Welcome to Sword Art Online - Additional IC


Resurrected Darkness
This is the In-Game charie form.

Number of skills per level:

1-10: 2

11-14: 3

15- 20: 4


31-50: 6

51- 66: 7

67-81: 9

82-96: 11

97-100: 12

Each skill is 'completed' at 1000.


Support Skills

Acrobatics- Determines a player's jumping height and the ability to perform aerial maneuvers. Bottom level is the natural jumping height for the Player.

Blunt Weapon Forging- The effectiveness with which a player can craft Blunt Weapons.

Drug Mixing

Extended Weight Limit- Increases inventory size and weight capacity.

Light Metal Armor Forging

Metal Equipment Repairing

Heavy Metal Armor Forging Metal Refining- The effectiveness with which a player can turn raw ore into refined ingots of metal.

Musical Instrument

Picking- The ability to open locked chests and doors.(( The doors of rooms rented or owned by players cannot be affected by this skill.))

Tracking - Used to track a player who is registered as a friend by displaying their footprints from a certain time.

Sewing Slash Weapon Forging - The effectiveness with which a player can craft Slashing Weapons.

Straining- The ability to hear sounds from further away than normal. Higher level of skill grants the ability to hear through locked rooms.

Thrust Weapon Forging- The effectiveness with which a player can craft Stabbing Weapons.

Combat Skills

Parry- The ability to use an attack to block an opposing strike. Maximum level makes it possible to destroy an item currently at less than half of the maximum durability; anything with a durability above that will not be damaged.

Battle Healing- Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone.

First Aid- Recover low amounts of HP over out-of-battle time. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the yellow zone.

Weapon Skills

One-handed Straight Sword

One-handed Curved Blade

One-handed Dagger

One Handed Rapiers (One-handed use thin sword)

One-handed War Hammer

Two-handed Straight Sword

Two-handed Assault Spear

Two-handed Battle Axe Blade

Throwing Martial Arts Katana- <Extra Skill> that is unlocked by frequent usage of the One-handed Curved Blade and allows the usage of katanas.


Other Skills

Fishing -The effectiveness with which a player can catch fish. Higher levels catch rarer fish more often.

Cooking- The effectiveness with which a player can combine ingredients to create varieties of food, some of which can have medicinal properties. Higher level of skill allows the successful cooking of higher-ranked foods.


Feel free to add to this. You do not have to include the ( ).

(10/10 Beta Testers)



Level: (1-5 for non beta testers. 10-20 for beta testers. This is just for the beginning.)




Job: (Optional)

Beta Tester: (No open spots)


Weapon: (In depth description or picture)

Appearance: (In depth description or picture)

My Form~


Acelynn Kyindes


The Bloody Reaper (Reaper)




Brave and gutsy, hard headed, highly stubborn yet kind and caring, loving. Can be very serious and aggressive when the moment presents itself. Will do what to takes to save anyone, or solve a problem. Nearly seems like a natural born leader, easily angered but friendly, very loyal and strong willed.


The Black Knights


None yet.


Guild Master and Blacksmith

Beta Tester:



Two-handed Straight Sword


First Aid

Heavy Metal Armor Forging Metal Refining


Legendary weapon named Anguish



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Elizabeth Willson


Chikara(Meaning "Strength" in Japanese)




Kind, selfless, loving, nurturing, mature, but still tough, strong willed, sometimes nervous, and very good at masking her true emotions to whatever best suits a situation.






None, as of now.

Beta Tester:



Drug Mixing


First Aid




As a Beta Player, she was known as the "Ice Eyed Olympian", a player/chara widely known, very popular, though in-game she will deny such things to keep herself safer(murder guilds heavily disliked her during beta due to events unraveled during RP).

