The Crown of Thorns


New Member
Heya guys,

I'm doing a request for your creativity today..

We've been running an exalted campaign for over 6 years now, and in our campaign, we've decided to conquer the city of Thorns back from the deathlord Mask of Winters. We were quite succesful in kicking the crap out of him, and sent his sorry ass back to the underworld.

We've settled ourselves in the city of thorns, and begun creating our own little empire in the Threshold.

One of our players, who plays a female Twilight called Rose, is queen of the city. My character has decided she needs a crown, and we've negotiated with the city god of all cities, who has agreed to make this crown for her. We've supplied the god with all kinds of materials, like starmetal, soulsteel, orichalcum, moonsilver and such.. But we're not really sure about what the crown should do...

It's probably a level 4 to N/A artifact, and it should be 2nd edition compatible..

Anyone have any ideas about what it should do ?
Unforgiven said:
One of our players, who plays a female Twilight called Rose, is queen of the city. My character has decided she needs a crown, and we've negotiated with the city god of all cities, who has agreed to make this crown for her. We've supplied the god with all kinds of materials, like starmetal, soulsteel, orichalcum, moonsilver and such.. But we're not really sure about what the crown should do...

It's probably a level 4 to N/A artifact, and it should be 2nd edition compatible..

Anyone have any ideas about what it should do ?
Smack any Twilight silly enough to want a god to craft her artifacts rather than doing it herself as a point of pride?

Seriously, if I were to want a crown in the first place, I'd want it to mostly be pretty bad-ass in Social Combat.  I'd want it to serve as a Collar of Whatever from the main book that always makes you look clean/etc but even more powerful--like making your clothing appear really spiffy, I'd want it to replicate the effects of that charm that makes it nearly impossible to lie to you, and I'd want a big equivalent of a magical public address system built in.  With lighting effects.

Or you could go another route, and have crown-as-sensor concepts, such that it makes the wearer aware of threats to the city and the inhabitants thereof.

Sorry, it's 0407 and I've been up for more than a few hours.  Also I don't have my rulebooks with me, or I'd do a better job of answering the question.
That would be the Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light.

And I agree with Decurion about having spirits make it when it is a Twilight wanting the item. With all of those resources available, and the spirits now under sway for whatever reason or another there are vast supplies for a powerful Artifact.

Could make it in the spirit of the old Thorns, where the people are strong of will and truly proud of their city despite everything that happens. Perhaps utilizing that strength for her own purposes. This could reinforce her own will, give awareness of the city through the sense of the many denizens and their slight sense of xenophobia, etc. Perhaps give another ability that allows her to instantly travel to any point in Thorns, and only in Thorns.
Coyotekin said:
That would be the Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light.
And I agree with Decurion about having spirits make it when it is a Twilight wanting the item.
As I explained, she doesn't really want the item, but my character thinks it is fitting for a queen. It's a gift, and it's made by the god of ALL cities, not merely the citygod of thorns itself.

besides, it's no mere "spirit" but a greater god(des)

and it's a symbolic act, being granted the crown of a city by the god of all cities. She could make it herself probably, but then where would the symbolism be ?

And I was thinking about something like a Crown of Thunders indeed, but I want to make it something special. We are after all, the first city in creation that's being openly ruled by anathema. At least in our campaign.
Jeez, the crown of thunders IS special, made for a Zenith queen in her time...

Though if I were to make such an artifact, I'd probably look into the spell Solar Sanctuary that has very cool social effects to build your crown.

But your god should have turned you down, I mean SHE is the twilight, it's a matter of months before she gets to the top level of crafting artifacts (considering she has a 0 dot Craft) and when she gets there, she should be better at it.

But I get the point, try to look over some cool social SFX through the books (I liked some charms from the nightingale style) and you'll definitely find something appropriate. But my advice would be to make the item extremely related to the personality of your twilight sis :D
Check the effects of the pectoral of resplendent speeches and dragonfly's ranging eye in Wonders - some combination or recreation of those effects would probably intrigue a Twilight, even a reluctant queen.

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