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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

Mitchs98 said:
@Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari
Krieg Stein

Krieg blinked, confused at first when his fist didn't connect with intended target. Looking down at Santios who'd taken his place he looked absolutely confused at the entire thing. Nevertheless he nodded and lowered his fist, shooting a not so subtle glare at Katsuki. Honestly he was lucky Santios stepped in, his ribs more than likely would've gotten broken from Kriegs punch. As far as Krieg was concerned, Katsuki was on thin ice. He only saw him as an ally because Santios did, no other reason. Walking over to Rin he checked him over for any serious injuries, "
Rin..okay?" He asked him. Krieg wasn't exactly a medic and for him a serious injury was a hole the size of a fist through his stomach. So..yeah. He looked back over at Katsuki just in time to see him get punched by Arden causing him to grin under his mask and send a nod of approval Ardens' way.


Rin Suzajamori

Rin stared at Guvi. "It would be preferrable to giving me a heart attack. Or me whacking you over the head and getting in trouble for it." She replied flatly before sighing. Once again, everyone was determined to make their way onto her shitlist in some form or another. Yasumi, Yasumi was nice. She was one of the only people that didn't make her want to strangle them, a tiny bit to happy and loud for her taste, but still much better than the other guards by far. She nodded when Yasumi asked about the fight, though Guvi responded first. "Yeah, like Guvi said. Captain better live up to all of the hype I've heard about. Never seen him fight, hopefully it isn't a dissapointment." She told her.

She had no qualms with speaking her mind, to anyone, at any given time. Shortly after Issac, one of the only other people she figured she could tolerate, walked in with Polin the both of them covered in blood. It was either their own or someone elses, preferrably the latter. She intended on asking him eventually if he wanted to be her partner, no point in asking someone weaker than you to help you. Nevertheless she figured she could at-least she if they had any injuries, from over here. They were within range, no point in moving. Pointing her staff towards them shortly after a soft green glow would envelop them. After a minute or so it would dissipate, healing any injuries they had. Unfortunately it wasn't a car wash, so they still looked like shit.

Sera Lightbane

Sera chuckled at Spices' words, she always found a way to amuse her. Honestly she'd gotten used to what people said about them, nor did she care. At-least she wasn't some crazy person that worshipped their sword or something. Smiling when she kissed her she sighed and moved to stand up. She had the option of either cooking breakfast or just getting food at the party. She felt kind of lazy, so..the choice was obvious. Thus she decided on the next best thing. Walking over to the closet she grabbed the clothes they used for a uniform, once she had them she sat both outfits outside the bathroom. Shedding her clothes she walked in tossing them in the hamper before getting in the shower with Spice and wrapped her arms around her waist. "
Hope you don't mind me not cooking breakfast today, I just figured we could get food at the party." She told her.
Spice smiles and says it's cool as she's hugged from behind and gently strokes sera's hand a few times then says," it's been a year and half since we got married to wei-kun as well that was a party and half so this party will have to be something special to top that". " I wonder what the rest of the guards are like maybe i'll have the pleasure of finding a new punch bag or two should the newbies get too cocky". After a few minutes or so of cleaning spice smile and hums a old dragon tune gently for a couple of minutes.

Polin gently nodded to rin in a way to thanks for healing them and then turned back to the loud man and says calmly"
yeah it went well, i'm sometimes grumpy like this even more so when i have my time wasted and no leads to the hypocritical dogs". " But that aside though you seem to know a fair bit about what's going on for someone that seems newish to this line of work, that's a good trait to have as a guard and this line of work". Polin paused for a minute or so then says" I see a lot of the lesser guards are piss drunk not that i blame them given the event and yeah you're right we do look pretty bad at that's the polite version of it, to be honest i'm not normally one for parties but i do understand wanting one to notice the effort spent".

Isaac slightly grinned and said"
One mission is plenty for today, besides with some many personalities it's not surprising that some want to prove their strength, as for me i don't do pointless fights and besides there's more than enough people that want to pick fights in the world why join their ranks". Isaac paused for a minute or so then says" I hear morgan is his right hand women i feel just a tad sorry for the cap, she's a tough cookie i saw her slap down some noble cow for flapping her gums to much about status". " I don't know about you ze but i wonder if there's more out than what we've seen thus far, well it might prove interesting there's a few guards, this year so it beats a sausage fest in so many places".

Amber walks up to santos and says" So now over and done with i'd like to introduce myself i'm amber, i'm usually a lone wolf but i figured i should try helping my fellow assassins i hope we can get along from now one".

@TripTripleTimes @National

Santios nods back to Arden, a silent form of respect to the young girl. His eyes trail over to see Leo, his eyes glimmering in interest.

"I'm guessing you brought someone with you Arden? Where did he come from?"

@Defective Kitten

Guvi looks at Yasumi, and he stifles a chuckle.

"It's best if you just wait here. And I'm not stopping anyone's fun. I'm the intelligence advisor. You really don't think I know who's gonna win? It's obviously going to be (says whichever side is going to win.) Logic."

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98
Mitchs98 said:
@Mr Swiftshots @LeSoraAmari
Krieg Stein

Krieg blinked, confused at first when his fist didn't connect with intended target. Looking down at Santios who'd taken his place he looked absolutely confused at the entire thing. Nevertheless he nodded and lowered his fist, shooting a not so subtle glare at Katsuki. Honestly he was lucky Santios stepped in, his ribs more than likely would've gotten broken from Kriegs punch. As far as Krieg was concerned, Katsuki was on thin ice. He only saw him as an ally because Santios did, no other reason. Walking over to Rin he checked him over for any serious injuries, "
Rin..okay?" He asked him. Krieg wasn't exactly a medic and for him a serious injury was a hole the size of a fist through his stomach. So..yeah. He looked back over at Katsuki just in time to see him get punched by Arden causing him to grin under his mask and send a nod of approval Ardens' way.


Rin Suzajamori

Rin stared at Guvi. "It would be preferrable to giving me a heart attack. Or me whacking you over the head and getting in trouble for it." She replied flatly before sighing. Once again, everyone was determined to make their way onto her shitlist in some form or another. Yasumi, Yasumi was nice. She was one of the only people that didn't make her want to strangle them, a tiny bit to happy and loud for her taste, but still much better than the other guards by far. She nodded when Yasumi asked about the fight, though Guvi responded first. "Yeah, like Guvi said. Captain better live up to all of the hype I've heard about. Never seen him fight, hopefully it isn't a dissapointment." She told her.

