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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

Yutaka arrived at the party with his scythe mainly gripped in both of his hands he looked around and staw the captain giving a speech.He grinned and went to stand nearby the table and noticed what he said " Can i Punch you boss? And I'm willing to fight you"he asked

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@dem guards

Rin Suzajamori

Rin had made it to the party extremely late, so late infact she'd barely managed to catch the tail end of the Captain's speech. Not that it mattered, she was a support role anyway. She was made to work alongside a guard and keep them fighting, not directly fight anyway. And the thing with finding said partner was hard, seeing as she'd only joined two days ago. Regardless she'd have to find someone she got along with decently enough soon, maybe that Issac guy she'd seen around off and on. He seemed nice enough, though she never bothered to speak to him.

Nevertheless she found a corner and stuck to it with a sigh, adjusting her hat as she did so. "
I'll just..be over here to heal you guys when the Captain kicks your asses. Try not to bleed all over the floor, please. Or me." She shouted at them. Today was going to be a long day.
The party was going rather well, as akihito would expected it too be. He begun to play with his hair a little bit, still conversating with a fellow guard "Say about that spar, maybe it's a good idea that we should do it, but what about my father? I know it hasn't been to long since he retired from the guards, but even myself doesn't know if he can protect himself on his own" He worried. Placing a hand on his hip, as he takes a sip from his cup. There is indeed quite a lot of people here, and he do hopes anyone in the guards with sharp eyesight would spot an assassin on the double.

Soon another guard began to approach to two, he didn't seem to know who the person was, but he sure knew who akihito was, not surprising though since his father announce his name in public. "Indeed I am sir" He says bowing slightly, to show respect. A little noise was heard, it had sounded to be a microphone. There was an odd male making a speech, and the word tournament has been said by the mysterious man who takes the name Karasu Redbringer. His offer was quite reckless. A sigh was released from akihito.

@NekoChanBo @TripTripleTimes @WrathSama17
Hatz said:

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside | Tags: @Hanjizoe

Cornelia had been peacefully admiring her surroundings, enjoying the brief time of relaxation that she acquired. However, an unusual figure caught her eye-- a certain redheaded boy, with a distinctive black eye-patch. The individual had seemed all too familiar, but where? The mercenary paused for a moment to ponder, though it became clear that he was Ichigen Miwagasa, one of the wanted 'criminals' from Night Raid-- or at least, that's what he looked like. She noticed that he was heading towards the direction of the castle, where the major party was held. Quickly, thinking that the assassin may have been up to trouble, Cornelia trailed after him, keeping her footsteps light, quick, and graceful. She paused once more for a moment of hesitation-- was what she was doing considered stalking? In a abnormal way? The girl paled at the thought, not wanting to be labelled as a creep. What if it was all just a coincidence that he had looked like one of
them? Quickly shaking away her thoughts, she took a deep breath, and mustered the courage to chase after him. As a mercenary, stalking people wasn't that weird of an act. Probably. It was all part of Cornelia's job, nonetheless. She briskly began to follow the assassin again, without any major stops, trying her best not to be noticed.

Ichigen Miwagasa || Assassin Ichigen had stopped running for a bit, and began to walk. He knew he was crossing enemy territory, but that didn't matter to him, but what really concern him was the amount of guards that is in the party. Ichigen came to a hault, and began analyzing, and thinking his plan through, as he sat on the ground with has fingers on his chin. "

