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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Mercer smiled, "I know exactly what you mean. Here and now seems like the only place of importance for me." He noticed that she had emptied her glass. "Here," he said as he picked up the bottle and filled it again. He then topped off his glass. The bottle, now empty, vaporized into hundreds of pixels. Words then slipped out of his mouth without him even realizing what he was saying. "Thank you. You gave me a reason to live through this nightmare. You don't know what it's like for me to finally have someone who understands me with my history, someone I can call a friend."

(BTW @Kawaii Centipede, if you were planning on being the guy Mercer killed there is no chance of it. Mercer purposely made a fatal blow and watched him die before the cops arrived. Even then he saw the paramedics give up on him as the cops interrogated him at the scene.)
((@The Regal Rper Basically its like.. some random time early in the morning and Acelynn and Mercer are having a private conversation in her room. Other than that, nothing is going on so feel free to do anything x3))

Acelynn opened her eyes and looked over at him, a soft smile gracing her delicate features. "Yeah.. I is really nice to have someone I can trust after son many years of isolation." She admitted softly, then shook her head and reached over, poking him on the cheek bone gently. "But hey, you meet the best people in the oddest of situations right?" She teased at him, her finger never leaving his cheek as she laughed lightly.
Hazuku walked out of his room walking around waiting for the other two Beta testers to come out before deciding what he should do about the other players. "I wonder what those two are doing" he thought but shook it off sitting down in the stands where they had previously decided who'd being teaching who he just stared at the tower that held all those floors.
Mercer chuckled along with her as she giggled. Slowly he raised his hand and gently brought hers down from his cheek. He didn't let her's go, but instead held it delicately in his. "As far as situations go, there can't be anything more odd than being stuck in a video game. That has to say a lot about how great you are, fair Aphrodite." His heart began to pound faster in his chest. "Listen, would you care to join me for dinner again sometime. Like before it will be my treat. I.....I'd appreciate it."
Acelynn smiles a bit bigger. "Id love to." She said happily, a strange warmth spreading through her body when his hand took her's and held it, this also caused her heart rate to increase, and a light blush to form on her cheeks. This is...Strange. No one has ever had this effect on me since.. well It. But It isn't important. Why do he effect me like this? She wondered to herself, though her eyes never left his.
Mercer's heart skipped a beat when she agreed. His cheeks reddened with a slight blush, something that was very uncommon for him. He tried to reply but stuttered slightly. "I..Its a date then. Thank you very much." Mercer hated his choice of words as soon as he said them. It had just dawned on him what he might be feeling. For the first time ever he felt like retreating. Nervously, he gulped down the rest of his drink before starting to rise from his sitting position. "I apologize it's late and we have a big day tomorrow.... er today I mean. I shouldn't stick around and keep you from getting some rest. I myself need to go find a place to take a short power nap. My inn is too far. I saw a couple park benches on the way here that I can use. Thank you for our talk, I assure you that I won't reveal anything to a single soul." All the time he spoke, he had a slight difficulty trying to meet her in the eyes.
Acelynn giggled at him and stood up, wobbling a lot to the point where she fell into his chest, her chest and hands against his as her face turned a bright shade of red. "I..I..uh..s-sorry!" She stammered nervously, she hadn't done this to anyone in a long time, and for the sake of whatever she couldn't move her legs, they felt tingly like they were asleep, so she was kind of stuck against him until the feeling in her lags came back. "I..uhm..m-my..legs are asleep.." She said very softly, trying to sound like this wasn't embarrassing, but was failing miserably. At this point, Acelynn heart was racing in her chest, and she was severely worried he could feel it though her chest or perhaps hear it, she also feared what he might do since she and fallen against him, which in her eyes was quite rude, and being the person she was in the real world, she was beginning to inwardly panic.

