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Futuristic Midnight Blue

Draven looked at Leo and replied to his proposition with a groan and nod. "I am still taking you in after this is all over." the bounty hunter stated as he locked back the hammers of his revolvers. "Now how many do you think are out there? Cause I hope you are decent with a sword." he stated as he tossed Leo the rapier he had used earlier in his duel. But then he was instructed to climb into the vents with the engineer and the boy Mus.

Draven gave the two a quizzical stare as he tried to imagine fitting into the crawlspace. Then she opened up a second exit and he continued his confused gaze. Until he heard the CMC. "Yeah, I don't trust the navy." the falia said in a hushed tone. "Leo, you can come with me, take the engineer's way and have me hunt you after, or trust a naval officer and fake them out until I hunt you down again. I suggest you make it easier on my and follow me off the ship, but it makes no real difference." He then proceeded to peer out the captain's quarters and count the number of marines on the deck. "We are on Sola, correct?"
Daniel watched as they began to make their way out. Thing was, they weren't even close to him. "Oh come on. I just saved you captain from capture. I think I deserve some respect." He said as he raised his weapon when he heard footsteps coming down the hall to the left. He moved to the wall and waited. He lifted the barrel and waited, and waited. Then he popped out and fired two shots from the laser rifle he pulled off the dead Space marine. Two of the four in the squad went down. The last two hugged the wall. "Come on boys. Put down your weapons." He said as he peered out. They fired a couple of shots. "Figures. You Marines can't shoot." He said trying to entice them into coming out and fighting him in hand to hand.

It worked both Marines, who were exhausted form searching the ship ran up and tried to tackle Daniel, who jumped out of the way and let them smash into the wall. He hit both of them in the head with the butt of the rifle. So far her counted about 10 Marines were either dead or missing from action. From his years in the Interstellar navy, he knew that most of the search parties consisted of 12 soldiers and a couple officers. The officers were dead, and most of the ship had been searched.

There was one last place that he needed to check, engineering. He made his way to the engineering deck. He found that there were the last two. He moved into position and pulled out one of the pistols and a knife. He stuck the first one in the back, and shot the last one. For the most part all the decks were clear, unless they added more men to the search parties. He made his way to the deck of the ship.
"Your ship should be, for the most part clear."
"Aye we be on Sola, me home planet. Now are ye bilge rats coming or are ye having ye selves a nice date with disaster? It sounds like da CMC has taken out most of da Marines. Time to scoot. I don't trust em." She began to shuffle on up the canal that winded itself around and around in twisted shapes until Solace kicked down the door. The door led to the outside, which was Sola's lovely docking port. As Solace thought, the ship was being compromised, she then saw her father's ship in the near distance. "Oh boy . . ." She felt Mus bump into her. "Hey bud." She said ruffling his hair. "Alright, how about we steal ourselves a ship." She winked as she saw Leo and the Falia, Draven, bringing up the rear. "We need one with a good cloaking device. Dat way we can save da captain too." She turned to face Leo, "Any plans human?" Then she looked at Draven, "What about you Falia, any plans?" Then Solace heard the CMC say that the ship should have been mostly clear. "Hmm, well I don't know if we should be trusting dat but do what ye want, either way we gots to get da captain back den I can get us supplies." No one would suspect the daughter of high ranked officer would ever be trying to steal food and such. Mus gave her a looked which she took as, How are we going to pay for all the provisions needed. "Don't worry Mus." Solace said as she brushed shoulders with another Bleak that was walking by. She then smiled and revealed a nice shiny wallet. "Jack pot." Solace smiled. "So what'll it be boys?" She asked placing her goggles back on her head.
"I have a plan, but it involves someone I would rather not get involved..." Draven said, shuddering slightly at the thought of calling HER. "So someone else please have a plan." The Falia face palmed himself for even opening his mouth. Of course they want to hear your plan now, fool, Draven thought between palms. "Alright. I am warning you in advance about this person. They are a little crazy and doesn't trust the navy too much. And don't show off any guns or other firearms when she's around." The bounty hunter started in a hushed tone so only the four of them could hear. "But she will provide a perfect distraction. And she owes me a favor or two." He said, lying about the last part. "Once she distracts anyone you need her to, you move in."

