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Futuristic Midnight Blue

So much had happened that Solace had no idea what the plan was anymore. She could have been dreaming, but no it all felt too real to be a dream. She found herself sitting at the table with the others when Leo pulled out the golden orb from his pocket. Huh now where have I seen dat ting before? Oh yeah, dem pictures. Solace pulled out some the "light" reading material from her pack that she had stolen from the ship. She flipped through some of the pages of the journal she took from the previous captain and then found the page that it was opened to before she took it. "According to this it's a map. Right, so, hmm. . ." She kept exploring the pages, Looks like the captain didn't have much luck facing the terrible nivels, or levels if you will. It says that that little orb had led through excruciating trials. These nivels were to test the best and the brightest of any ship and their crew. Huh? What's this?" Inside was the journal was a recording. The journals were likely Ausrine technology and they had the building to record live feeds from right inside the notebook. It made real journals, you know the ones you had to actually write in by hand obsolete.

The video was blurred, and poorly taken, but that was because of what was going on in the background. Solace was hogging the video to herself, she was sure the others weren't listening to her when she saw it. Her eyes widened when she caught just a slight glimpse of it. Cerberus. There were only a handful of pictures taken by other pirates that she had encountered on her journey that lived to catch a glimpse, and only two had ever been able to photograph it. But this was the first recording she had ever seen. It was all right there, the stories that she had heard as a little child about how treacherous and dangerous it was to go in search of the planets three. "No wonder Captain Lots didn't have any crew members present whenever she worked on his ship. They died in search of the trinity." She then looked up from the journal to see that everybody was starring at her. "Oh . . . um . . . Hello." She said sheepishly, as she then turned the page of the journal and saw the orb dawn out in full detail. Ways to make it operate, maps and journeys that were already scouted, and hidden meanings or markings on the orb itself translated. "Wow . . . . "

Solace then saw that Mus had gone away from the group. She saw him speaking a gentlemen that seemed to be a marine. "Honey mean I bet." Solace said out loud, "Excuse me." She said as she stood up placing the journal back in her pack and nearing Mus. She took the bottle right out of his hand, "I'll take that, thank you!" She smiled sticking her tongue at him. Then dragging him back to the table they both took a seat. Funny enough, they were still starring at her. "What?" She asked a little annoyed. "That this is the key to everything. All we need are the right people, a good, fast, and powerful ship, and an amazing leader." She stared straight at Annabelle, "So Captain, you got us all into this mess, what do you say?"
Draven was intrigued by the map and the possible value of the prize it was. "That's all interesting, but if we wish to do anything with that device, we should head back to the ship where we can do as we please. Not as many curious eyes around there." The bounty hunter stated as he scanned the room. The ruffians and pirates were limitless and of top caliber as far as size was concerned. "Well, what is the next step with this?" He questioned Leo and Valkarine.

"Bottle of 150 proof minimum..." Trinity told the bartender, placing a small stack of coins onto the table. "How many credits will that be?"

"We don't carry higher than hundred proof miss." The bartender replied nervously.

"Bullshit. Now hand me a bottle of hundred and fifty proof before I gain a temper." She retorted, drawing a knife out and lodging it into the bar. "Now!"

The nervous bartender reluctantly went to the back to grab the pure alcohol and provided an opening for Mus to grab his mead.

Once he scurried away and the bartender returned Trinity uncorked the clear bottle and inhaled. "That is much better. How many credits?"

"It is 150."

"Here." The girl replied as she shoved more coins into the stack and slid it to the bartender. "That should cover it." And with that she stood and took a large swig of the liquid, passing Mus and Solace.

