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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Jot looked around the scenery, the trees swaying in the wind ever so gently, the poppies appearing as red as blood, and the sky looking bluer than ever. While his hood is down, his hair got swept in the light breeze and he sighed softly, thinking of the ceremony in the Town of Beginnings. Already he was level 20, and although there were many NPC mobs still out here...

...'Geeze this place sure is crowded,' he thought, finally noticing the vicious, hungry-looking female eyes glued to him. Suddenly, he was teleported to the Town of Beginnings, where the ceremony was about to begin. "Eh?" he mumbled out loud, drawing his attention to a small commotion. As he made his way towards the group, he realized what was happening.

OI!" he shouted, waving at Cassius. He walked in front of Sofia, blocking his view of her.

What's an old fart like yourself doing with a girl? Ahh.. you're one of em' pervert men, aren'tcha?" he asks him with a straight face. "You should really go after bigger fish, pal—" stopping to look back, he also noticed that the guild behind him were a bunch of girls. "Or maybe not. These chicks are basically berserker Amazons. I wouldn't wanna try dancing with em', if I were you.." he threw Cassius a if-you-know-what-I-mean-serious-dangerous look, though it disappeared in seconds. "Look, look, I know how old farts have their needs, but trying to get this girl won't do you no good," he stated, grinning like a Cheshire cat and flipping his hands up.
A few minutes after the sign is there, a giant hooded figure in black appears in the sky. "Players! I welcome you to Sword Art Online!" It said, there being no distinct way to tell if the voice was male or female. It then continued on. "I'd like to welcome you all to the game with a round of sharing yes?"It said and opened it its arms, and at that moment Kol started to fall from the sky, it was like it was raining silver an gold.

Acelynn however, could careless for this gift. As she stared at the man in the sky she got more of the feeling that something bad was happening..that perhaps his sharing would lead to more..Maybe I'm being paranoid.. but then again..my gut feeling is almost never wrong.. She thought to herself, as she begin to bite on her lower lip, though the rest of her didn't move an inch as the Kol fell around her and the other players.
Sofia looked at the man who stood in between her and Cassius. At first she appreciated him defending her, but then he started talking bad about her guild. Sofia frowned and said, "Thank you sir but we do not need your help. We are perfectly fine on our-" Suddenly a figure in a dark hood appeared in begin to talk.

Mirito smiled and looked at them three. "Seems we will have to finish this conversation later.", she said before she turned to the sky.

"I'm offended that you believe me to be a man of such simple needs. I have never been driven by lust once. My only desire is to have a little fun as I strip the flesh from their delicate bodies and laugh at their looks of horror. I can't enjoy myself in the real world, but I sure as hell can here. Yet I didn't realize there was an entire guild. Perhaps il kill you all one by one later. As for now, I need to make my way to the edge so I can catch victims who try to leave town. Good bye."

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Jack stared at Cassius from the crowd, finding his intentions disgusting at best. He got the idea that he should keep an eye on him, and if need be teach him a lesson
Ryuji/Fenikkusu shyly nodded and took the girl's hand, pulling himself up. Once he stood, he immediately started scanning the crowd for anything to draw his attention.

"My name.....is Phoenix...." His voice wandered when he saw a guild of all-girls a little off to his side, and a rather menacing-looking figure harrassing them. He glared daggers at the man while he wasn't looking, unable to really make out what they were saying. But as soon as Col started raining from the sky, his eyes floated upwards, his mouth slightly agape in awe.
Goddess' smile widened. "Nice to meet you. Name's Goddess," she mumbled, shaking his hand then finally letting go. All of a sudden, though, Col started to rain from the sky..

"WHOAIT'SRAININGMONEY," her words seemed to slur together, as she was speaking rather fast. She took her hands out, catching a bit of Col.
Mercer (from now on all my posts will be in Mercer's POV unless otherwise noted. Cassius will disappear into the shadows for the time being.)

