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Fantasy Capital Take Over


All Stories Must End, Even The Ones We Love

Human CS
The humans must be realistic. You CANNOT have a mystical weapon if you were planning on that owo




Appearance: (Anime or a detailed description please)







Weapons: (Image or a detailed description)


Mystical Creature CS




Appearance: (Anime or detailed description please)







Main power: (Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Light, Dark, ect.) Only One

Sub power: (Healing, flying, super speed, morphing, ect.) Limit is 4

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Chitanda.jpg.6b5810a34bb9ace7a6b4606918eb692a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Chitanda.jpg.6b5810a34bb9ace7a6b4606918eb692a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Chitanda.png.6dcfcea45e0780b34a29e5c806a70efe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Chitanda.png.6dcfcea45e0780b34a29e5c806a70efe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Rune Itiona

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Creature: Seelie

    Personality: Rune is a sweet innocent girl. She's caring and doesn't insult anyone around her. She hears the stories about the humans and how they're bad but honestly, she doesn't believe that. She finds good in all people and sees no bad. She's gentle and kind and likes to help people when needed. Though, she's honestly not that smart and is very clumsy but she tries just for the people in need! She's very sensitive and delicate when it comes to feelings so she always smiles because she believes her happiness can keep the people around her happy.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Chitandaaa.gif.6537c9709dfbea0a7407b5757234324b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Chitandaaa.gif.6537c9709dfbea0a7407b5757234324b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Maiden of the Moon"
Basic Information


Senika Ebalon







{error; classification unknown}

Personal Information


Senika naturally has a gentle and caring disposition, prioritizing her allies above herself. Oddly, she is quite innocent and can be oblivious to things around her at times. She can be categorized as a dense person due to how clueless she is. Senika is well-liked by her peers, as she is somewhat-famous for her title as the
«Maiden of the Moon». Nonetheless, she cherishes her friends very much. (despite not having many)


Not much is known about Senika, not even what 'race' she falls under, much less her past. Though according to the records, she had a best friend as a child, one whom she loved very much. Her title was the
"Lady of the Sun", in contrast to Senika's own alias. Unfortunately, she was murdered by a human one day, leaving Senika alone. Senika forcefully had her memories of that friend wiped, to prevent suffering and depression, though it lead to not knowing much about her own past as many of her recollections were connected to that ally.


+ Lunar; stuff related to the moon.

+ Astral; stuff related to the stars.

+ Darkness

+ Astronomy.

+ Camaraderie.

+ The color indigo.

+ Peace/harmony

+ Neatness/cleanliness


- Untidy areas

- Chaos/violence

- Unkindness

no slide
Hatz said:

"Maiden of the Moon"
Basic Information


Senika Ebalon







{error; classification unknown}

Personal Information


Senika naturally has a gentle and caring disposition, prioritizing her allies above herself. Oddly, she is quite innocent and can be oblivious to things around her at times. She can be categorized as a dense person due to how clueless she is. Senika is well-liked by her peers, as she is somewhat-famous for her title as the
«Maiden of the Moon». Nonetheless, she cherishes her friends very much. (despite not having many)


Not much is known about Senika, not even what 'race' she falls under, much less her past. Though according to the records, she had a best friend as a child, one whom she loved very much. Her title was the
"Lady of the Sun", in contrast to Senika's own alias. Unfortunately, she was murdered by a human one day, leaving Senika alone. Senika forcefully had her memories of that friend wiped, to prevent suffering and depression, though it lead to not knowing much about her own past as many of her recollections were connected to that ally.


+ Lunar; stuff related to the moon.

+ Astral; stuff related to the stars.

+ Darkness

+ Astronomy.

+ Camaraderie.

+ The color indigo.

+ Peace/harmony

+ Neatness/cleanliness


- Untidy areas

- Chaos/violence

- Unkindness

no slide

Accepted c:
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Soushi.jpg.70cb3433b878e65370860a6e45eea46e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Soushi.jpg.70cb3433b878e65370860a6e45eea46e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Soushi.png.91bd68621ea403ab388670ac3928b957.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Soushi.png.91bd68621ea403ab388670ac3928b957.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Arnold Meredith Keys

    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Personality: Arnold has a split personality disorder. He can be kind, sweet and innocent. Gentle and caring when you need the love. He'll protect you and will in fact sacrifice his own life for you. He's very sensitive when it comes to your feeling and his. He's very delicate and slow, late with reactions. He's very strong though and he's very shameful of his other personality. Takes the blame and beats himself up when he hears about the things he did when he was with his other personality. He wouldn't hurt a fly for his life.