"Here Mus, take a drink of this. Much better than mead." Trinity said, handing the boy the bottle for a swig.
"They're an odd group aren't they~" Verona cooed to the Marine who strode up to the bar. She herself had emerged from the back room when she heard Mus and Trinity asking for drinks. They were like her own personal, interactive movie. She crossed her arms and leaned over the bar as her eyes followed the group back to the table "You know," she said, still talking to the man dressed as a Marine, "it's dangerous for your kind to be here. These people don't take very kindly to Marines. If I were you I would skedaddle. Don't you think so?" she asked as she looked at him through the corner of her eyes. Verona, while lacking any loyalty to any alliance, never liked the Marines. They were a serious people. Not very entertaining either. Most of them had a job that they wanted to get done without any distraction. Hardly any fun to watch. "or you could just...hand over that uniform and I'll stow it away for you~" she cooed. Regardless of any negative feelings, she still wanted to nab that uniform. Because....why not?

Vakarine held the orb in her hands for a moment. She slid her hand under the napkin to feel the grooves of the orb before stowing it away in her bag. She wanted to ope it again, but not here. It wasn't safe here. She didn't much care for it's origin.; she wasn't going to question this miracle. Perhaps that would provide quite the danger in the future, but she wasn't going to focus on that now. She looked back up at the group and nodded "First things first, we either get our ship back or commander a new one. That depends on how heavily guarded the Five Eight is. My credits are on that ship being locked down due to all that slaughter. Once we have our ship it's got to be taken back out and anchored by some rock or other space debris so it can't be picked up on radar, or if it is no one ever takes note of it. A cloaking device would be very nice if we had one. If we don't we need one. From there we'll come back onto land with lifeships. Small, easy to hide, inconspicuous. We'll stock up on supplies for the journey. Then once we're back on the ship, we've got to get it organized. We'll determine what rooms we need and which ones we don't. Then we'll get rid of the rooms we don't. We don't need excess weight; it'll only slow us down. We've got to be faster than any other Star Chaser out there. We'll upgrade the engines too and put a few more sails up if we can. That ship can't be recognized as Marine anymore either. I assume it looks like the others? I'll leave any adjustments needed to Solace. Once we're ready to head out, we'll take Leo and Mus back to their planet. Then we can really get down to business." she stopped and sat up straight, waiting for any questions from her crew. Which consisted of Solace and Deluros? She turned her head in Draven's direction "and what's this about we? I thought you were a bounty hunter." was that a number three she heard?
"I am a bounty hunter. And I always finish my contract. But follow gold. And I highly doubt you want to let Leo go with that precious map. So I have a proposition for you when we reach the ship." Draven replied to Vakarine's question.

And with that he made his way to the bar and laid down a small bag of credits. "Bottle of whiskey. No. 11 brand." Once he was handed his purchase he poured himself a glass and moved back towards the group. "Now what do we do about her?" He questioned, gesturing to Verona.
"Thank you very much!" Mus said as he took the bottle from Trinity. He quickly takes a sip of the drink and felt a burning sensation flowing down his throat. "Oooh, that's realllllllllllllllly good." However, before he could take another sip, Leo pulls it away from Mus' grasp.

"Why the hell did you give him alcohol, woman?!" Leo angrily yelled at Trinity with the bottle in his hand. "You shouldn't be giving minors alcohol! Especially to Mus, since he becomes-"

"Give it back to me, ya shisno!" Mus, now drunk from the alcohol, roared as he jumps on Leo's back in a attempt to take back the bottle. "The bottle calls for me!" Grabbing Leo's ears, he pulls on them with all his strength.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Leo yelled before getting up from his seat and tries to pull Mus off of him with his free hand. Not paying attention to his surroundings, he accidentally trips over a empty bottle on the floor and crashes on top of a random table. Mus let goes of his ears before snatching the bottle away from him before he could get off the table. "Mus! Give that-"