The gold coins sparkled in the air all around him and hit the ground with a soft clink. This action immediately caught Mercer off guard, nothing like it had happened during the beta. Mercer always believed that nothing in life came free, and the amount of coins being dropped was remarkably high. It was too hard for him to believe that it was just a nice gesture, no there would be a catch. He memory flashed back to the missing log out on his menu. He hadn't payed it much attention at the time, but now? It seemed like the coin drop was possibly a way to save face and make up for it. Yet he wasn't immediately apologizing, in fact he seemed like he was trying to make himself seem godlike with his over the top theatrics. Chills ran down his spine and his hand went immediately to the hilt of his sword. He immediately realized and feared what he might say next. "You bastard," he said under his breath, "You god damn bastard!"
Ryuji was tempted to reach for the glistening coins, but he knew there was a catch to all this. No events played out like this in the beta. This situation caused a small-term memory to resurface: while in the markets, he noticed the absence of a logout button in the menu screen. He played it off then as a glitch, but this money shower made him think a bit more. Something was going on, and Ryuji didn't like it. He glared up at the hooded figure, waiting for an explanation witu clentched fists.
Sofia watched the coins fall. Why were they just letting so much fall? Were they helping the new players? She turned to see the newest members of her guild smiling and catching the coins. She frowned and turned to Mirito. "Commander what is going on?", she asked. Mirito didn't answer and just looked up at the sky.
As the Col finally ceased falling from the sky, the person in the black robe seemed to bring his hands back together, as he looked out unto the crowd, seeing many faces various different looks. May the game..begin. "Players, as some of you may have noticed..There is no longer a log out button. No this is not a glitch, the game is now your life. You die here, you die in real life. The only way out is to beat all 100 Floors." The voice said, and it sounded extremely serious. "May the game..Begin." He said as he then disappeared, leaving chaos to wreak havoc. Though he'd made sure every Guild Master got a special necklace. The chain was black and held a fragment of what looked like a key.

Acelynn didn't seem to notice the new found jewelry on her neck, rather she was too busy standing there in a shocked state as her eyes widened as she pulled the menu up and saw for herself that the man was correct..then that's when it started. A man in the crowd somewhere yelled, "It's really not there!" And then suddenly everything was in chaos with screaming, crying and who knows what else. Acelynn however only stumbled backwards has her hands began to tremble and her stomach get a very sick feeling to it..almost as if she might vomit. "N..no..V..Vinnie.." She stuttered softly as she pushed walked back a bit slower though it was as if her knees had been knocked out from under her, because her body could no longer carry her right now and she fell back on the ground, her eyes still wide with shock, and her gut feeling only getting worse, then to add to her problems it was like someone stole her breath away and she began to pant wildly. S..stuck..in a game...for the rest..of my life? Wh..what about Vinnie..I..I have to..take care of him...
"Damn it!" He cursed aloud. He was trapped like a rat in a cage held against his will. Words could not describe how royally pissed off Mercer was as well as how much he wanted to run Kayaba through. Mercer was aware of the radiation waves in the machine, and that they could kill. How many people had already died? How many more would perish before it was over. He realized he had been given a necklace with a black key. Fine Kayaba, I'll play your little game and kill you when I'm done. Mercer was confident in his skills and abilities. The truth was he had not encoutered one monster in the beta that he did not believe he couldn't have killed 1x1 in the real world with his skill set. He never even died once during the beta so he was off to a good start. I suppose one couldn't expect less form one of the best fencers in the world. Still, a good portion of it was attributed to luck. For the moment, it was essential that he stayed calm and cool headed. The same went for everyone else.

It seemed like the general masses did the exact opposite. Aphrodite went into a fit of grief and panic. He grabbed her shoulder. "Clam down, now is the best time to act. We need to stay level headed. Come on let's get away from the crowd, it could get dangerous here."

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Jack let the information process, before realizing that this was true. He stared at everyone in the plaza shouting and crying, he felt nothing more than empathy for them
Goddess frowned at the hooded man's words and immediately started to cry. "W-What about my cat, Penny? Who's.. who's going to feed..." she sniffed a little, trying to stop crying. All around her, she saw looks of horror and shock. Some of the more horror-struck players were saying "I'm going to die, going to die.." over and over again, which scared her. "Penny.. poor Penny. She's all alone... man, this sucks!" she growled-cried, kicking one of the pillars.
Ryuji's mind was in a state of shock. The noises he heard were muffled, as if he was hearing them from underwater. His vision narrowed, the corners of his sight going black. He gripped his head with his hands and mumbled to himself as he stated walking backwards.

