Help in designing a prison

Lord Kamina

Not an engineer.
I am working on an alternate setting:

Space travels and magitech combined with modern technology. There is no computers, though.

Everyone in the setting is an Exalt (Terrestrial), except for spirits(They are more like ghosts in this setting, really. They are basically notable Exalts that died in heroical or impressive ways) and such.

Now, I am designing a prison for this setting...

It's located on a very hostile planet (the chemistry and physics of which I am taking the time to develop but is far from finished)... Know that the seas are made of Sulfuric Acid, there is free oxygen produced by modified plants and rocks and most structures are made mostly of quartz, corundum and a particular silicone (Most earthly rocks cannot stand the acidic corrosion)

The prison's goal is to hold exalted... Figure 15000 Exalted prisoners being taken care of by 7000 or so Exalted guards. (There's three compounds inside the planet, I'll be concerned with only one, though) Each compound would hold 5000 prisoners and 2300 guards, not counting general staff and higher-ranking officials.

Prisoners are kept in line via the use of an artifact I derived from the WotLA's slave collar.

It's basically a collar made of starmetal, moonsilver and soulsteel, it holds an amulet shaped like a spider. The spider's legs are grafted onto the prisoner's skin and force attunement by drawing on his own essence. They extend moonsilver/soulsteel filament inside the skull and onto the brain.

The collar denies the wearer the use of essence and reports everything the user can see or hear to a designed guard central. Additionally, guards can order the collars to commit 2 motes from the wearer's pool to cause him awful pain. (This is statted as a special poison that lasts until the motes are uncommitted)

Now, I was designing the prison and I've got it pretty much ready... However, I wanted to make it as believable (and harsh) as possible, to this purpose I thought I'd ask in here if someone knows about or has designed prisons before. I am basically designing the floorplans themselves and am looking for ideas or opinions on what the prison should or should not have.
This may or may not be helpful at all, but I've always been fond of the prison featured in the Chronicles of Riddick: Crematoria.  The "guard room" is above the prison complex itself.  Cages are unlocked (but can be locked or chained by the people inside), with some vicious starved beasts released every so often into the population to "sport-hunt" the prisoners.  It was multilevlled, with a single opening through which new prisoners were lowered into the cellblocks cuffed to chains, and only the most basic of supplies were allowed in.  

Barring that, there are online maps available of Alcatraz Island, which can be found here and here.  These two files are in PDF format.
Rhapsody said:
This may or may not be helpful at all, but I've always been fond of the prison featured in the Chronicles of Riddick: Crematoria.  The "guard room" is above the prison complex itself.  Cages are unlocked (but can be locked or chained by the people inside), with some vicious starved beasts released every so often into the population to "sport-hunt" the prisoners.  It was multilevlled, with a single opening through which new prisoners were lowered into the cellblocks cuffed to chains, and only the most basic of supplies were allowed in.  
Barring that, there are online maps available of Alcatraz Island, which can be found here and here.  These two files are in PDF format.
That is in fact pretty helpful. Even though I don't really intend it to be THAT harsh (Well actually, sort of) I could certainly watch Crematoria for a better image of the prison itself, and maybe it will actually help.

Thanks alot.

p.s. In which part of the Riddick series exactly can I find Crematoria?
Rhapsody said:
This may or may not be helpful at all' date=' but I've always been fond of the prison featured in the [b']Chronicles of Riddick[/b]: Crematoria.  
That is in fact pretty helpful. Even though I don't really intend it to be THAT harsh (Well actually, sort of) I could certainly watch Crematoria for a better image of the prison itself, and maybe it will actually help.

Thanks alot.

p.s. In which part of the Riddick series exactly can I find Crematoria?
Rhapsody said it (emphasis mine): the Chronicles of Riddick.
This is kind of a sappy character-vid AMV of Riddick and Kyra, but it has some nice shots of the prisoner areas.
I think the ratio of guards to prisoners is to high.  You control the prisoners by keeping them in small groups and keeping some of the guards separated from the inmates.  They always have catwalks were the armed guards are at, but guards that mix with prisoners do not have ranged weapons.  

It is prisoners that cook and serve the food, clean the mess, do the laundry.  All these things are done to minimize staff and keep the inmates distracted and separated.  When they are all in yard, not many guards are out with them, but on the wall.  If they decide to riot then they are stuck outside with no cover.

