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Futuristic Midnight Blue

Deluros rolled his eyes. Guess he would have to take care of the intruder himself. Or not. Deluros kicked him forward in the back and walked out.

"He's all yours, Captain Vakarine. If you need me, I'll be in my room, doing my workout."
"Another stowaway?" Annabelle asked. This one sounded like a child too. So many stowaways. Annabelle was wondering if there were more stowaways on this ship than crew members. When Leo dragged the boy out, Malice trotted behind the two. A cat surely would be allowed to follow, right? It couldn't do any harm.

Deluros brought in another stowaway with Leo. What were they even going to do with this many stowaways. "Right then, who are you and why are you here?" she asked as she rubbed her temple.
Solace kept eating her soup while watching what was going down. She was confused as to who the captain of the ship was. She had already changed all the sails and made them all look like the atmosphere. Those beautiful white sails were now a starry abyss. She was convinced that she dreaming, but knew everything that had happened up till now was real. She so far was the mechanic, the engineer, the cook, and the most sensible from what she's seen and been through. But she wasn't one to judge. She just smiled as the group interacted. Then the Falia came into sight. He was something fierce. He made her gush and her eyes darted to her soup. Aye, he be bringin' me trouble he will, she thought to herself.
"Excuse me if I don't like to advertise my business to you." Draven said bluntly. "I would just like to finish said business and be dropped of At the nearest port. Preferably in the direction of Ausrine." He stated as he picked the handcuffs with one of his claws. "The navy really should upgrade from those." He muttered as he stuffed them in his belt.
"Well sir, as the Captain of the ship you're trespassing on, your reason for being here is indeed my business." Annabelle said as she crossed her arms and leaned against the table "and unfortunately for you, we've just left from the Ausrine port. If you're looking for a ride back you're fresh out of luck. Now, let me ask you again. What is your business here?" She asked more sternly this time. Annabelle had decided that she was definitely going to get this crew in order the moment they docked. This chaos was starting yo get on her nerves.
"I believe this ship belongs to Captain Lots of the interstellar navy. Not you." Draven replied matching her sterness. "Now I did not stowaway on this ship, I would have left had it not taken off suddenly and me been knocked out by a cargo chest. And that is fine for me, but I will need to be dropped off at the next port. With my business." He had a way back to Ausrine, but it was only made for one or two passengers. Plus his oxygen apparatus, his scarf looking thing on his neck, was not designed to share. "Now if you don't mind I will be going now." The bounty hunter stated as he dusted off.
Delores stood up and turned to Kaku as he started to randomly screech and sqwak.

"Fergus huh? I'll ask Captain Vakarine in a second. 50 more pushups."
Solace received notification that her father was looking for her. Reports have leaked that the Five Eight Afrasee was suspiciously taken under siege by pirates. She was watching her holographic screen implanted unto the top of her gloves. Of course he's looking for me and of course this is out for the public universe. She stood up and walked in between Annabelle and Draven .

"I've got me duties to attend to. I'll be takin' Captain Lots with me." She smiled nonchalantly. "'Scuse me." She grabbed the tied up Lots and dragged him along. She wasn't really aware of the others and their reactions. As she began to exit she saw Leo and Mus. She came over and hugged Mus, "If ye want anything else, let me know!" She then focused on Leo, "Keep dis little cutie safe, alright Leo!"
Deluros stood up and put his coat and hat back on. He placed his sword on his back and Kaku glided peacefully onto his shoulder. He walked out of his room and closed the door, making his way to the kitchen. It's been a while since I've seen Fergus. Hopefully, I will have Captain Vakarine's approval. He opened the kitchen door and faced his captain.

"Captain Vakarine, there is something I'd like to ask you."
"Where could you possibly go? We're in the middle of outer space." Annabelle mumbled as the stowaway who refused to explain himself left. You know what, who cared. He was just a temporary passenger. Like luggage. Luggage that would hopefully not cause anymore havoc on this ship. With that distraction, the engineer/chef, the child, and Lots all gone, Annabelle could finally sit down and enjoy her meal. She picked up her spoon and almost managed to get a bite in before someone else walked in "What do you need?" She sighed as she put her spoon back down.
"What are you going to do Ms. Reprimand?" Lots asked as if he were planning something.

"It be none of ye business." If it be my father I wouldn't know what to expect. Her gloves began to glow again and she flexed her palm.


