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Fandom Welcome To Sword Art Online

Mercer smiled, there was that fighting spirit he wanted to see. He drew his sword and let it hang by his side. The black steel looked dark and wicked, like it thirsted for the souls of monsters. Mercer fell into pace it Reaper and strode at her side. They were two of the strongest players from the beta and it was crucial that they maintained appearances, especially at a time like this. If others were to see them panic, the hysteria would only escalate.

They soon reached the edge of the crowd, with several eyes on them. He cocked his head towards his friend and signaled her to hold up. "We are both stocked up on supplies, what course of action do you want to take? As a solo-player I would leave the town of beginnings right off the bat and head to Tolbana of Horunka, but things are more complicated now. Like it or not, we are key players and our decisions will hold consequences. We may want to consider staying and training the new players here, or taking a some people in a party with us. Im not a leader, I'm a solo player, so I'll leave the decision to you."
Acelynn didn't think for a minute on what to do. "We train other players. I want no one dying unless it a fight to the death. Noobies gotta know how to survive and I'll gladly teach them." She said, her voice hard in determination as she looked over at Mercer. Inside she wanted to hurry and barrel through the floors like she did during beta. She'd solo'd most every boss and gotten to the highest floor, but that was the glory days, when dying didn't matter, now it did and she had to live and living meant no longer soloing everything. She had to teach people how to be strong.

"Come on. We'll set up a meeting at the arena. These people need to learn to be strong just like us." She said, a small glint in her eye as she said these words with pride then started toward the arena that looked more like a Colosseum than anything.
"I was kind of hoping you would say that. Ill need to start thinking of a speech," He smiled and looked her in they eyes. "I want you to know that you are going to survive. If anyone has a chance of returning from this game its you. You'll see you friend Vinny in no time, we will beat this game."

They were coming up to the Arena now. Some people were following behind them. "I say we just hold a motivational meeting tonight, It would be too much to try and train them immediately after this. They will need a day or so to adjust. As far as resources, is there anything left in your guilds inventory we could loan them? I only have what little is on me."
At the mention of Vinny, Acelynn's heart twisted painfully, but she showed no reaction other than her hand tightening on the hilt of Anguish a bit. "Sounds good. How about we advertise the meeting for tonight then tell them training starts the next day. Oh and don't worry about a speech. I've got that covered along with noobie armors. I was a blacksmith ya know." She said with a bit of a wink to him, though she really didn't feel humorous right now. Right now she felt.. well numb in a sense, but she also had a determination and that was the only thing keeping her going right now. Vinnie needed her. I'll come home little brother. Don't you worry. I won't leave you alone. Not with..it.
(Dang it, I wanted to do a speech)

Mercer could tell that she was still hurting, he regretted bringing up Vinny. He had only hoped to make her feel better. Mercer twirled his sword at his side. Their entourage followed at a distance behind them, all still rilled up. "Ok, If you want to do the talking thats fine, I guess. After this I'm going to a tavern, I think we could all use a drink after this."
Acelynn shrugs. "I hate crowds. It's a likely thing I'll freeze up." She admitted with a small laugh. "How about this...I begin and you lead?" She suggested to him with a raise of her brow, though at the mention of a tavern she got a bit iffy. Drinking in game wasn't really her thing..but in the real world? Well..it wasn't a pretty sight s she'd prefer not to do it in front of someone she just met and was trying to leave a good impression on. "You do that..the tavern thing. I'll go look for an Inn, but first things is first. We need to get loud." She said then looked around for something to stand on.

Her eyes met with a concrete slab that held flowers and things behind it's wall and she walked over to it then stepped up and too a deep breath, and let it out, yelling around to everyone who could basically hear. "MEETING TONIGHT AT THE ARENA!! COME SEE ME FOR DETAILS!!" She'd yelled at the top of her lungs, many people jumping when she did this, though some began to gather around her to hear more, others giving her looks of what could be pity.
Crap, he forgot about the inn. He was used to using a bedroll and sleeping in the field but that wouldn't work. He'd have to put the tavern off to find his own inn, dang.

