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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Acelynn looks up at the sun, a smile once more gracing her elegant features. "I'd like to be your friend as well Mercer." She said softly, quite happy that someone actually wanted to be her friend. Perhaps..I won't be alone entirely this time. That would be nice...than again..does he really mean it?.. She wondered to herself, her head slowly tilting back down to look at her hands that lay gracefully in her lap. "Do.. you mean it?" She asked aloud, curious about the answer, also worried, but inwardly glad her face was covered by her long white hair.
Mercer smirked and said as sarcastically as possible, "Oh nooo, of course not. Why would I want to be friends with some as awesome and kind as you." He opened his menu and sent her a friend request. He looked her in the eyes and smiled, "Of course I mean it. I don't have many friends, so I tend to value them whenever I can find one. Amicus Magis Necessarius, Quam Ignis Et Aqua. That's Latin for a friendship is more valuable than fire or water. I tend to agree with it myself. I would highly value your friendship, if you accept of course, Miss Aphrodite.

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Acelynn laughed a bit and looked up him, her eyes finding his as she nodded. "I'd love to be your friend Sir Mercer." She said then pressed accept on his friend request, though shortly after very loud bell that sounded much like the bells on a school or church stared ringing, signifying that everyone was about to get spawned exactly where Mercer and Acelynn where.

"Look at that.. we're about to have company.." She said, making her self sound enthused as she stood up from the fountain and brushed herself off. Inwardly, Acelynn was freaking out. She didn't like crowds at all..and she had a good reason for it too,but she didn't want to think about that now, right now she needed to calm her heart beat. Outwardly however, she seemed perfectly fine and happy as she spread out her arms and stretched.
Mercer sighed, "A pity, Im not a fan of crowds. Besides, I was enjoying our time together." Mercer stood up and equipped his rapier. Honestly, he hated crowds. They made things too difficult for one to watch his six. Anyone could attack from anywhere, and it would be nearly impossible to anticipate it. He also equipped his sword to look professional, he wanted to leave a lasting impression with the new players. He was a championship fencer, he deserved to stand proud. He turned to Alycenn and smiled. "Well, looks like it's going to happen whether we like it or not. Let's see what the Game Master has to say, then I'll treat us to dinner at the tavern afterwards. Sound good?"
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As Chikara makes it almost halfway to the Boss dungeon, she hears the bells and lets out a ragged sigh of annoyance. "Oh, but of course..." She shakes her head, yet still enjoys the feeling of a slight gust of wind as she's teleported to the town's center. Forgot abut this part..

Despite her previous annoyance, though, she feels rather delighted to be one of the first appearing back in the center. She looks around, finding only a few lazing about, and perhaps five standing at attention. So they're all Beta players, huh? She shrugs lightly to herself, deciding to act oblivious and surprised as the other new players. Better to do that then get attention drawn to herself.
Acelynn takes Meceres hand and giggles softly. "My my, asking me a on a date already?" She teased at him with a playful wink as she used his hand to help steady herself, as she had gotten up a wee bit too fast, but once she was balanced she felt perfectly fine. "and the answer to your question is, yes, I'd love to go for some dinner." She said with a soft smile to him, though the smile quickly fades as people begin to spawn in.

Acelynn's heart was beating ferociously in her chest as she looked around, her face serious on the outside, though she couldn't stand all the people already filling in. God..I can't take all these people.. I need to get away.. but I can't..god.. Okay...just breathe Ace...come on..in and out. She thought to herself each time she took a breath, this helping to calm her a bit but not much.
The small shimmer of Ryuji, or Fenikkusu in this world, appeared in front of the grand fountain situated in the middle of the Town of Beginnings. His character looked the same as it had in the beta, with its traditional-looking ninja outfit and the sword sheathe situated on his right hip. He hoped to one day get his curved blade skill high enough to be able to use katanas, as that it what his kendo lessons were for. Somewhat. He had the hooded mask off of his face so he could take in the fullness of the virtual world he hadn't seen in a while. He wore a smirk on his face as he looked into the sky with his dark brown eyes that really did not match his personality at all. He inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth as he stretched his arms out.

"I'm finally back. Hmph. It's been waaaay too long. Well, I know what to do now, so this time around I can just kill a few boars or something to get reacquainted with my virtual body." He spoke with a tone of excitedness and glee as he placed his hands on the back of his neck and started walking.
Ayano grinned excitedly as she bounced through the house, calling out "I'm home!", rushing up the stairs to get to her room. "Gosh, it's already this late?!" she said aloud, sighing rather loudly. She had to stay at school a little while longer to clean, and although she enjoys helping out, today she really wanted to get home early. Shrugging the thought away, she flopped onto her bed and slipped the NerveGear on her head.