I'm senseing that there will be more then one guard beside akihito, his father one of them, but the old geaser retired, though can't underestimate people nowadays, I remember having kill a murder in one of the guards. Such a tough battle" He says with both of his hands locked together and being placed on his cheek. Soon he would begin to get up off of the ground, and continued walking.
LeSoraAmari said:
@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @National @BloodyKharma
Rin sighed when Clair entered the scene, obviously trying to stop the fight before it got worse. Before he actually did kill the newcomer. Rin scowled stubbornly at the woman as he was locked in combat, both of their swords kissing each other's surfaces as the two stood there quietly. Clair had blocked all three of his attacks, that didn't surprise him one bit. But, he couldn't help but smirk slightly when she kicked Katsuki back a few feet. However, Katsuki had riled him up so much that Rin actually wanted to continue the fight. Gazing at Clair's pretty eyes, Rin couldn't help but smile, this time it was filled with his usual kindness that really did conflict his tone of voice. "You know my honour is very important to me, Clair. I can't let him walk over me like shit!". After noticing the subtle glare Krieg sent his way, Rin stood there quietly as he quickly took Kyūketsuki away from Clair's sword and took a few steps back, his sword at his side. "He caused this. He insulted me, more than once! He provoked me. He underestimated me, he insulted Kyūketsuki. I can't let this slide. He is no ally of mine...". As Rin held Kyūketsuki in his grasp, the blade began to glow a more vibrant crimson, this further emphasised to the group that knew the blade that it wanted blood more desperately than before. Glaring at Katsuki, Rin turned back to face Clair before talking to her. "His mission was to piss me off, and he completed it. You can tell he did it all on purpose, his intentions are as clear as day. He wanted a fight... He just chose the wrong person to instigate that with." Rin had absolutely no intention on backing down, not now. Katsuki had provoked him to an incredible level, and Rin was furious. In fact, the anger that seeped from him was something none in Night Raid had ever seen before and it was actually quite alien. Of course, they had all heard of Rin's temper from himself. But, this was by far not the worst he could get. However, those that knew him well knew that he never backed down, and this was most definitely a clear example of that conviction. He looked at Clair and smiled ever so slightly, if she did end up getting involved, Rin wouldn't lay a hand on her. The same with any of the other Night Raid members and they all knew that. However, right now... Rin didn't consider Katsuki as one of their own.

The energy that seeped from Kyūketsuki was a scary one, and those that felt it would be able to tell just how bloodthirsty the blade was. It was dangerous, and it reeked of malevolence. Kyūketsuki, the vampiric sword. Just the mentioning of its name is enough to frighten even the toughest of Royal Guard.

"Katsuki... You really have no idea what you've angered, do you? I'm willing to drop this and sheath my sword. But only if you'll lay down your weapons as well. If not, then that'd be your last warning gone. And I will strike you with all of my power, with all of Kyūketsuki's intention to kill. So, take your pick."

Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair let out a long ,over exaggerated, sigh and let her sword vanish from sight. It was clear that neither Rin nor Kyuketsuki would be stepping down from this fight , and this was only made evident when the sword began to emit its energy field. "Fine , but know now that i will not be helping you up when Krieg knocks you over". With that said Clair gave Rin a smile and began to make her way over to the tree line where the other spectators were present , however she made a brief stop to give the newbie a stern glare and a word of warning "Don't run from him and do not try and block his attacks , a lot of people make those mistakes and a lot of people died by making those mistakes"

Clair took a seat next to where Krieg had been and watched both of the boy's movement's carefully , Rin was bound to win the fight however she hoped the newbie wouldn't be to hurt afterwards.
Leo shakes a little once he saw the big man point at him, and respond. However, Leo felt a little more confident since the big man wasn't trying to eat him. He gulps before replying, standing up straight to not look scared, even though he already made it obvious.

"I... I'm Leo.. I am following Arden.. By the way, you never told me where you were taking me. Is it another slave house?"

Leo tensed up a little, his mind now thinking of the possibilities. Was Arden just a rival slave owner? Did she just want to collect Leo? However, Leo instantly denied that from being an option. She was so kind to him, and her eyes told truth. Besides, Krieg didn't seem like someone who would be in the slave trade. Leo what he's as another girl sits down next to Krieg. Who were these people?

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots
Rei suddenly arrived at the party " I am here for attendance and maybe what looks like to eat some food!" She said loudly she looked excited for the party then saluting the Captain.
"No worries." Rameal said to Akihito. "Well just wait till this event is over." Honestly, Rameal hated waiting. He wanted a chance to let Amaturasu burn bright but he didn't have a choice in the matter. It wouldn't be so smart to leave his Friend's father alone with night raid running around.

"Not really." Rameal responded to Ryougin's question. "Its a total bore. The only thing worth a damn is the grub and a chance to let Amaterasu taste assassin blood."

Then someone said something that caught his attention and made his blood boil with excitement. Their Capitan was taking challengers. A three on one? Rameal wanted to test his might against the Crow but then again, he'd probably be wiped out. The thought of a strong opponent made the young gaurd even more excited. "I definitely want a shot at you captain Crow." Rameal said stepping forward. A egear grin painted on his face.