"No no no no. This isn't realy. This-this is just a dream. Yeah, a dream." He eventually stopped as he had almost fallen over a railing. When he turned and saw it, he got an idea. "I-if you die in a dream you wake up! Yeah! I'll just fall over the edge and wake myself up." With shakey arms and legs, he pulled himself up onto the surpisingly wide railing and shut his eyes, waiting for a breeze to knock him off balance and send him over the edge to wake up.
Goddess looked behind her, her eyes widening. "WHATTHEHELLAREYOUTHINKING?!!?!" she screamed, yanking him off of the rail. "Are you an idiot? We can't risk if this is real or not!" tears still stained her face, and her hand started squeezing his arm.
Ryuji was still mumbling to himself, only a tad bit louder. Tears were streaming down his gentle face that wore and expression of shock. He really would never see his parents again.

"It's all a dream....it's all a dream...."
Sofia just stared at the sky. Trapped in here? What about her brothers? Her dad? Her mom? Would she ever see Ren and Rei again? She was in shocked for a while till she noticed some of the girls in her guild crying or screaming. Sofia quickly ran over and yelled, "All Red Rose Sisters! Report to the fountain outside of the back exit. We will have a meeting of what to do there." Sofia looked at one of the newest girls on the floor who didn't move. "If there is one member who isn't able to walk or move, help them out. And do not interact with anyone on your way there!"

Mirito smiled at Sofia's leadership. After the figure disappeared Mirito noticed the necklace and just started observing it. She let go of the necklace and let it fall on her chest. She kneed down and helped a girl on her back. She then looked at everyone else and frowned. She wanted to help all of them, but she was only one girl. Mirito then carried the girl out and placed her by the fountain.
Jot just sighed. "Geeze, things are starting to get craaaaazzzyy!" he grumbled, then looked around the guild of girls and smiled, finding the one he was searching for.

Ah! Fair Maiden! Are you alright? Did that scoundrel hurt you or your pride?" he asks, kneeling on one knee before Sofia and gazing up into her eyes(he likes cute girls).
Sofia frowned. "Yes I am fine. It takes more then a maniac like him to harm me.", she said. She turned and watched as one by one her guiled members left. She then looked back at him and said, "And my pride? At least he wasn't the one who called us "Berserker Amazon's". Now if you would excuse me." She then turned quickly and followed after the others.
Jot grinned widely, stood up, and bowed,"Of course!" he started following her, but upon hearing her next words, pouted slightly,"I meant that as a compliment! Amazons were terrific, battle-ready women! But I guess the berserker part was too much, eh?" he scratched his head, laughing slightly. "I hope you pardon my wording, then, fair lady—um, might I ask that I accompany you? I may be of service, especially since I caused you all of that trouble~" he asks her.
She turned and answered him, "I am sorry but I have to deny that request." She waved away a guild member who tapped her shoulder and continued, "This is a private meeting just for guild members. And as you can see, I need to leave now and get things situated." She continued to walk away and to the exit. She then stopped and turned to him. She smiled lightly and said, "Thanks again." A guild member came out and said, "Commander Mirito is waiting for you Co-Commander Sofia." Sofia nodded and followed the girl.

(Going to bed)
Akio was leaning against a wall listening to to the robed man as he could see people panicking and being scared as he just grinned slightly looking up at the sky after it turned back and looked around if he could find anyone worthy to party with or a guild what he could join as she saw Sofia trying to bring her guild members around and yawned trying to figure who really would be worth going on an adventure with. "Look like im gonna be a solo again.." He mumbled to himself and streched slightly.

(Edit: Yay i killed the rp *^*)
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Acelynn jumped the minute Mercer touched her and for a moment she didn't hear his words, all she saw was a man whom she didn't know who had said something..to her? "Level headed..." The words rang in her head and she blinked several times then got to her feet, her eyes now set hard in determination as she pushed away the fear and worry. She wouldn't die. No, she had a brother to get back to. That was her purpose now; getting back to Vincent.

Acelynn's face now had an unreadable expression and her eyes had a fire in them unlike before. "You're right. Let's go." She said then as if by some magic her legendary blade, Anguish, appeared in her hand. The blade was large and black with a single feather hanging off a chain on the hilt. The blade was clearly a great sword and was about as tall as she was, it also seemed to have a dark aura about it, but with little to no effort, Acelynn propped the blade up on her shoulder then turned from the fountain and started to march throuh the crowd, many people moving away from her as they knew who she was the minute Anguish appeared.

The Bloody Reaper was back.

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