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Fantasy Ichago Academy (CLOSED)

"I'm a Phoenix and you are?" Homura walked alongside Juniper down the hall and tried to create a conversation since she didn't want an awkward silence as they walked to the office. Homura looked to the female with curious eyes, Homura was truly curious about Juniper and who she was since she was the first that she had meet at this school.

Zaki came upon her classroom, she had gotten a malprinted schedule and was redirected to a new room. The giant doors didn't seem to be budging as a few other kids leaned and pulled on them. She studied the doors and found scorch marks, chips, and traces of other magic. "I think you have to hit it with magic." She suggested, clasping her books in her arms.
Taking notice of two individuals that approached at slightly different times, the brothers directed their attention to them curiously. Blu listened as the more voluble one spoke, and took note of the names provided. It was an unexpected greeting, but he was glad to see that there were friendly people around. He took the lollipop as it was handed to him and glanced at it before turning his sights back to Estelle and Xenia. All the while, Hope had been slowly edging towards his sibling's back, attempting to use the six foot one male as a shelter.

However, the younger of the two's actions were discretely cut off when Blu rested his arm on Hope's shoulders with an amiable smile adoring his face as he spoke, "This is splendid~ My brother and I are new here as well, and were hoping we could meet some affable people such as yourselves. I'm Blu, it's a pleasure to meet you." Blu gestured to the unusually quiet Hope that he should introduce himself by removing his arm from his shoulders and gently patting his head.

Hope tried to hide his perturbation with a small, twitching smile, not wanting to accidentally come off as rude, "Ahh, I'm Hope, It's nice to..meet you." He hadn't really been listening much due to his nervousness, even though it was simply because of the new environment. So when his brother spoke again he was taken a bit by surprise.

"I like the idea of becoming friends and accept your offer, What about you, Hope?" Blu glanced to the teen, wondering what he would say considering Hope never really had friends that he knew of.

The purple haired boy's expression shifted into a more cordial one whilst he replied, the nervous edge in his voice nearly gone," Sure, I'd like that."

@Hatz @Dibbydoo
Juniper slowed down a bit as the turned the corner. She could see the doors of the main office coming into focus. Just a few feet away. She turned to Homura. A Phoenix huh?Shoving her hand into her pockets, Juniper answered the girls question.

"I can manipulate shadows." She paused not sure if she should go into detail or not. "Basically, I can have the shadows take different forms and move things too." As she spoke she gestured to her right eye, which was mostly black with a red pupil. "This...lets me do it." Juniper said, a slight bitterness in her voice.

"Oh that's really cool! All i can do is control or summon fire and change my form into a Phoenix." Homura smiled at the female, she was really amazed at the fact she could use shadows any way she wanted to. Homura noticed the way her eye changed it's color and her eyes filled with sparks of amazement, you practically see sparks coming from her.

Marcella Oceana


A small tune could be heard within the dark abandon alleyway, its bright tone becoming somewhat of contrast of the morbid aura the alley brought about. The song was composed of various hums sung at different pitches, a melody made strictly of noises with the complete absence of words. From time to time an out of place creak could be heard accompanied a low grunt that quickly reverted back to that same song. Pushing herself along the darkened pathway, Marcella paused, the vibrating of her throat silencing as she once again hit a snag in the road. Blue eyes glared at the tiny rock that stood as a roadblock to her chair. This had been the third time this has happened to her today, the first being a deep pothole on the street and the other being an unusually large crack in the cement. Slightly annoyed, she sighed, attempting not to fall off her wheelchair while removing the rock from her path. It was quite obvious by her dirtied white T and her stained cloak covering her legs that she had fallen numerous time before this, and she had no plans on falling again. Steadily holding the arm of her chair while placing the other on the ground, she probed for the rock until her palm came into contact something sharp. She flinched at the sudden pinch a smile running across her soft lips as she slung the thing to her right hearing a small clank in response. Triumphant, she giggled silently, the sudden shaking causing her to lose her balance, her face now laughing at the floor.