@Hanjizoe @NekoChanBo @TripTripleTimes

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe

Cornelia froze as Ichigen slowed his pace to a walk, her body slightly tensing up as his steps gradually decreased in speed. She vigilantly trailed after him, matching his tempo cautiously. The mercenary carefully proceeded on, her footsteps kept quiet as usual. When the assassin had sat down on the spot for a quick stop, Cornelia merely peered over at him, once more rivaling his pace. However, when Ichigen was up and moving forward, she took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to squeak-- which at first, came off as an utter failure because of her timidness.
"Excuse me..." she softly murmured to begin with, most-likely too inaudible to be heard. After clearing her throat, she started again. "Pardon me, Sir." Cornelia added, in a louder, more audible, and confident tone; her hands suddenly shifted for a tight grip on her Imperial Arm, the majestic bottle tucked safely in her pocket. She kept it there for safety measures, in case she had to engage in battle. Her spear was also displayed on her back, ready to be unsheathed at any given time.


Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden watched the conflict happen behind them for a few moments, not taking much into consideration into what was unfolding since it didn't involve her in any way other than the fact that they were her teammates. As soon as Leo asked the question of where she was taking him possibly being another slave house, Arden slipped her hand out of his grasp. "No, it's not.." She answered still rather dully but it was obvious something was iffy about her reaction, even without her expression shown. "Kreig, whats happened?" Asking him to see his perspective of things, honestly not caring much to join in but wanting to know at least the background of things so she could avoid it later on.

@National @Mitchs98


Yasumi Kai | Guard

A small cat-like animal of the sorts could be seen scurrying around the ballroom floor, seen to be carrying a tray of the sorts with an abundance of food. However it was neither a cat nor an animal, it was just Yasumi in her kitten hoodie that she wore quiet often, even to special events like this one. It was very rare that she would be seen wearing anything fancy let alone normal clothing but she had her ways to get away with wearing what she did. Munching on the plate of food without a single care in the world as she made her way around the room, eventually bumping into a tall pale haired girl who was, with further glance was a fellow guard comrade. Specifically, Rin. Falling back on her bum, Sumi looked up at Rin with a big goofy looking smile on her face which was stuffed with food and crumbs of the sort. "Hi Rin~!" The young innocent seeming girl happily greeted.

National said:
Leo shakes a little once he saw the big man point at him, and respond. However, Leo felt a little more confident since the big man wasn't trying to eat him. He gulps before replying, standing up straight to not look scared, even though he already made it obvious.
"I... I'm Leo.. I am following Arden.. By the way, you never told me where you were taking me. Is it another slave house?"

Leo tensed up a little, his mind now thinking of the possibilities. Was Arden just a rival slave owner? Did she just want to collect Leo? However, Leo instantly denied that from being an option. She was so kind to him, and her eyes told truth. Besides, Krieg didn't seem like someone who would be in the slave trade. Leo what he's as another girl sits down next to Krieg. Who were these people?

@Defective Kitten @Mitchs98 @Mr Swiftshots
@Mr Swiftshots

Krieg Stein

Krieg nodded in recognition of Leo's introduction before turning back to the scene before him. He wasn't being rude, or trying to be. He was just being Krieg, a man of few words, as always. He wasn't sure if things were getting worse or getting better. Nonetheless he kept a closeful watch on the fight even as Clair walked over his gaze only shifted very briefly before returning to the fight. Soon enough Arden asked what had happened. Krieg himself wasn't really entirely sure. Being a simple man he didn't quite grasp the concept of honor. Thus he shrugged in response, he hadn't exactly seen the entire thing from the start anyway being busy cutting wood and all.

@National[/URL] @Mitchs98


Yasumi Kai | Guard

A small cat-like animal of the sorts could be seen scurrying around the ballroom floor, seen to be carrying a tray of the sorts with an abundance of food. However it was neither a cat nor an animal, it was just Yasumi in her kitten hoodie that she wore quiet often, even to special events like this one. It was very rare that she would be seen wearing anything fancy let alone normal clothing but she had her ways to get away with wearing what she did. Munching on the plate of food without a single care in the world as she made her way around the room, eventually bumping into a tall pale haired girl who was, with further glance was a fellow guard comrade. Specifically, Rin. Falling back on her bum, Sumi looked up at Rin with a big goofy looking smile on her face which was stuffed with food and crumbs of the sort. "Hi Rin~!" The young innocent seeming girl happily greeted.

