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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

She is an intimidating 9 year old. But she is quite mature for her age. Also her avatar looks around 17 to 18.
That's an interesting character, I may have to look out for her.

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Oh also, that scar I have mentioned in my first post and character sheet has a backstory that will be revealed later. Just letting you know.

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@Mercer and @Andrea Logan

Just a head up, I totlly forgot to add this to the Overview, but we take on the bosses as a group. I'm not a big fan of people solo-ing a boss. I'm so very sorry I left that out guys x.x

@Firetail606 That's what we forgot to add x.x
Aish... I knew we forgot something big... >.>

And that's totally fine, @Mercer c: Thanks for letting us know!
Is that floor bosses only, or do mid level and side dungeon bosses count too?

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Like..the ones you fight at the end of the floor dgn to get to the next floor. Those must be fought with everyone in the RP so everyone has a fair and equal chance at the boss. But mini bosses abd side bosses for like events and things, those can be fought alone, just discuss what it drops with me or Firetail606.
Quick question, are the original characters going to be in this story or do we replace them?

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So do the beta testers retain their gear and level from the beta, or do we start fresh? Probably should've asked before I posted but, meh. Finals are scramblin mah brain. Got my last one tomorrow. Then it's goodbye school iPad and hello to posting from my phone :/
Beta testers keep all their equipment but are forced to start at levels 10-20 in the beginning, and its totally fine x3 I understand the stress of finals~ Just keep in mind though, everyone is being spawned exactly where our charies are at the current moment for the announcement of the game's release. c:
You said no original characters, does that include minor but essential ones such as heathcliff, diable, Kebow, laughing coffin, extra?

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Heathcliff will be the final boss, and all the bosses are the same as they were in the anime, but that's it. In addition to that Firetail606 and I control the bosses during the fight against them.
Since several people are making two characters, I'm debating about making a second myself. Would anybody be interested in me creating a villain? He would basically be a PKer like laughing coffin.

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