((So sorry for the late reply.. x-x Ive been working late and I;m sooo tired when I come home.. Forgive me T^T))
Mercer was glad that she didn't fall to the floor, he didn't want her getting hurt. The problem was that she was close to him, very close. His nerves were rattled, more than they had ever been in years. Luckily he managed to he his cool and appeared calm outwardly. For a moment he wondered what he would do, how he should respond. It seemed that she was embarrassed though there really wasn't any reason for her to be. Finally he firmly, but gently grabbed her shoulders. "Don't be sorry, Id rather you use me than getting yourself hurt. Ill help support you until you regain your balance. Take as long as you need to get where you won't fall. This kind of thing happens, don't be worried." He gave her a warm smile and looked into her eyes and took in their beauty. In a attempt to lighten the mood he jokingly said, "It's just another little secret that we won't share with others."
Acelynn face turned a brighter red from his fast words, though she could tell he was trying to make her feel less embarrassed so she laughed a bit. "Y-yeah. Can't have them knowing that even their fearless leader's legs fall asleep after sitting on them for a while." She added, small bits of laughter bubbling up after she was through speaking. Once her small bit of a laughing fit was over, she felt some of the tingles in her legs letting up so she attempted to push herself up, but it only made her feel like there were needles stabbing the bottom on her feet and throughout her legs. "Ah fuck.." She winced, and gave a small innocent look of sorrow to Mercer through her bangs. "We uh.. might be here for a while.." She said softly, as her face somehow got redder.
Hiroshi-Kun sighs heavily

I really wish I can find a group here.

Well might as well just send out a message

Send message to all?

Yes, please

Location: Town of beginnings

Mestage: anyone want to party up?
Mercer was glad to see that he was successful in lightening the mood. Something about her laugh made him feel a little warm inside. He couldn't help but chuckle along with her, but when she winced he stopped. He knew there was no injury but he didn't like seeing her in pain. "Well, it's not like I was going to get much sleep anyway. We've got all the time in the world.......Besides I've really come to enjoy your come to enjoy your company. I don't see myself waiting here as a bad thing. I only care that you get well."
((@The Dark Huntsman If you're trying to communicate with Acelynn and Mercer, they aren't out and about or in public. They're in an inn room.))

Acelynn giggles just a bit. "Well..perhaps you could help me to bed? Please" She said, a small yawn escaping her lips, as she was starting to feel quite sleepy. Acelynn's eyes started to feel heavy and for some reason, the heat coming off Mercer seemed to add to how tired she was feeling, though the tingling feeling in her legs was still blatantly there. With another yawn, the blush on her face would start to disperse.
Mercer smiled and said, "Of course." Slowly and carefully he guided her to the bed, occasionally stopping so he could turn off the lights in the room. When they reached the head of the bed Mercer gently helped her down. Because the room felt slightly cold he went and grabbed her a blanket from the closet. He also grabbed her a glass of water just in case. He then handed her the blanket and set the glass down on the nightstand. Finally he looked at the candle flickering on the nightstand. He held his hand over the flame and a small panel appeared asking if he wanted to turn the candle off. He selected yes. Now the only light in the room came from a light by the door and what little came in through the window. "Thank you for tonight, I haven't had this much fun in a while. Hopefully there won't be much of a hangover. I'll see you again in a few hours time. For now, rest up and have a good night's sleep." With that he turned away not wanting to linger as she was obviously exhausted. He didn't want to be a burden on her and keep her from getting her rest.
Hiroshi patiently waited until he decided to go and rest at a nearby inn

After renting a room he decided to log out for the day

What? There's no logout button.......lemme go ask someone if this is a glitch.

Hiroshi exited his room and continuously knocking on doors to see if people were inside

*knocking Hello? Is anyone in here?
Acelynn smiled softly at Mercer, though he couldn't see it, then she curled up under the blanket he got her. Her body felt weightless as she laid there. She felt like she was drifting off, her eyes barely staying awake as she stumbled on her last few words to Mercer. "T..thank y..uu." She said very softly before passing out. It was obvious she was quite tired from the way she instantly fell asleep, though that was something that rarely ever happened back in the real world. Acelynn's smile remained on her face for a bit longer, before falling into a small pout from her sleeping face, and her hair lay strewn about on the bed and her face. She looked innocence and vulnerable, but at peace with the world.
After what it seemed like an eternity hiroshi finally got to a door where he knew someone was in it

*knocking on the door

Hello? I know there is someone in here! Hello?
Ken had been XP farming for the last 2 hours outside of the Town of Beginnings, fighting random boars and wolves. He had grown tired, and decided to go rest at an Inn inside of the Town of Beginnings. "I've done some good work today... I can't afford to die, though. I have to end this game!" Ken said, motivating himself. He knew it would be a long and arduous journey to end Sword Art Online, but he could make it.

Ken finally came to a cheap Inn; he went inside a paid for a room.

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