Once he was finished explaining he made his call. "Hello? Yes. Can you patch me through to whatever room Miss Rosea is staying in? Oh you don't have anyone by that name? Can you try Miss Klepta? Maybe she is under that name... No... Well I know she is staying there..." Draven ran through all the possible aliases she could've been using. "What about a Trinity Ryske? Yeah. Please. Thank you."

"Out of all the damn names in the world..." The Falia started to complain to his partners.

"Hello?" A female's voice sounded from the other end. "Who is there?"

"Hey Trin, it's me, Draven. The guy whose last name you used to check in with..." The Falia said baring his fangs and growling slightly.

"Oh hi Draven. Are you growling? That is soooooo cute!" The girl said.

Draven ceased his growling immediately and continued. "I need a favor. I need you to distract some people down at the docks for me."

"Yeah sure hon. No problem. Trinity has got you covered. And so do Sally and Ranger. By the way how are your kids?" Trinity asked Draven as she got dressed.

"They are not kids. They are weapons. I don't give them pet names." Draven said as he once again began to growl.

"Whatever you say dear."

"Just get down to the docks asap." And with that the call was ended. "And now we wait..."
Vakarine stood by the docks, facing the ship and wondering when she would hear word from her crew. She wasn't sure why it was taking them so long to get off the ship. She literally walked off. Okay, with an escort, but he wouldn't be hard to shake. Perhaps that navy guy who told her he was an ally was really just onto her rouse and captured the rest of her crew! If only she could get her hands on hi-

The navy officer beside her let out a grunt, followed by a loud thud which she assumed was him falling onto the floor. She heard the sound of keys jingling afterwards. "Hump. Figures he wouldn't have a wallet. But these unlock something~" Vakarine heard a silky voice coo. Verona turned her head to see a little blindfolded girl staring at her. "Oh.....were you by any chance his prisoner? Do me a favor darling, if anyone asks, you didn't see-" she paused for a moment, "you didn't hear anything. Alright~" she began to walk away before a ping of curiosity struck her "Is that your ship baby doll?" she asked the blind girl. "....Mostly." Vakarine replied "it's crawling with Marines right now, you probably don't want to be around it."

"What are they doing?"

"Looking for pirates."

"There's pirates on that ship?"

"Well...I've got two pirates. still on there. The others were just kinda traveling with us....against their will mostly."

"You're a pirate too? And those are your pirates on board?"

"I am their captain. You can't really own a person though."

".....I could get them for you."

"And why should I trust you?"

"I did just save you from that horribly incompetent guard."

Vakarine sighed. She already sent one stranger on board. Why not another? "Sure. Go ahead." she said with a shake of her head.

"Great! I'll take your Companion along too, that way you can tell me if I should hurt them or not!" Verona cheered as she hugged the leopard.

"How did you know I was a Woven?" Vakarine asked in confusion

"No one just takes a leopard into space. I'll see you soon~" Verona cooed as she trotted onto the ship with Malice at her side.

Without her cat beside her, for the first time in a long while sense her incident, Vakarine felt truly blind. The sounds and vibrations around her blurred with those around Malice. Hopefully her vulnerability would go without incident.
As soon as the call ended, Trinity threw on her coat and goggles before leaping off the balcony in a "leap of faith"-esque style only to activate her hoverboard seconds before impact. Lighting up a cigarette, she set out in the direction of the harbor. On the way over she was loading up Ranger and Sally with electrified, non lethal rounds of her own design. "One for you Ranger, and one for you Sally. And another for you Ranger. No more for you Sally until you learn some manners. That's better. One for you..."

"What the hell is she possibly doing?" Draven wondered aloud. "She isn't that far away..." And not long after he was answered with gunfire and the distinctive sound of the magnum revolvers. "Nevermind. Now or never guys. Time to go." The bounty hunter said as he peered out.

