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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Ryuji decided to ask his questions in order of curiosity.

"So, I've been hearing about a group of beta players training newbies in the arena. Would that be you and Acelyn?"
Mercer listened to his question and it was just what he expected it to be. A beta player like himself wouldn't have much to ask another beta tester such as Mercer. "Yes, that's correct. We are holding the meeting at the arena tomorrow. So far it will be Me, Reaper, and a player....well his nickname is Psayer as instructors. Where hoping a few more experienced beta testers will help out. The person that I'm going to be meeting here is Reaper. We were going to work out all the details tonight over dinner. So, do you want to get your friend into the program. If that's the case don't worry. We'll take everyone who shows up at no cost to the player. We'll have some gear to provide but not much. If she can bring her own it would be best."

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Acelynn jumped a bit when she was bumped into, but regained her posture as she looked at the man whom spoke to her. "Oh. What quest is it?" She asked, as she knew where almost everything was here and this poor soul looked as lost as ever, though Acelynn inwardly hoped she didn't look intimidating in the dim street lights of the Town of Beginnings. Acelynn also sent Marcer a message quickly explaining she was helping someone find a NPC for a quest.
"It is..... 'The midnight scavengers' I'm supposed to kill off ten dire wolves and bring their fangs back to some guy who I can't keep track of for the life of me." He looked around for a bit trying to figure out where he was at. "Anyways you wouldn't happen to know where the person is would you?"

Acelynn nods. "He moves around the otter part of the town." She pulled down the menu and showed him on the mini map then closed it all up. "Come on, I'll show ya." She said then started walking for the nearest outer gate.
"Alright, I'm still trying to get used to the whole, full immersion thing, I'm used to playing games, just not like this." Even though it was a life or death situation in this game of hell he didn't seemed to be bothered by it, not even in the slightest, he was even smiling and having a good time like death was of no consequence to him, all in all it seemed to be a bit suspicious to most people, but then again most people didn't know that he lives for games.
Ryuji nodded intently as he listened. The idea sounded great and safe. Inside the town, there was no way to die unless a duel request is issued or a person jumps off the edge, which he hoped wouldn't happen.

"Sounds interesting. I could instruct on some basic parkour movements for those more suited towards agility and acrobatics. I also specialize in one-handed curved swords." Ryuji turned his head towards his female friend. "Hey Goddess, what do you specialize in?"
"That player I mentioned, Psayer, will be already be training them in those styles. Still it seems that is a popular build among the new players. I'm sure he'd appreciate all the help he can get. I'm not sure if he knows parkour, but either way it will be useful. The way this is shaping up id bet we'll all be ready for the boss within two weeks."

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Acelynn giggles just a bit. "It is a bit must to get used to." She admitted, though it didn't really bother her, but what did was her ever increasing thoughts of what could be going on back in the real world..what was happening there she wondered as she walked along until she came to the gate and looked back the the man she was helping. "The NPC should be by here soon."
"Sweet, I'm ready to turn this quest in." He sat down on the ground for a bit waiting patiently for the NPC "so, what do you do while waiting on someone." He was curious what people did in their spare time.
Acelynn shrugs. "I just check my gear and make sure everything is in the right condition." She said then offered her hand out to him. "Name's Bloody Reaper by the way. You are?" She asked, inwardly knowing she needed to get back to Mercer and stop dwelling, but it was rude not to introduce herself first.
"The Flaming Dragon." He shook her hand as not to be rude "And now we wait......." He said as he sat there waiting on the NPC to show up, which was probably going to take a bit.
(Holy crap what is tjis a book?)

Psayer had now made his way to the inn he saw earlier "Better rest up if training starts tomorrow " he stated laying down in his bed but after a couple minutes of trying he realized sleep wasn't an option right now. "Guess I'll go do some practice myself before idecide what to do for training" he said as he left the inn" but who are where should i train?" he thought to himself walking past Mercer & eventually Bloody Reaper.
Acelynn nodded at him then retracted her hand. "Then perhaps I'll see you tomorrow Dragon." She said, then turned on her heel and sprinted off to where Mercer was, only stopping when she reached the place and opened the doors. Once inside she looked around and found him talking to the man from earlier, so she headed over that way.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late." Acelynn said sheepishly to Mercer was she had finally gotten over to him.
"Perhaps you will, but, maybe not." He waited until she had left before he finished his sentence "After all if is life or death on here." The gears in his head were slowly turning for a much more interesting interaction with the others. He just sat and waited a bit before the NPC finally showed up "Oh yay, he's here." Aannndd he forgot about what he was thinking about. He turned in his quest and looked at his XP "Oh come on, only a quarter to leveling up, oh wait, that's a third, wait...... oh who cares, I'll live to see tomorrow."
Ryuji was kind of disappointed at the fact someone had already volunteered to train the agility types, but parkour was a useful tool when used right and he knew it pretty well from the beta.

