Welcome To Sword Art Online


Resurrected Darkness
This is the Real Life charie form.

In-Game forms can be filled out in the IC RPing 2 tab.


Feel free to add to this. You do not have to include the ( ).


Nic-Name: (Optional)




History: (Optional)

Family: (Optional)


Appearance: (In depth description or picture)

My Form~


Acelynn Kyindes








Very submissive and timid, shy, skittish, kind and caring, very loving.


Younger brother (Vincent, Vinnie for short)


Tokyo, Japan


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Elizabeth Willson








Kind, selfless, loving, nurturing, mature, but still tough, strong willed, self-conscious, low self esteem, sometimes nervous, and very good at masking her true emotions to whatever best suits a situation.


Born unto an uncaring mother and father, Elizabeth(Lizzy for short) found herself raising herself from a very young age. She learned to cook, clean, dress, do laundry, etc. all by herself. When she was four her parents had another child- Erik. And, of course, the young girl was the one forced to raise him to the best of her ability. (More will be revealed during the RP. This is all that's needed to know right now, to better rationalize her personality.)


Absent father and mother, younger brother Erik.


New York, NY, USA



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(Im basically using a character from a previous SAO RP I was in. I can make changes need be.)

Mercer Ancrath

Nickname: "The Reaper"

Age: 17

Gender: Male

History: Caucasian American and son of rich business magnates, Mercer moved to Japan with his parents at the age of 13 due to his parents work. He quickly alienated himself from most of those around him. Mercer always had an affinity for weapons, and seemed to be naturally skilled. His few friends were with his high schools archery club which he quickly excelled at. From a young age Mercer had participated in the sport of fencing. His abilities reached the point were he could compete and win some of the largest competitions in the USA. Once he moved to Japan, it became harder to fence. He managed to find a way to maintain his skills and on occasion sparred with the members of his schools kendo club, whom never stood a chance. It was always his goal to push himself to all of his limits. One of the ways he did so was to master the sword with both hands. When he discovered the Sword Art Online Beta he quickly bought his way in. This would be a chance to really put his skills to the test. His natural skill with a sword put him leagues above the rest of the beta testers. He reached levels few others did, and had it not been for time constraints he would have pushed further. Now with the return of SAO he is ready to prove himself once more.

Personality: Off the battlefield Mercer is often shunned, as he is considered a beater for his unfair natural advantage. This results in him sticking mostly to himself. Those who do get to know him find him to be quite chivalrous and polite, as well as driven and a bit eccentric. He also possesses a cynical sense of humor, and honestly couldn't care less about returning to the real world or not. On the battle field he changes, becoming slightly cold-hearted and focused only on the thrill of the fight. He will cut down anything in his way, be it monster, boss, or player if necessary. With all that said he will protect the few who become close to him until his dying breath if necessary. His preferred playing style is in small parties or solo. Mercer could care less for guilds as the politics associated with them always get in his way. The only way he would join one is to start his own (Possible guild leader). His preferred tactics are flanking (classic rouge), guerrilla fighting, and blitzkrieg warfare.

Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona. U.S.A.

Beta tester/ first time playing: Beta Tester



Mercer is fairly tall standing roughly 6'1". He has thick, dark brown hair that he always pushes up. His eyes are a bright blue in color. On his left cheek is a scar from a time he failed to dodge an opponents rapier correctly, a mistake he never made twice. He has a fairly average frame and is slightly muscular but not to much to slow him down. He tries to maintain the appearance of a gentleman trying to wear light armor and coats that have a bit of a noble flair.​
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I love your charie c:, but please use the template I have laid out for this, it makes things a lot easier, also in game charie information go in the In-Game form area.
Ill edit my post. Also I've only been doing this a few weeks, could you please explain what you mean by "also in game charie information go in the In-Game form area"

Ok I edited the post.
Of course, By that I mean that this part of the forms in the Real Life in formation, the link in the above where my charie (character) is where your charie's appearance for the actual game of SAO goes along with the information in the form listed there.

Accepted here as well c:
Name: Sofia Yuhira

Nic-Name: Sof

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Just like her character, Sofia seems Luke a cold hearted girl. But once you get to know her, you realize she can be quiet fun to hang out with.

History: Ever since Sofia started school, she was kinda odd. Instead of a friendly hello, she would give you a deadly cold stare. Because of that, no one would hang out with her. She wasn't voted as the class president because the students liked her. It was because they were scared of her. Almost every knew she had a black belt in karate with three stripes.

Family: 1 Dad, 1 Mom, and 2 older twin brothers, Ren and Rei.

Hometown: Roanoke, Virginia, USA


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/8ff992dd4da42b6dfd69a6da4f5812de.jpg.42f8a27e31f952ebca9f9c6c56948d3a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/8ff992dd4da42b6dfd69a6da4f5812de.jpg.42f8a27e31f952ebca9f9c6c56948d3a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Wowwow, I really love SAO and this plot! o:<

I shall join~ Are we allowed to have two charries(one female, one male)?

ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Inoue, Ayameko

ɴɪᴄ-ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Ayano

ᴀɢᴇ: 17

ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: ♀

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Ayano is very wild and free-spirited when you cross paths with her. She always has to do something, and, like a shark, she'll die if she stops swimming. When she has a fix on something, there's no stopping her. She'll become absolutely determined to go do that thing and no one would be able to stop her! Ayano is described as 'childish and immature', her two worst traits, you could say. Nevertheless, she is always looking to lend a helping hand.

ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ: Ayano considers herself to have been born in an "average" Japanese home. The house was always filled with her dad's old radio tunes in the early mornings and her mother would be doing something(you see where she gets it?) like washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning, etc.

Two years ago, though, her older brother died in action(he was in the military).


mother - Inoue, Chiyoko, alive — father - Inoue, Hiro, alive — older brother - Inoue, Satoshi, deceased

ʜᴏᴍᴇᴛᴏᴡɴ: Aichi, Japan



Name: Ryuji Kamako

Nickname: Ryu

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Ryuji is probably one of the nicer students in his school, often choosing to be the "role-model" student that often earns him a visit from one of the "tough kids", whom he would promptly put on the ground. He doesn't care too much for the bullies of the school, often choosing to firmly plant them on the ground if he sees them picking on the younger students or others. He has a very social life with many friends, as well. He tends to get nervous and/or shy around the girls though.

History: Born in Kyoto, Japan, Ryuji was the middle child in a wealthy business family. He never really liked the fact he had been born into a richer family, mostly because he always wanted to be that underdog that he had seen in the numerous anime he had watched while growing up that started from nothing and made his way to the top of his own accord. His schooling wasn't easy, as he had been earning top marks up to middle school and was placed in advanced classes. He often struggled with the harder workload and felt that he wasn't smart enough to keep up. On top of that, his parents forced him to take up kendo as a hobby outside of his advanced classes. He eventually decided to just switch back to regular classes the year before high school, an action his parents did not approve of. In place of all the time he had free, he suggested to his parents that he take jujitsu as well. It was around his second year of high school that he learned about, and bought into, the SAO beta and the NerveGear. His parents allowed him to participate, as he was near the top of his class and finished with his kendo. He didn't make it overly far, about to Floor 8, but he spent more time getting used to the virtual world than progressing in the game. He waited patiently for the full game to release. Well patiently as in marking days on a calendar and reading MMORPG tip guides.


Accepted here too! :D Jump into the RP. (Basically the announcement for the official game is about to begin so just hop in front there if you want :P )
Name: Jack


Gender: Male

Personality: hyper and nice to those he trusts, cord and reserved to anyone he dosent

History: Left at an orphanage as a baby, he grew up in the care of the state, he learned quickly how to survive. He was given the opportunity to be a beta tester on his given birthday

Hometown: Mino, Japan

Appearance:Black hair, pale, almost translucent skin, dark green eyes, black army jacket with a white undershirt, jacket has very deep pockets where he stuffs what he needs, black jeans, black and red combat boots
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Name: Mirito Yuhima

Nic-Name: Miri

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Miri always had a great first impression. The first thing you will notice about Miri, is her smile. She never stops smiling because no matter what, she always finds a reason to smile. She is very fond of children because her dream is to be a foster mother to orphans.

History: When Miri was eight, she lost her mother to cancer. A year later her father died in a bank robbery. After that she became an orphan. She still remembers how horrible it was for her at that orphanage. But when she was 14 and adopted, she was overjoyed. Her adoptive mom and dad treated her like their own and loved her very much. She is planning on going to a college in America to go into Law School.

Family: 1 Adoptive Mom, 1 Adoptive Dad, Three older brothers, one older sister

Hometown: Osaka, Japan


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac3f073_6990181-blonde-anime-girl-smile(1).jpg.ba15f514a66b05a9593c3fa53c5c0db6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55005" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/57a8c2ac3f073_6990181-blonde-anime-girl-smile(1).jpg.ba15f514a66b05a9593c3fa53c5c0db6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Mason Anderson

ɴɪᴄ-ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Mace

ᴀɢᴇ: 18

ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: ♂

ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Mace used to be a quiet but gentle boy as a child, but ever since his mother died, he became totally different. Mace is an introvert of sorts. He'll act stoic and reserved at first, but for the most part, he's sarcastic, selfish, and.. stoic. You could pretty much guess he has a rude aura, but that is not the case. Mace is loyal to the core, though mostly towards females(as a way of teasing). He'll usually call these people Maiden namehere, though he'll occasionally throw out a 'Miss namehere.' His personality is strange. One moment he'll be thrashing out at a person for asking for help, the next moment he's aiding the guy. That's just one thing you'll never get used to.

ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ: Mace was born into a family of Canadian-Americans. His mother, an American, met his father, a Canadian, during college and they fell in love. Once they finished up school, they married. A little later, Mace was born.

During his school days, Mace was bullied a lot for his introvert personality.. however, that wasn't all. He was the primary target of all the girls in his class, so the boys were jealous and, well, you can't really help it, can you?

When he was 14, his mother died during labor. The baby was weak, so he died shortly afterwards as well.


father - Jonas Anderson, alive — mother - Paula Anderson, deceased — Younger sister - Lisanna, alive — Younger sister - Vixen, alive — Even younger brother(baby) - Zachary Anderson, deceased

ʜᴏᴍᴇᴛᴏᴡɴ: Ottawa, Canada

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