She had no qualms with speaking her mind, to anyone, at any given time. Shortly after Issac, one of the only other people she figured she could tolerate, walked in with Polin the both of them covered in blood. It was either their own or someone elses, preferrably the latter. She intended on asking him eventually if he wanted to be her partner, no point in asking someone weaker than you to help you. Nevertheless she figured she could at-least she if they had any injuries, from over here. They were within range, no point in moving. Pointing her staff towards them shortly after a soft green glow would envelop them. After a minute or so it would dissipate, healing any injuries they had. Unfortunately it wasn't a car wash, so they still looked like shit.

Sera Lightbane

Sera chuckled at Spices' words, she always found a way to amuse her. Honestly she'd gotten used to what people said about them, nor did she care. At-least she wasn't some crazy person that worshipped their sword or something. Smiling when she kissed her she sighed and moved to stand up. She had the option of either cooking breakfast or just getting food at the party. She felt kind of lazy, so..the choice was obvious. Thus she decided on the next best thing. Walking over to the closet she grabbed the clothes they used for a uniform, once she had them she sat both outfits outside the bathroom. Shedding her clothes she walked in tossing them in the hamper before getting in the shower with Spice and wrapped her arms around her waist. "
Hope you don't mind me not cooking breakfast today, I just figured we could get food at the party." She told her.
Rin had actually managed to avoid Katsuki's attack with relative ease, only gaining a slight graze on his chest due to the unpredictability of it. However, there was something that the boy had gotten out of this that he was very pleased with. Three consecutive hits with Kyūketsuki. One of them even cut deep into Katsuki's skin. Although Santios had made his appearance and even Krieg had gone to hit Katsuki. Things really weren't boding well for this newbie. Rin sighed, nodding and smiling up to Krieg when he asked if he was okay. "Yes, I'm fine thank you Krieg. What about you? Didn't his attack wound you?". When Clair made her appearance behind him, Rin couldn't help but perk a smile even though he was still extremely pissed off, nonetheless, he returned Clair's smile with one of his own. "Save the donut for later, I have to teach this arsehole a lesson... He brought everyone else into the fight and that is something I cannot forgive.". It was in that moment that Kyūketsuki glowed a crimson red as it began to feed off of Katsuki's life energy. A strange crimson glow emitted from Katsuki's body as Rin amplified Kyūketsuki's power. The pain Katsuki would be feeling was agonising, it was then that Rin spoke. "I could kill you right now if I wanted to Katsuki. Your life is in the hands of Kyūketsuki now..". It was then that Rin amplified the pain even further, although not enough to kill him outright, Katsuki would most likely be at the paralytic stage, gasping in pain and growing tired. "Kyūketsuki is known as 'The Vampiric Blade'. It absorbs the life force of my opponents. All it takes to activate its abilities is one cut. You underestimated me, you insulted my honour, you insulted my friends AND you insulted my teigu. Perhaps I'll let you suffer just a bit longer..."

Rin then amplified the pain even more, watching Katsuki as he did so. The auras around both Kyūketsuki and Katsuki slowly turned a dark crimson colour and seeped ill intentions.

@BloodyKharma @National @Defective Kitten
@Leo Radomir

Sera Lightbane

Sera smiled and nodded in agreement. It had taken Spice some convincing but she had eventually decided to marry Weilow too. She still sort of preferred Spice, but Weilow was nice too. She guessed it was because she knew Spice longer and they'd been through more together. Breaking away from the hug she too set to work washing her hair. She listened to Spice humming her song, though she had no idea what it was she found herself humming along with her. After a few minutes she stepped out of the shower and dried off. "I'm gonna get dressed, don't take to long okay? We're late enough as it is." She told her. With that she walked out, got dressed, and proceeded to affix her weapons on her back crisscrossing the sheaths across each other for ease of drawing. Plus it looked pretty cool.

Afterward she sat down on the bed and simply waited on Spice.
Suddenly, the entire forest started to shimmer as heat waves began to form in the air, coming from Santios himself. Blue flames suddenly start to engulf the entire area other than the people. Trees hissed and crackled as the blue flames instantly dried up and forced the trees into piles of ash, flaming lumber crashing around everyone. Blue flames covered the ground, blackening the floor, conoletely burning away the grass fields around them, scorch marks now littering the field as the blue flames started to heat up even more, making the forest feel like a furnace. Santios's eyes were now a fiery blue, looking right at Rin.

"Rin, you're not making us look better. You can't beat up a newbie and hope that they learn their lesson. This isn't how we do it around here, and you know thatt. Drop the leeching, now. And if you two really want to fight someone, then you fight me."

@LeSoraAmari @BloodyKharma @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots

Arden Lacer | Assassin

"Leo, thats Leo.." She pointed to the still fallen boy on the ground, "He's injured, I'm taking him back to base." Explaining to Santios before he erupted everything around them in flames. Although she didn't show her shocked the sudden eruption of flames startled her slightly. It was moments like these were her masked really came into hand of hiding her expression and keeping her remote persona.



Yasumi Kai | Guard

Looking around, she hoped the fight started soon, her attention getting caught when Ryougin took a cookie from her plate. Smiling up at him as he did so, "Hiya Ryougin! You likes cookies too? I like cookies." Greeting him with some small talk. Some entertainment as she ate tend to make the food go down, that and also other people's company. "I hopes it starts soon!" Of corse that phrase would've sounded ever cuter coming from her if it wasn't for the fact that what she wanted to start wasn't some sort of carnival show but rather people brutally hurting each other...

