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Futuristic Midnight Blue

"Fucking things..." Drake was... Pissed. Several pirates had attacked his ship, severely damaging it, and he was waiting for repairs. He sat at a bar on Earth, simply staring into empty space. The back of his head itched for a while, for a good reason. His NOVA device had been acting strangely for a few days maybe had malfunctioned. He waited for hours, sighing as time went by... (Sorry for the intro, I'm on my phone)
"Leo, just the human I wanted to see!" The hybrid yelled as he moved towards his smashed shipmate. "I-have a plan-to get you-out of the woven's list of runaway-slaves." Draven stated in between swigs of liquor. "So what do you say you and I make some easy money?"

"You may want to help him before talking to him dear." Trinity advised her bounty hunting "boyfriend," grabbing a rope in case it was needed for removing the crate from Leo's body. "I told you to tie the cargo down Leo..."

Draven scoffed at Trinity after finishing the bottle and chucking it overboard, and ignoring the "dear" comment, snatched the rope from her. Chucking it over the nearest yardarm and secured it to the chest. "Help me pull it up." The falia instructed, his companion carried it out.

He's so cute when he is all commanding...
Mus pulled Leo away to a safe spot when the crate was pulled off of him. "You alive, Leo?" The young cerdivan asked his unconscious companion. Poking him a few times in the face, he assumed the worst when Leo gave no reaction to it. "Guys!" He cried out. "I think he's dead!" Saddened by Leo's unfortunate death, he begins sobbing and hugs the corpse in hopes of some miracle to happen. They were in space after all, so anything was possible.

"Mus..." Leo muttered as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh my space, you're alive!" Mus said surprised. "What is it? Tell me!"

"Give..." Leo muttered before grabbing Mus' hand. "Me my wallet, you damn rat!" Mus immediately pulls away from Leo's grasp before running off to the lower decks, laughing the entire time. "Dammit... should have seen that coming." Getting up with a hand on his back, he walks over to Draven and Trinity. "Thanks, you two. Now what about easy money and freedom? I... might be interested in participating in whatever plan you cooked up."
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Solace came up to the deck in time to see Mus about to smack into her. Laughing lightly, she was completely unaware of how dirty she was. Fixing things was often times a dirty task. "Whoa Mus! Just who I was looking for! " She motioned him to come see what she had for him. Pulling off her pack she begins to dig inside of it. Her face had black smudges on it but it somehow made her eyes pop more. "Dere we go! Here." She smiled handing him a pen. "If you press this button here," she reached over and pressed a dark purple metallic button and the pen opened up into a holographic map. "Thought you might like it." She smiled widely til she caught a glimpse of the hybrid. Her face flushed slightly under the grime and her smile slowly turned into a light hearted grin. "I can't believe they're together. . ." She muttered exhaling sharply. "Gah, whatever." She turned to Mus again, "Stealing things from Leo again?" She chuckled putting her pack on her back again.
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"Uhh... no?" Mus replied innocently while stuffing the wallet in his pocket. "But this pen is awesome! This is the first time I've seen something like this." He noticed the pen was projecting a holographic map of the Five Eight Afrasee. There were some rooms displayed that he haven't ventured into yet while the ones he knew of were already 'cleaned' up by him. There were even bright dots located at different parts of ship, three being in the same deck they were in. "Wait," He said puzzled. "Who's the third dot suppose to be among us?" Looking around, he noticed a huge mass of fur right next to his leg. "Holy frak!" He yelped as he jumped into Solace's arms. "What is that?!"
Draven gave Leo a huge grin as he began to explain his plan. "First, I'll give the woven a call saying that I've captured you and will rendezvous on earth for an exchange. Once they take you all I have to do is free you. Which will be easy enough as long as we have Trinity as back up. How proficient are you with naval weapons?" He asked his prey.

"So why am I helping you with your plan? What's in it for me?" Trinity wondered, even if she was going to help him anyway.