"Yaaaaaaaaahoooooooooooo!!!!!!" Trinity yelled as she fired another round at the reinforcement troops. The marines returned fire, missing in typical fashion. "Serious who gave you guys weapons? You shoot worse than girls!" The girl taunted the troops as she electrified one marine, causing a chain reaction with a few others. "You almost had me there. Are you guys hustling me or improving?"
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Leaving his state room erik started forward to retrieve his weapons from the master at arms and disembark from the ship. his way blocked by a knot of "Marines armed and searching the ship. Decided to take a different path Erik nods down a left had cordoor only to run armored head first into one of the pitiful excuses for a soldier let a lone a warrior, the sod takes excepon to this innocence act and swings up his rifle yelling I found them.... Despite being alone. Being forcefully disarmed as of what he assumed was some sort of racket already had Erik mad and he simply stepped back leaning on the bulk head and swing his gauntlet fist into the mans upraised armpit his right arm went one way and the rest of him bounced off the bulkhead. The lone wreck of the " marine was joined by others in the hall as Erik started a jog to find his sword and rifle.
Malice stalked up to Draven and the rest of the group and sat down at his feet. She let out a mrowl to alert Verona that she had found the crew and the others. The Falia walked towards the group and pointed behind her "Some hot chick and some other guy are shooting everything up down there. Are they one of you too?" she asked the group. "I assume you're the crew that blind girl was talking about, right? You should probably leave, things are going to get real hot and steamy soon." she warned them "c'mon. I know where you guys can go." she cooed.

"What in the name of Blue...." Vakarine murmured to herself as she heard gunshots firing rapidly around her. She could tell my the sharpness of the sound that they were coming from around her and not on the ship, but where was all this gunfire coming from?! It was peaceful earlier. Tense, but peaceful. She wasn't exactly sure where to go, or if she was in the open or not. She just stood still, hoping that she wasn't in the wrong area.
"I-uh-I know the girl." Draven stammered once he noticed their newest member. The lady that had come up to him was another Falia, something he hadn't seen in a while and startled him a little. "You're a Falia..." He stupidly stated. Then he snapped back to reality with the shake of his head. "I am part of no crew. I was carried along by mistake. But let's leave." The bounty hunter corrected the woman and told the others.

"I take it back. You guys shoot worse than girls." Trinity continued to taunt as she lit up a cigarette and returned fire. The were only a couple marines left conscious and less were able to aim half decently. "Seriously, arent marines supposed to be good shots?!" The girl reloaded and quickly emptied her ammo into the next marine. "You guys need lessons or something..."
"Yeah I'm a Falia. What gave it away? The bushy tail or the big ears? Maybe it was the whiskers." Verona replied with a smirk. Men. It was always like they were on another planet. "But I was sent to go save a pirate crew, don't get yourself in trouble sweetheart, I'm not going to help you~" she cooed before dashing back the way she came. Malice quickly passed her, eager to get back to her Base who was panicked about the gunfire.

Vakarine turned her head when she heard footsteps. Slowly the sound became more distinct and consistent. Malice was back, and so were the others. The cat ran back to Vakarine's side and took her place back by her feet. "Thank goodness you're back. You took a while to get off that ship, are all of you okay? Whose attacking those Marines? She's not one of us is she?" she didn't recognize the voice, but that may have been due to the gunfire. She had no idea if they were safe or if they should get out of there as quickly as possible.
"There's another guy fighting marines? Maybe we should get the hell out of here." Draven muttered as he followed the new Falia. "You're still coming with me." He said, glaring at Leo and baring his fangs.

"Bang." Trinity said as she incapacitated the last marine. She spotted Draven and his group and sprinted over, loading Ranger with a less powerful tazer round and taking aim. "How's it going sweetie?" She asked the bounty hunter as she took aim. "Who are your friends?"
"You know her?" Vakarine asked as the girl called out Draven's name. She didn't know if it was a good or bad thing considering that Draven wasn't a member of the crew, but she did shoot all those Marines. All she wanted was a ship so she could find Cerberus. Why was that so complicated? Now they had marines, and children, and bounty hunter and gaaahhh!

"So Mr. not part of the crew is hunting down a crew member~" Verona cooed as she started to get a hold on their situation. It was so very interesting~ "And what did you do to get a Falia's attention?" she asked the boy the Falia threatened, as she asked him she stood behind him and put her arms over his shoulders, "it sounds ba- ooohhh! What's this!" she grabbed the orb out of Leo's pocket and held it up above her head "it's so shiny! I wonder what it could be~" she gasped as she started to fiddle with it
Leo had no idea what happened in the past few minutes. It was like he was in a silent trance and did everything everyone told him to do without saying a single word. Thankfully, he finally woke up from his trance when the Falia woman took the orb away from him. "Hey, give that back!" He ordered as he tried to snatch it back from her.