@National @Mitchs98 @TripTripleTimes
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@Defective Kitten @National @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari

"Well Arden, that was one helluva punch. Hopefully I'll never have to return the favor." he grinned smugly, a stark contrast to his current condition. He took a moment to take in the destruction around them, smoldering craters dotted the area, and for a split second a hint of remorse passed across his face. "Well, perhaps I owe everyone here an-" he gasped suddenly, as a fiery pain shot throughout his entire body. It suddenly felt as if his entire body were burning from the inside, like someone was pouring hot tar down his throat. He had never felt such pain in his life. The fire seemed to spread out from the wound he had received from Rins' blade, and as the pain began to numb each and everyone of his senses, he could only pick up a few of the words Rin said. "...my life...in your hands..." he sputtered, as he struggled to rise to his feet. Beads of sweat covered his entire body, and his armor, it felt heavier then it had ever been before. "...so you, want me to bow..." a snarl escaped his lips, his blurred vision set on Rin. One of his hands reached up to press a small button on the suit he wore, located just beneath his right arm pit. With a loud hiss, the entire set of armor came loose, detaching itself like pieces of a puzzle and falling to the ground with several loud 'clanks'. "...you want me to fucking bow!"

Those born with natural talent, will always triumph over fools such as yourself. Its natural selection at its finest, so prepare to enjoy the view from the back of the pack. You were born in this world to serve, your nothing but a loser, nothing will EVER change that.

Katsuki clawed at the ground with his one good arm, nearly rising to his feet before falling back down on his knees. "That's not fucking true, you hear me! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" he roared at the sky, his tears washing away some of the dried blood, as they cascaded down his cheeks. "I'll prove it to you! THE STRENGTH OF MY CONVICTIONS!" slowly but surely, he began to rise, left arm dangling limply at his side. "MY SHEER WILL TO SUCCEED!" step by step, he made his way towards Rin. The pain was agonizing, and it wasn't entirely clear if he was still even completely conscious at this point, but he stumbled ahead oblivious of the flames consuming everything around him. "Amy obstacle, any barrier blocking my path..." balling his hand into a tight first, he swung forwards with all his might, gritting his teeth as he fought through the pain. "...I'LL BREAK RIGHT THROUGH THEM ALL!" as he swung, the light left his eyes and everything faded to back, although he kept his momentum. His fist still sailed towards Rins' face, and his entire body went with it, it was clear that he was collapsing as he tried to land a punch with his bare hand. The front of his shirt was in tatters, rivulets of blood flowed up from the wound, and into the air. The crimson droplets capturing rays of the sun, only a keen eye would see the beauty of it all, and Katsuki saw none of it as the ground rushed up to meet him.
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@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots

BloodyKharma said:
@Defective Kitten @National @Mitchs98 @LeSoraAmari
"Well Arden, that was one helluva punch. Hopefully I'll never have to return the favor." he grinned smugly, a stark contrast to his current condition. He took a moment to take in the destruction around them, smoldering craters dotted the area, and for a split second a hint of remorse passed across his face. "Well, perhaps I owe everyone here an-" he gasped suddenly, as a fiery pain shot throughout his entire body. It suddenly felt as if his entire body were burning from the inside, like someone was pouring hot tar down his throat. He had never felt such pain in his life. The fire seemed to spread out from the wound he had received from Rins' blade, and as the pain began to numb each and everyone of his senses, he could only pick up a few of the words Rin said. "...my life...in your hands..." he sputtered, as he struggled to rise to his feet. Beads of sweat covered his entire body, and his armor, it felt heavier then it had ever been before. "...so you, want me to bow..." a snarl escaped his lips, his blurred vision set on Rin. One of his hands reached up to press a small button on the suit he wore, located just beneath his right arm pit. With a loud hiss, the entire set of armor came loose, detaching itself like pieces of a puzzle and falling to the ground with several loud 'clanks'. "...you want me to fucking bow!"

Those born with natural talent, will always triumph over fools such as yourself. Its natural selection at its finest, so prepare to enjoy the view from the back of the pack. You were born in this world to serve, your nothing but a loser, nothing will EVER change that.

Katsuki clawed at the ground with his one good arm, nearly rising to his feet before falling back down on his knees. "That's not fucking true, you hear me! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" he roared at the sky, his tears washing away some of the dried blood, as they cascaded down his cheeks. "I'll prove it to you! THE STRENGTH OF MY CONVICTIONS!" slowly but surely, he began to rise, left arm dangling limply at his side. "MY SHEER WILL TO SUCCEED!" step by step, he made his way towards Rin. The pain was agonizing, and it wasn't entirely clear if he was still even completely conscious at this point, but he stumbled ahead oblivious to the flames consuming everything around him. "Amy obstacle, any barrier blocking my path..." balling his hand into a tight first, he swung forwards with all his might, gritting his teeth as he fought through the pain. "...I'LL BREAK RIGHT THROUGH THEM ALL!" as he swung, the light left his eyes and everything faded to back, although he kept his momentum. His fist still sailed towards Rins' face, and his entire body went with it, it was clear that he was collapsing as he tried to land a punch with his bare hand. The front of his shirt was in tatters, rivulets of blood flowed up from the wound, and into the air. The crimson droplets capturing rays of the sun, only a keen eye would see the beauty of it all, and Katsuki saw none of it as the ground rushed up to meet him.
National said:
Suddenly, the entire forest started to shimmer as heat waves began to form in the air, coming from Santios himself. Blue flames suddenly start to engulf the entire area other than the people. Trees hissed and crackled as the blue flames instantly dried up and forced the trees into piles of ash, flaming lumber crashing around everyone. Blue flames covered the ground, blackening the floor, conoletely burning away the grass fields around them, scorch marks now littering the field as the blue flames started to heat up even more, making the forest feel like a furnace. Santios's eyes were now a fiery blue, looking right at Rin.
"Rin, you're not making us look better. You can't beat up a newbie and hope that they learn their lesson. This isn't how we do it around here, and you know thatt. Drop the leeching, now. And if you two really want to fight someone, then you fight me."

@LeSoraAmari @BloodyKharma @Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots
As Katsuki's tattered and worn body came towards him, Rin simply sidestepped and let him fall to the ground. Sheathing his sword, the effects of Kyūketsuki wore off and it's leeching abilities were no longer activated. With Katsuki now unconscious, Rin looked up towards Santios, greeting him with a slight smile as he scratched his head. "Well, he did start it. And I was only backing myself up. I also have him a whole load of warnings before I even did anything, so you know..". The assassin sighed as he then looked over at the unconscious body of Katsuki, "He's too arrogant. Katsuki is lucky that it was me, if it was one of the enemy then he would have died at that moment. He knows that I'm sure.". A slight chuckle escaped his mouth as he looked around at the scene before them. The woodlands was now a dried up ugly husk of what it was due to Santios' blue flames. Having lived in the forests for a fair amount of years, this made Rin slightly upset, but it was something he got over in a matter of seconds. Having now retained his calm and collected persona, the Rin that everyone knows, the teenager sighed again. "I had no intention of killing him anyway, I'm not that harsh... He reminds me of someone I knew, ironic right?". It was then that Rin sighed for a third time, holding a hand up against the graze on his chest as he inspected it. It was only a minor wound, but in order for it not to get infected the intense inspection was obviously needed. "Anyway, I apologise to you all for the shameful display. It won't happen again.". With that, Rin walked away from the group and sat on a tree stump that was nearby, and in plain sight. A moment of silent reflection? If you will.