Rin Suzajamori

Rin sighed as the guards seemingly ignored her. Well it was probably for the best considering what she said was fairly insulting. Even still, everyone had mostly ignored her since she arrived. Not that she had went out of her way to interact with them, but one would figure they at-least wouldn't outright ignore their new medic altogether. Whatever. As long as they didn't come whining to her as they bled out after ignoring her advice she didn't care. At all, really. Soon enough though a guard she recognized from when she was introduced someone bumped into her; literally. Looking down at the afforementioned Yasumi she was a mix between annoyed and relieved she had someone to talk to instead of stare at the Captain beat some fools into the ground. "
Watch where you're going." She told her with a sigh before offering a hand to help her up with. "I see you're enjoying yourself." She added, gesturing to the tray of food with her other hand. In the extremely short timespan she had known Yasumi it became quite clear the girl loved food, this only further evidenced by all the food ahe had.
MrNeko said:
Yutaka arrived at the party with his scythe mainly gripped in both of his hands he looked around and staw the captain giving a speech.He grinned and went to stand nearby the table and noticed what he said " Can i Punch you boss? And I'm willing to fight you"he asked
WrathSama17 said:
"No worries." Rameal said to Akihito. "Well just wait till this event is over." Honestly, Rameal hated waiting. He wanted a chance to let Amaturasu burn bright but he didn't have a choice in the matter. It wouldn't be so smart to leave his Friend's father alone with night raid running around.
"Not really." Rameal responded to Ryougin's question. "Its a total bore. The only thing worth a damn is the grub and a chance to let Amaterasu taste assassin blood."

Then someone said something that caught his attention and made his blood boil with excitement. Their Capitan was taking challengers. A three on one? Rameal wanted to test his might against the Crow but then again, he'd probably be wiped out. The thought of a strong opponent made the young gaurd even more excited. "I definitely want a shot at you captain Crow." Rameal said stepping forward. A egear grin painted on his face.

@Hanjizoe @NekoChanBo @TripTripleTimes
Crow simply smirked as he got up off the ground so far he has found two people he just needed one more, Crow looked around it seemed a large amount of the guards were drunk or getting there which could prove bad if a attack happened now the groups fighting strength would be halved saying that quite a few royal guards were taking part in this tournament which meant they had to stay sober, this meant that at least the royal guards would be able to protect both. Crow simply smiled at the two who accepted his challenge before turning to the crowd. "I need just one more person." Crow said before his eyes locked on Akihito after all this was Akihito's fathers event made for him its only right he showed the crowd what he has learnt. Crow's moved his arms to the side of his body and smirked. "How about you Akihito this is a event in your hornor after all why not show the people and your father what you have learnt?" Crow asked he quickly ordered two of his royal guards to go and protect Taiga Tsutsumibachi which would give Akihito a chance to join in. Crows eyes slowly began scanning the crowd he wanted to see just how many guards were here. He say Rin Suzajamori, a new guard medic and he guessed that's who shouted about patching the ones who fight up after, he also saw Yasumi Kai whatever drove that adorable little ball of energy to become a guard Crow did not knew, Crow obviously saw the two who wanted to try against him and the prince of the event, Akihito and finally the last one who caught his eye was Rei Akita she was a very quiet girl. Crow walked to the edge of the fighting area and placed his weapon on the guard he didn't want to kill them after all and if Night Raid even tried to attack he can just recall his blade.

@Hanjizoe @WrathSama17 @MrNeko
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Aurora slowly crept around, her small bare feet pattering against the hard cobblestone beneath her. This place was definitely strange, and very different to the castle back home. The coldness of the floor clung to her toes, and made them numb and tingly. However, she most definitely preferred it to home. Being outside on her own was strange. Well, being outside full stop.

The people around her acted very weirdly, causing her to tense a little, but her lack of knowledge on rough looking and acting people meant that she wasn't aware of how dangerous they really were. A lot of the women she had seen seemed to be wearing anything other then dresses, and it made Aurora frown, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. "But, mother said..." She began, pausing and then shaking her head from the thought. "Mother isn't here." She whispered to herself, beginning to walk along the streets once again. Rubbing her forearms, she sighed, looking for anywhere or anyone who looked friendly enough.
Hatz said:

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe

Cornelia froze as Ichigen slowed his pace to a walk, her body slightly tensing up as his steps gradually decreased in speed. She vigilantly trailed after him, matching his tempo cautiously. The mercenary carefully proceeded on, her footsteps kept quiet as usual. When the assassin had sat down on the spot for a quick stop, Cornelia merely peered over at him, once more rivaling his pace. However, when Ichigen was up and moving forward, she took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to squeak-- which at first, came off as an utter failure because of her timidness.
"Excuse me..." she softly murmured to begin with, most-likely too inaudible to be heard. After clearing her throat, she started again. "Pardon me, Sir." Cornelia added, in a louder, more audible, and confident tone; her hands suddenly shifted for a tight grip on her Imperial Arm, the majestic bottle tucked safely in her pocket. She kept it there for safety measures, in case she had to engage in battle. Her spear was also displayed on her back, ready to be unsheathed at any given time.