"Give what back?" A falian pirate with a yellow tail asked as him and the other pirates around the table stared at Leo with murderous eyes. "Like the delicious food you landed on top of just now? Because I really wanted to eat a nice, hot meal tonight with my mates without some stupid ass human ruining it!" Grabbing Leo by the throat, he lifts him off the table and pulls out a curved knife from their jacket. "Now how are you going to pay me back, scallywag?!" He angrily asked as he presses the tip of the curved knife underneath Leo's chin. "C'mon! Answer me already!"
Busting up local military personnel always made Erik a bit jumpy, not in the fist of god jumpy but the karmas a hitch knife in the back jumpy they just wanted to do there jobs. As soon as the man gave him mid drink he relaxed forgetting the clothing more and more then some broad jams a knife into the table the flamberge at his side nearly jumping out of it scabbard all by its self. when the next women came up to enqiure as to sometime Erik didn't care to hear. the muzzle of his ugly .75 calibre black and brunt from use swung up he turned to look at who was talking his hand on his sword at his hip. "Please excuse my nervous tonight... Bit riled up now I'm sorry but I didn't catch you name or hear what you said could you repeat yourself for me?" The sights of Erik's gun rested upon the lovely chest of the girl in front of him the muzzle bounced with the beats of his hart and the rise and fall of her chest, the heat from the flames of his blade warming the cross guard.
"I gave it to him because he wanted a drink. And I bought a bottle. So I let him have some." Trinity responded as she watched the chaos lay out before her. "Aw that's nice. Now all I need is a nice drink. And here it is." She said, plucking the bottle from Mus' grasp. "Thank you." She chimed, taking a large swig of the liquid, resulting in a burning sensation.

"How about I answer for him." Draven said for Leo, drawing a revolver and locking back the hammer. "Now remove your knife from my friends throat before I put a bullet in yours." The bounty hunter said cooly as his other hand reached for a one of his throwing knives. "I suggest you do it quickly. And if you have any ideas about harming me or that gentleman under your blade, I will put a bullet in a not so nice place before you can even do so."
The pirates around the table reached for their weapons when Draven drew out his revolver. They knew a fight might happen soon and were ready to kill anyone who dared attack one of their own people. The rest of the pirates in the inn suddenly stopped talking when they noticed the standoff in the center of the room. Some decided to pull out their weapons to protect themselves while others left the building or went into their rooms to avoid getting caught up in the chaos.

"...do you know who I am, boy?" The falian pirate asked without following any of Draven's orders. "I'm the infamous pirate captain known as Harry Half-Tail! I follow no one's orders, especially from a dirty hybrid like you!" After saying that, he threw Leo at Draven before pulling out his pistol. "Now die for even existing, you ugly scallywags!"
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Solace didn't much care for how loud the space was becoming. She watched Leo as he was hurled into Draven and slightly chuckled. Standing she got in the way of the pirate. "I'd think twice before pulling that trigger, oh captain, what was it now? Oh yes, Captain Tail-Between-His-Legs. I've grown rather tired of your yelling and brooding. Now put the gun down and walk away." Solace smirked as she flexed her her fingers tips. "Now, what's it gonna be ye bilge rat?" Solace Reprimand, one of the most successful female pirates out there, she was known by a different name of course, and when that name was mentioned other pirates were in a trance of jealousy, fear, or admiration. Of course not everyone knew who she was. She was a tiny thing, adorable, looked nothing like a menacing pirate, and of course her cover was lucid when it came to her prestigious family. She eyed the man, he looked ruthless, intimidating and somehow a little disproportionate.

If Solace had a weapon of choice it would be her black hole gun gloves. She invented them herself and they worked wonders. On the bottom of the palms of her gloves was this tiny dot. The dot looked as though someone drew it with a marker. But once she pressed that dot in the middle of her palm it would start to glow red and the circle would expand to about one diameter, which in turn would then be ready to use. All she would have to do it is fled her hand and a bullet would shoot out towards her target and engage into a black hole where it would suck her enemy inside of it and then disappear. She first created it when sh harnessed the power of many black holes on her adventures as a pirate. She had escaped many of them to, leading her crew to safety. But returning to the matter at hand.

