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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Well you see Ozpin," Elinore started up as she looked down with her hands folded in her lap, "I was in the forest, as I regularly go," prior to being part of a team, Elinore went to the forest quite often when she wasn't on the roof. Loki had gone with her once.... "I was walking and I thought I was alone. I heard rustling and was under the impression that I was being stalked by a grim. By the time I realized that it was a team of students, it was too late....and I tired to run but my team found me. The brought me back but....I couldn't deal with the guilt, so I ran away," she said as she started choking up, "and I ran into the White Fang and they recognized I was a student and my team found me again so they helped me fight, but we crashed in the Forest while trying to escape and it's all just been a blur. It was all me Ozpin....I did it...I did...."

Okay, so Elinore fabricated the whole thing, but it was her story, and she was sticking to it. It wasn't like she was innocent of murder in the first place. And some of it was true. She just needed to buy time for William and Michael to rescue Aires and Benjamin.
Ozpin nods to Michael before silently staring at Elinore, not saying one word when she told her part of the story. He looks at the other occupants of the room in hopes that someone else might confirm if the story was true, but receives no other response. "Hmm... that would explain how the deceased were killed by an explosion." Ozpin said before he lifts up his glasses. "Then I have no choice but to send you to the academy's detention center until I can find a suitable punishment for your crimes. Ms. Regit, please escort Elinore there and everyone else can leave now."

Alex sighs as he leaves the room with a unconscious William over his shoulder and anyone else who left the office with him. He didn't expect that outcome to happen. "So you murdered that entire team by yourself?" He asked as Natalya handcuffs Elinore with the cuffs that William used to have, which was taken off of him after he was proved "innocent" in the case. "That's sounds like bull, but I won't question your story. Just... don't do something stupid at the detention center. The guards there will kill you if you try to escape."
Elinore sighed and allowed herself to be escorted without any resistance "I think I can handle myself Alex. Just make sure that William focuses his attention on getting our team back from the White Fang." Elinore murmured quietly s no one else could hear, "I don't need anyone else to be in trouble so do whatever you can to stop him from trying to get me out. I just need my team to be all back together and safe. We don't need anymore Loki's." she said with a shake of her head.

Loki, Annabelle, Markus, Rolland. Four people, just like that team of freshman. Someone had to take the bullet for this one, it might as well be her.
"A bunch of malarkey."

Standing in the doorway of Professor Ozpin's office was none other than Mr. X, who seemed to look over all the room's occupants real quick before centering on Ozpin.

"I've been doing some research while hunting these numbskulls down. And I feel I have sufficient evidence to lay down a proposal!" He said while his hands applauded.

He silenced them again before waving his finger in the air "Now I've come to realize that there seems to be a factor that I overlooked earlier, one that puts both Elinore AND Will out of the possible suspects list."

"There were no traces of dust or shrapnel." Mr. X stated "And an explosion large enough to kill those students had to have some significant fire power behind it, we don't train pushovers."

"That explosion, was formed not of conventional means." Mr. X concluded with another round of floating hand applause "And as valiant as the little Missy's attempt at self deprecation may be, it is false."

"So unless somebody would like to tell me how one would form an explosion without any external appliance. I confirm that we still have a murderer loose, and when they are discovered, they shall be given to the police. Let the government deal with their failed attempts at making decent people on this world."
"Don't worry about him. I'll make sure the idiot stays on task." Alex murmured back right before Mr. X appears at the doorway and gives Ozpin enough evidence to save Elinore from a trip to the detention center. "Okay... I did not see that coming."

"Elinore, why did you lie to me?" Ozpin asked after Mr. X connected most of the pieces of the case together. "If you aren't the murderer, then who are you trying to cover for? Actually, now that I notice it, where are your two other teammates and who is this girl next to you?" He asked while staring at Trinity. "I never seen her at the academy until today."

"Seems like you're in a lot of trouble now..." Natalya whispered as she takes the handcuffs off of Elinore's wrists.
And she was so close! It looked like X didn't know Aires was behind it, unwillingly at that, but they were a step closer to figuring out it was her. Elinore would not allow it. But now Elinore was in a different kind of trouble. The correctional center seemed like a better option that trying to explain why she covered Aires tracks while still covering Aires' tracks. This was going to be hard. She sighed and let Natalya uncuff her. What was she going to do now? "Professor Ozpin, when your team needs you, you do whatever you must to help them." she replied simply. That was about as good as an explanation as anyone was getting out of her.
Michael look out the window and exhales. "On the contrary.... Who ever your are x or something was it... Our dear Elinore is capable of such an explosive force and is not the only persons in this room either." Turning and taking a drag Michael moves to Natalya and recuffs Elinore snagging the key in the process "you look familiar I think we have yet to be acquainted... Formally. Oz I think for now I should stick with will and keep an eye on him and if you will allow I'll keep looking for Aaries and Benjamin." Moving away and starting to dump his pipe. His raven cape swaying boots banging. "I am in not position to tell you what to do Ozpin your the headmaster do as you think best.
Ozpin sighs to Elinore's response and Michael's proposal. "I see..." He muttered before he gets up and walks toward one of the glass windows in the office. One could see the entire layout of Beacon Academy from his vantage point. "I don't what's going on with your team right now, but that response makes it seem like they're in some sort of trouble." Turning around to face them, he puts his hands on top of his cane before tapping it on the floor. "We already lost an entire team of future Hunters and Huntresses. I don't feel like losing another one. Mr. X and Michael, I want you two to assist the remaining members of Team WABE on their mission to retrieve their missing teammates. However, if possible, try not to blow something up nearby the city. Glynda is getting sick of covering up our students' mistakes and will probably be... annoyed if asked to do one more cover-up within this week."