Ichigen Miwagasa || Assasin

After walking for quite sometime, ichigen suddenly stopped as he heard a female voice nearby, he began to turn around, and an unhealthy look on his face was displayed. When did she get there, how long was it since she was there? questions swirl around his mind, he doesn't know for sure if she was a guard or an assassin. So Ichigen quickly turned his body, and began to ask a serious question. "Who the hell are you, and how long have you been tailing me?" he wasn't up for no bullshit answer, there was a 60% chance that this female is an assassin, but by the looks of her, she didn't look much of a threat, despite the long spear that was behind her. His guard was comepletly up, and was on a ready to go status.
LeSoraAmari said:
@Mitchs98 @Defective Kitten @National @BloodyKharma
Rin sighed when Clair entered the scene, obviously trying to stop the fight before it got worse. Before he actually did kill the newcomer. Rin scowled stubbornly at the woman as he was locked in combat, both of their swords kissing each other's surfaces as the two stood there quietly. Clair had blocked all three of his attacks, that didn't surprise him one bit. But, he couldn't help but smirk slightly when she kicked Katsuki back a few feet. However, Katsuki had riled him up so much that Rin actually wanted to continue the fight. Gazing at Clair's pretty eyes, Rin couldn't help but smile, this time it was filled with his usual kindness that really did conflict his tone of voice. "You know my honour is very important to me, Clair. I can't let him walk over me like shit!". After noticing the subtle glare Krieg sent his way, Rin stood there quietly as he quickly took Kyūketsuki away from Clair's sword and took a few steps back, his sword at his side. "He caused this. He insulted me, more than once! He provoked me. He underestimated me, he insulted Kyūketsuki. I can't let this slide. He is no ally of mine...". As Rin held Kyūketsuki in his grasp, the blade began to glow a more vibrant crimson, this further emphasised to the group that knew the blade that it wanted blood more desperately than before. Glaring at Katsuki, Rin turned back to face Clair before talking to her. "His mission was to piss me off, and he completed it. You can tell he did it all on purpose, his intentions are as clear as day. He wanted a fight... He just chose the wrong person to instigate that with." Rin had absolutely no intention on backing down, not now. Katsuki had provoked him to an incredible level, and Rin was furious. In fact, the anger that seeped from him was something none in Night Raid had ever seen before and it was actually quite alien. Of course, they had all heard of Rin's temper from himself. But, this was by far not the worst he could get. However, those that knew him well knew that he never backed down, and this was most definitely a clear example of that conviction. He looked at Clair and smiled ever so slightly, if she did end up getting involved, Rin wouldn't lay a hand on her. The same with any of the other Night Raid members and they all knew that. However, right now... Rin didn't consider Katsuki as one of their own.

The energy that seeped from Kyūketsuki was a scary one, and those that felt it would be able to tell just how bloodthirsty the blade was. It was dangerous, and it reeked of malevolence. Kyūketsuki, the vampiric sword. Just the mentioning of its name is enough to frighten even the toughest of Royal Guard.

"Katsuki... You really have no idea what you've angered, do you? I'm willing to drop this and sheath my sword. But only if you'll lay down your weapons as well. If not, then that'd be your last warning gone. And I will strike you with all of my power, with all of Kyūketsuki's intention to kill. So, take your pick."
@LeSoraAmari[/URL] @BloodyKharma
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]

Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair let out a long ,over exaggerated, sigh and let her sword vanish from sight. It was clear that neither Rin nor Kyuketsuki would be stepping down from this fight , and this was only made evident when the sword began to emit its energy field. "Fine , but know now that i will not be helping you up when Krieg knocks you over". With that said Clair gave Rin a smile and began to make her way over to the tree line where the other spectators were present , however she made a brief stop to give the newbie a stern glare and a word of warning "Don't run from him and do not try and block his attacks , a lot of people make those mistakes and a lot of people died by making those mistakes"

Clair took a seat next to where Krieg had been and watched both of the boy's movement's carefully , Rin was bound to win the fight however she hoped the newbie wouldn't be to hurt afterwards.