After all, there was only one time when he had acted so irrationally. And that was when he killed his father.

Thus, emo Rin was back.
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''My my...have you just tried to steal? From me?''

...?A woman asked a thief back in the kingdom in a private place that isn't exactly public. The thief had an arrow impaled in his leg, shoulder and arm?...

''Please...just let me go already..''


...?She said in a kind way since the last thing she'd give him is her kindness and death?...

''Stealing and theft is against the law. And you have no idea what is in that box do you?.''


''Well, it's only a box of cheese I was supposed to deliver. Nothing all that valuable. So I'll be taking that back now.''

...?She said before she walked over to him grabbing the box from his bag without a problem?...

''Damn...you're hot..''

''Am I now? I can show you even hotter...but this marks your end. I should not waste anymore time especially when its this late...good night.''

...?She said before taking out her bow and impaling him with another arrow but to the chest where the thief started to cough up blood before She put her hand on his head and he burned up, turning to ash immediately. The wind started to take the ash away and it seemed after she burned him, his head wear was still intact. She was surprised at first but soon her voice was soon filled with disgust before she dropped it dropped it?...

''A trophy...but from a thief. This is useless to me..''

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Rei stared at Guvi and wondered who he was she was feeling light headed and a bit drunk from the wine she kept drinking "Hey you! Where did you come from you bastard! Your a strange man" She said to him and began to laugh

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Asaki was at the party with all the other guards, silently watching everyone by herself. She was most likely the only person at the event who wasn't enjoying herself. The food and drink were alright, as was the scenery, but it was the people that ruined the experience. The Blonde Guard didn't want to associate herself with anyone that was unimportant to her, which included everyone at the party. She had been doing a good job of staying by herself too. She just stood near the back with a drink in her hand and slowly sipped away at it.

What her "leader" was doing disgusted Asaki. This was a rather formal party yet he was telling his own guards to fight him? That was such an immature thing to do, and it irked her greatly. "If only I was captain. These guards would be the best of the best rather than these pigs we have now..."

Alice laughed some more as Santios was killed by her terrible puns. They were pretty bad, no denying that, but she only wished that this worked in battle. That'd make killing the Emporer so much easier. However her fun time with Santios came to an end as he went off to find Rin and the others. The silver haired girl would've gone along, but she had a mess to clean up rather than leave it for someone else. "Go on ahead Santios, I'll stay here and clean up. We can catch up later." She said, pulling him in and kissing him quickly before letting him go.

Fujio wasn't surprised to see Ciri sitting on his bed eating from a pack of gummy worms. The small girl always seemed to have some sort of sweets on her at all times, even in battle. He found it very strange at first, but quickly came to accept it. Sometimes he was tempted to take some from her, but knew that if he did without her permission she'd notice right away, and wouldn't forgive him for something like that. Candy was like her life essence. Looking to the wall that the Teigu pointed at, Fujio chuckled slightly and patted her head again.
"Thank you Ciri, I'll be sure to head that way when we look for Santios. But as of right now I say we grab something to eat. I'm quite hungry right now." He said before beginning to leave their room.

@National @Mitchs98
Kayzo said:
Asaki was at the party with all the other guards, silently watching everyone by herself. She was most likely the only person at the event who wasn't enjoying herself. The food and drink were alright, as was the scenery, but it was the people that ruined the experience. The Blonde Guard didn't want to associate herself with anyone that was unimportant to her, which included everyone at the party. She had been doing a good job of staying by herself too. She just stood near the back with a drink in her hand and slowly sipped away at it.
What her "leader" was doing disgusted Asaki. This was a rather formal party yet he was telling his own guards to fight him? That was such an immature thing to do, and it irked her greatly. "If only I was captain. These guards would be the best of the best rather than these pigs we have now..."

Alice laughed some more as Santios was killed by her terrible puns. They were pretty bad, no denying that, but she only wished that this worked in battle. That'd make killing the Emporer so much easier. However her fun time with Santios came to an end as he went off to find Rin and the others. The silver haired girl would've gone along, but she had a mess to clean up rather than leave it for someone else. "Go on ahead Santios, I'll stay here and clean up. We can catch up later." She said, pulling him in and kissing him quickly before letting him go.

Fujio wasn't surprised to see Ciri sitting on his bed eating from a pack of gummy worms. The small girl always seemed to have some sort of sweets on her at all times, even in battle. He found it very strange at first, but quickly came to accept it. Sometimes he was tempted to take some from her, but knew that if he did without her permission she'd notice right away, and wouldn't forgive him for something like that. Candy was like her life essence. Looking to the wall that the Teigu pointed at, Fujio chuckled slightly and patted her head again.
"Thank you Ciri, I'll be sure to head that way when we look for Santios. But as of right now I say we grab something to eat. I'm quite hungry right now." He said before beginning to leave their room.

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Kayzo said:
Asaki was at the party with all the other guards, silently watching everyone by herself. She was most likely the only person at the event who wasn't enjoying herself. The food and drink were alright, as was the scenery, but it was the people that ruined the experience. The Blonde Guard didn't want to associate herself with anyone that was unimportant to her, which included everyone at the party. She had been doing a good job of staying by herself too. She just stood near the back with a drink in her hand and slowly sipped away at it.
What her "leader" was doing disgusted Asaki. This was a rather formal party yet he was telling his own guards to fight him? That was such an immature thing to do, and it irked her greatly. "If only I was captain. These guards would be the best of the best rather than these pigs we have now..."

