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Futuristic Midnight Blue

Deluros broke into a sweat. Kaku stopped flying as well and landed on the table. Deluros stood up.

"Impossible." Deluros pointed to Mus. "You don't think they'll wonder why we have a little kid with us?" He paused and pointed at himself.

"And some of us are still wanted by the Navy. There are so many flaws in this plan. I don't get why we can't just kill them and loot the place."
"Because if we will one the whole damn Navy's going to be on our arse in a second and the whole ship would be blown to bits faster than you can say bouncing betty. And don't you think children get caught up in trafficking too? Their fingers are still nimble and they can fit in small, dangerous little places, maybe even hold space slugs. Children have a lot of uses." she added as almost an entirely tangential point. "And so far, Mr. Deluros, the only flaw in this plan is you. The Navy wouldn't suspect a single one of us. 'Less any more of you are wanted by the Navy and have neglected to tell me so. So I suggest you either work on disguising yourself or you hide somewhere on the ship and sneak off some time during inspection. We'd be glad to create the distraction so long as you don't try to kill any of the Navel men because then there'd be nothing we could do for you."
Mus was a bit offended for being called a midget, but he laughed when Deluros was whacked in the head. "Hi, mam!" Mus said cheerfully when the engineer patted his head. He turns back to Leo before wrapping his arm around their neck in a petty attempt to choke him.

"This plan sounds good from top to bottom, but is Lots going to play his role in it?" Leo asked while trying to escape from Mus' headlock. "He might say we're pirates who took over his ship, which is sort of true, when they ask for his side of the story. Also, where's that bounty hunter? Did he not hear the alarm for the meeting?"
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Draven strode into the room when called for, as if it were on cue. "Someone called?" He said with a smirk. "Now what is this meeting about and why am I here?" The bounty hunter asked in a slightly annoyed tone. He had heard a little of their feeble plan as he walked in, but he didn't believe it would work.
Deluros grunted

"I'll stick with hiding.. but if I get caught I can't promise anything." Kaku sqwaked and started tapping his feet like he was dancing.
"Don't worry your pretty little heads, I've got Lots under control. He'll cooperate." And if he doesn't, well then Daddy will have to take care of him. She knew that Annabelle's plan would work without a hitch and since Lots was on probation, he would be incarcerated no matter what. She was more concerned with Mus. She wanted to keep and the other human safe.
Deluros rolled his eyes and opened the door to the Captain's Quarter.

"I assume that is it for this meeting." He nodded straightly and walked out the door, Kaku happily following behind him. Deluros held his sword tightly in his grip thinking of possible hiding places in the ship and outcomes of the places. I could hide in my room, but they would quickly realise who it belongs to, because of the pictures of Captain Ryko and the others. I should probably take those down first. Deluros snarled at the thought of the navy examining the ship, but he had no choice. He made a sharp left towards his room, still not fully onboard the plan.
"Now that that's established, when the ship docks, I suggest you all be out of sight. Remember, we try to get off the ship without being seen. Being part of the slave trade is only if you get caught. With that said, don't get caught. I suggest you find a buddy for this. Getting lost on an unknown planet is not ideal. We'll meet up exactly on hour after docking at the nearest pub, whatever that be. If you have any final words, now would be the time to say them." Annabelle announced while scooting back in her chair. She ducked down and traced her hand along the bottom side of the desk. She hit a tab and pulled it back, taking the cover off of the electronic wiring under the desk. She traced the wires with her hand until she found the point where they all convened to one point. On that point was a short cylinder. She twisted it in two and placed the two parts in her pocket. The ship jerked slightly, but was already too close to the port to change directions sarcastically; she'd separated Iris from the ship. Until she hooked Iris back up, the ship was as good as any normal, manual Star Chaser. There was no need for Iris to be reveling any important information. Good thing she was raised in Ausrine and knew a thing or two about the electronics on the ship.
Deluros lost his footing for a bit but planted his feet firmly on the ground. While he was hiding from the Navy, he might as well get some stuff. He locked his pictures in a cabinet that appeared to be under the bed. When he first found it, there were only a few maps there. He decided to keep them for safekeeping- he used to be a navigator after all. Deluros took whatever spare money he had with him and put it in his wallet. Kaku perched himself on Deluros' shoulder anxious for whatever was going to happen because he honestly didn't know. Deluros headed to the ship's railing and leaned against it so he could watch when they dock, because if anyone made a single wrong move...

They were all dead.
Solace also left and went in search of Lots. She couldn't find him. Where could he have possibly disappeared to? She turned on her lights that were on all sides of her belt. She went below deck to try and find Lots. "Lots! Where ye be hiding?" She said loud enough for it to echo.