    Arnold's other personality is very opposite. He's rude, ruthless, and won't let anything get in his way. Friend, family, what ever, he'll kill you if needed too. He's fast and swift, reactions faster than lightning. He holds no grudges and gives no warnings. If you urk him, you're out. He has killed a few people because of this personality but uses his other personality as an advantage. He is embarrassed that he has a weak side but he can't help it. Arnold is very blood thirsty when he's in this phase and enjoys the feeling of stabbing. He loves the feeling of fresh blood running down his hand.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Soushiii.gif.57df59dbc26706c73f7f2c41801ebe5a.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104502" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Soushiii.gif.57df59dbc26706c73f7f2c41801ebe5a.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.da032db3c9c38080adb949832cb5c267.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.da032db3c9c38080adb949832cb5c267.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"When life changes

Callum "Cal" Yuri







<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0d73fdc7861adda8d0f9b3fad28e117d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.0d73fdc7861adda8d0f9b3fad28e117d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

One of the taller faeries, he stands at 6ft 3in. and weighs only 82 lbs because of their light bones and fit figures. His wings are much faster than any other faerie, and so they are nearly invisible, leaving an odd shimmery effect behind his back. Even though only select few have ever seen his wings not moving, this is what they look like.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.beb3428962f445512039b92295262b15.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105194" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.beb3428962f445512039b92295262b15.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
becomes harder,

Cal is is very stubborn but kind boy. He covers himself with a hard cold shell to protect his soft warm self. Most faeries first thought that he was a defected faerie that was born without wings since his wings have remained unseen because they are never not in use and his sister had that defect. He is very self conscious about his wings and thinks of them more as a friend than another extension of himself, same with his sword. He often talks to himself, his dead sister, sword, or wings. He never seeks any attention and would much rather be as unseen as his wings.


Cal was born about two years before his sister, Callie, and his mother died giving birth to her. Their father took care of them until he mysteriously disappeared thirteen years later. The faerie siblings were always picked on because most thought the both of them were born without wings even though only Callie had that defect and Cal's wings were just too fast for anyone to ever see. He took care of himself and his sister once their father disappeared until something happened that created a mental hard shell to protect him. Long story short, the second he left his sister's side he came back to find a mangled corpse that had once clearly been her. That was two and a half years ago and he's lost a bit of his mental stability, but at the same time gained some.
train yourself

-his wings are very strong from him flying all the time

-he can be very very determined at times

-he can see both sides to an argument

-he's incredibly good with his sword


-his body is fairly weak despite its well toned look

-without his wings, sword, or both he would be practically as useful as a boat at the bottom of an ocean

-fire burns him easily

-he is deathly afraid of guns

-helping people if he thinks they deserve it





-guns or really any kind of weapon besides swords

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KayIa said:

View attachment 234740

Basic Info

Callum "Cal" Yuri







View attachment 234743

One of the taller faeries, he stands at 6ft 3in. and weighs only 82 lbs because of their light bones and fit figures. His wings are much faster than any other faerie, and so they are nearly invisible, leaving an odd shimmery effect behind his back. Even though only select few have ever seen his wings not moving, this is what they look like.

View attachment 234757
Detailed Info

Cal is is very stubborn but kind boy. He covers himself with a hard cold shell to protect his soft warm self. Most faeries first thought that he was a defected faerie that was born without wings since his wings have remained unseen because they are never not in use and his sister had that defect. He is very self conscious about his wings and thinks of them more as a friend than another extension of himself, same with his sword. He often talks to himself, his dead sister, sword, or wings. He never seeks any attention and would much rather be as unseen as his wings.


Cal was born about two years before his sister, Callie, and his mother died giving birth to her. Their father took care of them until he mysteriously disappeared thirteen years later. The faerie siblings were always picked on because most thought the both of them were born without wings even though only Callie had that defect and Cal's wings were just too fast for anyone to ever see. He took care of himself and his sister once their father disappeared until something happened that created a mental hard shell to protect him. Long story short, the second he left his sister's side he came back to find a mangled corpse that had once clearly been her. That was two and a half years ago and he's lost a bit of his mental stability, but at the same time gained some.
Strengths + Weaknesses

-his wings are very strong from him flying all the time

-he can be very very determined at times

-he can see both sides to an argument

-he's incredibly good with his sword


-his body is fairly despite its well toned look

-without his wings, sword, or both he would be practically as useful as a boat at the bottom of an ocean

-fire burns him easily

-he is deathly afraid of guns
Likes + Dislikes

-helping people if he thinks they deserve it





-guns or really any kind of weapon besides swords

no slide

YAYYY! Accepted!
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg.121b1b85746ca4289f28dfe2a809a9b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/BeginnerSwordsman_zps4ac0f8f5.jpg.121b1b85746ca4289f28dfe2a809a9b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name: Eden Smithe

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: 5/4, frail build, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes.



