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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

They do bleed, kirito drips blood in the first episode. Pain is little but they do know they are dying which is all Cassius needs

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The blood is more like pixels. Like little confetti. ouo


Then would you please explain what the hell is on kirito's hand during episode 1


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I think if it is a small amount of blood, it will be just blood. But if its a large amount, it will be pixels.
Sorry about the late reply guys x.x I've had a lot going on right now and just haven't had the time to reply...I'm sorry v.v
Just a heads up I'm going to be busy for a few hours. I get to take the SAT. Yay! (Not)

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Same, but now I get to enjoy myself. I'll make a post after xEmoBunnrhx replies

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He'd probably try and gut you before you can do it. Why not, give it a shot.

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I'd try sometime during the meeting, after my speech perhaps.

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The Regal Rper] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12201-xemobunnehx/ said:
Is there an opening in the rp at the moment for me to uh sneak in?
Before you jump in, I really need your In-Game form completed. x.x

This can be done in the IC Rping 2 tab
@The Regal Rper, Is your character african american or asian american? The CS says African but the picture and your last name dont look it. Just want to know if its a typo or if its correct.

Are there any beta-tester spots open? I'm going to begin making my CS and if I get the information wrong then I'll make sure to update it correctly. c:

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