Alice laughed some more as Santios was killed by her terrible puns. They were pretty bad, no denying that, but she only wished that this worked in battle. That'd make killing the Emporer so much easier. However her fun time with Santios came to an end as he went off to find Rin and the others. The silver haired girl would've gone along, but she had a mess to clean up rather than leave it for someone else. "Go on ahead Santios, I'll stay here and clean up. We can catch up later." She said, pulling him in and kissing him quickly before letting him go.

Fujio wasn't surprised to see Ciri sitting on his bed eating from a pack of gummy worms. The small girl always seemed to have some sort of sweets on her at all times, even in battle. He found it very strange at first, but quickly came to accept it. Sometimes he was tempted to take some from her, but knew that if he did without her permission she'd notice right away, and wouldn't forgive him for something like that. Candy was like her life essence. Looking to the wall that the Teigu pointed at, Fujio chuckled slightly and patted her head again.
"Thank you Ciri, I'll be sure to head that way when we look for Santios. But as of right now I say we grab something to eat. I'm quite hungry right now." He said before beginning to leave their room.

@National @Mitchs98
Cirillia Vines

Ciri nodded, fully enjoying the attention, though her focus was on food. Yes! Food! Mentions of food didn't make her stop eating her gummy worms though, exiting the room did. Putting her pouch of gummy worms back in her pockets she wiped her hands on her dress. Though, instead of doing the expected and hopping down off of the bed she stood up on said bed, ran, and lept onto Fujio's back. She didn't go full speed, she didn't want to knock him over after all. Once on said back she quickly and gently latched on followed by giggling. "
Awesome! Let's go!" She replied excitedly. "What do you want to eat if Santios hasn't cooked already?" She asked.

Sera Lightbane

Sera liked the idea, really..considering the fact neither of them had gotten time to spend with Weilow lately with all of them being busy. But such was life, unfortunately...and she really disliked it herself. Sadly though they were already late as it was, or Sera would of immediately agreed. "Afraid not, we're already really late. If we had managed to get up earlier I would of definetely went, Weilow definetely needs a break." She told her before sighing and shaking her head. "I'd rather not get in trouble though so we better get moving. We can definetely see if he's free when the party is over, maybe go out for dinner and relax for a while." She added before walking for the exit. "C'mon let's go."

Rin Suzajamori

@TripTripleTimes @National @All ya

Rin had barely noticed Ryougin shift over, or whatever the hell he did, and take a cookie. Probably wouldn't have at all had Yasumi said nothing. Shrugging she decided to say nothing, considering he'd already bailed. Though she nodded when Yasumi said she hoped it started. "Yeah, same here." She told her. Faster it started, faster it ended, faster she could do her job, and ultimately faster she could stop caring what happened. A few minutes later she found herself being called a pig, or rather lumped together with the rest and labeled as a pig, by some bitch she hadn't bothered to remember the name of. Seems it was for good reason to. Though before she could say anything Polin and Issac had already chimed in. "Thanks for that. I'll remember who to 'accidentally forget' to help when you get wounded." She told her. "Overconfident bitch.." She added before simply sighing and turning back to the fight. Day two and yet another person to hate. Things were going real nice so far.
Asaki glared daggers at Polin and Isaac as they spoke back to her. If looks could kill they'd be dead a thousand times over (lmao more cliche lines for me). She couldn't believe someone of such stupidity would dare talk back to someone of nobility. Well that's at least what she told everyone when in reality she was merely a cousin to a royal. Placing her hands on her hips she took a deep breath in and began to speak. "Hm, what was that? I don't speak filthy pig." She snapped, her glare turning into a slight smug. However just as quick as it arrived it disappeared as the new girl also talked back. Asaki's sharp gaze whipped around to face Rin. It was one thing for a veteran member to talk back, but someone of such a low rank was unacceptable. "Listen here girlie; you better watch your tongue. Do you know who you're speaking to? Who you're calling a bitch? I am Asaki Kohaku! Nobel blood runs through these veins and yet you have the audacity to call me a bitch! I could report you to the emperor right now and have you executed. And don't ever think that I'll need your help. I'm too good to get hurt in battle. Only pigs like you get slaughtered." She hissed, her smug look coming back stronger than before, her arms crossing beneath her chest and pushing up her jigglejogglers. "Or perhaps you're just jealous of my royal body."

@Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
...?After learning some useful information from ease dropping on a few guards, she figured that some documents might deem important and would be worth a steal. So she guessed that she can run into some more trouble. Stealing a few documents doesn't seem hard for her?...

...?Later in the night, she was suited up in black clothing and a black mask to hide her identity as she started her infiltration which began by just knocking out a guard in the front door. The documents seemed to be inside some kind of spire at the top. She would of just went to the top on the outside, well if there wasn't any over watch guards. Since there was over watch guards, she decided to just walk in the door and proceed into trouble as a guard spotted her walking towards the center of the spire?...

''Huh...? Hey, what are you doing here? This place is off limits. Stop!''

...?This had merely stopped her before the guard charged at her with a sword and became easily defeated, and yet another guard charged at her recklessly and all she did was punch him up a few couple times before kicking him to the rail which broke his spine and two more guards charged after her. A 2 on 1 wasn't a problem for her. But their swords seemed sharp. So, she pulled out hers. More like she made them as fire surrounded her for a moment before the swords formed?...

''Entertain me..''

...?Was all she said before she started to attack the first guard that charged her before she slashed one with both blades moving past him before she did the same with the second guard but kicking behind his legs so he would fall. Once he fell, she stabbed him in the heart and his body started to burn away?...

...?The first guard came back to attack her but managed to rip off her mask as it fell to the floor. They both looked at the mask before the guard spoke and the woman soon replying?...


''My...this is awkward. Now you have to die, Welliam.''

...?Welliam soon charged at Seris slashing twice which Seris successfully parried before he attempted a kick only for it to be blocked and receive an elbow to the face which followed up in a drop kick that snapped his neck?...

''If only you haven't removed my mask...''

...?She said before picking up her mask and putting it back on. She soon proceeded to another room to where the guards were just having a conversation?...

''Hey, have you seen that Seris girl? What kind of guard is she?''

''I don't think she's a guard but more like a sexy mercenary...''