Also, a prison for Exalts would have to have something to dampen their Essence, otherwise they would easily escape.  Is their some sorcery holding them there?  Look at the rules for jumping and look how high you have to make the walls, a mortal can easily jump a 30 foot wall.  A Str+ Ath of 7 will let you jump 14 yards, or 42 feet straight up, plus another 6 feet for 1 Willpower.

You need something other walls and guards to hold Exalts prisoner.
uteck said:
I think the ratio of guards to prisoners is to high.  You control the prisoners by keeping them in small groups and keeping some of the guards separated from the inmates.  They always have catwalks were the armed guards are at, but guards that mix with prisoners do not have ranged weapons.  
It is prisoners that cook and serve the food, clean the mess, do the laundry.  All these things are done to minimize staff and keep the inmates distracted and separated.  When they are all in yard, not many guards are out with them, but on the wall.  If they decide to riot then they are stuck outside with no cover.

Also, a prison for Exalts would have to have something to dampen their Essence, otherwise they would easily escape.  Is their some sorcery holding them there?  Look at the rules for jumping and look how high you have to make the walls, a mortal can easily jump a 30 foot wall.  A Str+ Ath of 7 will let you jump 14 yards, or 42 feet straight up, plus another 6 feet for 1 Willpower.

You need something other walls and guards to hold Exalts prisoner.
The food is entirely artificial and utterly disgusting, so that I don't have to worry about. The laundry and stuff I have indeed thought of the prisoners doing. I'll re-think the guard-to-prisoner ratio, though.

As for walls... The prison is entirely undergroud except for the last floor. Since the planet is hostile to most life, the last floor is a yard covered by an opaque corundum dome.
uteck said:
Also, a prison for Exalts would have to have something to dampen their Essence, otherwise they would easily escape.  Is their some sorcery holding them there?  Look at the rules for jumping and look how high you have to make the walls, a mortal can easily jump a 30 foot wall.  A Str+ Ath of 7 will let you jump 14 yards, or 42 feet straight up, plus another 6 feet for 1 Willpower.
You need something other walls and guards to hold Exalts prisoner.
The OP already accounted for Essence, in that each prisoner has a collar which sucks Essence and/or disallows Essence use. And there's a "pain function" that serves as a deterrent to the prisoners. So there is something other than walls and guards here. But I do agree, the way things are done in Exalted, just having walls wouldn't work. But that's why Crematoria is being suggested.....

When in doubt you could always summon a prison like subsoul of malfeas. Then walls would be enough. Of course they are essence sucking walls made up of screaming faces who vomit demonic maggots on anyone trying to flee... but they are only walls.
I love the vivid imagery in that post, Safim.  I'll have to find a way to use essence sucking walls made up of screaming faces that vomit denomic maggots.  Perhaps in my PbP Lunars game. :twisted:
You should ask yourself a number of questions:

1. What kind of exalted get sent there ? Is it a general prison, which has different rules and levels for different kind of offenders ?

2. What's the atmosphere on the planet like. You say there's oxygen, but that doesn't mean it's survivable in general. And how does this interact with the prison itself, does the prison have a topside level where the prisoners can go for a breather, or is the entire prisoner population kept below the surface, or a combination thereof relating to point 1. ? (e.g. lesser criminals might have the opportunity to reach the surface level, other offenders might not.

If the atmosphere is breathable, the prison will likely have some venting system to transfer air to the prison, if so, how does this work ? You can imagine a venting system being used by prisoner to move around. How is this being prevented/secured, etc.. etc..

Consider this: If you make it that the atmosphere is not breathable, they will need to have some kind of machinery to make oxygen and pump it into the building. If so, this system is probably well secured, and heavily guarded.

3. How does the "community" of the prison look like. Is it a heavily structured facility, which constant guarding, monitoring, and perhaps even a seperate brainwashing facility, experimental lab, or something of the sort ? Or perhaps it's a little like in the Chronicles of Riddick, where they just dump all the prisoners in the same place, and let them fight it out amongst themselves ?

4. How is the prison going to fit in the story ? If you design the prison itself just for reference, as a place where nobody comes back from, it shouldn't be too hard to think of defences which would make it almost impossible to escape without the aid of a lot of people and/or very powerful people. Because if you do, you have to consider that sending people there is technically a one-way trip.