"You might want to check behind you!" Lots grunted as he appeared from his hiding spot. Solace screams but is stifled by Lots's hand. Grabbing her hands behind her back he slowly carries her off into a corridor. She kept trying to look for a way out but couldn't find a thing to help her out. Her lights are still on but how was that supposed to help her. She was supposed to get Lots to cooperate not get in a bind.
Deluros heard a scream but shrugged. He sat down, leaning against the railing, and dozed off. Probably Mus.
"May I live to see another day." Leo said before escaping Mus' headlock. "If anyone was wondering," He said while giving Mus a headlock for revenge. "I'm going to make this little rascal my buddy."

"You know I don't need to breath, right?" Mus stated as he tried to pull Leo's arm off his neck. Being a Cerdivan can sometimes have its benefits, mostly when he's in a headlock or crawling through airless shafts to get around places unnoticed.

"...that's true." Leo admitted as he frees Mus. He looks around the room and wondered who was going to be each others buddy after they escape from the ship. That's when he felt the ship jerk slightly, which probably indicated it was now docked. "We're here. Let's go find ourselves a hiding-" That's when he noticed Mus wasn't next to him anymore. It seems the boy left the room quietly while Leo was preoccupied with his own thoughts. "...dammit. Should've seen that coming." He knew looking for Mus would be futile, since this wasn't the first time he left him to fend for himself during bad situations like this. Mus always preferred to do things on his own when the law gets involved. As far as Mus was concerned, the fewer the better. "So who wants to be my new buddy? You know, one that doesn't want to take me back to Ausrine for an immoral reason?" He asked whoever was still left in the room.

Mus makes his way below deck to find a vent to hide in during the inspection. He finds one and entered it easily without getting stuck. "Now it's time to wait..." He mumbled before hearing something like the echo of a scream bouncing throughout the shafts. "...I didn't know this ship was haunted." He thought about ignoring it, but decided to crawl toward the source of the abnormal noise to see what caused it. Moments later, light flashes through the vents beneath him and he opens one quietly to get a better view of its source. What he saw was Lots' back faced toward him and the engineer being slowly carried away by them. He dropped down onto the corridor without making a sound. Then he does what Leo taught him to do whenever he was silently behind his opponent. "Surprise attack!" He yelled out after jumping onto Lots' back. Holding onto Lots' neck and his legs wrapped around their chest, he punches the side of their head repeatedly in a attempt to knock the man out.

The Five Eight Afrasee entered Sola's atmosphere and flies toward the capitol of the planet. The A.I of the huge Star Chaser guides it to the docking station it was assigned to by the order of the Interstellar Navy. It jerked slightly after Iris was taken out, but the ship managed to safely dock at its assigned spot without going off course. A group of sailors armed with firearms could be seen walking down the docks toward the Five Eight Afrasee. They were being lead by a naval officer with a sabre at his side. "Sailors," He announced loud enough for all the sailors to hear his voice. "Once you board the Five Eight Afrasee, detain anyone you find in there. If you get attacked, you have permission to use your weapons to fight back. Do I make myself clear?" The sailors behind the officer respond back. "Yes, sir!" The officer nods as he pulls out his sabre when the Five Eight Afrasee was in his sight. He got a report from the Navy that the ship was possibly taken by pirates and was ordered to inspect it to see if this rumor was true. Seeing how the ship didn't try to sail away after getting the order to dock, the possibility of pirates being in it seemed less likely to be true. Though anything can be possible and the inspection taken with extreme caution. Last thing the officer needed was dead sailors in Sola's capital city.
Deluros grinned and hid below deck, behind barrels of flour. He was going to ask Captain Vakarine to provide a distraction, but Kaku would be good enough. He had already instructed him what to do so everything should go according to plan.

Kaku flew up to the main deck and landed gently on the railing fixing his beady eyes on the sailors.
Vakarine was on her way out of the captain's quarters when she heard people begin to board the ship. She quickly ducked behind a wall and waited until she couldn't hear them anymore. She slowly stepped forward with Malice at her heels in an attempt to get off of the ship. "Hey you!" A Marine barked at her. Vakarine instantly stopped in her tracks. "Don't move another step."

