in a matter of seconds.
Rin stood there quietly as he waited for the other male to speak. But of course, he resorted to violence. They always did, and Rin found it rather rude that he had sent a blast his way in an attempt to kill or injure him instead of introducing himself. "How rude..." Rin muttered as the blast came at him at an impressive speed, however, it wasn't fast enough. Rin was an assassin known for his phenomenal speed and agility. Quickly sidestepping out of the way, Rin charged towards the boy at a horrifying speed and when he reached close proximity, unsheathed his sword and pressed it up against his neck. The look in Rin's eyes held nothing more than an incredibly intimidating and serious aura, Kyūketsuki shined beautifully as the suns rays gently kissed it's cold, steel surface. Lowering his sword, Rin smiled to the boy. "My name is Rin Shinoraha, member of Night Raid.. And you are?" Rin expected this guy to be one of the newer members.
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Although hidden behind his helmet, Katsuki's own eyes were filled with rage. He hated the fact this boy, had managed to close the distance between them in such an insane amount of time. Not to say that he didn't have enough time to prepare a counterattack. As the blade came into contact with the armor on his neck, he grit his teeth in frustration. The glowing palm of his hand was level with the boys chest, and he didn't let his guard down until Rin mentioned that he was a member of Night Raid.

"You bastard, your gonna sneak up on ME and then say that I'M the one being rude! Are all the members of Night Raid full of bullshir?" Katsuki scoffed, lowering his arm to his side, a faint glow still emaminating from his fist. "Although from the looks of you, your obviously at the bottom of the pecking order. Especially if you thought coming at me with such a flimsy sword would accomplish ANYTHING!" Katsuki waved the boy off before turning to leave. "Your not worth my time..."

"...oh and the name's KATSUKI BAKUGOU! The man who will steadily rise through the ranks of Night Raid, until he's number one!" with a soft 'click' he took his helmet off, brushing aside his mane of unruly blonde hair, his fiery eyes meeting Rins'. "Remember this face, cause you'll be seeing a lot more of it! I give you permission to watch my rise to power from the sidelines!" his voice echoed throughout the surrounding forest, the sunlight glinted off his charred armor. A wicked smile spread across his face as he tilted his hand to the side, several bones popping in his neck. "Unless you think you can prove me wrong here and now!" pointing an index finger at Rin, while widening his own stance slightly, just in case the assassin decided to accept his challenge.
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Arden Lacer | Assassin

Seeing as the boy struggled to keep his composure, his hands shaking as they were brought up to his head. Drawing her hands out, Arden gently took one of his shaky cold hands and made sure she wasn't too rough with him in his current state, nodding slightly. Her soft expression hidden under the montonous mask.

"I received the mask when I was in the slave market.. In the geisha house.. " Trying to get his mind off of his past situations as she lead the way back to base, "But I was the one who engraved and painted the designs on it." Continuing to hold his hand as they walked out of the area, leading him to the back entrance/exit of the kingdom and walking with a slowly pace for his sake. Once they get home then she can dress his wounds and feed him, hopefully Alice didn't try to cook again.

@Kayzo [Mentioned]
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Hanjizoe said:

Ichigen || Assassin

"Hey let's just say that I'm a confident person, and know's not a single guard, or an assassin who is willing to kill another assassin is able to overcome my hammer" He says as is appears in his hand once he reached out. The hammer was quite lengthy, and would almost surpass his height, standing about 6 feet tall, but ichigen standing over 6 feet, and 8 inches tall, just an 8 inch difference is all. He began to twerl it around, showing off his skill with a heavy object, the wind could be felt as he was twerling it around. He finished by slamming the end done on the ground. ( @Mr Swiftshots )

Akihito Tsutsumibachi || Guard Akihito appears to be in a building filled with a bunch of visitors, and newcomers from other known area's. There was a party going on in his families favor, his father, taiga tsutsumibachi the host of the party. Akihito would stand by his father, being his guard slash son, and the prince of the whole event. The event would acompany anyone within the guards, civilians with drinks, food, and music, anything to keep the party smooth sailing, hoping no one who would recklessly ruin this here event.

Akihito wasn't so sure about this idea of an event, as this could be an assassin's opertunity to just come in, and kill off someone that there boss of some sort command them to be, but with enough guards, that wouldn't be possible, but he digress
Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair turned her head to the side slightly and watched how he moved the hammer carefully , without a doubt she could say he was highly skilled and evidently quite strong willed. However there was a very thin line between being strong willed and being cocky , Clair could only hope he wouldn't cross that line.

Clair wasn't surprised to see the wind pick up as he spun the hammer , she had seen it coming from a mile away however that's not to say it wasn't impressive . "You are certainly entertaining , anyway i hate to rush you but i need to get back to base and replace the doughnuts i stole... i mean borrowed. That's the main reason i came out here in the first place. That's were your heading right or am i mistaken?"

@Hanjizoe (mentioned @BloodyKharma)
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