He chimed in after Reaper, "IT IS VITAL THAT YOU ALL COME, ESPECIALLY THE NEW PLAYERS! SPREAD WORD AND MEET US HERE SOON!" They seemed to be anxious to hear what they had to say. He saw some begin to send messages to their friends. Good, they should receive a large audience. He turned to Reaper and said, "We'll start this when you decide it's best. You handle the introduction, I'll handle the motivational speech, then we'll outline the training together. Sound good? By the way, in the real world my name is Mercer Ancrath. In case something ever happens to me, I'd just like someone to know."
Acelynn looked over at him, the look in her eyes hard as she reached over and grabbed his hands. "Nothing is going to happen to you if I have a say in it. I won't watch a friend die in front of me knowing I did nothing to stop it." She said, her voice being as hard as the look in her eyes were, and her hands gripped his a bit too tight. " We can't afford to think like that. Not ever. Understand?" She asked, as her grip tightened even more. She may have only just met Mercer..but she wasn't about to watch someone die..nor did she really want to be alone in this game..not like before..She wouldn't let that happen again.
"If there is one thing I have learned it is in this world, it is that shit happens. I doubt there is much risk of it, but if it happens it can't be helped. Truthfully I'm one of the most likely to survive here, as a was a world renowned fencer in the real world. Im not hesitating, doubting, or worrying. I just want you to know it could happen. If it does I expect you to lead these bastards and beat this game for me." She really looked worried. Everything he said was true though, but he wasn't scared or doubting himself like she believed. He'd found himself in life and death situations before, and he usually worked more smoothly and focused when he did. Mercer was just giving her the facts. His real body was laying limp on his bed, completely vulnerable and unprotected. It could suffer in a house fire or catch disease and he wouldn't know the difference. Still, Mercer wasn't phased one bit, if anything he was just pissed at Kayaba.
Acelynn nodded and pulled her hands away. "If you die then I'll gladly take the lead in your name." She said, a bit of a smirk playing at the corners of her lips as she looked away from him and gripped the hilt of Anguish a bit harder. I wonder..just how long we'll be in here.. She thought to herself as she looked out over the crowd and to the horizion, looking almost as if she were in her own world of thoughts, though her face had gone expressionless. Vinnie..If I ever see you again..I'm gonna hug the shit out of you..and we'll do whatever you want. I promise little brother. I love you. I'll try my best to make it back to you..even if it kills me. Acelynn's knuckles went white as she gripped the hilt even tighter with each passing thought.
Mercer was relieved to see her let go and shake some of her worry. Still, she was really trying to strangle her sword. The crowd around them seemed to be growing larger. By now there was already a few hundred players. "Im glad that you understand the situation. By the way, if you grip that thing any tighter you might hurt yourself. Perhaps we should start this thing? The crowd seems large enough."
Acelynn mentally shakes herself and nods. "Right. Okay everyone, meeting is at 7pm tonight. Be there to learn what it takes to get through this game from us, The Bloody Reaper and-" She stops so Mercer can introduce himself, though she never stops clutching Anguish. The sword was basically the only thing in SAO she valued more than her life. The sword had been with her for a while, and she could still remember how she got the blade, though that was a tale to be told for later.
"Mercer, though I'm also called the Reaper of Souls." He raised his sword, with its blade that was as black as pitch. Noble Should was fairly well known, and it would confirm his identity. "Believe me, it is vital that as many people attend as possible." He turned back towards the blood reaper and waited for her to continue.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Acelynn mentally shakes herself and nods. "Right. Okay everyone, meeting is at 7pm tonight. Be there to learn what it takes to get through this game from us, The Bloody Reaper and-" She stops so Mercer can introduce himself, though she never stops clutching Anguish. The sword was basically the only thing in SAO she valued more than her life. The sword had been with her for a while, and she could still remember how she got the blade, though that was a tale to be told for later.
Mercer said:
"Mercer, though I'm also called the Reaper of Souls." He raised his sword, with its blade that was as black as pitch. Noble Should was fairly well known, and it would confirm his identity. "Believe me, it is vital that as many people attend as possible." He turned back towards the blood reaper and waited for her to continue.
Upon hearing the Game Master's announcement and seeing everyone freak out in chaos Hazuku was slightly shaken. "Damn... this is a bit much isn't it?" he thought. "No matter" after making his way from the area and practically going in the same direction as Mercer and Reaper, Hazuku came to a stop and looked at the town square clock. "6:58 huh?" pushing his glasses up he had heard some other beta testers he recognized discussing how they would hold a meeting at 7pm so he decided to head in that direction for the meantime.