"I'm waiting." She smiled at the man.
"Heh. Tail-Between-His-Legs." One of Half-Tail's goons chuckled, which caused some of the other goons to start laughing too. Captain Half-Tail sighed before pointing his pistol at one of his goons and pulled the trigger. BANG! The unlucky goon who got shot slumped down to the floor with a bloody hole in his head. "I always did hate Roger." Half-Tail admitted as he put his pistol back in its holster. "Funny guy, but never understood when to make a bloody joke." Without warning, he suddenly dashes toward Solace and swung his curved knife toward her neck.
With a shot of his pistol the pirate killed one of his own crew members. He was a coward. That much she knew. Nobody but a coward would shoot their own crew member. With that Solace could anticipate him making a move. Luckily she was right. He moved quickly for a man of his size, but sad for him she was faster. Ducking down, she placed her weight onto her arms swinging her lower body straight into his legs with her legs l, causing him to trip. She then quickly ran to one of his members at full speed, jumped up off the ground and used their body as if it were a wall to thrust herself unto the captain's back. Then the space was silent, she pressed her little black dots on her gloves and it fired up. "You want me to try this on you?" She asked politely, "Nobody but a coward would kill off members of their own crew." She quickly shot a bullet towards Roger, his crew member that he killed and sure enough the bullet hit his body and activated a back hole that sucked him and itself inside of it, disappearing. Deactivating her weapon, she got off and helped Leo and Draven up. Turning to face the pirate, she glared, "Now leave like the idiot you are. And you!" She pointed to the remainder of his crew, "If you know what's best, you'll leave dis son of a bitch." The pirate then got back up to attack her once more.
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"Hey hey now, there's no need for guns here" Verona cooed softly as she slowly stepped back from the Marine. The sight of a Marine pointing a gun in a building full of pirates set off a feeling of unease in the crowed. It only worsened when on the other side of the bar a fight broke out. With everyone's attention turned from the potential shooting to the one in progress, Verona took the opportunity to slip away from the man back to her group, but not without snagging that sword first~ Her long time expertise with stealing gave her the upper hand when it came to taking things unnoticed.

"I...don't know what we do with her. She just kinda...showed up. I gue-" Vakarine was interrupted by a violent outburst at the table next to them. Apparently Leo made some pirate upset, and now they were in some deep trouble. Verona couldn't fight, so she learned to slip through the cracks. Her companions, now so much. She really didn't know what to do. She thought at first that she should have diffused the situation, but then she heard gunfire, and the sound of a body hitting the floor. She didn't know who it was, but she was almost certain that it was Leo. She almost shrieked until she heard him say that he always hated him. It wasn't Leo. Thank goodness. She felt a wave of relief when Solace took over. "Okay, I think we've overstayed our welcome." she announced as she sat up "let's get out of here." hoping her crew would follow, Vakarine and Malice stood up and walked out of the bar. Malice stopped to hiss at the pirate before trotting after Vakarine.

The hilt of a sword knocked Half-Tail out. Verona stood behind him with her newly acquired sword. She looked at the crew of the man and smiled. "You know, I really agree with little miss kitty cat." she said with a nod before ushering the group out of the bar. They would need to get back on their ship and leave. Soon. Nothing about this situation was going to turn out good.
(Repost of what I accidentally deleted earlier)

The hybrid caught Leo and quickly regained his composure, accidentally shoving him into the table. "Real fucking original, calling me a half-breed. Now Harry whatever-your-lame-ass-name-is, do you know who I am?" Draven asked, but Solace had stolen the Pirate's attention and insulted him. And soon enough the nuisance had been dispatched and everyone was ready to leave. "I agree. Let's get moving." The bounty hunter replied, but not before firing a round into the pirate's tail. "Now you have half a tail..." He mused as he walked out of the establishment with his bottle of whiskey.

Trinity followed suit and downed more of her ethanol. "Want any honey?" She asked Draven, holding the bottle for him to take.

"No I would not like to kill my throat with that foul and burning liquid. And we are only partners. We are nothing more." The bounty hunter retorted and downed some whiskey.
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Leo left the inn with everyone else with Mus on his back. The young boy fell asleep from the alcohol and hopefully won't still be a drunk nuisance when he wakes up. It's annoying trying to get him to calm down in his drunken state. "I'm sorry for causing everyone trouble back at the inn. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings and nearly got us all in a messy situation." He apologized to everyone as the group was aimlessly walking around the streets of the city. "Also... thanks for saving my arse both of you." He said directly to Draven and Solace. "I would probably be dead by now if you two didn't intervene."

