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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Nodding to alex, Michael strode to the bullhead and stepped a bored the craft sitting with his sword in his lap he relaxed "dust"
"Natalya?" Aires felt something sweeping over her and it was a warm feeling in the middle of her gut. She ran towards Elinore with the help of the professors and she looked at Will a little frantic. I don't want to kill my friends but I need to finish off my family . . . What if I end up killing my friends. What am I going to do? She looked at her friends and then looked back the sky. And what about Ben . . .
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Angel looked at her surroundings, then to Tavril, shaking her head. "I actually want to see what the inside looks like. I guess I'm just a little curious.. Hehe.." She told him, a small smile on her face. Taking a few small steps, Angel looked more closely at the weathered down house. Part of it was burn off and the other almost unscathed. Walking closer, she traced her fingers on the burned remains of the house, almost getting lost in her own world.

Remembering Tavril was behind her, she turned to face him. "Well?" She asked him, tilting her head. "Aren't you going to show me around the house?" She added, smiling brightly at him.

"Alex . . . Natasha, what are you two doing here?" She asked them as the comotion started to die down. She stared at Elinore feeling guilty about what had happened. Then she heard it, Aires, my lovely little bird girl, come now and do what mommy says. She gripped Will's wrist and her eyes read worry as she whispered, "Run." Her face was pained and it was as if she was sorry for what she was about to unconciously. Aires had no more strength to fight them inside her mind. Her eyes switched from purple to the gold purple that signified her parents had her under their complete control. Aires managed to shift away before she could do any real damage. Blinking towards a ship it blow up and causes a ripple to occur. She begins to slip away. That's a good girl. My beautiful little bird come back to your flock, we need you.

"Yes, mother." She says before spreading her wings to fly away.

"Lovely, she's on her way. Hah. Those little fools don't understand that they will never be able to free her mind." Sora beamed proudly at her little experiment.

"Unless you kill her." Kaze said softly. Sora's demeanor shifted and she turned on her heels to face him.

"What was that?"

"It's true. All you want her here for is to take her semblance away and do away with her. She's your daughter. I understand that I'm his son and that'll never have a place with you, but all this is ridiculous. Why can't we be a family? A good one or evil one, that doesn't matter as much as being together does."

"Silence." Sora said waving her hand and letting it glow. She places it in front of her face so that it covers her face, except for eyes, palm facing towards him. "She doesn't belong with us. Your father took hr away and I finally found her. But she's too deep into that Huntress crap. She's a fool and I don't have use for fools that won't listen to my command." She walks away after that.

"Father I don't understand."

"Aires is a traitor. She blinded you and wants to kill us, if we let go of our control over her, she'll destroy us all. We shouldn't have anything to fear there's no real breaking of the spell she's under. That's why we have the Monkey Faunus working for us. The farther away he is from her the better control we have over her." Ar smacks Kaze's shoulder before heading off.
"Welcome to the Luminous house." Tavril said with a grin as he gestured to the rubble like a tour guide. "On your left, you'll see what used to be the front door" he announced with a gesture towards a missing wall. "Right now we're in the living room. Back before it burnt down mother father and I would all sit by the fireplace and read stories about Hunters and Huntresses and famous Faunus throughout history." he said with a fond smile. "And as you follow me into the house that is still in tact, we'll enter the kitchen." he said as he entered through the archway. Tavril led Angel through the ground floor in his normal tourist way until they got to the stairs "now if you're brave enough, I'll take you to see upstairs."
Going allong with his antics, she gave him oohs and aahs. Although she couldn't hold it in, Angel laughed at Tavril for acting like a tourist guide. "It somewhat suits you, Fluffy." She told him, a small giggle following. "And are you kidding? After showing me the main floor I wouldn't chicken out." She said, replying to his previous remark. "I'm a brave little girl!" She added, puffing out her chest, hands on her hips like a superhero.

Walking a few steps forward, she turned to face him. "Come on! I'm more excited than you are!" She called out to him, waving her arms around in happiness.

