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Fantasy The War


Old Whale
Here is the form:





Rebellion or Empire or Undecided:



Looks: (preferably an image, anime if you can)

Fighting Style:




My characters~



  • Name: Faron (The Dagger, The Treasonist, The Courage)

    Age: Unspecified

    Gender: male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    RoEoU: Rebellion​




  • Name: Burrow Fanclaw (The Cursed)

    Age: 19

    Gender: male

    Sexuality: heterosexual

    Rebellion or Empire or Undecided: empire

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Name: Bella Uro


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Rebellion or Empire or Undecided: Rebellion

Short Bio: She grew up in a poor town, which was made poorer by the ever increasing taxes. Her mother was murdered by one of the guards. Ever since then she has been attending to join the rebellion and fight the emperor

Short Personality: She is one to think before peforming an action, she tries to be nice, but will be mean if she thinks it is necessary. She values knowledge but tends to not be that skilled in combat.

Looks: 5' 4, Dark hair, and dark eyes. She is average weight.



Ryder "Runner Ry" Caulfield







Rebellion, Empire, or Undecided


Short Bio

Ryder grew up like a thief on the streets; but he wasn't a thief, that's just what people identified him as. He was actually a kid with morals, having spoken with and was raised by the nutty yet equally kind elders that lived on the sides of the road. For the good of the people he calls family, Ry wanted to put an end to the wacko king's unjust reign.

Short Personality

He's the kind and goofy sort with a vulgar tongue every so often, making him fun to be around and a person you want to be friends with. He often falls head over heels for random people he meets - even if it's just for a second - but has an iron heart for that reason. Ryder is heroic and extremely loyal to his friends, but don't anger him or else you could quite possibly end up being hunted by the Demon side of him (known as Runner Ry due to his speed and agility). He's hotheaded sometimes, and can get into trouble occasionally, but he sticks to his morals.​
Finished! @Whale

Dante Ravenstrider
  • Name: Dante Riverstrider

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Member of the Empire.
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Name: Carmine (Lodestar) Mikad

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted)


Short bio: She was born in the lap of luxury and raised well. Her mother was one of King Lysander's closest advisors until he lost his son and started to become paranoid about the rebellion. Because her mother tried to stop one of his attacks on a neighbouring kingdom, King Lysander ordered for her to be executed. Carmine was 10 years old when her mother died and she and her father hid in the woods for many years. Her father teaching her fighting techniques and how to make maps of the kingdom. He disappeared one morning and never came back, so Carmine found the rebel base in the woods and was taken in.

Short personality: She is known as Lodestar by the rebels because she knows the routes through the various kingdoms very well and has used her skills to guide the rebels through invasions multiple times. She is very intelligent and a good fighter but has a tendency to be quite arrogant and unwilling to listen to other people. She is extremely loyal to Faron and will only answer to him. She is well-known but not universally liked among the rebels although she tries to make friends when she's in the mood. Her biggest fears are heights, death and never seeing her father again. She is ashamed of her sexuality and goes to great lengths to conceal it because she's worried she will be judged for it.
UlyssesTheSnowman said:
Name: Carmine (Lodestar) Mikad
Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual (closeted)


Short bio: She was born in the lap of luxury and raised well. Her mother was one of King Lysander's closest advisors until he lost his son and started to become paranoid about the rebellion. Because her mother tried to stop one of his attacks on a neighbouring kingdom, King Lysander ordered for her to be executed. Carmine was 10 years old when her mother died and she and her father hid in the woods for many years. Her father teaching her fighting techniques and how to make maps of the kingdom. He disappeared one morning and never came back, so Carmine found the rebel base in the woods and was taken in.