"Captain? You finally awake?" Woodes, Half-Tail's first mate, asked when the falian captain regained consciousness.

"What happened?" Half-Tail asked groggily, still a bit dazed from being hit from behind the head.

"Well, I should I say this..." Woodes said as he tried to find the right words to say to his captain. "Apparently, a woman appeared behind you and knocked you out with the hilt of her sword. Then when her group was leaving the inn, the hybrid took a shot at your tail and... umm..." He began to stutter. Half-Tail didn't wait for an answer when he checked his tail himself. "WHAT THE-"

"Sir, calm down!" Woodes exclaimed. "We managed to get some medi-gel from the barkeeper and stop the bleeding, but couldn't find the other half of your tail. I think one of them took-"

"I'm going to kill them all!" Half-Tail angrily yelled out as he accidentally uppercut Woodes right below the chin when raising his fists up out of anger. Grabbing a nearby bottle, he leaves the inn with his crew enraged. "I want to know who the space they are and their ship's name! No one escapes from me without punishment!" He ordered half of his goons, who leave him to follow his orders. After they left, he takes a sip from the bottle before tossing it away. He then heads back to his ship at the docks to wait for his goons to finish their mission. Because once they return, it's payback time.
Having taken off after the girl as soon as she had wrenched his sword free he was bow walking calmly behind the group off miscreants contemplating the value of shooting and decided that the near priceless sword was worth the near impossible to find ammo for the gun and bared down on the trigger of his auto recoiless a single 75. Calibre explosive round flew over there heads screaming its fury to the world as the gun roared its protest if the report was similar to a 500. Magnum the explosion was akin to a small thermite charge deep and full of base more of a thud than a crack. Having leveled his sight on the group he set to marking each of his targets and was ready to fire at the slightest provocation. "If you would be so kind as to give me back my sword we can avoid the astronomical cost of cleaning what will remain of you from the street!"
"It's no big deal. Pirates can be plenty irritable when drunk, but easy to dispatch." Draven said nonchalantly as he drained his bottle. "By the way, does the Afrasee have any alcohol? Can't have a ship without rum. Although I prefer whiskey myself." He said as he held the bottle upside down to make sure it was empty.

"Wherever Draven goes, I'm going." Trinity said before the sound of an explosive round detonating stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

The Viking explained his problem and Draven had a simple reply: "Yake your problem up with the one who stole your weapon, not us."

Meanwhile Trinity just saw a shiny gun with a capable of firing large caliber explosive rounds. And powerful explosive rounds. "Ooooooh. Pretty gun. I want it." She said and comically began to dash for it, only to be stopped by Draven grabbing the neck of her shirt. "I want it. I want it. Let go babe."

"No. You are not about to go piss off a Viking carrying a gun aimed right at us with a ton of firepower." The Falia said as he calculated who stole the sword. "Now, Sir, I believe your weapon is in the possession of this Falia here. You can talk with her about your predicament." Draven said, pointing out Verona for him.
"Well if it doesn't have any it's going to" Vakarine replied with a nod. It was a necessary commodity for anyone going to space for a long period of time. It looked like the marksman was coming with them though. She wasn't going to complain as long as alliances didn't switch. Marksmen were valuable. Especially in situations were MORE GUNS WERE BEING FIRED AT THEM. Why even? Couldn't they walk to their through lesser traveled paths to avoid getting caught peacefully? No, because apparently their newest tag-along had to steal a sword.

"Hey baby, there's no need to point fingers" Verona cooed softly as she took a step away from both the Viking and Draven "it's rude you know." she wasn't even going to deny taking the sword. She wasn't even going to bother concealing it.

