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Fantasy Ichago Academy (CLOSED)

Zaki held her bad and started walking towards the entrance when he saw anther student alone at the entrance. 'Better get it over with now and say hello to someone.' She decided and walked up to him. Her eyes caught on the cane he held and the design became clearer as she approached hm. "I like your cane." she commented, looking up at the boy as she came in front of him. @Knight Nate
Xiao's eyes opened and he was knocked out of his stupor from a voice nearby. He looked to his side to see a girl there. She seemed to mention something about his cane. She liked it? Ha! That's a first. Most people who saw his cane weren't too happy to see an Indigo around. He smiled as he lifted it up.

"Thank you. It's custom made."
"Does it represent anything?" Zaki inquired, starting to get curious about the symbol on the top. "It seems important to you." She said simply, looking at the now clear design. She admired the craftsman ship, and it obviously was in prime condition. @Knight Nate
He lifted the cane up higher and looked at the insignia himself.

"Yes, it is quite important to me. It's my family's insignia. Oh, but where are my manners?"

He set the cane back on the ground and offered his free hand to shake to the girl.

"Xiao Indigo. A pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"
"Oh sorry about that. I'm Zaki." Zaki accepted his hand hesitantly and shook it gently. "And I've never had a family insignia." She stared in awe at the cane. "I've never seen one in person I don't think."
She looked, shrugging. " We wait till the principle comes and tells us to go somewhere.." Sh I said, looking to the girl. Without warming, the put the pocky on her cheek, trying to get it in her mouth as she stared emotionlessly. " Maybe., we can talk.. To new.. People.." She said, finally sticking it in her mouth. She looked about, and spotted a boy with a cane, talking to a girl. " Two.. In one?" She tilted her head, biting into the chocolate covered stick as she chewed, thinking. She looked up at her confident friend, tilting her head.

Xiao nodded.

"Well, having a family insignia is no easy, or cheap, thing. It costs a lot of money. You could say it's more like....our logo, of sorts. We use it to signify everything we own. Ever heard of Indigo Vineyards? That's my family."

He laughed a little to himself. It was strange talking about his family about this, like they were strangers of some kind.
Even though Blu had been standing out by the gates for a while he was still staring up at the rather large walls with suppressed awe. They were bigger than he had expected, as was the school from what he could see. It was much different from his home, and from schools he had seen when he traveled to the town over the years. He couldn't help but wonder if it was overwhelming for Hope since the younger male had been quiet the entirety of the time he had been gaping at the school. Pulling his gaze from the gates and edging his attention towards Hope who had been standing a short distance from him, he sighed at what he saw. Instead of studying the walls afore them his brother stood still as a stone with hands clasped around the straps of his bag and head slightly hung over, asleep. It didn't come as much of a surprise considering the fact that he had witnessed Hope doze off doing many things.

Blu crept over to his sibling and gently pat his shoulder, "I think it would be better to actually enter the grounds before you start falling asleep everywhere."

Hope peeled his eyes open when he was touched and looked up towards the direction of the familiar voice speaking to him. Nodding his head in response, he yawned softly and rubbed his face. He hadn't really heard what Blu said, but figured it was probably something in regard to his sleep patterns. Averting his attention to the gates and the people surrounding them made uneasy, so he turned back to Blu. "...Is it too late to change my mind?"

A small chuckle escaped Blu as he replied, "Yes, come on." He didn't give time for his sibling to respond before he walked away to enter the gates, knowing Hope would probably try to talk his way back home. Once he made to the other side he simply moved out of the way of people walking in and started to take in the part of the school exposed to him.