"I guess I could make an appearance and help teach the newbies a thing or two about parkour. What time?"
Psayer went outside the town of Beginning and began practicing his skills on some of the lower ranked monsters after half an hour of practicing he headed back to his inn. "That should do for now" he said satisfied.
Mercer thought about Phoenix's question for a second. "There is not a time that is set in stone, but I figure about 10 am. The players have been through a lot today and they will need some good rest. Im usually up in the moorings so we may start later sessions earlier on. Starting time is one of the many things that Reaper and I will talk about over dinner. Here I'll send you a friend request and give you all the details once we have them all figured out." He sent the request out and heard a familiar voice. "Well speak of the devil, there she is. Im afraid that I must go now and meet my appointment. Thank you guys, you don't know how big of a help you are going to be."

Mercer got up and walked over to go meet The Bloody Reaper. "Don't worry about it, if you didn't help that guy out it would be a little hypocritical of us anyway. Besides, I caught up with Phoenix from earlier. He and a friend of his will stop by to help us out tomorrow. Anyway, lets sit down and eat. It's been a long day and we could both use a break." He picked out a table then pulled out a chair for Reaper then one for himself. "Order anything you want, Im buying."
Acelynn giggled then sat at the table and scooted up a bit. "Well thank you. So gentlemanly." She teased at him as she picked up the small menu and began to browse through it. She'd never actually ate at a restaurant, so this was a bit knew to her all the different choices and everything. It was weird to her. She was just using to picking something up on the fly, but that wasn't important right now, right now she was semi wondering what Phoenix and his friend were teaching tomorrow. "What did they say they'd teach?" She asked him.
Dragon had been wandering around for a while trying to remember where he was at, even though he was starting to get the locations memorized and building his own mental map so he didn't have to rely on the in game map, which wasn't all that great. Finally he came across an inn and saw another player there, he didn't know whether to make friends out of him or just ignore him. "Eh, who cares." He mumbled to himself as he walked towards the inn making sure that he would bump into the other player.

@The Regal Rper
"Parkour mostly, Phoenix has a very similar class build to Psayer. So would you rather get down to business or would you like to just chat a bit? It's been a long day and it would be nice to take a quick break." He turned to the waiter and ordered glass of cider as well as some beef stew. All of the food on the first floor was fairly basic, but Mercer liked it all the same.

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Aelynn ordered apple cider as well along with a simple salad, then laid her menu down and shrugged at Mercer. "Chatting for a bit sounds nice. Besides, its been a while since I sat down with someone civil and had a conversation." She said with a small bit of laughter as she looked at him through bits of her white hair. Her eye's seemingly following the smooth curves and rough angles of his face until they found their way into his eye.
(Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy)

Mercer smiled as she spoke and took his glass when the waitress handed it to him. "Thank you," he said even though she was an NPC. He turned back to reaper and replied to her comment. "People say chivalry is dead, I try to prove them wrong. I was brought up on the idea that one should always be polite. So I've been curious, why did you come to choose The Bloody Reaper as a username? It's not the usual type that a woman would choose. Though I hear your abilities match it."

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Ryuji just set down his finished drink and looked over to Goddess. He was starting to get tired, and soon would want to go to bed. That time was now for him. He yawned and spoke while yawning, sound it sounded slightly non-understandable.

"Hey, I'm gonna go find an inn. Gettin kinda tired and I need sleep. You can go to the same one as me, you can do whatever. Just meet me at the arena tomorrow morning at 10. See ya later." With that, he stood up and gave her a small wave before placing one hand over his mouth while he yawned and stretched the other arm out as. He walked past Mercer and Acelyn on his way out and exited the quaint little tavern, heading back to that inn he saw before grabbing a drink.

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