Katsuki scowled, skidding to a halt a few feet away, after being kicked by some unknown girl. A girl who not only dared to strike him, but also clearly doubted his combat skills. "'Oh my god, now this shit is just getting annoying." he fumed, catching sight of the growing crowd out of the corner of his eye. "With all these people here I can't go full throttle...and this bitch dares to underestimate me." he said aloud, not caring to hide his words. "Anyone else plan on interfering? Please step forwards, so I can go ahead and blow you away with this dipshit standing in front of me." he shouted out loud, lowering his arms he used to guard against Clair's attack. He outstretched them as far as he could, turning in a circle, as if he were waiting for someone else to approach. "Want me to lay down my weapons? Fuck outta here, what do you think this is? Don't run, don't hide, don't fucking block. Wow, just wow. Excellent fucking advice, top notch. Your a fucking genius. Come at me with Kyushitty, so I can end this and go enjoy my FUCKING DOUGHNUTS!"
Akihito Tsutsumibachi || Guard Not to long after his chat with rae, there would accept that captain's challenge, the captain would then look for none other then akihito if he would care too join, a smirk appeared from the boy, as he nodded, and would gladly take on his challenge, as there would be a 3 way match took held in the party. "Where do you think this fight will be held actually"? he asked. Soon two guards would suddenly appear right beside his father, he was quite pleased, and then bowed respectingly towards the captain "I appreciate the concern of my father" The two others would surprisingly tag along in this fight of his.

He wasn't to sure what power the captain holds, but with out a doubt he could be greater then his, as he is the captain of the royal guards after all, it'll be disappointing if he would lose to his two subordinates, and akihito himself.

@WrathSama17 @NekoChanBo
Rei went to go sit down and began to eat and go drink some wine "This is some good wine where is it from I might get really excited from this wine" she said drinking her entire wine glass and beginning to laugh a bit
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Rameal was getting more and more excited by the second. A chance to throw down with the head honcho himself. This would be a great chance to test his abilities. It was also a good opportunity to see how him and his comrades would fight together. "When do we start!?" The man asked a bit too eagerly.

@MrNeko @NekoChanBo @Hanjizoe
"I wonder if I can actually overpower someone then press my thumbs into someone's throat and break through the skin and kill them all though I do wonder if I could so that...Is something wrong with that or am I okay?" He said to the other guards nearby him

@WrathSama17 @NekoChanBo @Hanjizoe
Suddenly, an ominous, cold wind blows behind the guards that were about to fight the captain, a very faint rush of wind being heard as a young.boy suddenly appears behind Crow. It was Guvi Reach, the young strategist and intelligence advisor for none other than the captain himself. Guvi sighs as his eyes were already half closed, his tired face looking up at the other guards.

"You know, I wonder if sometimes we understand that we can't just fight everything we see, even our own comrades? But of course, my words are falling on deaf ears, correct captain?"

@NekoChanBo @Hanjizoe @MrNeko @WrathSama17
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Leo looks at Arden, instantly feeling guilty after what he said.

"I'm sorry, I know you aren't like that. I just... I don't know who to trust... I feel like such a heavy burden on you."

Leo shamefully looks down at his feet, his bare soles planted on the grass that grew in lazy circles around them. He looks at the fight, and he asks her a question.

Who's fighting? And are they part of your group?"

@Defective Kitten

Cornelia "Nelly" Andre

Role: Mercenary | Status: Affiliated with the Empire/Guards | Location: Outside - Near Castle | Tags: @Hanjizoe

Cornelia fell silent for a little while, cautiously keeping her grip tight onto her Imperial Arm's bottle. She picked up on the hint of displeasure, or perhaps disgust, plastered over the assassin's face. The mercenary was quite unsure about how to answer his inquiry, again, she would've much preferred not talking in general. Though, she tried to keep her responses as short as possible. "I-Ichigen Miwagasa, was it...?" she started. "I don't think you need to know about my first answer, and I've been following you for a while now, perhaps fifteen minutes..?" Cornelia added, though her volume was rather quiet overall, and was only audible enough to be heard if he was listening sharply. To be perfectly honest, she would have expected for a renegade, especially that of Night Raid, to be hidden better, rather than going out alone, and unmasked. Or was it a trap? She proceeded back to her main point; her primary purpose was to execute what she was paid to do-- protecting the Empire and castle localities, as well as stopping the Revolutionary Army, Night Raid, and any other rebels whenever possible. "If your objective here is to launch an attack during the party, then I'm afraid I'll have to stop you. Sorry." Her tone of voice often sounded quite kind and gentle, giving off a benevolent feel and demeanor. As she softly spoke, Cornelia eyed him from head to toe, mentally making note of any important features.

