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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack watched the event in the town of beginnings from a hill, finding the practice strange. Throwing up his hood he proceeded deeper into the woods.
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack sighed, he had been wandering the forest for the past few hours, finding things to kill and loot. He had left the town of beginnings when it had been in chaos, he had no idea what was going on now.
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Mercer, would it be bad if I poisoned Cassius in the RP?
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack glanced at Goddess and Fennikusu, thinking at first to go hep, but going against it. He turned and began walking calmly towards the exit.
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    That must bite, this is day two of my summer
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack let the information process, before realizing that this was true. He stared at everyone in the plaza shouting and crying, he felt nothing more than empathy for them
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    I think that Kirito might have been hallucinating from shock, because in the next scene he was ok
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack stared at Cassius from the crowd, finding his intentions disgusting at best. He got the idea that he should keep an eye on him, and if need be teach him a lesson
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Correct me if I'm wrong but, can't people not feel pain in SAO, also they don't bleed in the game
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack stood as he glanced up at the sky to see what was going on. 'Time for the show' he thought as he started. He couldn't wait for the unveiling, expecting stunning graphics for it, and so far hadn't been disappointed.
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    Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Jack smirked as he appeared in front of the fountain. It was good that they could keep their beta accounts. He decided to go sightseeing around town as he was a higher level than most other players here. 'Wow' he thought as he admired the beauty of the world.
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    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Fixed it
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    Welcome to Sword Art Online - Additional IC

    User: Jack Username: Ardaras Level: 20 Personality hyper and happy to those he trusts, cold and reserved to those he doesn't Guild: xx Party: xx Job: xx Beta tester: yes Skills: One handed curved blade, acrobatics, drug mixing, picking...
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    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    Name: Jack Age:17 Gender: Male Personality: hyper and nice to those he trusts, cord and reserved to anyone he dosent History: Left at an orphanage as a baby, he grew up in the care of the state, he learned quickly how to survive. He was given the opportunity to be a beta tester on his...
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    Welcome To Sword Art Online

    How many beta testers are there?
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    The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    A Clementine style character, interesting, further back mind
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    Star Wars

    Name: Dudshi Waveshock Age: 27 Alien race: Human Appearance: (sith drawings for various states of dress) Master: Darth Vader(before) Padawan: none Personality: Paranoid, violent if provoked, sadistic, insane Bio: bought as a slave by Darth Vader at...
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    The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Fixed it
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    The Walking Dead; A Different Perspective

    Can't find one