Malice lunged forward and tackled Verona, growling at the fox she pinned to the ground. Vakarine slowly walked up to her and crossed her arms "this is the kind of negative attention we don't need." she said coldly. Eventhough her eyes were covered, Verona could feel Vakarine's glare staring down at her. Verona laughed nervously "Hehe, but you see it was a really pre-" she was cut off by a snarl for Malice who then got off Verona and picked the sword up in her mouth. "We don't have any quarrel with you." Vakarine announced as she and her Companion turned to face the Viking "the swords all yours. I apologize for our....leach. Alright, come along everyone. We're going to the ship before any of the Half-Tail crew shows up." Vakarine announced before walking back towards the port. Malice dropped the sword and trotted after her, taking a moment to give Verona another warning growl.
"I appreciate that thanks for returning it to me safely. Also couldn't help but over hear that you were talking about libations personally I have a preference to need its soft and sweet" Erik stored his sword... "Do you by chance have an extra bunk in need of off world transport ?"
Solace was following behind Draven and Trinity. They seemed as though they were a couple, but the way Draven looked at Trinity made Solace think that they weren't in any serious relationship. After the entire explosive, sword giving back scene was over and done with. Solace realized that her journal, the one that she had been looking at earlier, wasn't inside her pack anymore. Her pack was opened up, it probably happened during the fight. She looked up at the others and then said, "I forgot something, I'll be right back." She smiled sheepishly. Turning around, she headed back to the bar and looked for the journal everywhere. She even asked the bartender if he saw anything, but it was no use. As she checked under the table that her so called "friends" were at, more like acquaintances, she placed her goggles on and pressed the button on the side. They fired up and she scanned the entire sight for them. Traces were detected and she followed them. They led her to a barrel. "Wow . . . a barrel, now that's ancient." She found the journal inside it and a couple pieces of glanols. There were two types of value among the walkers. Credits and glanols. Credits were more common, but glanols were pieces of star dust gathered in space. Star dust wasn't that easy to find. After Solace placed her things inside her pack, she smiled and sped off to meet up with the others, when she ran into someone. She was sent backwards which caught Solace off guard. Slowly looking up she saw the scary looking pirate Falia from before. "Aw crap . . . " she muttered. "Haha, hey there." Guessing that was a trap. . . Solace smiled and then quickly tried to sprint away from him. She was tough, but if he got a hold of her, well it'd be tough.
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"Where is she going?" Trinity asked once Solace had left.

"Don't know. And don't particularly care. She knows where the ship is and knows we can't leave without her." Draven replied as he picked up the pace. "Let's get moving. Faster." The bounty hunter said as he listened around him. Most sounds were indistinguishable and garbled, but Draven couldn't shake the feeling that they were being tailed. His falian instincts felt so, but he didn't want to let whoever it was know that he knew in the case they were. Don't start a fight on the street, just messier and more marines. Wait until we get to the ship...
Leo immediately got on the ground after hearing the explosive gunshot. Hands on his head, he was prepared to surrender to whoever was shooting at the group without any resistance. "I'll give it-" He said before Draven and Vakarine managed to diffuse the situation with the Viking fellow without any bloodshed. Getting off the ground, he looked away from everyone to hide his face, which was flushed red in embarrassment. "Yeah, let's get going." He agreed with Vakarine as he followed her lead. When he heard the Viking's question about the ship having an extra bunk, he took a peek out of the corner of his eyes at Vakarine as they continued walking toward the port. Surely she would have enough common sense to refuse letting some stranger who threatened to kill them earlier on her ship. Any sane person would agree to that reasoning... right?

"Where do you think you're going?" Half-Tail asked as he managed to reach out in time to grab some of Solace's flailing hair. Pulling it back toward him, he managed to make the girl fall back onto the ground on her butt. "Tie her up, men! Last thing I need is some resistance from this damn harlot!" Half-Tail's goons, who were pretending to be normal customers when Solace entered in the inn earlier, tied her up quickly with rope. Tossing a glanol toward the bartender, who caught it before walking into the backroom, Half-Tail takes a seat as his goons seats Solace in front of him. "Aren't you glad my first mate found your precious little journal before anyone else could steal it for themselves?" He asked with a smile as Woodes gave him Solace's confiscated pack "Now you must be wondering how you'll ever repay him for his good deed." Pulling the journal out of the pack, he flips through some pages before showing her the page with a detailed sketch of the golden orb. "Well, how about you tell us what this beauty is?"
"Ahhh!" Solace yelled as he grabbed her hair and tossed her backward. "Ooaf! Hey that's no way to treat a lady. Huh, get ye nasty hands off me!" She struggled to fight them off but didn't win against the men. "Ey! Stop going through me pack!" One of his crew members knelt down and started to rummage through her things and he was at the perfect level, if only she could have kicked him. Instead she spit on him.