"Grrrr!" she growled, dirtied hands pushing up her now muddied and dust covered body up from off the floor. Her T was now covered in dirt, the cloak that covered her lower half unfolded itself odd the ground, revealing a rather flamboyant tail. The scales glistened at the reflection from the sun off a broken shard of glass, the tip of the fin flapping angrily as to match the owners face. Annoying! Living on the surface was way harder then she ever imagined without legs. Marcella frowned, her eyebrows furrowing at the sight of her blanket kissing the ground. Furiously scratching her head, she wiggled to the seat of her chair, slinging the blanket across the bottom before jumping on herself. Then came a strange series of loops, twist, and knots and her tail was once again covered. Clapping in delight, she continued her journey, a dim light showing itself as she inched closer to the exit of the alley.

One. Two. Five. She was out. The warmth of the sun pierced her skin, a sudden surge of warmth spreading across her body. The rays of the sun caused her to flinch, her fin like ears flapping furiously as she shielded her eyes from the brightness of the sun. Unaccustomed to the phenomenon, she waited a few seconds, allowing her the specs of blue to better adjust to their current environment. Once she could see properly, she clapped happily at the building before her, acres of land covered in elegant stone contraptions, statues neatly carved into the exact image of the objects they were supposed to represent. A glorious assortment of stone, metal, and expert craftsmanship rested before her, bringing along with it a new found excitement comparable to that of when she had first appeared on dry land. Finally a place where she could focus purely on the study of land, the fabled 'school' of the surface world.

Nearly jumping from her seat, Marcella remembered something important and quickly flipped herself around, sticking her hand into a rather worn out satchel that swung at the upper handle of her seat. It seemed to be made up of a random variation of stray clothes, no patch being the same to another. The thing looked old and beaten, almost ripping at the light force of Marcella's hand as she pulled out a large notebook along with a discolored pink pen. Having found what she needed, she flipped herself back over to where she sat in the seat comfortably, and began writing.

Log 569

Today I have reached school. It's my first time being in one so I'm not exactly sure how this is supposed to work. I know it's a bunch of building neatly placed together to make a large area of 'learning'. I do not know whether or not there'll be hungry beasts in there looking for a mermaid snack, but I will do my best to survive and have fun while doing it. The note I received a few months ago said something about it being an inter-species school, so more than likely I will be faced with other beings of the 'mythological' or 'supernatural' kind. I hope to make lots a new friends and study while I'm here. Miss you mom.

Log Out

Slamming her book shut, she tossed it haphazardly inside her backpack and pushed herself forwards, the welcoming silver gates beckoning her in.

So big ... The place was freaking huge. Maybe not to the same extent Aldebeer had been, but it was still massive for what it was. From what she had known, schools were normally the size of a two story buildings that differed only in size. There were a set number of grades and from those grades was a cut off from the grades each school would teach. Three schools were made for grades Pre-Kindergarten (not a number but who was she to argue with surface dweller logic) to 12th grade. There was another higher place of learning, but that was something she still didn't know much about. Maybe this place would help her learn a bit more about it, probably. Although there was one tiny little things she didn't get. Where in the hell was she supposed to go? The paper only told her about the school, but nothing on where she should go when she got here. Or did it? Reaching in to the side pouch of her wheelchair, she took out a small crumbled paper and began examining it. Nope. Nothing about where to go after this. Nothing in this "
Welcome to Ichigo Academy. We cordially invite you to our wonderful school of magic.You can find us located in XXX. I hope to see you there..." blurb of sewn together phrases.

She sighed as she came upon a wonderful water fountain. Her sigh turned into a gasp as she felt herself rushing towards the lovely blue liquid that she had missed so dearly. The surface world was fun, but nothing beats getting your tail fin wet and moving. Wanting to jump in, she stopped herself knowing the customs of this realm, she waved her hand into a circle, a small sphere of water forming in response. After it had grown to a moderate size, she motioned the ball to her. With a quick snap, the ball dispersed, wonderfully cold water running down her unbearable dry skin, her ears welcoming the water's touch. Dousing herself with a few more balls of water, she finally took notice to the stickiness of her shirt as it clung onto her skin. The cloak that covered her bottom was becoming more and more irritating as the heaviness of the cloth began dragging her body down. How could she have forgotten the absurdness of human clothing so easily. She had done this many time and the results had always been the same. Bopping herself on the head, she forced the now heavy chair forward, deciding to simply roam around until she found someone to help her situate herself.