"I'm Mus!" Mus introduced himself to the girl wielding the magnum. The young boy didn't really say anything for a long time like Leo, so he might as well greet someone pointing a firearm at the group.
"Hello Mus. I'm Trinity." The girl said, still aiming her weapon at Draven's head. Upon seeing the shiny orb, her mind switched gears. "What's that? A weapon? A shiny weapon? Mine!!!" She started, switching her attention and aim towards Verona and Leo.

"Give him back his orb." Draven threatened the faila, aiming a revolver at her head. "Or Trinity may beat me to pulling the trigger." He sounded cool and calm, but on the inside he was silently praying Trinity's attention would once again be diverted.
"Back off baby doll, I found the shiny thing fir-" Verona started to say before her hands slipped into the right position and the orb opened up. A map projected around the group, engulfing them all in the illusion. There was a moment of awe at the rare map form before fell to her knees and let out a shriek. She grabbed her head and covered her blindfolded eyes "Close it close it close it close it!" she snapped, Malice crouched on the ground with her ears slicked back and tail straight up. Verona quickly closed the orb again and tossed it to Leo.
Leo caught the orb and quickly stuffed it in his pocket. "Thanks." He said coldly before turning to Vakarine. "The light show is over, Captain. It's not going to hurt you anymore." He said before placing his hand on her shoulder. "Now do you need help getting up? We might need to leave soon before anything else happens."

"No." The bounty hunter said sternly before taking aim at Trinity. "Thank you for causing a distraction for us. You may now run along and do whatever it is you do on this planet."

"No. I'm gonna stick around for a little bit. Or at least until I get bored." The girl said, returning the barrel of Ranger to be aimed at Draven. "Now what is the shiny orb?"
"It was a map." Vakarine said between raged breaths as she used Leo to help pull herself back up. "Is that what that was? Where do you even find maps like that? I thought they were all digital or papery." Verona mused as she crossed her arms. She figured she would stay as long as the cutie did. Maybe she could pocket more cool things~ "Hey, aren't you supposed to be blind?" Verona asked suspiciously. "I am blind," Vakarine snapped back, "how do you think those things work? You open them and through magic and pixy dust you can zip around the universe by waving your hand around? It's a mental link. I could see it just as clearly as all you could. I could....see...it....Leo's right. Let's get here before the reinforcements arrive." Vakarine muttered. The trigger happy one no doubt attracted a lot of unwanted attention. "Oh! I know a nice little inn we could go to. All the pirates go there~ there's so much loot you wouldn't even believe" she said as she took the lead and led the group towards a little place not too far from the docks called the Black Raven Inn.
"This place actually looks pretty nice from the outside." Leo said as the group approached the Black Raven Inn. "I thought it would be some crappy looking inn with pirates standing outside the entrance to mug anyone who went near it."

"Well you can't judge a Star Chaser by its poop deck." Mus said as Leo went ahead of the group to open the inn's door for them. "You gotta board it first before judging its quality."

"True." Leo agreed as he opened the inn's door. "Ladies fir-" Before he could finish what he was saying, a drunk pirate from within the inn landed in front of him. Laughter could be heard from inside the inn as the drunkard reached out his hand toward the group before falling unconscious. "Umm... armed and dangerous pirates first?"
"Pussy." Draven muttered under his breath as he pushed aside the drunk pirate who made a feeble attempt at his purse. "I would remove your hand from my person if I were you." The bounty hunter said menacingly and unsheathed his dao, placing it under the pirate's chin. "Goooood. And while you're at it, I'll take yours." He said, holding out his free hand. "Now if you won't be any more trouble, beat it." The faila said once he had a new wallet.