"No, we never did." Natalya said as she takes a few steps toward Michael and slides her finger down his cape. "My name is Natalya Regit, a combat professor in Beacon Academy. I like lien, romantic-comedy movies, and idiots like those two guys behind me." She said while pointing her other finger at Alex and a unconscious William, who just muttered something about a roof. "Though I dislike smokers, feathers, and anyone who thinks they can steal from me unnoticed." She walks back to Elinore and uncuffs her with the key Michael took from her earlier. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."
"I think I might of hit you too hard..." Michael just smiled and walked to the door holding a small case he moved to store in his coat pocket with his pipe

(Ooc netalya and Michael fought in the library before will)
"Of course she's capable, like I said: we don't train pushovers." Mr. X stated as he leaned back in a chair of floating hands "What we don't do, is the impossible."

"All weapons and dust, no matter their shape or form, leave a traceable substance no matter the size. Small arms, explosives, automatic weaponry, Bingaman weapons, and all known forms of dust leave traces. My weapons, Team WABE's weapons, Alex and Natalya's weapons. It is a rule of existence that has existed since man first made fire."

"The reason Elinore couldn't have been the one to have caused the explosion, is because no trace of weaponry was found. And that is impossible, unless something other than weaponry was used." Mr. X put a hand to his mask "Actually, the only other possibility would be a semblance now that I think about it. And Miss Elinore has pretty much blatantly stated that our culprit is one of her teammates."

Mr. X arose from his chair of floating hands and peered at Elinore, then Will "These two numbskulls show their semblances all the time without abandon, but I don't think I've ever seen Ben's semblance. I can't recall the bird girl's semblance either."

He began clapping "So all we need is to find Ben and the flying one, then we'll get them to show us their semblance, and the one with the most explosive properties should be the killer. Not only that, it would have to be non traceable explosives."

"So while Elinore spends some time in detention Writing the phrase: 'I will never ever lie to faculty again.' Exactly five hundred and seventy four times, and Will is under supervision until the Project gets finished, the apprentice and I shall find our missing cockatoo patriots."

His hands burst into cheering as the vale national anthem began playing, he placed one foot on his recently emptied chair as two floating hands dragged a flag behind and unfurled it. It was the Beacon Flag, waving dramatically for some reason.

"For no rain, hail or storm shall prevent a hearty patriot from dispensing justice for the families of the departed."

Abruptly, the music stopped as Mr. X seemed to realize something. His floating hands promptly pulled the flag away as he focused on Ozpin.

"By the way, I heard about that suicide. It was mind blowing, I hear estranged parents are still fighting viciously over who's fault it was. Oh, but the murderer apparently never thought that killing those innocent protectors of the lives of hundreds, would cause several families too fall apart. How is dealing with those raging revenge seekers, Ozpin? I saw several of them being dragged away from your office not too long ago. The people seem to want blood for this, we can't keep the police away forever. If we don't give them their killer, both of our positions will be placed in crucial jeopardy."
"You may have seen Elinore's semblance but you haven't felt it. I would purpose that if used correctly you could create a conclusive explosion. By ionizing the air with a flash of powerful flames" now Michael moved to sit near the wall. "Given time and meditation... Possibly a lot of practice will could achieve that same thing at a short distance. If any one of those kids had a metal weapon he could strike that causing an arc blast. Vaporizing the metal and anyone around it. Given enough time I could probably figure it out myself. No one in this room spare staff know their true potential." Michael started to draw out a cross on his armor.
"If you think that's going to help them get closer to their team, then I'll allow it." Ozpin replied as he looks around his office to find the source of the music. Realizing it was futile to search for something that cannot be seen, he looks at Natalya. "Ms. Regit, please transfer Elinore to a empty classroom to do her punishment. When she completes the task, send her to back to her room and stay close to her until Mr. X and Michael return with her missing teammates." He then looks at Alex. "Alex, your in charge of supervising William. However, if William manages to get out of Beacon again or causes a problem within the academy, you're going to lose your job this time."