"It's been a couple weeks since the beta and this game's release and the GM pulls something like this huh... how interesting" he stated as he followed the group of people that sat around where Reaper and Mercer were. "Oh those two are? Hmm well no need to reveal myself it's unlikely they'll recognize me."
Jack sighed, he had been wandering the forest for the past few hours, finding things to kill and loot. He had left the town of beginnings when it had been in chaos, he had no idea what was going on now.
Akio heard the beta testers meeting up and decided to go there for fun and to see what they were going to do as he walked slowly to the meeting point while looking around and seeing people panicking around and being worried as he also saw few people who were getting ready to jump down as he shook his head. "...So...a murder game huh..." He said to himself and arrived to the meeting of the beta testers.
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GODDESS: Goddess slapped Ryuji, hard. "Listen to me! This isn't some freaking dream! But we're going to get out of this, okay?" she tells him simply, grabbing his arms and getting him to his feet. "We're going to beat this game," she mumbles.

Jack of Trades: Jot frowned but nodded. "I see.. well, that's okay..." he says, walking away. He looked like a very sad puppy as he moped around, finally disappearing out of her view..

(OCC: Don't worry, I have something planned for him..... *rubs hands together* )
-I was sitting close to the supposedly meeting point as i was waiting for people to gather for the meeting while yawning and opening my inventory and looking around my items-
"Follow me everyone. To the Arena." Acelynn said and started walking, her stride confident though inwardly she didn't feel confident at all, though she wouldn't show that. No one ever need to know how she truly felt inside right now. As Acelynn made her way into the Arena she noticed a few people already in there, waiting for the meeting. This was good. A few people believed in them to help them..to get them through the game.

((OOC: Its Bloody Reaper xP))
(Sorry lol)

"They're here huh" he said looking at the time. "Let's see what they've got to say to convince these guys" he said readjusting his glasses
-I sighed and walked after the crowd keeping the distance as i looked around if i knew anyone here and shook my head-
"Quite an audience we have gathered, don't you think?" Mercer asked Reaper. He peered out into the crowd looking over each member of the audience. Mercer tried to look over each player individually to try to see what material he had to work with. He also scanned for potential threats of danger. Again, he did not trust crowds but no one could surprise him whilst he was on stage. The audience seemed to be mostly new players, although there were some familiar looking faces who could very well be beta testers. "Alright Aphrodite," he said with a wink, "time to start this thing. Knock them dead."
-I looked at Mercer and sighed slightly wondering how they were going to do this as i leaned against the wall and started looking if they would start soon explaining their plan or anything close to that which could help everyone in this game and nodded slightly at my own thinking-
Ryuji looked at Goddess, then slapped himself after she slapped him, then shook his head to clear his thoughts. Suicide wasn't his thing or anyway to leave this game. He was a fighter. He heard some people talking about a gathering of people to teach newbies and thought he should make an appearance to teach them some parkour skills he learned from last time. He removed the mask from his face, revealing a smirk on his face.

"Thanks for setting me straight. I'm gonna fight my way out of this place, and I won't be taken by depression. I guess I'll be seeing you later." He gently patted her shoulder and turned away, walking off. He paused a few feet away, opening his menu. A moment later, a friend request appeared on Goddess' menu.

"And by the way, the name's Ryuji." With that, he walked of feeling brave and not shy.

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