"Oh thank goodness you're here!" Vakarine gasped. She made sure to choke on her words slightly, to make her seem more like an innocent girl who was scared out of her wits. She turned to face the Navy man, looking around her like she was scared and like looking would actually provide her any use "You need to help me. I've been trapped here." she pleaded. The Navy officer put down his gun and approached the girl "What are you doing on this ship?" he demanded in a slightly less harsh tone. "I-I was looking for an alley to sleep in on Ausrine when this man put a bag over my head and knocked me out. When I woke up I was on this ship. P-please help me, I'm scared." Vakarine begged. She rubber her arms like a scared little girl and looked down at the ground "I....I don't know what happened but it sounded like a bunch of people got on the ship and tried to take it over, but then they all left." she whimpered. Vakarine sniffled a little and looked down at the floor. Poor, helpless little girl was an easy role to play when you were blind. You didn't even have to force yourself to cry. "Don't worry, it's going to be alright." The officer said as he put his hand on her shoulder. "We'll get you out of here and back to your home planet. Come with me." he said as he started to lead her back towards the docks. "Wait!" Vakarine squeaked as she stopped in her tracks "What about the others!?"

"Others?" the officer asked in confusion. "Yeah, there's more prisoners on the ship. They're from a bunch of other planets. I think the captain was going to sell us before those pirates came. I don't know how many there still are."

"Don't worry, we'll rescue any others trapped on the ship." the officer reassured her. Vakarine nodded and followed the man off the ship. Hopefully she just saved the rest of her crew without raising suspicion.
Deluros lifted his head as he walked up the staircase. Maybe Captain Vakarine wanted them to leave and hide but that isn't what he had planned in mind.

Two Marine soldiers walked past him and they stopped at the door. Deluros hid behind the barrel again. Kaku flew in and started biting on one of the man's cheeks.

"Get off me you stupid pigeon!" Deluros came out of his hiding spot. "Technically, he's a crow." Deluros pulled out his sword and cut both of the men at once with his sword. The wounds cut deep in there chests. Deluros bent down and searched their pockets and stopped when he found a keycard. He grinned, picked it up and put it in his pocket.
Solace smiled and thanked Mus by giving him a big hug. Lots was out cold. She looked at Mus and heard soldiers coming. "Mus show me where you were hiding." Solace was very slim and tiny, she could fit anywhere and that served her well when it came to being an engineer. "Hurry! I'll follow your lead!" She smiled brightly and shut off her belt lights.
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After hearing someone say something about a pigeon below deck, a marine on the main deck went down to investigate. "Hey, did you guys find someone down here?" They asked before stumbling into a horrifying scene. There was a man with a sword searching two bloody marines on the floor in front of them. Scared that they might be their next victim, the marine runs back up to the main deck to warn the others about what they saw.

Leo locks the door after hearing someone shout outside it. "Oh geez." He mumbled. "They already captured Annabelle when she tried to get off the ship. What hope do we have of escaping unnoticed by the inspection team?" That's when he realized the only ones in the room was the bounty hunter and him. "...temporary alliance?" He asked while raising his hand toward the bounty hunter. It was rather have a chance to escape or be captured by the Navy to be executed for stealing one of their ships. The first option sounds way better than the second option.

Mus leads Solace to a vent before opening it to get inside. They crawl through the shafts for a while, hearing the footsteps of marines running through the hallways as they passed by closed vents. Eventually they made it up to a vent that led to the captain's quarters and opened it to get inside. Mus crawled into the room before noticing Leo and Draven was still in there. "What are you two bozos doing here?" He asked while dusting himself off. "Don't you know there are marines on the ship right now?"
Deluros grinned as he attained the security keycard. Kaku swiftly perched himself on his owner's shoulder as they dashed out before they could be seen. Deluros snuck onto the main deck and hid behind wooden boxes full of maps of their current universe. Kaku flew away and Deluros grabbed the handle of his sword as he saw a few more marine soldiers guarding the ship's only exit.
A man was sleeping in a dumpster behind a bar. A bunch of marines ran by the alleyway which woke up Daniel. "Uhhhhhh." Daniel grumbled. A few more marines ran bye, which only woke the man up even more. The man popped his head out from the dumpster. The alleyway was for the most part the same way he left in the night before. He climbed out of the dumpster. He made his way out of the alleyway. He turned to face the docks. He stumbled towards the ships. He walked past the marines who immediately grabbed Daniel by the shoulder.

"Where do you think your going, you drunk?"
One of the marines said.

Daniel grabbed the marine by the wrist and twisted. He chopped the other one in the throat. After he was done playing with the marines he stumbled onto the ship. He rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes and looked around. There were a couple of chiefs, and a girl who looked distraught. He followed them. He didn't say anything until he knew he could do something. When they were at a point where he could sneak up on them he snuck behind them. "Attention!" Daniel yelled out in a demanding voice. "You have a Command Master Chief in your presence." It wasn't really a lie. He was telling the truth. He was a Command Master Chief before he was dishonorably discharged from the interstellar navy. He stayed behind them so they wouldn't be able to see him.

Daniel wasn't in his military dress. His shirt was in tatters, along with his pants. He was missing his left sleeve and his right pant leg. He had long brown hair and a survivalist beard. His face was a little dirty and grimy. His body was covered in tattoos.