The dean sighs when Mr. X mentions about his previous visitors. He motions Alex and Natayla to leave, who do so immediately to avoid getting involved in the new discussion. After they leave, Ozpin sits back down on his chair. "It's not easy trying to keep everything behind the scenes, mostly when there's a murderer out there waiting to kill again." He said sullenly. "Those revenge seekers aren't going to be the last ones coming into this office for answers I don't possess right now. Goodwitch even told me earlier that if we don't find the killer by tomorrow morning, the Vale Police Department are going to get involved in this case. However, what Michael said is true. So if we don't resolve our current problem by the deadline, I'll have Elinore sent to the police as the killer they're looking for. Maybe it'll give us a little bit more time to find the killer, if Elinore isn't the real one already, before she's presented to the Vale Council for punishment."

Entering a empty classroom, Natalya leads Elinore to the front of the room and instructs her to write the phrase, 'I will never ever lie to faculty again', five hundred and seventy four times. While this was going on, Alex sits in the front row with Trinity and places a unconscious William right next to him. "Wake up or else I'm going to slap you." He threatened William, who remained silent. Annoyed, he slaps William's face to wake the student up but still receives no response from him. "Well he's a lost cause for now." He muttered before turning to Trinity. "Since he won't wake up anytime soon, do you mind telling me how your acquainted with Team WABE? You know, for security purposes."
Sora began to laugh. She laughed so much that it began to hurt her. " Do you actually think I would ever give you my daughter's hand? I'd sooner let the Monkey marry her."

"Welcome to the family dude!" Kaze teased Ben, but before he could reply Ben's body went limp. His soul was then transferred to Trinity's mind and was manifested in front of her. Too bad neither of them knew what was happening over yonder at Beacon.

Sora then clapped her hands.

"Soldiers, your freedom will go to whoever kills him." She said pointing at Castelion.

"No way in hell are you having my daughter." She looked over at Aires and smirked, "Aires, darling, a little help? Why don't we teach this ram a lesson." Aires nods her head and fires up another round of explosive blinks.

Ar kept taking down the troops one by one. He wondered where the hell Scarlett was at, after all she was the one all determined to take down the Leader of the White Fang.
"Yes, let's." She said as she slowly stood up. "Of course, we have to pay first..." She said as she reached for her wallet.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
Enrique waved her off. "I got it." He said, as he pulled out his wallet and paid for their little meal. He also left a good tip. "Alright, now shall we." He said as he smiled at her.

Constelion started to laugh at her.
"Oh, my dear Sora. They won't turn on their leader. They aren't filthy, good for nothing traitors such as yourself." He said as he he pulled Big Papi off his back. Big Papi was a new weapon that Constelion had developed, and learned to fight with. It was a double bladed halberd that had a 50 caliber embedded in the shaft of the halberd. The barrel stuck out between both of the blades. It was about as tall as Constelion. "Do you like my new toy. I had it made just for you. You might find it to be a little... Scary." He said as he pulled the trigger that was on the staff of the halberd. 50. cal bullets were fired in Sora's direction. "Hope I don't hurt you deary!"He said with a sinister laugh to follow.
"Let's go back then..." She said as she held out her hand for him to hold.

Acid simply watched the scene impassively. She had decided to follow her sister on her date to make sure he wouldn't be doing anything...unsavory. She didn't know where her other sisters were, only saying they were going to be tailing someone while in the sky. She slowly removed her aim from the boy Teri was with when she saw that their date was over.
Ben was about to argue with Kaze and the ram, but suddenly his body went limp as he passed out. He felt like he was being transported to the afterlife until he appeared infront of a very large Trinity who was being escorted out of Ozpin's office.

"What the dust?" Trinity said as a small, floating Ben appeared in front of her. "Ben? What are you doing? Why are you so small?" She said aloud, prompting her escorts to look at her with puzzled expressions.

"Hey, I resent that statement!!!" Ben yelled aloud before covering his mouth. During this he figured out he could read Trinity's thoughts to a degree. Maybe it's her telepathy... No time for that, talk you fool... "Hey, you can just think and I'll know, there's no time to deal with this. Aires and I are in trouble at the WF base. The leader is there and we need you guys to help us. Where's will and Elinore?"

"They were escorted to different rooms for punishment. Elinore took the blame for murdering students."

"We'll go convince Ozpin we need them to help free us." Ben stated and tried to run towards Ozpin's class, discovering he could only turn.

"And how do you propose I do that?" Trinity questioned as she walked back to the deans room.