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April Valentine






April is known to get nervous easily, giving her a creepy look due to nervousness. In reality, she is a shy person who really wants to make new friends and be more open with others. April is a caring girl she is a bit oblivious. April works hard in everything she does.People say she is scary, but she really isn't. In reality, April is a rather caring and kind person. It is shown that she can give very good personal advice in an objective role.




+Hand in Hand combat

+Using a gun



+Using blades


+Cute plushies

+Doing chores

+Playing chess


+Rude people


+Claustrophobic places


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Nanax said:




April Valentine






April is known to get nervous easily, giving her a creepy look due to nervousness. In reality, she is a shy person who really wants to make new friends and be more open with others. April is a caring girl she is a bit oblivious. April works hard in everything she does.People say she is scary, but she really isn't. In reality, April is a rather caring and kind person. It is shown that she can give very good personal advice in an objective role.




+Hand in Hand combat

+Using a gun



+Using blades


+Cute plushies

+Doing chores

+Playing chess


+Rude people


+Claustrophobic places



Name: Sabrina, code name 'Wildfire'



Human-Dragon hybrid

(Anime or detailed description please)

Personality: Quiet most of the time and is a really good listener. She's also quite lazy, but will do anything to the best of her abilities if needed

Sabrina used to be a bright and cheerful young lass that lived in the human world. She had everything she'd ever wanted: a lovely mansion, a loving group of servants, and most of all, two loving parents and a protective big brother. Her father was a scientist for the human ruler, and her mother his assistant. The ruler had demanded her father to create a weapon unlike any this land has ever seen, and thus he began his year-long journey to create a superweapon. On the last weeks of his research, the ruler had become impatient, and sent an assassin to kidnap Sabrina to force him to work faster. The assassin came at night to take Sabrina away while she slept, but that night, the 4 year old was up really late reading a short novel, and screamed in panic as the assassin grabbed. before being silenced by chloroform The guards heard the scream and rushed up to save her, but it was Sabrina's mother who arrived to the scene first, kitchen knife in hand. She rushed the assassin screaming, swinging the knife around and managed to stab the assassin's arm, forcing him to release Sabrina. The assassin, enraged, decided to knock Sabrina's mother out and make his leave, but tripped on Sabrina's body and fatally wounded Sabrina's mother by cutting her artery. With the guards almost at the room and a wounded arm, the assassin fled, leaving Sabrina and her dying mother. Sabrina's father went into a period of violent grief, spending most of his time in his lab only coming out for food. The ruler of the land had sent a letter saying that that it was an unknown entity that was against the government who did this to him. Being the loyal servant he is to the ruler, he believed every single word that the ruler said, and decided that he'll need to train his children so that they can protect themselves and at the same time help out the ruler. And thus, he sent both his children, Sabrina, now aged 6, and her brother, age 12, to a top class military academy run by the ruler himself. The father spent his time dealing with genetics, hoping that he'll be able to genetically enhance his children so that they won't fall prey to whatever killed his beloved wife. He had developed a special serum that supposedly contained the DNA of a dragon. All it was supposed to do was improve the users strength, defense, agility and speed, along with vision, hearing and smell by 35%. But he had mistakenly put twice the amount of this serum into Sabrina's rations. Instead of creating a superhuman, he had turned his daughter into a monster. Sabrina at the age of 7 became the first ever human-mythical creature hybrid. For the first week, she had to be caged in with titanium since she had lost her mind due to the dragon's genes and her own genes fighting it out, and the fact that she started to morph into and out of her dragon form. She finally calmed down and returned to what seemed to be her normal self. Later studies show that her genes were a half-half between human and dragon, and she was able to consciously control which gene will be active, thus allowing her to morph at will, though she cannot last too long while fully morphed. She was then labeled as a 'freak of nature' and was shunned by most of her comrades, and even her brother, who had been given the right amount of the 'dragon serum', talked to her less and less until all communication stopped when he had graduated, at the age of 17. By the time she had graduated herself, barely anything remained of her once joyful, innocent and optimistic self. She had continued with the recommended career path and joined the military, right when the world or Erinn had been discovered. The ruler sent an assassin to kill Sabrina's father during the last year she was at the academy. She was devastated, and tried without success to find out where her beloved brother, the last of her family was. She was then sent a message from the ruler that the mythical creatures from Erinn were responsible for the death of her father and the attempt on her life all those years ago that costed mother's. And thus, her journey begins...

Tanky, can deal decent amounts of damage both physically and magically, intelligent, able to fly by morphing wings, regenerates faster than most normal humans. She is also quite resistant to the elements. Also, she had tons of military training while in the academy.

