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  1. Unforgiven

    Jade - Stone or Metal?

    Back on topic  :shock: I think you should see it as in the real world, where you can just find natural jade, there are veins of natural jade in the exalted world, and they use metals to alloy it with in order to create the jade for magical artefacts. I'm sure somebody who has done science...
  2. Unforgiven

    3rd Circle Demon Stats

    I've never really worked out the stats on a 3rd circle demon (though I was already working on creating a few more Yozi's, so I might in the future.) but if you insist on giving your 3rd circle demons stats, I would definately give even the weakest 3rd circle demon Essence 8, with probably all...
  3. Unforgiven

    Armored dodge

    Specialties are about specializing the way you fight. white-wolf took the increased soak into account, with the return disadvantage of having a little less dodge for heavier armors. like someone else already pointed out, it barely compromises for the mobility penalty of armors, and seeing that...
  4. Unforgiven

    Storyline Help, Plz.

    I would call the solars: Children of Helios Ya know, if I were an abyssal in these times, I would definately start my own sunscreen and facial cream company.. or a company that makes sunglasses... And if I were a solar, I'd find a job as a weatherman...
  5. Unforgiven

    So my players despise the Social Combat rules...

    Well I personally kinda like the social combat rules, though we rarely use it in our campaign.. Our storyteller usually lets us roleplay it out with the npc. If he feels the conversation was not convincing enough, he will let us roll to see and determine how well we got our point across...
  6. Unforgiven

    [Exalted 1st Ed] Consequences of altering dice rolling

    I would have to say no, doesn't really break the game. The chances of a botch aren't any higher, just the chances of failure increases, and the overall number of successes will be lower, so as Wordman has already said, the game will become a bit more grittier, but definately not game-breaking...
  7. Unforgiven

    Famous Wars

    There have also been numerous battles between the armies of lookshy and the realm.. There's also the Bayou of Regret, south of Thorns. I can't remember from my head, but there's probably been a great battle there.
  8. Unforgiven

    Help in designing a prison

    You should ask yourself a number of questions: 1. What kind of exalted get sent there ? Is it a general prison, which has different rules and levels for different kind of offenders ? 2. What's the atmosphere on the planet like. You say there's oxygen, but that doesn't mean it's survivable in...
  9. Unforgiven

    Second Strength Excellency

    I'd have to disagree on this, considering the autmatic successes you are buying are added in 2nd edition, and don't replace dice rolled, I think statistically adding automatic successes is more efficient.. but I think it balances out and is based on preferences I guess..
  10. Unforgiven

    Second Strength Excellency

    hmm, I don't see a damage roll as a strength based roll myself for this purpose, but I can imagine you'd interpret it that way. Aside from that, I don't think it would matter a lot if it did, would make the Second excellency a bit more useful for strength..
  11. Unforgiven

    Impressions of Strength + Relentless Lunar Fury

    Yeah. I meant undeniable might, my bad..
  12. Unforgiven

    Second Strength Excellency

    Well I think that was just my point. I don't think you can add automatic successes to damage on an attack, since I can only use the Second Excellency to add automatic successes to a strength roll. When I do damage in combat, I don't make a strength roll, I just add my strength to calculate the...
  13. Unforgiven

    Attribute Specialties

    I was wondering about the following: Do two attribute specialties that enhance the same ability work with each other during a single action ? For instance: 1) I have a Strength Specialty of Melee +1 2) I have a Dexterity Specialty of Melee +1 This would be possible right ? I add one...
  14. Unforgiven

    Second Strength Excellency

    Another thing I'm wondering: Does the Second Strength Excellency seem rather weak and obsolete compared to the First and Third Strength Excellency? I mean, the Second can generally not even be used effectively in combat, since buying automatic successes doesn't really work, since you're not...
  15. Unforgiven

    Impressions of Strength + Relentless Lunar Fury

    I think you should read the Impressions of Strength charm, it has special rules regarding the same effect more than once. The number of times you can apply an effect is determined by your permanent essence. (3 times at essence 5) but I was just wondering if RLF counts as one activation for that...
  16. Unforgiven

    Impressions of Strength + Relentless Lunar Fury

    I've been looking at the charms, and I wondering about the following. I read that you can use the charm Impressions of Strength during a Relentless Lunar Fury for 2 motes, adding one of the specials to all attacks. I think it clearly states that you can still activate the charm in question even...
  17. Unforgiven

    The Crown of Thorns

    As I explained, she doesn't really want the item, but my character thinks it is fitting for a queen. It's a gift, and it's made by the god of ALL cities, not merely the citygod of thorns itself. besides, it's no mere "spirit" but a greater god(des) and it's a symbolic act, being granted the...
  18. Unforgiven

    The Crown of Thorns

    Heya guys, I'm doing a request for your creativity today.. We've been running an exalted campaign for over 6 years now, and in our campaign, we've decided to conquer the city of Thorns back from the deathlord Mask of Winters. We were quite succesful in kicking the crap out of him, and sent...