Tagged - @Whoever || Character Mood - Mixture of Aggravation and Excitement

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Cerin said:
Taking notice of two individuals that approached at slightly different times, the brothers directed their attention to them curiously. Blu listened as the more voluble one spoke, and took note of the names provided. It was an unexpected greeting, but he was glad to see that there were friendly people around. He took the lollipop as it was handed to him and glanced at it before turning his sights back to Estelle and Xenia. All the while, Hope had been slowly edging towards his sibling's back, attempting to use the six foot one male as a shelter.
However, the younger of the two's actions were discretely cut off when Blu rested his arm on Hope's shoulders with an amiable smile adoring his face as he spoke, "This is splendid~ My brother and I are new here as well, and were hoping we could meet some affable people such as yourselves. I'm Blu, it's a pleasure to meet you." Blu gestured to the unusually quiet Hope that he should introduce himself by removing his arm from his shoulders and gently patting his head.

Hope tried to hide his perturbation with a small, twitching smile, not wanting to accidentally come off as rude, "Ahh, I'm Hope, It's nice to..meet you." He hadn't really been listening much due to his nervousness, even though it was simply because of the new environment. So when his brother spoke again he was taken a bit by surprise.

"I like the idea of becoming friends and accept your offer, What about you, Hope?" Blu glanced to the teen, wondering what he would say considering Hope never really had friends that he knew of.

The purple haired boy's expression shifted into a more cordial one whilst he replied, the nervous edge in his voice nearly gone," Sure, I'd like that."

@Hatz @Dibbydoo
She watch the two boys talk to the girl beside her. Blinking and tilting her head, she pulled out another pocky stick and bit into it, nibbling it until there was nothing more that just a lone crum on her lip. She used her tongue to pull it into her mouth, before moving onto the next stick.

She looked at the younger boy. His name was hope. She tilted her head, and raised her voice to ask something." Why is he scared.. Are we scary..?" She said, almost no tone in her voice. She hoped she wasn't scaring anyone with her emotionless ss that she couldn't help. She bit into another stick, and offered the two boys some.

Whale said:
Zaki came upon her classroom, she had gotten a malprinted schedule and was redirected to a new room. The giant doors didn't seem to be budging as a few other kids leaned and pulled on them. She studied the doors and found scorch marks, chips, and traces of other magic. "I think you have to hit it with magic." She suggested, clasping her books in her arms.
( Slrye, the teacher in the Rp decided to leave it. So. Sorry
All the sudden, a huge black most came tou do the highest windo from the front, startling some of the students below. It came out and hovered above them, before creating a woman. She waved to the small students, and spoke, her loud voice being audible to everyone. " The gates are closing! Everyone report to the main hall for introductions!" She said, soon enough being sucked right back in, turning into the same mist.

The large, golden gates twitched and began to slowly close. It screeched and urched lightly, Asia hadn't been closed for a while. Students began to hurriedly walk inside, dragging along suitcases with their belongings. At the most the gate would take ten minutes to close.

@Zabuzas Son @Knight Nate @Cerin
Hope blinked when Xenia spoke, averting his gaze to the right with furrowed brows for a moment after hearing the question,"..No..I'm just.." He hesitated, trying to think of a way to word it,"..A little new to this."

Blu was about to speak when he was inturrpted by the scene in front of the school. Watching was surprising, though he thought it to be a tad bit overdone,"Well, I guess it's time to go inside."
Though he was not there to witness the spectacle, Xiao was not deaf. He heard the loud, booming voice very clearly. He sighed as he put his shoes back on and moved outside of the classroom. He stretched and took a deep breath as he stepped outside; he enjoyed the cold weather. His cane clacked on the ground as he walked and looked around for this 'main hall'. A frown spread across his face as he walked; there weren't any signs whatsoever as to where the Main Hall was. He sighed as he looked around, his cane planted firmly in the ground, and confusion evident on his face.
(Oh okay!) Zaki looked up at the sound of the booming voice and grinned. She made her way to the main hall swiftly, looking around for a place of her own. Quickly shenfound it and leaned against a near wall, watching the other kids stream into the main hall.

Igasho slipped inside, ignoring the wolf. He held his bag tightly in one hand, and a book in the other as he followed the stream of kids heading towards the main hall. Already he was feeling uncomfortable. The first person he met had tried to scare him.


Estelle Jeon Estelle was pleased that Xenia had said a complete sentence to Hope, though she was contemplating whether they actually appeared 'scary' to other people or not... She shrugged it off, knowing that people had their limits, but she was confident that they didn't appear 'scary' at all.