User: Mercer Ancrath

Username: Mercer (Nick-Named "The Reaper of Souls")

Level: 20


Off the battlefield Mercer is often shunned, as he is considered a beater for his unfair natural advantage. This results in him sticking mostly to himself. Those who do get to know him find him to be quite chivalrous and polite, as well as driven and a bit eccentric. He also possesses a cynical sense of humor, and honestly couldn't care less about returning to the real world or not. On the battle field he changes, becoming slightly cold-hearted and focused only on the thrill of the fight. He will cut down anything in his way, be it monster, boss, or player if necessary. With all that said he will protect the few who become close to him until his dying breath if necessary. His preferred playing style is in small parties or solo. Mercer could care less for guilds as the politics associated with them always get in his way. The only way he would join one is to start his own (Possible guild leader). His preferred tactics are flanking (classic rouge), guerrilla fighting, and blitzkrieg warfare.

Guild: Invicta (Latin for unconquered). He created his own guild so others would not ask him to join his. He is the only member though others may join eventually.

Party: Solo-Player (Though he wouldn't mind joining)

Job: Solo Player / Guild Master by definition

Beta Tester: Yes


  • One Handed Rapiers
  • One-handed Dagger
  • Parry
  • Sprint (It's a Skill)

Weapon: Legendary Rapier: Noble Soul


Parrying Dagger:


Other: Favored weapons include Rapiers and Daggers, though he has some sabers, bucklers, and cane swords in his inventory which rarely tend to see the light of day. He will eventually take advantage of the system that allows players to pick up any item, using it to dual wield his rapier with a dagger in his off hand. However there will be no duel wielding skills that affect this unlike Kirito. He will wield his sword how it was meant to be and use the dagger in his off hand to deflect and inflict basic strike all based on his real world training. He is fluent in English, Japanese, and Latin. He will commonly quote the latter during his time trapped in the game. I will provide all necessary translations for that.
I'm actually going to go ahead and start the RP so give me a bit to make a post x3 the point we will be starting at is right after the game got released in stores and the announcement that your charie is locked in a game has's happened yet. So basically the very beginning at floor one c:
Are we starting at the announcement itself or does my character get to walk around a bit first?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Your charie gets to walk around for roughly 10 minutes (in game time) before everyone gets force spawned to the town center.
User: Sofia Yuhira

Username: The Withered Rose

Level: 5

Personality: Sofia may seem like a cold hearted, lost, dark person, but when you get to know her, you'll be glad you did. Usually her greeting is a cold stare, but that's only because she wants a first impression to be that people should fear her. After a few months of knowing her, you will find out she is very caring and will sacrifice anything for her loved ones.

Guild: Red Rose Sisters

Party: None

Job: Second In Command Of Guild

Beta Tester: No

Skills: 1)Cooking

2)One-Handed Straight Sword


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/commission__sword_design___rose_blade_by_kodamacreative-d826goh.jpg.1b6a48a0b7a5a42f4ac90f21bbabaa14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/commission__sword_design___rose_blade_by_kodamacreative-d826goh.jpg.1b6a48a0b7a5a42f4ac90f21bbabaa14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/download.jpg.c62f9701cf070fee8617e21599b5c724.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/download.jpg.c62f9701cf070fee8617e21599b5c724.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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User: Ryuji Kamako

Username: Fenikkusu ("Phoenix" in Japanese)

Level: 10

Personality: Appearances can be deceiving in this case. Ryuji often is considered a friendly person, always trying to be that good person and be the hero. This often gets him in trouble with the tough kids at school who often go after the weaker kids, but Ryuji stands up for the right thing and won't tolerate any kind of injustice towards others. He isn't really one to be flirtatious, but he often gets noticed by girls at his school, which makes him kind of nervous.

Guild: None

Party: None

Job: None

Beta Tester: Yes


-One handed curved sword






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?s??: Inoue, Ayameko "Ayano"

?s??????: Blessing of the Goddess

?????: 5

???s???????: Ayano is very wild and free-spirited when you cross paths with her. She always has to do something, and, like a shark, she'll die if she stops swimming. When she has a fix on something, there's no stopping her. She'll become absolutely determined to go do that thing and no one would be able to stop her! Ayano is described as 'childish and immature', her two worst traits, you could say. Nevertheless, she is always looking to lend a helping hand.

?????: xx

?????: xx

???: xx

???? ??s???: [ Yes: ] [ No: ? ]


One-handed Curved Blade



(I changed Ayano into a non-Beta tester, if that's alright!)