''Wow...that's hot''


...?Seris said before the guards put their hands on the handles of their sheathed swords and being cautious of Seris. They soon saw the bodies of their comrades behind Seris and became even more cautious. Since Seris was wearing a mask now, she casually walked in the room and faced the door going between the guards and the doors closed. It seemed they were in some kind of elevator contraption. Once the doors closed, the sounds of punches and kicks and the guards' grunts and sounds that were a sign of pain. Once the doors opened, the seemed to be at the top of the spire and the guards were found passed out. Seris spoke looking inside the elevator before walking out?...

''Neat...I should get this to go to my basement..''

...?She soon found herself in the meeting room and saw an envelope that seemed to have all the documents she was looking for. She smirked before she took them and placed it in her small bag?...

''Hmmm...I can't wait to read this at home...''

...?She soon heard the elevator open again and saw a general there. She quickly hid from the general by going behind the general, which he soon spoke?...

''Anyone in here?''

...?Seris soon sighed before she emerged from behind the table and looked at the general?...

''Hey this isn't a masquerade party so why don't you take that off and--''

...?Being caught off by seeing Seris jump over the table and taking out a bow which she soon shot 3 arrows at him which exploded upon impact?...

...?The general presumed dead, started to burn away like the ones Seris had killed in the 1st floor. She just casually walked out of the spire, the top of the spire soon exploding because of her fire. She smirked once she heard the explosion before she waved her hands around her body to change her outfit to make it seem she was just walking to a party just next to the spire, now in a black dress. Guards rushed to the spire to discover what was going on but never caught Seris walking into the party and the party guests started to get nervous. Seris thought it would be wise to just sit alone at a table looking out the window. About an hour later, the party started to seem going back to normal as the party guests started to ball room dance. Seris soon getting up and putting a hand to her hip and speaking to herself?...

''That was easy, they really need to improve security...''

...?She said before she proceeded to leave. One of the guards soon saw her and confronted her?...

''May I ask where you are going?''

''Well...I'm going home. I've had enough fun for one night...''

''I see. Well, have a good night.''

''You too.''

...?Was all she said before she started to proceed to her place with the documents in her bag?...

''This...should've probably started something...''
Kayzo said:
Asaki glared daggers at Polin and Isaac as they spoke back to her. If looks could kill they'd be dead a thousand times over (lmao more cliche lines for me). She couldn't believe someone of such stupidity would dare talk back to someone of nobility. Well that's at least what she told everyone when in reality she was merely a cousin to a royal. Placing her hands on her hips she took a deep breath in and began to speak. "Hm, what was that? I don't speak filthy pig." She snapped, her glare turning into a slight smug. However just as quick as it arrived it disappeared as the new girl also talked back. Asaki's sharp gaze whipped around to face Rin. It was one thing for a veteran member to talk back, but someone of such a low rank was unacceptable. "Listen here girlie; you better watch your tongue. Do you know who you're speaking to? Who you're calling a bitch? I am Asaki Kohaku! Nobel blood runs through these veins and yet you have the audacity to call me a bitch! I could report you to the emperor right now and have you executed. And don't ever think that I'll need your help. I'm too good to get hurt in battle. Only pigs like you get slaughtered." She hissed, her smug look coming back stronger than before, her arms crossing beneath her chest and pushing up her jigglejogglers. "Or perhaps you're just jealous of my royal body."
@Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
@Leo Radomir @ppl

Rin Suzajamori

Rin arched a brow and turned to listen to Asaki's rant, a smirk on her face as she did so. Oh how she loved to push peoples buttons. It was cute how she thought she gave a damn who she was at all. She'll never get hurt? Well, Rin will remember that. She'd simply brush off any injuries Asaki recieves as not being there, because clearly she was never going to get injured. Though, she frowned and looked down at her own chest at Asaki's last words. It wasn't like she was flat chested, her clothes just made it look that way! It wasn't her fault her extremely comfortable clothes made her look that way. Thus, she wasn't really jealous at all. "Right. I'll remember that when you get 'injured' but clearly not injured because you can't get injured, Ms. Goddess." She replied.

Frankly I don't care if you're a noble or not, really. My point still stands, you're a stuck up bitch. And apparently a slut to go along with it, might wanna move those arms down before your tits pop out of your shirt. Unless of coursw that's what you want, in which case go for it." She told her, her amused smirk still persisting. "Oh, also. Might wanna cut down on the cake. Kinda packing on the pounds on your ass." She added, once more turning to see if the fight would start anytime soon.

Sera Lightbane

After a bit of walking they eventually reached the party, it seemed most if not all of the guards had already arrived. Great. They were MUCH later than Sera had realized. Not only that, it seemed a fight was about to start between the Captain and three others. Well, at-least they hadn't missed the interesting bit. "I'll grab us a table near the action, mind getting our food?" She asked Spice.
Mitchs98 said:
@Leo Radomir @ppl
Rin Suzajamori

Rin arched a brow and turned to listen to Asaki's rant, a smirk on her face as she did so. Oh how she loved to push peoples buttons. It was cute how she thought she gave a damn who she was at all. She'll never get hurt? Well, Rin will remember that. She'd simply brush off any injuries Asaki recieves as not being there, because clearly she was never going to get injured. Though, she frowned and looked down at her own chest at Asaki's last words. It wasn't like she was flat chested, her clothes just made it look that way! It wasn't her fault her extremely comfortable clothes made her look that way. Thus, she wasn't really jealous at all. "Right. I'll remember that when you get 'injured' but clearly not injured because you can't get injured, Ms. Goddess." She replied.

Frankly I don't care if you're a noble or not, really. My point still stands, you're a stuck up bitch. And apparently a slut to go along with it, might wanna move those arms down before your tits pop out of your shirt. Unless of coursw that's what you want, in which case go for it." She told her, her amused smirk still persisting. "Oh, also. Might wanna cut down on the cake. Kinda packing on the pounds on your ass." She added, once more turning to see if the fight would start anytime soon.

Sera Lightbane

After a bit of walking they eventually reached the party, it seemed most if not all of the guards had already arrived. Great. They were MUCH later than Sera had realized. Not only that, it seemed a fight was about to start between the Captain and three others. Well, at-least they hadn't missed the interesting bit. "I'll grab us a table near the action, mind getting our food?" She asked Spice.