Certainly, the female was startled and alarmed as the loud sounds began to transpire; indicating that the gates were closing. "A-Ahh..!" The screeches of the grand doors pierced her ears unpleasantly, however, she took a deep breath and carried on. She paid heed to the adult's wise words, deciding to head inside with the other three.

"W-Well... Xenia, Blu, and Hope! Alright, off we go!" she cheered, beginning to skip inside with the rest of her luggage. "I can confirm that I have absolutely no idea where this 'main hall' is, but we'll try our best!"

@Dibbydoo @Cerin
She blinked, walking in front of the small group. " I know where it is.. Follow me.." She said, beginning to walk. She slipped past everyone. She turned, and waited for them to catch up a little, walking with a blank look on her small face. She hummed lightly, her eyes slowly blinking. Her pink hair bounced lightly as she walked. Se looked toward her feet, then back at them, her suitcase following her without her having to hold it.

@Cerin @Hatz
Blu and hope didn't hesitate to follow. After all, they didn't know where anything was on these grounds. Blu situated the luggage strapped to his back as he walked, and handed the lollipop given to him to the younger sibling. He didn't want to be rude before, but he never really liked sweets. Hope on the other hand was glad to have the candy, twirling it between his fingers before unwrapping it and proceeding to stuff it into his mouth. Thankfully, he hadn't had any sweets today, so it wouldn't end up making him ill later on.

@Dibbydoo @Hatz


Estelle Jeon Estelle trailed after the three, lugging her suitcases behind her. She wasn't the strongest person around, which made the task of bringing her luggage a chore; a bit of a pain, at that. The lollipop-lover had accidentally bumped into several students due to the large crowd attempting to bundle inside the building (though she kept her manners and murmured an apology on each occasion), having a slight struggle with keeping up. Nonetheless, she kept a bright smile plastered onto her face, soon catching up with Xenia as she headed to the planned destination.

'It looks like you require assistance with that load of yours..' the voice returned, softly giggling in a teasing tone.

'I thought you were going to stop talking to me, huuuh?' Estelle puffed her cheeks.

'Ah.. is that so? I said that? Oh yeah, I forgot, heh. Alright, bye. (Technically, this is telepathy, and that is different from verbal speaking)'

'W-Wait! But you still need to introduce yourself to me..!'


'...There goes my opportunity.'

@Dibbydoo @Cerin
Marcella Oceana


Marcella nearly jumped out of her chair at the sound of an abnormally loud voice that seemed to surround her, the sound seeping out the wall of the surrounding buildings. It was apparent the this person held some authority over this establishment as they ordered the students to head towards the main hall for introductions. The voice soon fell silent, the sound of the wind and the splashing of the water becoming her only company. Running a small hand through the mass of blue tangles, she shrieked, strands of silk snagging between her fingers. Marcella had forgotten how the dry air had hardened her once smooth follicles. A small price to pay for adventure she supposed. Wiggling her fingers, she freed her hands from their azure prison, a few strands dangling from her middle to her pinkie. Somewhat heart wrenching, but again a small sacrifice. With hands tightly gripping the wet tires of her seat, she decided to follows the stranger's orders, although finding this 'main hall' would prove to be a fairly difficult task. A slow deep breathe in and a quick exhale, she pushed forth in search of the hall they were told to go to.

It wasn't as hard to find as she thought it'd be. In fact it was somewhat scary to see a wave of bodies moving through the halls of the building. It was a bit frightening to her, admittedly. She did not find comfort in allowing herself to get swept away in a mass of students, her wheelchair too old for such abuse. The blankness in their stares told her all she needed to know. They weren't worried about a girl in a mobile chair, the only thing on their minds was getting to their destination. Hesitant to continue, she bopped herself on the head ordering herself to gain a bit more confidence. She wanted to be here so badly, fighting the police for over ten years to get here, and there was no time to be chickening out over some kids the same age as herself. Taking a gulp, she forced herself into the sea of raging students. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Being scared and being stupid were two completely different things. Oh crap.