Smirking the captain pulled out the drawing of the golden orb, and proceeded to ask her what it was. "Hmph, it's not nice to handle someting dat a woman uses for her personal hygiene." She smirked, Like hell I would tel ye. "If ye must know it's my," She sighed a little embarrassed, " my . . . portable toilet. I like to travel in style and so I discreetly designed a portable toilet to carry with me in case of emergency. Dat's what it is, tis da schematic." She looked at done of the crew members and they were avidly buying it. Although, tail mix over the didn't seemed too convinced.
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"You want to join us?" Vakarine asked as she stopped to contemplate the decision. They did need more people, especially considering that half the people on her ship had no intentions of joining her crew. She really didn't want to carry around any more free riders. "You can come aboard if you're interested in piracy." she finally said with a shrug. Her lack of vision prevented her from seeing the fact that the man was clothed in Navy uniform, though it was just as likely that she would have extended the offer if she could see.

"Alright everyone, back on the ship." Vakarine called out to her group once Malice had confirmed that they were back to their original ship. It didn't look like anyone had responded yet to the chaos, but she was sure it wasn't going to be long before the next wave of Marines came to kill them and reclaim the ship. "Get ready for takeoff, the second Solace gets back we're heading out." she continued before heading up on deck herself. She hopped that this little....skirmish with the Marines didn't put her crew on the radar yet. They were a brand new crew, and technically no one in her crew killed any of them. It was the crazy gun girl. They weren't ready to take on Marines yet. "If anyone needs me I'll be in the captain's office. Retrieve me the moment anyone sees Solace."

Vakarine walked back towards the captain's quarters on the deck of the ship and disappeared behind the sliding door. Once in her office Malice lead her back to her chair and she sat down. She leaned back and rummaged through her bag for the chip she'd put in there. Once she found it she slid it back into its place underneath the desk. The ship roared to life and its AI system kicked back on "Welcome back Captain Vakarine."

"Welcome back indeed." she muttered in reply as she pulled out the golden orb Leo gave her. She held it in her hands without moving it for a while, afraid to open it again.
Kai laid in his room in the main ship as he just came back from a mission. The mission required him to steal back the main core for the ship to function. He looked at his ceiling bored out of his mind, wondering what he could do now. " I wonder if there's any pirates if I venture out, oh well." He said to himself as he heard someone had entered his room. A short girl looked at Kai and told him to hurry to the main floor, as she ran off. He wondered what the situation was as he got up and ran after the girl.

"If only she knew" Erik chuckled softly to himself and raised his hand to to women in front of him only to notice he was still wedding the clothes of the Marine he took off a pics here and there defiled a few of the symbols and replaced his armor with a new more edgy look not so uniform but still inline with the viking look of his clothing long tunick of carbon scale armor with crystal clear aluminum that looked a midnight blue at first glance the tapered shap edge was bronze worn with used and exposure his helm was in style with that of a typical Nordic helm but dimond hard and clear carbon covered the slits of his eyes and a long blond beard of gold electrical cables dangled from the affair. His chest plate was of the marine stander armor as well as one shoulder padron the empty space above his left arm bore the hilt of his sword slung to his back by powerful magnetic Fields. His legs booted and greeved shone with wired light the shape and form of which moved as the field of magnetic energy swayed. His knee pads were hidden under his outer armor and it functioned for the most part as an EVA suit. "I'll join you till we no longer need each other. Where do you need me I can guide the ship decent enough and am a capable figher. I know some lanes of space but not these far shores of the endless void."

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