Spice nodded and as she's walking towards the food completely ignoring the big boobs blond, she gets two plats and then finds a front row seat to the action and says"
We're good to good sera chan, so these lot our supposed team-mates some of the non ass guards tell me there a colorful lot it means things won't be completely boring".
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Aurora watched still, rubbing her eyes at the tremendous site of the burning woods, and soon decided to leave. It had become apparent to her that it was too dangerous to stay where she was, especially after what had just happened. Pushing away from the crowd, she began to make her way back across the path, picking up the hem of her dress so it didn't scrape and tear on the stone floor. It was a little tight for her liking, but she wouldn't complain. She couldn't complain, there wasn't anything she could do to help it immediately.

At this point she was almost desperate to catch a glimpse of the sea. It weirdly intrigued her, and she promised herself that she would see it. Whatever it took. Hurriedly walking to a random direction, she looked around in hopes to magically find shelter......and the sea.
LeSoraAmari said:
@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots
As Katsuki's tattered and worn body came towards him, Rin simply sidestepped and let him fall to the ground. Sheathing his sword, the effects of Kyūketsuki wore off and it's leeching abilities were no longer activated. With Katsuki now unconscious, Rin looked up towards Santios, greeting him with a slight smile as he scratched his head. "Well, he did start it. And I was only backing myself up. I also have him a whole load of warnings before I even did anything, so you know..". The assassin sighed as he then looked over at the unconscious body of Katsuki, "He's too arrogant. Katsuki is lucky that it was me, if it was one of the enemy then he would have died at that moment. He knows that I'm sure.". A slight chuckle escaped his mouth as he looked around at the scene before them. The woodlands was now a dried up ugly husk of what it was due to Santios' blue flames. Having lived in the forests for a fair amount of years, this made Rin slightly upset, but it was something he got over in a matter of seconds. Having now retained his calm and collected persona, the Rin that everyone knows, the teenager sighed again. "I had no intention of killing him anyway, I'm not that harsh... He reminds me of someone I knew, ironic right?". It was then that Rin sighed for a third time, holding a hand up against the graze on his chest as he inspected it. It was only a minor wound, but in order for it not to get infected the intense inspection was obviously needed. "Anyway, I apologise to you all for the shameful display. It won't happen again.". With that, Rin walked away from the group and sat on a tree stump that was nearby, and in plain sight. A moment of silent reflection? If you will.

After all, there was only one time when he had acted so irrationally. And that was when he killed his father.

Thus, emo Rin was back.
Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair wasn't fazed when the flames began to spread , no she recognized them within second they appeared. Santos always showed off in some way or another , at times it could be quite amusing however at times like this it was quite the opposite. Clair kept her stance until of course she saw Rin make his way away from the group , he had secluded himself and taken a tree stump as a seat. Clair of course recognized the body language perfectly , she had seen it many times before mind you so it wasn't actually that hard for her to pick up on. Rin had gone into his 'Emo' mode which ,to Clair, meant that any chance she had of sharing a doughnut with him had just gone out the window.

Clair had to do something about this quickly for every time he ended up like this he grew distant and she had worked far to hard at getting close to him for it to be ruined now , in other words her possible future romantic life was on the brink of destruction !

Clair slowly approached Rin with a light smile and attempted to take a seat next to him "Rin , I just wanted to thank you for that. You defended my honor , I know it may not of been intentional but you still did it....."
Crow simply smirked as finally one of the three fighting him moved, the man rushed right at Crow who just simply stood there and watch, he watch the punch connect to the side of the face and then spun his body to the same side using the mention from the punch as an acceleration and stopping most the damage as he was already spinning the direction the punch came from, meaning it wasn't fully solid. As Crow did a full three hundred and sixty degrees he swung aiming right towards Yutaka face while at the same time he stuck his leg aiming for the back of Yutaka knee's all in all the punch is a face out while he backed up from that or blocked it the leg would connect all the same. "You know the first punch means nothing its the person whose left standing that matters." Crow mocked.

Crow felt two daggers staring at him, two eyes most definitely on him more intensely than everyone's else it could only mean one person someone who he always found fun annoying, the one person who if given the choice would stab Crow in the back to get his position and of course she thinks she could do a better job which thinking about it...she could Crow didn't want this position hell no but he was put there and well he would make the best of it.

@MrNeko (sorry about the wait was going to wait on the other two to post but well...they took a while.) @WrathSama17 @Hanjizoe
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NekoChanBo said:
Crow simply smirked as finally one of the three fighting him moved, the man rushed right at Crow who just simply stood there and watch, he watch the punch connect to the side of the face and then spun his body to the same side using the mention from the punch as an acceleration and stopping most the damage as he was already spinning the direction the punch came from, meaning it wasn't fully solid. As Crow did a full three hundred and sixty degrees he swung aiming right towards Yutaka face while at the same time he stuck his leg aiming for the back of Yutaka knee's all in all the punch is a face out while he backed up from that or blocked it the leg would connect all the same. "You know the first punch means nothing its the person whose left standing that matters." Crow mocked.
Crow felt two daggers staring at him, two eyes most definitely on him more intensely than everyone's else it could only mean one person someone who he always found fun annoying, the one person who if given the choice would stab Crow in the back to get his position and of course she thinks she could do a better job which thinking about it...she could Crow didn't want this position hell no but he was put there and well he would make the best of it.

@MrNeko (sorry about the wait was going to wait on the other two to post but well...they took a while.) @WrathSama17 @Hanjizoe
TripTripleTimes said:
@MrNeko, @National, @Mitchs98
Ryougin Sho || Guard

Ryougin chuckles at the two Royal Guard say their piece, Akihito polite and Rameal blunt but honest. Both traits the older guard have expected from his read of their profiles prior to the event.

"We can't expect less than the best food for a Capital celebration!" Ze grins and shifts zir weight on one leg and then puts a hand on zir hip. The bow and quiver of arrows on zir back jostle noisily. "I dont think we'll be lucky enough for an Assassin, but I think we will get out as soon as the tournament there finishes."

Just as Ryougin is about to introduce zirself to the two boys, zir sees the captain of the Royal Guard intrups the on going fight down that way.

"Well, nevermind. Count on the captain to cut straight to the good stuff." And before anyone knows it, the two boys and Yutaka Miyata are up for a fight with the captain.

Yutaka Miyata, a man that rarely comes out to mingle with his fellow guards, picks fights and rumoured to be a womanizer. Luckily, Ryougin have worked with the man and ze doesn't mind the man at all. Yutaka is good at his job and they are all here for that.