"Hi Daddy . . . I'm fine . . . I've been fixing ships all day . . . . Uh huh . . . . okay bye!" She said quickly disconnecting the signal. "Oh course he can't leave me be."


"Ye have no right to be a callin' me dat. Franklin Lots." She kicked him in the face and sat on the side of the ship, frustrated. She took out her decorating gun and began to shoot the ship until it all camouflaged into the night sky.
"Go to Solace? Sure, after we get some supplies in wherever we're landing then take Leo back to Earth." Annabelle said with a nod. "Wait...if we just left from Ausrine, and we're going to the closest planet..." she said after a pause "You're in luck, we're headed to Solace right now." it was a good thing she studied the star-scape so much, otherwise she would be a pretty lousy pirate. She would have to get the AI to start reading destination out loud to her.
Deluros nodded and turned on his heel. He turned his head a bit.

"Thanks, you won't regret it." He pushed the door open and walked back to his room with a grin on his face. He was going to see Fergus again.
Leo let go of Mus' wrist after they walked up to the main deck. "Why are you here, Mouse?" Leo asked with his arms crossed. "I thought you didn't know I was leaving Earth."

"I didn't plan on ratting anyone out, but since you asked nicely," Mus replied smirking. "All I had to do was ask Papa why you didn't make breakfast for everyone on the morning you left for the docks. He told me that you left us to go to space, so I immediately ran all the way to the docks and managed to sneak my way into this ship right before its time of departure. It's that simple."

Leo facepalmed himself after hearing Mus' answer. "I should've known the old man was going to tell everyone back at the orphanage the truth..." He muttered before staring right into Mus' eyes. "Well guess what, Mouse? There was no point of getting on this ship, because I'm heading back to Earth after we leave the planet we're heading to right now. Isn't that great news?"

"What?!" Mus asked with a surprised look on his face. "How come?! We didn't even get to search for treasure or discover new planets yet!"

Before Leo could answer him, Mus gets hugged by the engineer and is told to keep the young boy safe. He nods without saying a word as she frees Mus from her hug before leaving to answer a call from her Omni. The Omni was a common handheld holographic device that could be used as a personal computer and cell phone at the same time. It's sort of like the human's version of the 'smartphone', but only more technologically advanced and made by the cerdivans of Stovia. The only thing that wasn't different about those two devices was how often updated models were always being released after the newest one came out into the intergalactic market. There's this well-known joke about how Ausrine updates its programs prior to inventing them. The Omni is a prime example of how this joke came into existence. "I really one want one of those for myself." He whispered to Mus as they watched the engineer kick Lots' face. They never had the money to buy themselves their own Omnis and will probably never get one until they get themselves a job.

"Captain Vakarine." Iris announced through the speakers in the kitchen. "We are arriving to our destination in ten minutes. Sola space protocol states that any Star Chaser entering its space zone will need reserved clearance or else it will be declared a potential threat to the planet's security. Potential threats will then be terminated by Sola's planetary and moon defense force by any means necessary. However, the Five Eight Afrasee is part of the Interstellar Navy and is given free access to dock at any docking station on the planet." The A.I remains silent for a few seconds before notifying Annabelle about a recent message it received from the planet's defense force. "An order has been sent to us to dock at one of the capitol's docking stations for an inspection of the ship's overall condition. An Interstellar Navy inspection team will be waiting to board the ship right after docking. Prepare yourself and the crew for the inspection and be on your best behavior. That is all."
"Right then..." Annabelle said as she took a deep breath and stood up. "Call everyone in for a meeting in the Captain's Quarters. For this plan to work I'm going to need everyone to cooperate." she said as she stood up. So she had an engineer, two orphans (knowledge that she gained through Malice overhearing their conversations~ sometimes she was a good kitty.), a pirate, and...whatever that other guy was. She didn't know and frankly she didn't care. The ship was registered under the name of Lots. But she wasn't Lots. She could attempt to say sh was Lots, but they probably knew better. She would have to come up with something craftier. He was a human trafficker, and she could try to use that, but something told her Lots wouldn't go along with her plan. This was going to be difficult. She walked back into the Captain's Quarters and sat down. This plan would have to be solid. No one could see through it. The greatest plan of them all. And they probably wouldn't believe that they were telemarketers either.
Deluros looked up, listening to the alarm that signalled a meeting. He cracked his knuckles and walked out of his room, looking at his grayish looking veins. He really didn't want to think about anything until they got to Solace but a meeting was a meeting.