Wooooooooow!" Goddess gaped at her surroundings. Sure, she's seen the area like a thousand times; however, it still amazes her to be around scenery that is fake but seems so real.
"I was just trying to make a nice gesture, and you had to make It sound weird. Still, I'm glad you said yes." At that moment people started spawning all around him, he really hated crowds. He made sure to keep his back towards the fountain were it couldn't easily be attacked. He didn't consider himself paranoid, he simply considered himself prepared. It wasn't like he didn't have good reason for it either, he had met several player killer guilds during the beta yet even they weren't the worst he encountered. Mercer just wasn't really the trusting type anymore.

He noticed that his new friend seemed uneasy as well. He looked her in the eyes and said, "I know how you're feeling, I can't stand these crowds either. Still we are in a good spot with the fountain behind us and we have a decent view. We'll be able to leave in mere minutes, don't worry."
Ryuji was on his way back to the fountain from the alleyway shops, after buying a few potions and upgrade materials he would take to a blacksmith later, when he noticed the famous beta tester Mercer. Ryuji had developed a small sense of rivalry with him after competing for the final hit bonuses against the bosses during the beta, but that stopped after Ryuji just stopped trying to go as high as he wanted and focused more on honing his virtual skills. His smirk faded into a blank expression as he walked in that general direction, then a newbie tripped him while stumbling about in no particular direction, and his fall landed him right in front of Mercer and his female friend.

'Well this is fantastic. Tripped up by a newbie. This is gonna be a great introduction,' Ryuji thought to himself as he lay on the concrete.

@Mercer @xEmoBunnehx
Acelynn looks down at the man who fell, her eyes widening a bit. "Are..you okay?" She asked him and offered him a hand up, not really caring to laugh at him like anyone else would have, but rather worried to see if the guy was alright. She knew the town was safe from damage and such things, but still it was one of her reactions like at home when Vinnie would fall and scrape his knee or something. It was simple natural reaction for her.
Mercer saw the man get tripped and followed Acelynn as she went to assist him. He offered his hand as well, though it looked like Acelynn had it covered. "You good?" He asked. "Unfortunately, some people around here NEED TO LEARN TO BE COURTEOUS TO OTHERS," he said, yelling the last part so the guy who tripped him could hear. Mercer looked the guy over and recognized him. "I know you, we've been in the same raid parties before. If I'm not mistaken, we also had a bit of a friendly competition for the last attack bonus once or twice. What's your name?"

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Sofia looked around at all the people spawning around her. She turned to Lena and asked, "Where is the commander?" Lena looked past Sofia and answered, "She said she would meet us in the middle." Sofia sighed and headed that way. The Commander, who was a Beta tester, already explained why they were all gathered. Sofia just wanted to get out of there and start killing some monsters. Even though she wasn't a Beta tester, she wanted to make a name for herself. She wanted to start from scratch and work her way up. Sofia saw the commander ahead and smiled. Out of all the players, the commander was the one she respected the most. The commander never bragged about her title or how far she got. She even got rid of her old stuff to start from the beginning with Sofia. Sofia walked up to the commander and bowed slightly. "Ma'am we recruited 27 new players. They will meet us at the meeting place.", Sofia said. The commander closed her eyes and smiled widely. "Sof your so cute when you act serious.", The commander said. Sofia blushed and said, "Let's just.... Oh whatever." Sofia turned from The commander and looked up at the sky.
Jack smirked as he appeared in front of the fountain. It was good that they could keep their beta accounts. He decided to go sightseeing around town as he was a higher level than most other players here. 'Wow' he thought as he admired the beauty of the world.
Ryuji looked back up, his dullish brown eyes widening after seeing the girl with Mercer. The shyness from his reality starting to kick in, he disregarded their hands and workedhis way to his feet, stammering to form a sentence.

"My n-name? Oh...uhh....my name....i-is...Fenikkusu. It....it means 'phoenix.'" He pulled the lower portion of his hooded mask over his mouth in a nervous habit.
Acelynn giggles at bit at Fenikkusu, a soft smile forming on her face at him as she placed the hand she'd offered him on her waist. "I'm the Bloody Reaper, but you can call me Reaper or as Mercer here does, Aphrodite." She said with another small giggle, though it was stopped short by the sound of a final bell tolling, which meant the announcement was to begin. Acelynn turns her attention to the from where in big bold black letters in the sky was written:

Welcome To Sword Art Online!

