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Fandom Akame Ga Kill

I CALLED IT AND THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY OMFG. YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE HNGH @National Do me a favor and don't date her for three months then tell her you're gay like my boyfriend did to me yesterday. Treat her well boy. @Defective Kitten you too bby
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Kayzo said:
I CALLED IT AND THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY OMFG. YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE HNGH @National Do me a favor and don't date her for three months then tell her you're gay like my boyfriend did to me yesterday. Treat her well boy. @Defective Kitten you too bby
Oh my.. Want me to beat up your boyfriend for you? And thank you aha /.\
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Oh my.. Want me to beat up your boyfriend for you? And thank you aha /.\

No. We're still good friends, it's just awkward. And yeah! I hope your relationship blossoms into a wonderful thing!
Kayzo said:
No. We're still good friends, it's just awkward. And yeah! I hope your relationship blossoms into a wonderful thing!
ok ok okok okokokokokkk.. I can run him over with a car though, right? Yeah.. I hope so too (:B)
Defective Kitten] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28871-hatz/ said:
@Hatz[/URL] You've been added to the rolesheet in the overview, love :)
Thank you very much! :'>

I'm looking forward to getting along with all of you~ 8D
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]Nah boo, we breaking up because you hurtened me ;-;

Wait what ;-;
Kayzo said:
Don't worry boo. You got me
You.. you tryna say something @Kayzo..?

@Daniel reaving This thread. You were also there, because I was discussing the characters I was keeping depending on who intended on staying :P . I kept Anna for you for Silith, I really liked the RP between them :P
Mitchs98 said:
@Daniel reaving This thread. You were also there, because I was discussing the characters I was keeping depending on who intended on staying :P . I kept Anna for you for Silith, I really liked the RP between them :P
Shit im sorry please forgive me. i remember now and please forgive me for not starting up again
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Shit im sorry please forgive me. i remember now and please forgive me for not starting up again

You're completely fine, there's nothing to worry about at all xD
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]But ive kept you waiting for so long and i feel bad for it

We haven't been RPing for that long, xD . We only recently started it. You haven't kept me waiting dont worry :P
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]I hate rping on this phone but then again i don't text much like teena and biz people do.

Them damn teens!

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