"Just explain the situation or plant a thought. I don't know, just do it." Ben suggested as she knocked on the door.
"I'm afraid they will turn. You see my mission is simple. Kill you. You will never get my daughter's hand. I'd sooner die." Sora stood spitting in his direction. Ar chuckled to himself and Aires grimaced. Kaze stood in front of his sister, looking ball he whispered, "Don't worry stood, big brother is here to and you. You're boyfriend will get your friends and you'll be back South them soon." He smiled brightly. In the back of Aires's mind she wanted nothing more than a happy ending.
"Oh what a touching moment, a family comes together to protect one of their own... I must say I am quite jealous of you. I didn't really have a family... Oh woe is me that I had no family love me." He said in a sarcastic tone. He didn't really care. "Oh what a noble mission." He said as he laughed. "But you do know that I'm not going to take it easy on you... and that goes for all of you." He yelled out. He took off his gloves and threw them on the ground at her feet. He pulled big Papi out of the ground and pointed it at Sora. "Now my dear Sora. Shall we begin?" He said with a devious grin painted on his face. He pulled the trigger and .50 cal shells began flying out of the beast of a weapon.
After hearing a knock on the door, Ozpin tells the visitor that the door was open. "Hello." Ozpin greeted Trinity as she entered the office. "What do you need-" He stared at Trinity's face for a moment in hopes of remembering if she was one of his students. "...I'm sorry. What was your name again?"

"How long are you going to take?" Natalya asked after getting bored of watching Elinore write on the chalkboard for a few minutes. "You still need to write that stupid line down at least four hundred and ninety-nine more times. Can't you write faster?"

William wakes up to find himself in a classroom. He wasn't sure how he got there, but wasn't going to question it. "Elinore, why are you writing down 'I will never ever lie to faculty again' on the chalkboard?" He asked when he noticed Elinore and Natalya in front of the chalkboard.
"I'm sure I would wright faster if you just stopped watching me. How much supervision do I need? Is life in jail AND writing not punishment enough?" Elinore groaned as she continued to write. Dust this was awful. And now William was awake. She didn't want to have to explain the whole situation over again, especially not in front of Natalya. "I got detention because I'm not a very good student." she said with a shrug. "now how about you and Natalya go away for a bit. It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon." Five hundred was a very large number.
"I can't tell him my real name. I'm a wanted criminal. And I steal from Beacon often. I need to be able to come back." Trinity told the small Ben.

"We don't have time for this. Just tell him before I wake up!" Ben retorted and folded his arms.

"Okay." She replied before returning her attention to Ozpin. "My name is Trinity Grey. I'm Ben's little sister of sorts. And he has a problem and needs the help of his whole team to get out of it. He is stuck in a White Fang base with Aires..." She stated before Ben yelling at her to shut up.

"He doesn't need to know every little detail."

"You're the one thinking it..."

"Shut up." Ben said defeated.
"Oh... that's awesome." William replied as he drowsily got up to leave the room. "I'll be waiting right next to the door if you need me." Exiting the room, he sits down on the ground next to the door to wait for Elinore when she's finished with her punishment. "I wonder why she has detention?" He asked no one. "Did they find out about that stink bomb prank we pulled off on the roof last week? Or was that last month? Hmm... whatever. Time to sleep." He mumbled to himself before going back to sleep again.

"Nope." Natalya said after William left the classroom by himself. "If I leave and something explodes in this room, I'm going to be blamed for it. So I'm going to continue staring at you like a starving Nevermore waiting for its prey to make the wrong move." To annoy Elinore a bit more, she continuously pokes her with a ruler she found on a desk. "You can write faster than that! I believe in you!"

"So that's where they've been this entire time." Ozpin said as he takes out his scroll and begins typing on it. "Ms. Grey, I thank you for telling me this crucial piece of information. I'll make sure to have your older brother and his teammate return to Beacon as soon as possible. However, do you happen to know where this White Fang base is located at? I can't send in a rescue party without knowing where to send them."
Right about the time will was walking out of the classroom Michael had just turned and was walking to the door. He had ran to his room grabbed a few things and ran back following the slightly ionized smell of wiliam and as he saw will he held up a finger in front of his mouth and then passed on a large deaths head helmet and grabbed will by the collar as he pushed the door open. He let go of will and unnaturally fast jumped Natalya he had brought a gift for her and it had help that she had taken off Elinore's handcuffs. As Natalya turned to look at who entered Michael made his move "miss me?" He whispered and his helmets speaker pushed it at a little bit louder that a normal voice. Michael swings an uppercut that catches her right under the jaw and picks her up ever so slightly as she falls out cold to the floor Michael races to catch her. "Nice to see you Elinore now don't mind me I'm just going to give Natalya a few extra touches and were going to get Ben and Aires." Michael pulls out a wig and a jacket similar to Elinore's as well as Natalya's handcuffs... A smile spreading across his face. "Sorry about that hun"

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