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  1. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    Erik moved aft of the main sail where the group had been standing. moving up to to poop deck and got a look at the ship, from Erik's vantage point he could see several things that needed doing. Erik moved to secure hatches, disconnect docking ports and other activities necessary for the ship to...
  2. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    "If only she knew" Erik chuckled softly to himself and raised his hand to to women in front of him only to notice he was still wedding the clothes of the Marine he took off a pics here and there defiled a few of the symbols and replaced his armor with a new more edgy look not so uniform but...
  3. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    "I appreciate that thanks for returning it to me safely. Also couldn't help but over hear that you were talking about libations personally I have a preference to need its soft and sweet" Erik stored his sword... "Do you by chance have an extra bunk in need of off world transport ?"
  4. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    Having taken off after the girl as soon as she had wrenched his sword free he was bow walking calmly behind the group off miscreants contemplating the value of shooting and decided that the near priceless sword was worth the near impossible to find ammo for the gun and bared down on the trigger...
  5. bokuwaoni

    Midnight Blue

    Nolana was that my sword you borrowed ?
  6. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    Busting up local military personnel always made Erik a bit jumpy, not in the fist of god jumpy but the karmas a hitch knife in the back jumpy they just wanted to do there jobs. As soon as the man gave him mid drink he relaxed forgetting the clothing more and more then some broad jams a knife...
  7. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    A few minutes after beating the stars out of the Marine Erik was past the desk of the armory and grabbing his effects. His kit in the satchel bag he had brought in he was now dressed as a marine and carried the tools of the trade he calmly strod off the ship and ran after a group that had shot...
  8. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    Leaving his state room erik started forward to retrieve his weapons from the master at arms and disembark from the ship. his way blocked by a knot of "Marines armed and searching the ship. Decided to take a different path Erik nods down a left had cordoor only to run armored head first into one...
  9. bokuwaoni

    Futuristic Midnight Blue

    Name: erik gothmog Appearance: Age: 19 Gender: male Species: space Viking Home Planet: Midgard Alliance: freelancer Background: born on the viking world of midgard Erik was exposed to the strange ways of the space vikings half brutal pirate, half loving family men...
  10. bokuwaoni

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Seeing Elinore make her way out the window, Michael had finished his work and turn to leave the now elinore look a like tied and bound while the Yong armored figure moved past will. Michael would look for some means of transport while the rest of the students ran about he would find them when...
  11. bokuwaoni

    Beacon Academy.

    Such love
  12. bokuwaoni

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Right about the time will was walking out of the classroom Michael had just turned and was walking to the door. He had ran to his room grabbed a few things and ran back following the slightly ionized smell of wiliam and as he saw will he held up a finger in front of his mouth and then passed on...
  13. bokuwaoni

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "You may have seen Elinore's semblance but you haven't felt it. I would purpose that if used correctly you could create a conclusive explosion. By ionizing the air with a flash of powerful flames" now Michael moved to sit near the wall. "Given time and meditation... Possibly a lot of practice...
  14. bokuwaoni

    Beacon Academy.

    Me and Luna get a kick out of it. Don't feel to bad. And technical its the male "I" the formal or used by women is watashi
  15. bokuwaoni

    Beacon Academy.

    Japanese is strange completely understandable. I know your name is william. Good name, strong old.
  16. bokuwaoni

    Beacon Academy.

    A name is something you calk someone boku was ONI means I am demon. Or other perhaps ork? But monster is one I like. No my real name is Thomas
  17. bokuwaoni

    Beacon Academy.

    Call me an ass I won't bat an eyelash I know full well what I am and my name reflects it
  18. bokuwaoni

    Beacon Academy.

    Okay and I go by ONI
  19. bokuwaoni

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    "I think I might of hit you too hard..." Michael just smiled and walked to the door holding a small case he moved to store in his coat pocket with his pipe (Ooc netalya and Michael fought in the library before will)
  20. bokuwaoni

    Fandom Beacon Academy.

    Michael look out the window and exhales. "On the contrary.... Who ever your are x or something was it... Our dear Elinore is capable of such an explosive force and is not the only persons in this room either." Turning and taking a drag Michael moves to Natalya and recuffs Elinore snagging the...