"I'm not sure if you remember my name or not but as Aphrodite just said, it Mercer, Mercer Ancrath." He then offered him his hand to shake. As he did he saw the message appear in the sky. "Well good, it seems the show is about to start."

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Ryuji started smirking under his hood-mask. He reached out and shook Mercer's hand with a small laugh.

"How could I not remember the guy that kept taking the last hit bonuses from me." Ryuji then looked up and saw the bolder text signalling the starting ceremony event. His smirk grew a bit more. "And it does appear to be time for the opening ceremony. I guess we should probably wait until it's over to do anything."
Jack stood as he glanced up at the sky to see what was going on. 'Time for the show' he thought as he started. He couldn't wait for the unveiling, expecting stunning graphics for it, and so far hadn't been disappointed.
Goddess ran past a few people to get to the front but it started to get crowded. Although she had no choice but to make contact with other people as she moved, she accidentally collided into Ryuji, tumbling into him. "Ah! I'm sosososo sorry!" she apologized, embarrassed of her actions.
Too distracted by the excitement of the starting ceremony, Ethan/Fenikkusu didn't notice Goddess tumble into him. He looked down a moment earlier to see her trip, then fell as she fell. Second time he's had someone make him fall flat on his rear end in the first ten minutes he's been in the game.

"Ou-ouch. Why does gravity hate me?" He looked up and saw the girl frantically apologizing, making his shyness reappear. He looked down at the ground and slightly blushed with a nervous expression somewhat hidden by looking at the ground.

"I-it's fine. Isn't the first time..."
Goddess' eyebrows furrowed together as his words hit her. "Heeeyy, don't be like that! It wasn't your fault in the first place," she told him with a lopsided grin.

Goddess jumped up. "Here, I'll help you up," she put her hand out, waiting for him to take it.

Blood trickled down the shaft of the spear. The point was imbedded in the man chest, draining his life force. Cassius laughed as he twisted the spear back and forth. The man's eyes showed his terror. He stumbled back in disbelief and shock at what just happened. Cassius had just accepted his friend request, and now he had stabbed him. Cassius drew his sword and walked up to the man. "I don't need friends he whispered," and with a quick slash the mans head rolled off his shoulders. The head and the rest of the body then exploded in a blue flash, and then it was all gone. The cursor above Cassius's head flickered, and it turned from orange to red. He picked up his spear satisfied with his work. Then something strange happened.

In a flash of bright light, Cassius was teleported to the center of the starting town. He sighed and then said to himself, "Ah yes, the opening ceremonies. I nearly forgot in all the excitement. Perhaps I'll make my way to the edge. That will allow me to exit quick so I can resume having fun faster. Yes, that will work quite nicely." Cassius then began pushing his way through the crowd.
Sofia turned to ask Commander Mirito something till she saw a man bump into Mirito. Sofia quickly narrowed her eyes at him and said, "Hey-." Suddenly Mirito touched Sofia's shoulder and smiled kindly. "Its no big deal Sof.", Mirito said. Sofia sighed and nodded. Mirito continued to smile but on the inside she was frowning. The main reason why Mirito stopped Sofia was because Mirito noticed the guy had a red cursor. She knew he would most likely not hesitate to kill her or Sofia.


Cassius laughed when the girl yelled at him, like he would actually say sorry. A wicked smile crossed his lips and he slowly slid his sword out of his sheath. He turned around and stared the girl down. "Im sorry, what was that girly?" He sneered. He twirled the sword in his hand anxious to carve her flesh. There was no killing in a safe zone, but she still would have some fond memories of the event. "Do you have something to say to me? Perhaps do you want to play? I do enjoy playing oh so much."

Cassius took a good look at the girl and sized her up quickly. Though her avatar appeared around the age of 16, her clothing indicated she was younger. How much, he couldn't say but he could use it to his advantage. There was a fair chance she didn't like being acknowledged as being young. Her eyes gave him the perfect death stare, he loved it. It was obvious she had practiced using intimidation to get what she wanted before. He bet she could scare bullies, gain support, and command any type of person with that stare. Any person but a psychopath like himself. "What do you mean Cassius 1?" "Well Cassius 2, you see we feel few if any emotions such as pity, sadness, or mercy." "But don't we feel joy while ripping the intestines from a dying man?" "Well obviously Cassius 2 that is an exception, as shown with our first victim today." "Well how does this relate to the girl not being able to intimidate us?" "We don't feel fright, Stupid. Especially not from a tiny little girl. Now get ready, we're about to skin her."

Cassius chuckled to himself as he approached her. Slowly but surely, trying to install as much fear in her heart as possible.
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