Trinity meanwhile strode into the inn. "What's the big deal? With this dump. There are way better places to hide on Sola." She snorted in annoyance. She did have a four star hotel room that she could've retreated to, but noooo, everyone listened to the pretty faila. Failing to realize she never spoke up about her hotel room.
"The big deal is if anyone comes to look for you here, there's always a bigger fish to fry. Like that man over there, he's got a bounty of five hundred thousand" Verona said with a smirk as she pointed to an old sea captain behind her. "took down a whole navy crew he did when they hurt his first mate. And besides~ there's too many pirates and the sort here to even try and take any one of them. And we get to stay here for free" she cooed.

"Verona, is that you?" a man from behind the bar called over to the group. Verona looked over her shoulder and waved to the bunch "I'll be back. Why don't you take a seat?" she suggested before following the man into a back room, snagging a coin purse from an unsuspecting pirate on her way over

"Well...she's eccentric." Vakarine murmured "Well, at least we're not in the open now. Let's find a place to sit where we can figure out what we're going to do now that out ship's been....recollected. The first order of business is finding out who in Blue's name you are." she said as she looked in the last direction she heard Trinity's voice from
A few minutes after beating the stars out of the Marine Erik was past the desk of the armory and grabbing his effects. His kit in the satchel bag he had brought in he was now dressed as a marine and carried the tools of the trade he calmly strod off the ship and ran after a group that had shot up marines as a matter of plaing the part of a soldier if you could call them that. And when they had turned into a bar Erik had forgot what he was doing by matter of wondering thoughts that often too a viking when doing an amiless activity. Thought of stars and great bounty wrought from the hell forges of war. When he walked in the door and stood up to the bar and asked for a drink of honey mead.
Leo and Mus sat down at a unoccupied table after Verona left. There were enough seats for everyone in the crew, even a few extra ones for no apparent reason. Probably left behind from customers who sat there before them. "I want to drink me some rum." Mus told Leo, who sort of ignored him as he let the others know they found a place to sit. "Can you order me a glass of rum, please?" He asked with a friendly smile. "I promise to pay you back for your unwavering kindness."

Leo stares at him for a second before stretching the young cerdivan's mouth. "No alcohol until you're older, Mus." He stated as Mus struggled to pull his hands out of their mouth. "Last thing I need is you getting drunk in a building full of high profile criminals with weapons."
Vakarine took a seat and waited to hear the sounds of the rest of the chairs scooting on the floor to signify that everyone else had sat down as well. The bar was noisy though, really noisy. She had a hard time picking out individual sounds. To make up for the fact, Malice sat down beside the chair and perked her ears. The additional help gave Vakarine a better visual of the area, still not clear, but better. "Leo....how long have you had that map?" Vakarine finally asked as she folded her hands. She wanted to see it again. She wanted to SEE again. That map was the clearest thing she had seen in two decades, she had almost forgotten what her home planet even looked like. She wanted to explore with it. She wanted to see different planets. She wanted to see the amazing beauty of space her eyes would miss for the rest of her life. She wanted to figure out where Cerberus was. Maybe she could narrow it down to a specific area in space. She just needed that map.
"Ever since we took over the Five Eight Afrasee back at Ausrine." Leo replied as he pulled his fingers out of Mus' mouth. "I found it in the Captain's quarters when Deluros and Draven were trying to kill each other a while ago." He said as he pulled the golden orb out of his pocket. Covering it with a napkin to keep curious eyes from noticing it, he passed it to Vakarine. "I don't know much about it, except for the fact that it's more advanced than any Cerdivan or Woven tech around today."

Mus rubbed his mouth after being freed from Leo's grasp. It's not the first time he experienced this sort of punishment from Leo, but it still felt painful every time he did it. "I'll get it myself, meanie." He muttered as he left the table to get himself a drink. After passing by crowded tables with rowdy pirates holding filled mugs in their hands, he arrived at the bar. No one was attending the station at the moment, so he decided to go to the back and serve himself a drink. "Which one should I... oh hi there." Mus said when he noticed the marine. "So you want honey mead, sir?" He asked as he pulls out two bottles of honey mead off the shelf. "Here's one for you and one for me." Giving a bottle to the marine, he pops open both of their drinks with a nearby bottle opener. "It's on the house, sir. Now if you'll excuse me..." He said as he quickly left the bar with his newly acquired booty. It's not stealing if nobody says anything.

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