"Money, bullets, money..."
Drake woke up as he was notified that his ship was repaired, and started to head toward his vessel. The small carrier had been fully restocked and re supplies, even though it did not take much. He grunted with effort as he walked to the bridge, and sat in the sole chair of the entire ship. A small metal appendage stocked out of the ceiling, which he played into his NOVA device, which was on the back of his head. Almost immediately, the ship whirred to life, starting to lift off, slowly, but surely. He set course for the orbit of the Earth, and closed his eyes.
Malice looked up at the young boy and yowled at him. That was no way to speak to your captain. Hadn't he ever seen a cat before? Willing to overlook the event simply because she wouldn't be dealing with the child for much longer, she stood up and shook her fur. She looked at the pen the child was holding and tilted her head. It was another hologram. How odd. The cat circled around Mus to get a better look at the odd item before jumping it up and gabbing it out of his hand. With her new prize in her jaws, Malice ran towards the other end of the ship. She stopped when she spotted another ship floating in space. She placed her front paws on the railing and studied the ship. The metal casing was cracked and crumpled and sparks were shooting off of it. Someone was stranded in space. She looked back over her shoulders at the two who were chasing her for the pen she stole. This was something they should see.
"Give it back, you furry meanie!" Mus yelled out as he ran after Malice with Solace. When they finally made it to the feline, he snatches the pen back from her jaws. "It's not nice to scare someone before stealing-" He said before noticing the ship floating nearby. "That... looks awesome!" Forgetting about what happened earlier, he leans over the railing to get a closer look at the mysterious ship. "I wonder if it's a ship from the Interstellar Navy or some space transport company?"

"I have very little experience with naval weapons." Leo replied. "But how can I know that you won't betray me once you get paid?" He asked, raising a eyebrow. "Won't you get a bad reputation for backstabbing your clients?"
Draven smirked again as he produced three wanted papers. "Call it capitalizing on an opportunity. These three have a decent price on their heads. And the ones who don't, can't call it a backstab if they are dead." The bounty hunter said nonchalantly. "Now this coat of yours could hide a couple decent weapons. A pistol here, a couple knives, and I could shorten one of the cutlasses into a shortsword to hide on your back. What do you think Trinity? You'd also have to teach him some shooting."

"And why should I do that?" The marksman questioned. "I'm starting to wonder about your sanity. You are talking about multiple woven crime lords. Using a human who can barely lift a sword as bait. And I'm guessing he will give the signal as well?"

"Uh huh. I'll teach him throwing and swordsmanship if needed. Just enough to where the plan will work."

"Well, it's not the worst plan you've had. I'm in." Trinity said with a cheer and lit a cigarette. "So how fast can you dodge?" She asked, directing the question at Leo.
"New orders from command..." Drake's eyes snapped open when he heard the familiar chime, looking at the main screen. The mission was simple: investigate a direct spacecraft belonging to the Interstellar Navy. Drake punched in some numbers, and the ship immediately warped, entering hyperspace. However, he felt uneasy, and started to grow worried. He commanded for the ship to prepare the fighters and bombers. Just in case.
Malice stuck her tongue out at the boy and turned back towards the damaged ship by the vessel.....that was almost immediately crushed by a large ship that warped next to them. The cat's jaw immediately dropped, followed by the captain bursting out of her quarters, snapping the map orb closed and stuffing it in her bag. "What in Rosellia's name is that?!" she demanded. Afraid the Marines had followed them and planned a much larger attack than they needed to. What kind of name had they made for themselves already? All they did was mug a guy for a ship, but he had it coming! And they had a runaway slave on their ship.....and a bounty hunter....two bounty hunters.....and that Mus kid probably wasn't clean either......crap. "All hands on deck!!" she shouted out to her crew, Malice running bellow deck to go pull everyone up where they could either try to defend themselves or run like hell, depending on if her guess about it being a navy vessel was right. It probably was. She didn't even have to be able to see it to know it was true.
Drake silently observed the ship, staring at the structure, seeing for anything unusual. "Scan ship at 47 degrees." The carrier did a small scan, searching for any points of interest "ah... Some life forms I see. And they have come to greet us." The fighter had launched slowly advancing toward the enemy ship
Scyithe was in her small ship, the Green Thumb, sleeping when she awoke to a beeping. "A ships nearby? Marine or pirate. Maybe a cargo ship" she wondered, smiling and looking at her small screen beside her bed. "Unknown" she read, smirking.
"Wow!" Mus yelled excitingly when a large military ship warped in from nowhere. "Instead of one ship, now it two ships! Oh, how can this get any better than this?" When he heard the captain give out her order, he made a huge smile. "Yeah! That means it's time to blow up stuff!" As he jump off the rail, the ship's main cannons automatically pointed at the incoming threat. Mus ran up to one of the many turrets that automatically appeared from below the deck to take manual control of it. Quickly taking a seat installed behind the turret, he grabbed the grips and once the advancing ship was in his view, he pulled the triggers.