No immediate heals. Though she regenerates faster, it doesn't mean it's like insane regenerative abilities. Her regeneration ability just allows her to get outta hospital a bit quicker, that's all. She's also kind of socially awkward, and can't lead anything since she doesn't like disappointing people. Quite emotionally unstable at times and may break down if her siblings, especially her mother and brother, are mentioned

Books, video games, sleeping

Loud people, talking to a large group of strangers, disappointing people

Main power:

Sub power:
Morphing, Heightened senses, flying, resistance to the elements
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PeteTSs said:
Name: Sabrina, code name 'Wildfire'



Human-Dragon hybrid

(Anime or detailed description please)

Personality: Quiet most of the time and is a really good listener. She's also quite lazy, but will do anything to the best of her abilities if needed

Sabrina used to be a bright and cheerful young lass that lived in the human world. She had everything she'd ever wanted: a lovely mansion, a loving group of servants, and most of all, two loving parents and a protective big brother. Her father was a scientist for the human ruler, and her mother his assistant. The ruler had demanded her father to create a weapon unlike any this land has ever seen, and thus he began his year-long journey to create a superweapon. On the last weeks of his research, the ruler had become impatient, and sent an assassin to kidnap Sabrina to force him to work faster. The assassin came at night to take Sabrina away while she slept, but that night, the 4 year old was up really late reading a short novel, and screamed in panic as the assassin grabbed. before being silenced by chloroform The guards heard the scream and rushed up to save her, but it was Sabrina's mother who arrived to the scene first, kitchen knife in hand. She rushed the assassin screaming, swinging the knife around and managed to stab the assassin's arm, forcing him to release Sabrina. The assassin, enraged, decided to knock Sabrina's mother out and make his leave, but tripped on Sabrina's body and fatally wounded Sabrina's mother by cutting her artery. With the guards almost at the room and a wounded arm, the assassin fled, leaving Sabrina and her dying mother. Sabrina's father went into a period of violent grief, spending most of his time in his lab only coming out for food. The ruler of the land had sent a letter saying that that it was an unknown entity that was against the government who did this to him. Being the loyal servant he is to the ruler, he believed every single word that the ruler said, and decided that he'll need to train his children so that they can protect themselves and at the same time help out the ruler. And thus, he sent both his children, Sabrina, now aged 6, and her brother, age 12, to a top class military academy run by the ruler himself. The father spent his time dealing with genetics, hoping that he'll be able to genetically enhance his children so that they won't fall prey to whatever killed his beloved wife. He had developed a special serum that supposedly contained the DNA of a dragon. All it was supposed to do was improve the users strength, defense, agility and speed, along with vision, hearing and smell by 35%. But he had mistakenly put twice the amount of this serum into Sabrina's rations. Instead of creating a superhuman, he had turned his daughter into a monster. Sabrina at the age of 7 became the first ever human-mythical creature hybrid. For the first week, she had to be caged in with titanium since she had lost her mind due to the dragon's genes and her own genes fighting it out, and the fact that she started to morph into and out of her dragon form. She finally calmed down and returned to what seemed to be her normal self. Later studies show that her genes were a half-half between human and dragon, and she was able to consciously control which gene will be active, thus allowing her to morph at will, though she cannot last too long while fully morphed. She was then labeled as a 'freak of nature' and was shunned by most of her comrades, and even her brother, who had been given the right amount of the 'dragon serum', talked to her less and less until all communication stopped when he had graduated, at the age of 17. By the time she had graduated herself, barely anything remained of her once joyful, innocent and optimistic self. She had continued with the recommended career path and joined the military, right when the world or Erinn had been discovered. The ruler sent an assassin to kill Sabrina's father during the last year she was at the academy. She was devastated, and tried without success to find out where her beloved brother, the last of her family was. She was then sent a message from the ruler that the mythical creatures from Erinn were responsible for the death of her father and the attempt on her life all those years ago that costed mother's. And thus, her journey begins...

Tanky, can deal decent amounts of damage both physically and magically, intelligent, able to fly by morphing wings, regenerates faster than most normal humans. She is also quite resistant to the elements. Also, she had tons of military training while in the academy.

No immediate heals. Though she regenerates faster, it doesn't mean it's like insane regenerative abilities. Her regeneration ability just allows her to get outta hospital a bit quicker, that's all. She's also kind of socially awkward, and can't lead anything since she doesn't like disappointing people. Quite emotionally unstable at times and may break down if her siblings, especially her mother and brother, are mentioned

Books, video games, sleeping

Loud people, talking to a large group of strangers, disappointing people

Main power:

Sub power:
Morphing, Heightened senses, flying, resistance to the elements
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]... you forgot? leslie's brother?







(How dare you bring that name back up you monster!)
[QUOTE="Eden Smithe]OMG DONT HATE ME IM SORRY... i get it now it hurts...


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