The question about to be inquired by Hope was cut off when Blu suddenly turned and continued into the gates ahead of him. A prickling nervousness scattered over his mind when he was left behind, causing him to pick up his step and follow the older male. He wasn't sure what to think of the size of the building, and the amount of people, as it was all different for him. When he came to a stop he was a few feet from Blu, focusing on the school building with a nervous yet exhausted visage. Hope stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants and began to quietly count the various things that he could see in order to try to keep calm and awake as he waited.
Zaki's eyes widened with excitement. "You have yards full of vines?" She squealed, clasping her hands in front of her. "What kind of vines?" A far off look came across her face as she thought about what lots of vine would look like. "It must be really pretty." She concluded. @Knight Nate
Xiao raised an eyebrow at the girl for a few seconds, but then laughed loudly.

"You're an eccentric one, that's for sure. No, that's not what a vineyard is. It's basically.....a field where grapes can grow. We use those grapes to make wine, sell raisins, or just grapes themselves."

He was a little confused as to how this girl figured that a vineyard was just a place full of vines. She must not get out much; that or she has some sort of powers as well and didn't learn anything of the outside. He chuckled lightly to himself again.
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Estelle Jeon Estelle glanced over at the pair of people. "Two in one, huh..." she repeated, fond of the idea. "Alright! Let's kill two birds with one stone! I'm sure there's still a little time to spare." she cheered, playing around with the lollipop in her mouth before it fully disappeared into her stomach. "Mm... You should lead the way this time, try being the one introducing yourself and such first. It's another opportunity to learn!" Estelle elucidated, giving Xenia a thumbs up. She wanted to help her friend to break out of her shell, though she couldn't help but to suppress a giggle at how adorable she seemed as she toyed around with the biscuit stick of Pocky.

Zaki smiled and laughed. "But grapes grow on bines do they not?" She teased and looked up at him. "So I was right." Her arms crossed and I'm her mind she declared herself the winner. She almost always won these games and loved seeing people stutter. Although she didn't like to be too cocky so she offered him another smile.
Xiao rolled his eyes. It seems this girl was intent on being right. Well, if she wanted to play it that way.

"Aye, they do indeed grow on vines. But you also said they grow in yards, which is false. They grow in fields. So, if you'd like to be technical, you are half wrong."

He gave her a sky smile before he turned to the school and sighed.

"If you'll excuse me, I must make my way to the first class. I need to introduce myself to my teachers."

And with that, he walked off into the school grounds, his cane clanking slightly as he walked.
Juniper watched as the two girls walked away from her. Oh well. She sighed, grabbing her bags that sat, untouched behind her. She slung one over her shoulder and dragged the other one behind her as she made her way to the school. From what she'd seen so far, the first years were a interesting group of people. Maybe this year would be different? Not as boring? She shook her head a bit, clearing away her thoughts. Juniper made her way through the the doors of the school.
Zaki ket out a small laugh and ran after him. "Actually I am not wrong. I said they grew in yards, as in the form of measurments. And those yards make up a field. So I am indefinatly correct. And now you are excused." she smiled again and started off to her first class.
Xiao raised an eyebrow and watched her walk away. When she was a fair distance away, he laughed and shook his head before continuing on to his classroom. She was definitely the type that liked to win. He pushed the thought out of his mind as he neared his first classroom. There appeared to be two students ahead of him, one of which was complaining about the weight if the door. He scooted past them and took of his shoes before he began to look around for the professor.
Hatz said:


Estelle Jeon Estelle glanced over at the pair of people. "Two in one, huh..." she repeated, fond of the idea. "Alright! Let's kill two birds with one stone! I'm sure there's still a little time to spare." she cheered, playing around with the lollipop in her mouth before it fully disappeared into her stomach. "Mm... You should lead the way this time, try being the one introducing yourself and such first. It's another opportunity to learn!" Estelle elucidated, giving Xenia a thumbs up. She wanted to help her friend to break out of her shell, though she couldn't help but to suppress a giggle at how adorable she seemed as she toyed around with the biscuit stick of Pocky.