Alice thought for a moment, attempting to think of where Rin could be. She may be married but she didn't quite take on the motherly personality. She didn't keep tabs on where everyone was at every moment and who they were with, so unfortunately she wasn't much of a help. "No Santios, I've got no clue where Rin could be. I think he's somewhere RINside the building. And if he is fighting someone my money says he is RINning right now." She said with a grin, wrapping her arm around his waist and laughing. Puns got her no matter what, even if they were her own. The silver haired girl found herself cracking herself up more than making others laugh. But hey, as long as she was laughing that was someone. "Should we find him though?"


(I'll post Fujio tomorrow)
NekoChanBo said:
Karasu or 'Crow' as he preferred was stood in the guards training room, it was empty so what better time did he have to train. He began simply swinging his blade around every few seconds getting faster and faster. He swore he had something to do now but as it turns out he couldn't remember so it must not have been too important. The blade got faster and faster until it was nearly impossible to see but for Crow he could see it fine every fine feature. A single drop of sweat dropped down his face however before it hit the ground Crow's Teigu caught it on the blade. He began to hear a set of foot steps it was one person rushing. He heard the door open and the foot steps get closer to Crow. As soon as the person was close enough Crow's blade spun around pointing right at his neck. The man looked incredibly nervous before Crow realized who it was, he moved his Teigu and placed it to his side as the man began to speak. "Sir, aren't you meant to be at Taiga Tuutsumibachi event." Crow thought for a second and covered his face.
"I knew they was something, thank you." Crow said before wrapping up his Teigu. "Oh also they want you to make a event showing off the strength of the Captain of the guard." The man spoke causing a large sigh to escape from Crow's mouth. "Well there goes my plan to talk shake a few hands and leave." Crow sniggers as he leaves. He took the quickest way to get to the event location avoiding all main roads. As he arrived at the party he walked right in, looked around and ensured no speeches or anything majorly important was happen. Once he felt he was safe he watched as the next match of the tournament ended before taking the area where the event was happening.

Crow placed his hands towards the next two getting ready to continue the tournament and told them to sit back down. "Ladies and gentlemen allow me to apologies for interrupting this event." Crow spoke he projected his voice as much as possible. "For those of you who don't know me my name is Karasu Redbringer I also go by Crow and I am currently the captain of the Royal guard." Crow took a slight pause again as a few hush whispers passed around. "The men who have been participating in this tournament are my men, anyway onto the reason why I interrupted this event. I would like to propose a match I will take on any three people in a three vs one match." Crow paused once again before smirking a little as he took a seat. "Guards this is the first and only time outside of training where you will get a chance to punch your boss don't waste it." Crow joked before waiting on any takers.
Hanjizoe said:
The party was going rather well, as akihito would expected it too be. He begun to play with his hair a little bit, still conversating with a fellow guard "Say about that spar, maybe it's a good idea that we should do it, but what about my father? I know it hasn't been to long since he retired from the guards, but even myself doesn't know if he can protect himself on his own" He worried. Placing a hand on his hip, as he takes a sip from his cup. There is indeed quite a lot of people here, and he do hopes anyone in the guards with sharp eyesight would spot an assassin on the double.
Soon another guard began to approach to two, he didn't seem to know who the person was, but he sure knew who akihito was, not surprising though since his father announce his name in public. "Indeed I am sir" He says bowing slightly, to show respect. A little noise was heard, it had sounded to be a microphone. There was an odd male making a speech, and the word tournament has been said by the mysterious man who takes the name Karasu Redbringer. His offer was quite reckless. A sigh was released from akihito.

@NekoChanBo @TripTripleTimes @WrathSama17
WrathSama17 said:
"No worries." Rameal said to Akihito. "Well just wait till this event is over." Honestly, Rameal hated waiting. He wanted a chance to let Amaturasu burn bright but he didn't have a choice in the matter. It wouldn't be so smart to leave his Friend's father alone with night raid running around.
"Not really." Rameal responded to Ryougin's question. "Its a total bore. The only thing worth a damn is the grub and a chance to let Amaterasu taste assassin blood."

Then someone said something that caught his attention and made his blood boil with excitement. Their Capitan was taking challengers. A three on one? Rameal wanted to test his might against the Crow but then again, he'd probably be wiped out. The thought of a strong opponent made the young gaurd even more excited. "I definitely want a shot at you captain Crow." Rameal said stepping forward. A egear grin painted on his face.
@MrNeko, @National, @Mitchs98

Ryougin Sho || Guard

Ryougin chuckles at the two Royal Guard say their piece, Akihito polite and Rameal blunt but honest. Both traits the older guard have expected from his read of their profiles prior to the event.