"Would you mind as to tell me why, a Interstellar navy chief would be so concerned about boarding a ship such as this, and why you would take a person from it, when he could be doing something more important when there are slavers, and even worse pirates plundering out there."He said not knowing the ruse that she was trying to pull.

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Solace smiled as she climbed out and saw the other two guys. "There's a way to escape if you want to follow. Every Star Chaser has an escape hatch." She then realized that they may have interrupted something. "Unless you want to keep bickering amongst yourselves as husband and wife." She chuckled placing her goggles on her head. "Sides things sound pretty dangerous out there. Sounds like there's a CMC is on board, so I ain't staying." She grabbed some interesting books and items and placed them in her pack. "So what'll be?"
"S-SIR!" The officer shouted as he snapped to attention with his back to Daniel. Fear was creeping into his voice. It was clear he wasn't expecting anyone to show up, and that he wasn't completely certain that the girl he was escorting was truly what she said. "Sir, we were ordered to search this ship for Pirates. We received a distress signal that stated this ship was boarded. We found this slave aboard who thinks there ay still be more slaves aboard the ship." he stated. Vakarine gritted her teeth. Who knows what her crew was doing on board, but if any of them gave away that they may be pirates they were in danger. And now there was some Master Chief barking at them. She didn't think they would see anyone that high up, but her blindness prevented her from knowing that he wasn't be completely truthful. Malice pressed her nose up against Vakarine's hand. She nodded slowly. Suddenly, Malice bolted away from Vakarine's side. "Malice!" she called out in a worried voice "no, Malice! Come back!" she shouted as she dashed after the leopard. If they chased after her, which they probably should considering she may be the soul witness to the events that occurred on that ship to their knowledge, her crew had to deal with two less navymen.
Daniel smiled at the big cat. "Good cat." He said as he looked at the two dead. He walked over to them and took their belts off. Ever interstellar navy chief had a sword, a pistol with a 15 bullet magazine, and a knife. He took the belt off of one of dead. He slipped it on him. He took the sword off of the other and put it in other side of his belt. He took the pistol from both of them and tucked them in behind himself. He took the knives and tucked them the front of the belt. He looked at the girl. She was young, considerably younger then him. "So tell me, are you really a slave or pirate?" He said as he cracked his knuckles, and his neck. He knew how to use a saber, thanks to his special warfare training, and he had two of them now. He was taught how to fight, so all this weaponry on him, brought him back to his state of mind.

After she answered he noticed the wrapping around her eyes.
"I take it you're blind. Remind me to never give you a weapon." He said realizing she might like an explanation. "Sorry about the confusion. My name is..." He sighed. "My name is former CMC Daniel Kasper, Special warfare. I saw some Interstellar Marines run by and I thought I would just join in the party.... I take it you have a crew. I could try and rescue them, but I need a way to make sure they know I am there to save them. Do you have anything that they would know that I can say so they know I am there to help them?"
Vakarine stopped running when the navyman who chased her asked her if she was really a slave. Both she and Malice stopped and the cat trotted back to her heels. Vakarine didn't turn to face him fully, but the cat kept its eyes locked on the man. "Well that all depends on whose asking." she said coldly. The man relieved himself as a former navyman interested in joining her pirate crew. Vakarine smiled and turned to face him with her arms crossed "You get them all off that ship safe and you have a place on this ship. They should be a good ways onto getting themselves off though. I have no doubt in their abilities. If you do find any, tell them Vakarine and Malice sent you. But if you're lying to me and you really are with the Interstellar Navy, none of them would even hesitate to kill you" she warned him in a harsh tone.
"Calm down Captain." He said. It was Ironic having a blind captain. He said as he made his way to the door that heads below deck. "Why would I need to lie to a stranger, when I just saved her." He said with a smile. He made his way down deck. He could hear the sounds of Marines shouting from room to room. He walked into the first room which he took as the mess. There was only one marine in there. Daniel snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back. Daniel took his primary weapon, a laser rifle. He went from room to room clearing them out. His training taught him to go slow, and to make sure the target was dead.

He heard some talking in the vents. He looked up and whistled.
"Hey, Vakarine and Malice sent me. I'm here to get you guys out."

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Solace hard the CMC. He somehow sounded familiar. "Whatever Ladies you can keep bickering. I'm getting out of here." Solace grabbed unto two bars that were attached to the cieling of the Captain's quarters and she kicked up ward. The invisible door opened up and she slid on through. "See ya. Oh and Mus, stay out of trouble. You can all come with me if you want. After all, we are a crew aren't we." Solace kept thinking to herself. How would she reach the escape hatch and help the Captain. "This'll be tricky."

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