Losing control of her seat, she was forced down the marble hallways into random sections of the building. Marcella was too focused on regaining control over her chair to fully enjoy the scenery, her hands flailing to grasp onto something to hold onto. With some outside assistance she could probably pull herself of the streaming crowd of children, but by the looks of it she would be following them all the way there. Attempting to balance herself on her seat, stray legs pushing the arms of her chair all over the place had almost caused her to fall a multitude of time. Another leg had squashed her hand, her right palm now thumping in pain. She would've cried if she didn't know what her voice had been capable of. A small tear trickled down her damp face as her blue irises scanned for something to hold. As they exited another building she could no longer deal with the stress of being pushed around and forced her way out the mass of drones. Her chair had ran over one guys foot, a hand pushing another out the ways. A series of groans and grunts escaped the mouths of her victims as she found herself alone, the ever growing line now behind her. A smile crept on her face as she clapped her hands in joy, happy to finally control the reigns of her chair. Never again would she allow something like 'lack of confidence' to change her judgement.

Gazing back at the line, she decided to wait till most of the students had situated themselves before entering herself. Taking a little stroll, she felt pleasure in the droplets of water that fell from her hair to her skin, steam rising off her clothes as the heat of the sun grew stronger. Oh how she missed the sea. As she reminisced about the home she left behind, she couldn't help but notice a boy dressed in all black holding an odd stick. He held a look of confusion on his face, the same expression she'd don when she first arrived to this school. Was he somehow lost? Curious, she pushed herself towards the boy, grabbing the large sketchbook from her backpack along with a pen and began writing. Once finished, she gently tapped his side and held up her note.

I don't mean to be nosy or anything by are you okay? You have this look of confusion on your face that worries me. Maybe I'm just taking this the wrong way, but are you by any chance lost?

She held it high so he could read it. Maybe he was like her and had n freaking clue about the layout of this strange place. She didn't know, but she was planned to find out.

Tagged - @Knight Nate || Character Mood - Helpful

Xiao was near the verge of just saying 'to hell with it' and entering random buildings until he found what he was looking for, until he was gently tapped on the side. He turned and raised an eyebrow at what he saw. A girl in a chair, holding a notepad that contained words. But why was she in a chair? Disabled, perhaps? Always a possibility, but not usually the case. And why was she writing and not speaking? Could she be mute, or perhaps just shy? He figured somewhere along the lines of the former, because if she was shy, she probably wouldn't have approached him. He reached into his suit and pulled out his reading spectacles, gently placing them on his nose and reading the message.

He chuckled as he read the last line and stood up straight with a sigh, repositioning his cane.

"Is it that obvious? Aye, it appears I'm in one heck of a pickle. This a very large school; I fear I'm going to be losing my way more than once. Pray, would you happen to know where the Main Hall is? All newcomers are supposed to be headed there."
She walked toward the grand doors. They were huge, about the height of a fully grown giraffe. And they were heavy, mostly locked. People tried to push on it, but Xenia watched carefully as she saw how the doors reacted, watching it resist. She pushed everyday a Sh from it, and just simply twist both handles t the same time,gently opening it up. They had to treat the place with respect, it has its own mind. If you bump into the door to open it, it won't. If you be careful, it will.

The interior was sparkling clean. Not a speck of dust to be found. It was decorated war th beautiful artistic paintings on the wall, followed by a beautiful tile floor and a two, huge roof with a chandelier hanging from it. The enterance had many doors and three halls, left, right, and forward.

Soon enough, people of all ages and races, began to flood thee trance, going forward. Looking behind her checking if Estelle and the brothers were either, she walked, her shoes outlet clacking on the marble tile. She walked, her eyes scanning the area carefully. She huffed to herself lightly, disliking the noise.


Estelle Jeon Estelle observed at how intelligent Xenia was with opening up the grand gates. Her eyes dazzled in amazement as they opened up, though it wasn't that hard to fascinate her. She followed the group as she proceeded to carry all the luggage in hand, glancing from side to side at how marvelous the interior was, even more than the exterior of the building. Estelle made a plan to come back down to the lobby later on, just to stare at the beautifully crafted pieces of art that were hung around the walls. The chandeliers and the tiled floors certainly made a good impression on Estelle, she felt as if they were in a wealthy mansion of some sort. She also glanced around at the fellow students of different shapes and sizes, different races joined together in the school as a whole. "A-Amazing...! All of this! Ah.. It's so nice! Don't you guys think so, too?" she exclaimed, glancing at the trio.

@Dibbydoo @Cerin
Ichago watched the other kids stream Into the room, shifting uncomfortably. He hoped no one would talk to him, he wanted to stay as unknown as possible. Attention wasn't his thing as he avoided as many gazes as possible tat happened to stray his way.

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