"We can't expect less than the best food for a Capital celebration!" Ze grins and shifts zir weight on one leg and then puts a hand on zir hip. The bow and quiver of arrows on zir back jostle noisily. "I dont think we'll be lucky enough for an Assassin, but I think we will get out as soon as the tournament there finishes."

Just as Ryougin is about to introduce zirself to the two boys, zir sees the captain of the Royal Guard intrups the on going fight down that way.

"Well, nevermind. Count on the captain to cut straight to the good stuff." And before anyone knows it, the two boys and Yutaka Miyata are up for a fight with the captain.

Yutaka Miyata, a man that rarely comes out to mingle with his fellow guards, picks fights and rumoured to be a womanizer. Luckily, Ryougin have worked with the man and ze doesn't mind the man at all. Yutaka is good at his job and they are all here for that.

"Well, what are you two waiting for!" Ryougin pushes Akihito and Rameal towards the fighting arena. "Have fun!"

The celebration party is held in a location with two distinctive sections. One is the usual dance, dine, and gather area with round tables that the guests can sit at; it is a long strech of marble. Then at one of the long side of it, the flat surface drops down revealing the fighting arena. There are couple of rows of seats before the stone really drops down to the impressive large stage. The whole feel of the place is like a colosseum, but you know, less seats, more of a rectangle, and that large dining area that looks over the fight.

Down where Captain Crow is, Guvi Reach suddenly appears.

"Boo, Guvi! Let us have a good show!" Ryougin calls out. Guvi maybe his senior in rank but the tanned guard cant let the kid do what he wants! "You're too late to stop us, I got the bets going!" Well, ze doesn't but ze can see some of the party patrons whispering among themselves and handing over money. At the corner of zir eyes, ze can see those same men and women freeze up for a moment before ignoring them completely. Ryougin looks around the dining hall once again and spots the Royal Guard newest medic.

"Hey, if anyone looses a limb or two," Ryougin grins wickedly, "or even dies, we show off our new girl!" Ze beams and grins back to the pale haired girl.
BloodyKharma said:
Katsuki scowled, skidding to a halt a few feet away, after being kicked by some unknown girl. A girl who not only dared to strike him, but also clearly doubted his combat skills. "'Oh my god, now this shit is just getting annoying." he fumed, catching sight of the growing crowd out of the corner of his eye. "With all these people here I can't go full throttle...and this bitch dares to underestimate me." he said aloud, not caring to hide his words. "Anyone else plan on interfering? Please step forwards, so I can go ahead and blow you away with this dipshit standing in front of me." he shouted out loud, lowering his arms he used to guard against Clair's attack. He outstretched them as far as he could, turning in a circle, as if he were waiting for someone else to approach. "Want me to lay down my weapons? Fuck outta here, what do you think this is? Don't run, don't hide, don't fucking block. Wow, just wow. Excellent fucking advice, top notch. Your a fucking genius. Come at me with Kyushitty, so I can end this and go enjoy my FUCKING DOUGHNUTS!"
Rin simply nodded to Clair when she proceeded to head over towards Krieg. Katsuki was still in front of him, and thus Rin's gaze was quick to hone in and fix onto the male, clenching his teigu in his hand, it's ominous and bloodthirsty energy seeping from it. Choosing not to speak, Rin let Katsuki talk and hurl yet even more insults his way. But... What truly irked him, was the fact that Katsuki had just called Clair a bitch. In an instant, all of the bloodthirsty energy that Kyūketsuki formed founds it's way into the blade, and then Rin began to speak. "...End this?" The assassin couldn't help but smirk, And in a flash, he began charging towards Katsuki, kicking up dust and leaving a crack in the ground from where he took off. "I won't even need to go all out!". When he reached close proximity, Rin tilted Kyūketsuki slightly before calling out, "Kagenotsuki!" And then slashing straight at Katsuki at near impossible speeds as the blade glowed a crimson red. What looked and felt like only one slash, was actually five. The energy that the blade exuded was of true malevolence, and it could be felt from a mile away. Rin didn't want to use his techniques, but he was forced to. But with him using them it really did show just how serious the situation was.

@Mitchs98 @National @Defective Kitten @Mr Swiftshots
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