Short personality: She is known as Lodestar by the rebels because she knows the routes through the various kingdoms very well and has used her skills to guide the rebels through invasions multiple times. She is very intelligent and a good fighter but has a tendency to be quite arrogant and unwilling to listen to other people. She is extremely loyal to Faron and will only answer to him. She is well-known but not universally liked among the rebels although she tries to make friends when she's in the mood. Her biggest fears are heights, death and never seeing her father again. She is ashamed of her sexuality and goes to great lengths to conceal it because she's worried she will be judged for it.
You're in. Just need a few more empire peoples and we can start.
Name: Micheal




Rebellion or Empire or Undecided:Empire

Short Bio:Shawn was always treated fairly by the Empire so it would make sense he stuck with them wouldn't it after all he despise the rebellion and will stop at nothing to bring them to justice

Short Personality: Calm and collected, Quiet and will stick to something he believes in

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/download.jpg.f4c04ac2d5cd280d5def380661743730.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="102447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/download.jpg.f4c04ac2d5cd280d5def380661743730.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • download.jpg
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Cicero said:
Name: Micheal



Rebellion or Empire or Undecided:Empire

Short Bio:Shawn was always treated fairly by the Empire so it would make sense he stuck with them wouldn't it after all he despise the rebellion and will stop at nothing to bring them to justice

Short Personality: Calm and collected, Quiet and will stick to something he believes in

Looks:View attachment 227994
Sorry it took a while to answer, you're in!
We are going to go ahead and start, and people can join along the way. We need more empire and undecided. I'll go ahead and post first. There are two different roleplay pAges. #1 is for the rebellion. #2 is for the empire. I'll keep an eye on both and tell you when they are about to collide. I'm about to create a character for empire. you all can post after I make my first post in the rebellion.

Sena Anemone
Basic Information



Sena Anemone











Short Personality:

Sena can come off as a quiet and antisocial individual at first, showing
dandere tendencies. However, beyond that, a gentle and caring girl stands, ready to help those she sees as 'allies'. She can be quite indecisive, as she still remains undecided as to which faction to join in the war. To her, there is no "good" nor "bad" side. Though it may or may not be obvious, Sena is quite fond of flowers.

Short Bio:

Sena lived a relatively normal life, without much pain and all that. For as long as she remembered, she lived with her grandmother and pet cat in a small cottage far out from the main empire. Her grandmother had never told her the whereabouts of her parents, but she was okay with that. As she grew older, she began to question the war, and why the violent chaos existed in the first place. She believed that both sides were merely fighting for what they believed was 'right', however, Sena herself was unsure of what her heart desired. Her grandmother was perfectly fine with her final decision, even if she joined the rebellion, as she wasn't all that fond of the empire anyway. Sena spent the next few years observing both sides, helping out each faction every now and then, while still making time to play with her kitty.

"'Justice' and 'injustice'... I find that those two words are hard to define..."


no slide
Hatz said:

Sena Anemone
Basic Information



Sena Anemone











Short Personality:

Sena can come off as a quiet and antisocial individual at first, showing
dandere tendencies. However, beyond that, a gentle and caring girl stands, ready to help those she sees as 'allies'. She can be quite indecisive, as she still remains undecided as to which faction to join in the war. To her, there is no "good" nor "bad" side. Though it may or may not be obvious, Sena is quite fond of flowers.

Short Bio:

Sena lived a relatively normal life, without much pain and all that. For as long as she remembered, she lived with her grandmother and pet cat in a small cottage far out from the main empire. Her grandmother had never told her the whereabouts of her parents, but she was okay with that. As she grew older, she began to question the war, and why the violent chaos existed in the first place. She believed that both sides were merely fighting for what they believed was 'right', however, Sena herself was unsure of what her heart desired. Her grandmother was perfectly fine with her final decision, even if she joined the rebellion, as she wasn't all that fond of the empire anyway. Sena spent the next few years observing both sides, helping out each faction every now and then, while still making time to play with her kitty.

"'Justice' and 'injustice'... I find that those two words are hard to define..."


no slide
Alright i,n! You can choose to either collide with the empire or the rebellion.
Name: Pry Hammer

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Rebellion or Empire or Undecided: Rebellion

Short Bio: A mysterious figure with a dark past. Has a history of fighting against the Empire, and is one of the leading rebels.

Short Personality: Charismatic and inspiring, a natural leader. He fights hard, and cares deeply for the men under his command. He uses a broadsword as his main weapon.


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