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User: Jack

Username: Ardaras

Level: 20

Personality hyper and happy to those he trusts, cold and reserved to those he doesn't

Guild: xx

Party: xx

Job: xx

Beta tester: yes

Skills: One handed curved blade, acrobatics, drug mixing, picking

Weapon:http://www.swordsdirect.com/arabian-scimitar-swords.html, Legendary weapon, Sword of the sands

Appearance: Black leather curiass with hood and bandolier for drugs and ingredients, Black leather greaves, Black leather boots, black leather bracers, black and red hair, dark green eyes, Sword worn on left hip and wielded in right hand
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User: Mirito Yuhima

Username: The First Bloomed

Level: 19

Personality: Mirito is a very bubbly character. She always thinks of her guild members as her daughters. Most of the time she will be friendly and kind to everyone. But if you hurt one of her guild members, she will get serious.

Guild: The Red Rose Sisters

Party: None

Job: Commander of Guild

Beta Tester: Yes

Skills: 1)Acrobatics

2) One-Handed Curved Blade (Throwing Martial Arts Katana)

3) Musical Instrument

4) Battle Healing


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/SW72PE4.jpg.12326ebf233e803114d11f7a221d5939.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/SW72PE4.jpg.12326ebf233e803114d11f7a221d5939.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/White-Haired-Anime-Girl-anime-35014110-362-494.jpg.00b068511b82c02d1780de1be268156c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54987" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/White-Haired-Anime-Girl-anime-35014110-362-494.jpg.00b068511b82c02d1780de1be268156c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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?s??: Mason "Mace" Anderson

?s??????: Jack of Trades "JOT"

?????: 20

???s???????: Mace used to be a quiet but gentle boy as a child, but ever since his mother died, he became totally different. Mace is an introvert of sorts. He'll act stoic and reserved at first, but for the most part, he's sarcastic, selfish, and.. stoic. You could pretty much guess he has a rude aura, but that is not the case. Mace is loyal to the core, though mostly towards females(as a way of teasing). He'll usually call these people Maiden namehere, though he'll occasionally throw out a 'Miss namehere.' His personality is strange. One moment he'll be thrashing out at a person for asking for help, the next moment he's aiding the guy. That's just one thing you'll never get used to.

?????: xx

?????: xx

???: Weapon Forger/Blacksmith

???? ??s???: [ Yes: ? ] [ No: ]


Two-handed Assault Spear

Thrust Weapon Forging




User: Takahiro Arai

Username: Cassius

Level: 5

Personality: Cassius is highly psychotic and demented, taking great enjoyment out of player killing. The game SAO has allowed to finally do what the real world never let him, with no strings attached. He'd likely never make it out of the game so he might as well have some fun. He is deadly and naturally gifted with weapons. Cassius also is very intelligent and sly, allowing him to trick and outsmart others. When it comes to tactics and traps, he is the best out of all the PKers. The only fighting style that he prefers is fighting dirty. While fighting he is coolheaded and doesn't let his emotions show until he makes the kill. Cassius could care less for making friends as he would rather just kill them.

Guild: None

Party: Occasionally works with members of PK guilds

Job: Assassin, Thief, Red Player

Beta Tester: No


  • Two Handed Assault Spear
  • One-handed Straight Sword





Akio Akagami


Takumi (Means open sea)




Shy, Lonely, Selfish, Kind.

Akio is very hard to get along at first sight because of his shyness.






None for now

Beta Tester:



Thrust weapon forging

One-handed curved sword



(Weapon looks like a katana but it isnt)

Name: Silverlight (forged self)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/FFX_Weapon_-_Katana_1.png.d32748c679a38d4079e40463c992a81c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55519" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/FFX_Weapon_-_Katana_1.png.d32748c679a38d4079e40463c992a81c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(Was the closest i could find ;-; )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/7a589c657ef096a063f9226bb2da4ff3.jpg.06aa363b4325cf7b6bd4a2e6587430c4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/7a589c657ef096a063f9226bb2da4ff3.jpg.06aa363b4325cf7b6bd4a2e6587430c4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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