She walked, the suitcases soon enou following her on their own. She nomes her pocky, and walked toward two boys. One older, one younger. She stared at them blankly, not saying a word as the suitcase stopped beside her. Soon enough, a word deeper out of her mouth. " Hi" was all that sadly did. She blinked, looking at her friend. She doesn't know how to talk to people, all she knew truel was how to stare and eat. So, she let her friend take over, stopping out of the way and biting into the small sticks that were coated in chocolate. She watched her friend do th ether job, her mind blank along with her face.

Homura ended getting lost while walking though the halls to find the office. "Where is the darn office?!" Homura yelled let in angry and confused yell as she walked down hall with her Light Chocolate Brown locks swayed behide her as she walked. Homura had a habit of getting lost easily if she was by herself when trying to a place. "That's it, i'm lost!" Homura stopped walking and looked around with annoyed sigh, she always hated how she got lost easily by herself.
As Juniper walked through the halls, she heard a voice. From what she could hear, someone was lost. Using her eye she had the shadows slowly make their way down the hall, taking a turn so they reached the source of the sound. The image that she got was blurry, but she could just make it out. In the middle of the hall, a girl with brown hair stood. She seemed annoyed. Slowly, the shadows retreated back to their original place and Juniper walked further down, approaching the girl. "Need help?" She asked.

Homura heard a voice and turned her head to the source with a sigh of relief when she had noticed they were talking to her. "Yes,....Please." Homura crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the female who had offered to help with a relived look in her eyes. "I may if that's ok with you?" Homura wanted to make sure it was ok with her so he wouldn't be bothering the female.

Juniper hesitated for a second. "Uh, yeah," she paused, giving the girl a forced smile. "I can help." She tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear. "Where are you trying to get to?" Juniper asked. She knew the building well enough to direct her. "The place may seem huge at first, but it's not to difficult to get used too." She scanned over the girl using her good eye. She seemed friendly enough.

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TangledBowties said:
Juniper hesitated for a second. "Uh, yeah," she paused, giving the girl a forced smile. "I can help." She tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear. "Where are you trying to get to?" Juniper asked. She knew the building well enough to direct her. "The place may seem huge at first, but it's not to difficult to get used too." She scanned over the girl using her good eye. She seemed friendly enough.
"The office." Homura shifted to bag on her shoulder while she looked at the other female with a timy smile. Thank you...I'm Homura Ishiko and you are?" Homura held her left hand out for a hand shake because her right hand was busy holding her suitcase she had brought with her.


Estelle Jeon Estelle nervously laughed, sweat-dropping at Xenia's sudden blank. (though at this point, it wasn't much of a surprise to her) Taking the lead, she triumphantly stepped forward to face the two teens, cheerfully smiling. She figured that Xenia would break out of her shell some other time, and she'd have to plan carefully for that, too.

She glanced up at the boys, and began her small speech-routine with confidence, after taking a breath. "Sorry! She's a bit shy, but now that we've gotten your attention... (hopefully) Hello there! My name is Estelle, and this is Xenia!" she gestured over to her antisocial friend before proceeding on. "As it's our first day here, we're on a mission to befriend people! So nice to meet you, would you please accept our offering to become friends?" Estelle grinned, popping out two more fresh lollipops, handing one to each of them. Despite how many she had given away, there were still plenty of lollipops in her bag, as she had an overwhelming supply of them.

"And, you may join us on our journey of friendship, if you'd like! The more the merrier, but whatever your decision may be, we'll understand! Also, I think it might be time to go inside soon... but yeah! That's all, thank you!"

Estelle awkwardly stood there afterwards, awaiting their response to all of that.

@Dibbydoo @Cerin
"Oh" Juniper paused. "The office is pretty close." She fidgeted with the bag that was slung over her own shoulder. "I'm Juniper...Roads." She began to walk forward to show Homura the way to the office. "it's just up here a little ways and around the corner." Juniper guided the girl through the hallway. The silence that settle over them was enough to set Juniper on edge. "So..." she trailed off, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

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