"Depends on the situation." Leo replied. "If we are talking about dodging a few swipes from a blade, then yes. Though when it comes to bullets," Hearing the captain shout, he turn around to see what the commotion was about before noticing the large ship slowly advancing toward them. "Or huge military ships speeding toward us to decimate us with advanced weaponry, then no. Probably die immediately." Noticing Mus taking control over one of the turrets, he immediately ran to a different one and began firing at the advancing ship. Bullet cartridges were flying everywhere as each bullet shot out of the turrets at incredible speed, only to harmlessly bounce off the advancing ship's hull. "Captain!" He yelled out as he switched the turret's ammunition to missiles in hopes it'll do more damage. "Give out orders to the ship's A.I! Military A.Is won't attack hostiles if it doesn't receive orders from the captain on deck!"
Trinity turned to see the giant vessel and immediately ran for one of the military precision rifles. Once there she grabbed whatever cartridges she could get a hold of. "Well, let's take a look at who's trying to crash the Afrasee party uninvited." The pyscho said with a grin as she steadied her rifle on the railing. Knocking her goggles down she zoomed in and enhanced to try and spy anyone onboard. "Cmon, someone's gotta be on the goddamn thing..."

Meanwhile, Draven had his own idea, ignoring the turrets, he moved straight for the crow's nest, planning on boarding the attacking ship before they could. "Well Leo, let's see what you can do!" The bounty hunter yelled to his companion. "Try something with explosives!" He continued, too busy climbing to notice Leo had already done just that. The falia continued to climb up until he reached the nest and took out a scope. "Is this thing automated?" He muttered to himself, failing to see any crew on the top deck. "Where is the fucking crew?"
"Two ships?" Annabelle whimpered when she heard Mus call out how awesome it was. His usage of adjectives could use some work. She couldn't tell that they were hostile, but by the way everyone was so willing to jump to arms it must have been obvious. That was the thing about being blind, a ship could have the words 'Hostile Ship Coming To Kill You and All Orphans Ever' painted on the side of it and she would never know. "Don't blow up the ship just yet." The captain shouted out the the ragtag group she called a crew, "Let's not earn the reputation of shooting first and asking questions later. It tends not to go over well." She and Malice walked back into her quarters to message the two ships. "Why hello there strange approaching ships. May I ask what business you have here?" she inquired in her message. She awaited for the first sign of hostility from either. If she got even the slightest clue she would give permission to her crew to fire away.
Leo stopped firing at the advancing ship when Annabelle ordered them to stop. "Yeah, sure." He replied loudly. "Nothing like making friends with a ship probably from the Navy or some other hostile group." After Annabelle was out of view, he noticed Mus was still firing bullets. "Mus! Ceasefire!"

The young cerdivan couldn't hear Leo over the loud gunfire of the turret and his own excitement of blowing up a ship. Like, a huge military ship probably from the Navy itself. That would be quite a accomplishment worth telling everyone he meets in the future. Maybe he'll put it on his resume when he applies for a job later. "Wait," Mus muttered to himself, letting go of the triggers. "Leo! I have a question!" He yelled out toward his human friend, who looked surprised from the sudden inquiry. "What's a resume?!"

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