"Well, what are you two waiting for!" Ryougin pushes Akihito and Rameal towards the fighting arena. "Have fun!"

The celebration party is held in a location with two distinctive sections. One is the usual dance, dine, and gather area with round tables that the guests can sit at; it is a long strech of marble. Then at one of the long side of it, the flat surface drops down revealing the fighting arena. There are couple of rows of seats before the stone really drops down to the impressive large stage. The whole feel of the place is like a colosseum, but you know, less seats, more of a rectangle, and that large dining area that looks over the fight.

Down where Captain Crow is, Guvi Reach suddenly appears.

"Boo, Guvi! Let us have a good show!" Ryougin calls out. Guvi maybe his senior in rank but the tanned guard cant let the kid do what he wants! "You're too late to stop us, I got the bets going!" Well, ze doesn't but ze can see some of the party patrons whispering among themselves and handing over money. At the corner of zir eyes, ze can see those same men and women freeze up for a moment before ignoring them completely. Ryougin looks around the dining hall once again and spots the Royal Guard newest medic.

"Hey, if anyone looses a limb or two," Ryougin grins wickedly, "or even dies, we show off our new girl!" Ze beams and grins back to the pale haired girl.
Akihito was suddenly pushed inside the ring along with raemeal, he rebounded himself by landing on his right foot seeing the captain already taking a full stance ‘He seems pretty cocky for a captain’ he thought. He began to slightly bend both of his knees, he jumped which would result in switching his side from the right, to his left, Akihito separated both his left foot, and right foot apart a little.

His left arm slightly above his face, and his right arm in a horizontal figure away from his left. This was his stance, and was prepared to fight the captain of the guards.

There was a brief comment with one of the guards about the fight, but ignored it. Akihito would wait for the captain’s first move, as a grin appeared from his face. “Prepare for defeat captain” @TripTripleTimes @WrathSama17 @NekoChanBo
Hatz said:

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe

Cornelia fell silent for a little while, cautiously keeping her grip tight onto her Imperial Arm's bottle. She picked up on the hint of displeasure, or perhaps disgust, plastered over the assassin's face. The mercenary was quite unsure about how to answer his inquiry, again, she would've much preferred not talking in general. Though, she tried to keep her responses as short as possible. "I-Ichigen Miwagasa, was it...?" she started. "I don't think you need to know about my first answer, and I've been following you for a while now, perhaps fifteen minutes..?" Cornelia added, though her volume was rather quiet overall, and was only audible enough to be heard if he was listening sharply. To be perfectly honest, she would have expected for a renegade, especially that of Night Raid, to be hidden better, rather than going out alone, and unmasked. Or was it a trap? She proceeded back to her main point; her primary purpose was to execute what she was paid to do-- protecting the Empire and castle localities, as well as stopping the Revolutionary Army, Night Raid, and any other rebels whenever possible. "If your objective here is to launch an attack during the party, then I'm afraid I'll have to stop you. Sorry." Her tone of voice often sounded quite kind and gentle, giving off a benevolent feel and demeanor. As she softly spoke, Cornelia eyed him from head to toe, mentally making note of any important features.

Ichigen Miwagasa || Assassin

A sigh came from Ichigen Miwagasa’s body, as a hammer appeared right before him. He began to pick it up, and places it on his right shoulder. His neck slightly tilted towards the left “Looks like I’ll have to get in the hard way” Then boom his body wasn’t at the spot he was in, instead he was in the air with his hammer ready to slam it down hard upon his opponent.

It wouldn’t be surprising for her to block, or maneuver out of it, if she would have dodged this, the destructive power when it towards the ground would result in the vibration towards the ground that’ll through her balance off, ready for him to make the next easy move.

NekoChanBo said:
Crow simply smirked as finally one of the three fighting him moved, the man rushed right at Crow who just simply stood there and watch, he watch the punch connect to the side of the face and then spun his body to the same side using the mention from the punch as an acceleration and stopping most the damage as he was already spinning the direction the punch came from, meaning it wasn't fully solid. As Crow did a full three hundred and sixty degrees he swung aiming right towards Yutaka face while at the same time he stuck his leg aiming for the back of Yutaka knee's all in all the punch is a face out while he backed up from that or blocked it the leg would connect all the same. "You know the first punch means nothing its the person whose left standing that matters." Crow mocked.
Crow felt two daggers staring at him, two eyes most definitely on him more intensely than everyone's else it could only mean one person someone who he always found fun annoying, the one person who if given the choice would stab Crow in the back to get his position and of course she thinks she could do a better job which thinking about it...she could Crow didn't want this position hell no but he was put there and well he would make the best of it.

@MrNeko (sorry about the wait was going to wait on the other two to post but well...they took a while.) @WrathSama17 @Hanjizoe
Rameal regained his balance without much effort. He watched the captain as he moved, observing him closely. His movements were flawless. Perfect even. Rameal grinned. Of course his captain would be a flawless fighter. How else would he'd have become a captain of the most elite warriors in the empire. Rameal looked to the side to see Akihito take on a stance. Probably waiting for the captain to make the first move. Rameal, however was a tad bit impatient. He dashed at Capitan Crow, moving fast. He spin on the ball of his right leg and used his left to aim a swift and accurate round house at Crow's head.

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Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe @Other Guards (?)

Cornelia's eyes dilated as he swung his hammer towards her from the high altitude in the skies-- it was an interesting choice of weaponry. From instinct, she swiftly ran out of the way, unsheathing her spear to hold by her side, gripping onto it tightly. The mercenary was determined to take down the assassin and fulfill her duty, or rather, just preventing him from entering the castle would suffice. Certain that she wouldn't have been able to make a strike until he landed onto the surface, Cornelia stayed as far as possible within the time permit to lessen the impact of whatever he'd do to the ground (though she was still in a noticeable range), and retrieved her Imperial Arm, the bottle that was tucked ever so safely into her pocket. She popped open its cap, and spilled out some of its contents, though the liquid-like substance simply became sparkly dust, and after another two seconds of delay, sprouted beautiful, blue butterflies. In the nick of time, she had commanded most of the butterflies to charge at him, while sending a few to alert the castle of the occurrence outside, regarding Ichigen Miwagasa. However, that was all she could do in that fragment of opportunity, before his forceful strike.

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