Wait, lol isn't it 'Sola?']
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Leo and Mus hear some sort of alarm before Annabelle walked by them and entered the Captain's Quarters. "I wonder what's going on?" Mus asked as they walked toward the room. "Are we having a meeting?" They enter the Captain's Quarters before standing at the left side of the room. Leo still doesn't answer him as he stands in front of the shelves while looking back at it every few seconds. "Fine... be like that. It's not like I cared for a response from you." He said as he sticks his tongue at Leo. He then looks at the girl with bandages over her eyes and her leopard companion. Whoever this person was, they certainly gave off the aura of a captain of a ship. Maybe he'll speak with her after the meeting to ask her something if there's enough time.
One of Malice's ears flicked as the boy spoke, quickly accompanied by Annabelle's attention being turned in his direction. Malice stalked over to the boy and walked up beside him, gently nudging him with her body. He was small. "So you're the third stowaway, huh?" she asked as she tilted her head, seemingly judging the boy's appearance despite her lack of vision. "A bit small to be sticking your nose in dangers untold. You should listen to Leo, he knows just how dangerous these kinds of...ventures can be." she said as she turned her attention back towards the door. "Someone tell me when everyone's here. Something tells me when this room gets full I'm going to become very disorientated" she sighed. She could pick out shapes with Malice, but not distinctly enough to tell who was there and who wasn't. The sounds would get quite muffled as well.
Deluros took a seat and took of his hat. He stroked his dishevelled hair as it was sticking to his face as of the result of sweat. Kaku flew in and did circles around the table, flapping his wings at a slow pace. Deluros put his sword on his lap and put his elbows on the table, anxious for the meeting to start.
"I know how to take care of myself." Mus said as he rubbed Malice's head. "Size doesn't matter if you have the guts to face danger head-on. I'll fight anyone or anything that tries to harm me and beat the living daylight out of them." He then raises his fists before punching invisible enemies in front of him to show off his fighting skills.

"Ha," Leo said while rolling his eyes. "Very funny, captain. Make fun of the guy with the worst luck in the room. It's not like I have feelings too." When the sword wielding pirate entered the room, he silently greets them with a nod. Then he pats Mus' head. "Sure, like that time when that big dog managed to pin you down using only its weight. You tried getting him off of you with all your strength, but you still couldn't escape until I had to intervene. What a funny day to remember." He snickered. Mus looks up at Leo with his eyebrows furrowed before kicking him in the shin. "Ow!" He yelled out before kneeling down on one knee to rub his injured shin. "Not cool, Mouse!"
Deluros chuckled.

"Leo, you're letting yourself get beaten up my a midget? What a shame." He looked at the kid unsure of his feelings about him. He seemed like an over confident midget in Deluros' eyes. He snickered and put his hands behind his head, finally feeling relaxed.
Solace entered the captain's quarters and overheard Deluros mock Mus. She then whacked him upside the head. "Leave him be. Or ye shall deal with me." Solace said. She was tiny herself but she packed a powerful punch. "Hey Mus." She smiled patting his head. He was so much like her brother that she couldn't help but adore him. "So Annabelle." Solace had finally learned her name, "Do ye have a plan or are we shooting in da dark here?" Solace knew she could convince Lots to do whatever she said and they would get past their screening, plus her father was very high ranked and well known throughout Sola. But she wanted to know what this girl was capable of doing. If she could really be a captain or not, after all Solace didn't pledge her allegiance to anyone.
When Mus rubbed Malice's head, Annabelle flinched, "Ey, ask a lady before you touch her like that!" she demanded before regaining her composure. She brushed her shirt off and stood up straight again while the two boys fought, "and Leo, learn when someone's not making fun of you, will you?" she said with a slight shake of her head. She sat back down in her captain's chair and waited for everyone to arrive...or who she was pretty sure was everyone. Close enough anyways. "Alright, so we're going to dock and when we do they expect us to be part of the Interstellar Navy, and also for Lots to be captain. Unfortunately, that's the exact opposite of true. That aint good news. Furthermore, we can't kill them because of our location. So, we've got to find a way of clearing their customs. Now, if we all pretend we're part of Lot's little human trafficking ring, Lots will be arrested and we'll get off scot free. The ship will be commandeered most likely, but if we play our cards right, I reckon we can get our business done here and then take the ship back in the dark of the night. Sound good?" she asked with a smirk.

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