5. Expanding from point 4, suppose the characters actually DO end up there, does that mean they have no way of escape? If it's really a full-proof prison, that would mean they have to come up with something brilliant to escape, or have some powerful connections/friends.
If you check out shows that come up on Discovery channel, they frequently have stuff about the design and problems of SuperMax prisons.  Very informative.
Sherwood said:
I love the vivid imagery in that post, Safim.  I'll have to find a way to use essence sucking walls made up of screaming faces that vomit denomic maggots.  Perhaps in my PbP Lunars game. :twisted:
You are welcome.
A techno-magical prison planet? Have you ever thought of basing it on Autochthonia?
Unforgiven said:
You should ask yourself a number of questions:
1. What kind of exalted get sent there ? Is it a general prison, which has different rules and levels for different kind of offenders ?

2. What's the atmosphere on the planet like. You say there's oxygen, but that doesn't mean it's survivable in general. And how does this interact with the prison itself, does the prison have a topside level where the prisoners can go for a breather, or is the entire prisoner population kept below the surface, or a combination thereof relating to point 1. ? (e.g. lesser criminals might have the opportunity to reach the surface level, other offenders might not.

If the atmosphere is breathable, the prison will likely have some venting system to transfer air to the prison, if so, how does this work ? You can imagine a venting system being used by prisoner to move around. How is this being prevented/secured, etc.. etc..

Consider this: If you make it that the atmosphere is not breathable, they will need to have some kind of machinery to make oxygen and pump it into the building. If so, this system is probably well secured, and heavily guarded.

3. How does the "community" of the prison look like. Is it a heavily structured facility, which constant guarding, monitoring, and perhaps even a seperate brainwashing facility, experimental lab, or something of the sort ? Or perhaps it's a little like in the Chronicles of Riddick, where they just dump all the prisoners in the same place, and let them fight it out amongst themselves ?

4. How is the prison going to fit in the story ? If you design the prison itself just for reference, as a place where nobody comes back from, it shouldn't be too hard to think of defences which would make it almost impossible to escape without the aid of a lot of people and/or very powerful people. Because if you do, you have to consider that sending people there is technically a one-way trip.

5. Expanding from point 4, suppose the characters actually DO end up there, does that mean they have no way of escape? If it's really a full-proof prison, that would mean they have to come up with something brilliant to escape, or have some powerful connections/friends.
Let's go point by point:

1) Let's say Terrestrials. In my setting every human is a Terrestrial Exalt (They are somewhat modified, though... No aspects, five professions instead of aspects, people start out with only 5 favoreds and Essence 1, they can upgrade Essence tto 2 normally (BP or XP) but the only way to get to 3 or further is by undertaking a Profession (That basically gives you another 5 favoreds)

2) The atmosphere... It's basically a quite hot planet (I haven't decided exactly how much yet, but somewhere between 50 and 80ºC probably) the sun is an F type star. Puts out more UV than the sun, there's Oxygen in the atmosphere, produced by blob-like organisms that do photosynthesis. These organisms are shielded from the environment by a thick layer of (poly)diphenylsiloxane, that is basically a type of silicone with a high melting point, permeability to gases and light and resistance to UV and acidic corrosion. The seas are made of sulfuric acid and are extremely saturated because most natural rocks have been dissolved inside them. Picture the dead sea, but worse. It's MORE saturated and it's corrosive as it comes due to the acid. Most rocks in the planet are crystallized forms of what on earth are rare materials, mostly because they are what is stable under this environment.

2b) About the surface... The texture of the surface itself is pretty muddy because there's hardly any rocks, it's mostly made of sand and mud (Not in the traditional sense though, but in consistency) Prisoners are required to wear silicone boots to protect their feet. Even though they can go up to the dome during certain hours, the dome is polarized, they cannot see outside and have no idea how the planet is outside the prison.

Still, due to the prison being hermetic, there is a vent system pumping oxygen into the prison, I won't go about it into further detail because it's not truly relevant.

2c) The prison is mostly for IMPORTANT criminals. Since there are several planets, I expect there be minor prisons in each planet. This is where political prisoners, public criminals or major menaces to the empire are sent, really. There's no particular order about where they're kept, though. The prison is also mixed in gender.

3) The prison has constant guarding and monitoring, yes. The prisoners are not really brainwashed because it is not considered necessary in light of the collars they are made to wear. My original inspiration for this prison was the movie "Fortress" with Christopher Lambert. Only just a tad less brutal.

4) I am right now designing it for a module I want to run before I make an actual chronicle. This would be set in the past of the actual chronicle and players would be playing a relevant NPC and some nobodies. He is the only person to have ever escaped from the prison (And well, of course, the people he was with) As you might have guessed by now, the objective of the module is to escape from the prison.

I don't expect players to come across the prison during the actual chronicle but then again... You never know.

5) They'd probably have trouble getting out but they'd manage it eventually. They'd also be grossly more powerful than the characters in this module. (Aside from the fact they'll have better connections and all, being nobles instead of just... criminals)


Now, Sherwood: I'm not really interested in Supermax prisons, I looked them up at first but security is just TOO tight, it pretty much suffocates any chances for roleplaying.

And no, honestly... I haven't read much on Autobot.
There is that one Star Trek movie where Kirk and McCoy are locked up in a Klingon prison.  If ya misbehaive, you get kicked out to the surface and freeze to death.
Sherwood said:
There is that one Star Trek movie where Kirk and McCoy are locked up in a Klingon prison.  If ya misbehaive, you get kicked out to the surface and freeze to death.
2b) About the surface... The texture of the surface itself is pretty muddy because there's hardly any rocks' date=' it's mostly made of sand and mud (Not in the traditional sense though, but in consistency) Prisoners are required to wear silicone boots to protect their feet. Even though they can go up to the dome during certain hours, the dome is polarized, they cannot see outside and have no idea how the planet is outside the prison. Still, due to the prison being hermetic, there is a vent system pumping oxygen into the prison, I won't go about it into further detail because it's not truly relevant.[/quote']
Well, it could become relevent, in case the characters actually do end up there. Of course you would always think about it when it should become important. Seeing that it's a very secure prison, the venting system itself is probably so secure nobody can use the ventilation system to escape. BUT what if the character take control of the ventilation system and threaten to shut it down and killing everyone (including the staff) ? It would be wise to think about situations like that ;-)

2c) The prison is mostly for IMPORTANT criminals. Since there are several planets, I expect there be minor prisons in each planet. This is where political prisoners, public criminals or major menaces to the empire are sent, really. There's no particular order about where they're kept, though. The prison is also mixed in gender.
3) The prison has constant guarding and monitoring, yes. The prisoners are not really brainwashed because it is not considered necessary in light of the collars they are made to wear. My original inspiration for this prison was the movie "Fortress" with Christopher Lambert. Only just a tad less brutal.

4) I am right now designing it for a module I want to run before I make an actual chronicle. This would be set in the past of the actual chronicle and players would be playing a relevant NPC and some nobodies. He is the only person to have ever escaped from the prison (And well, of course, the people he was with) As you might have guessed by now, the objective of the module is to escape from the prison.

I don't expect players to come across the prison during the actual chronicle but then again... You never know.

5) They'd probably have trouble getting out but they'd manage it eventually. They'd also be grossly more powerful than the characters in this module. (Aside from the fact they'll have better connections and all, being nobles instead of just... criminals)
Ok, then I guess there's one more question which you might need to answer, how DID this NPC manage to escape ? Seeing the criminals being put there, and the security measures which would be in place for criminals like that, you'd think someone who needs to escape needs lots of other people to help him, along with a lot of information about the prison's layout and structure.

But seeing you don't really plan on letting the players end up there, I guess most of it can be thought about when they actually do end up there..
The idea at the moment is for the players to play the NPC and the people who helped him escape in a one-session module.

What I mean that I'm not planning for players to end-up there is that I'll eventually ST a chronicle in this same setting where what happened during this session will basically be history (And then the players will be playing nobles and not criminals so they shouldn't end up here unless they do something very, VERY wrong AND get caught)

Now, about the escaping itself: He'd get help from a spirit in removing the imprisonment collar. And once he can use his essence and knows how to remove the major restraining measure, he can assemble a decent band of henchmen to help him blast his way through.

Now, the vent system is pretty secure, because along with the water filtration system, to actually get there, you must bust-in through the guard central first: They're located in a basement the inmates don't know about and the only entrance is directly behind the Guarding central.
I liked Flagg's idea of an Autochthonian prison, or something similiar.

And in the time I made this post and had a friend stop by, several other posts were made.

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