"Are you making this a challenege?" Tavril asked as he ran up followed Angel up the stairs. Once at the top he pointed towards the first door on the right "That one is mom and dad's. We're not allowed in there." he chuckled before moving on, "That one was my room" he said as he pointed across the hall "And that..." he paused for a moment as he pointed straight ahead. The rest of the hallway had been lost to the fire. All that remained as a couple inches of the front of what used to be a pink room, "that's where the bottle of dust landed and ignited."
(Sorry, forgot)

Enrique nodded as the waiter handed him the pastry. He took a small bite. "MMMMM." He said. The pastry was really good. He took a sip from his coffee, it was a bit hot. "Ow.ow.ow. Hot. Hot. Hot." He said fanning his tongue.
"You alright?" Teri asked as she looked at him. "Do you want me to get you some water?" She added, getting ready to stand and do so.
"Oh no." He said waving his hands in front of his face. "I'll be alright." He said taking some cream and pouring it inside the coffee. "Just needs some Cream." He said smiling at her. He looked at her. She was very beautiful, and still wearing his jacket. "So do you like that jacket?"
She blushed and stuttered. "Y-yeah...I'll return it later so don't worry." She said as she tried to make herself stop blushing.
"Ah don't worry about it. I even think you look pretty good in that." He said with a grin on his face. He took another small bite from his pastry.
"A little birdy - not you of course - told us Mr. X was coming after your glorious leader for murdering a team of students today." Natalya replied as the Bullhead flew out of the city's limits.

"Ozpin sent me an email about the situation a while ago." Alex said as he gave Natalya the death stare. "He wants us to transfer the idiot back to the academy for punishment. Of course, before Mr. X gets his floating hands on him."

Before anyone could say something about the accusation, suddenly two dots appeared on the radar. Two Bullheads, both armed with machine guns, were flying behind their airship. The unknown airships then sped up and were flying right next to them, one on each side. "We got company!" William exclaimed when the side doors of the Bullheads open to reveal White Fang soldiers pointing guns at them. He feels Aires grab his arm before telling him to run. "What are you talking about?! We're about to get lit up-" One of the hostile Bullheads blows up after Aires blinks at it, which causes their ride to go off-balance into the other airship.

"Hey! Don't blow them up when they're right next to us!" Alex yelled out as he tries to regain the airship's balance in the air with Natalya. The remaining hostile Bullhead falls back to regain control of their own ride, but not without randomly shooting its machine guns at them.

"Okay, now that was convenient." William muttered to himself before checking to see if everyone else was okay. Alex and Natalya were too busy trying to keep them afloat, Michael seems fine with his sword on his lap, unconscious Elinore still in her seat thanks to her seat belt, and Aires spreading her wings to fly out of the airship. Now how to deal with the current threat... wait a minute. What was Aires doing? "Aires, what are you doing?!" He asked as he frantically gets out of his seat to grab Aires' arm.
Enrique didn't really know what to do now. It was his first date, and he had no real clue what would be good. "So. You said you came from a little town?" He said.
"I didn't come from anywhere...well according to my sisters we had a home somewhere far west but I spent most of my life camping outside villages or in their outposts fighting off Grimm that attacked."
"Interesting." He said as he took a sip from his coffee. "So tell me about your sisters, What are they like?"
With the slight mood change, Angel look to Tavril with sad eyes. "It was a case of arson...?" She asked him, tilting her head to one side. "But, why..?" She added, a small frown on her face.

Thinking that she caused this, she turned to face the direction he was pointing at, taking a few steps until she reached the somewhat unstable end of the hallway. Bending down, she swiped at the ground, a few remains of what she thought could be dust transferred onto her fingers. Clearing her head, she jumped up to face Tavril. "Shall we get going..?" She asked him, trying to smile to lighten up the situation.

"As I'm sure you know, people have never...respected faunus. Before the White Fang started taking respect by force, my mother, father, little sister and I all lived in piece. There was even a human family that lived not too far away. I used to always play with their two little girls. We didn't dislike humans at all, but the feeling wasn't mutual throughout their entire species. So one night...well...now Scarlet...you've seen how she is now."

"I heard that some exciting business has just gone down in Vale. If we hurry up they may just take us just the place we want to be~" a silky voice cooed from bellow their location. Tavril's attention snapped back to reality. He grabbed Angel and covered her mouth. He pulled her behind a wall with him and perked his ears to listen further.

"Then let us hurry on and hope we do not cross paths with the Hunters" a heavy accented voice replied.

"I wouldn't worry about them"

"But where there is one, there is always more. Is better not to worry in the first place, do you not agree?"

As the conversation dragged on, Tavril started to seemingly disappear behind Angel. He slowly looked over the edge of the wall to see what was happening downstairs. There was a hatch open where the fireplace used to be. Tavril held Angel in place until his parents were out of view. He finally let go of her and faded back into reality "Guess this place isn't as abandoned as I thought it was. Let's grab those uniforms and go..." he muttered silently as he headed towards his old room.

Elinore was awoken by an explosion. What was- oh gosh she was tired. What happened? Were they on a ship? What was Aires trying to get away? "Aires...trying to leave us already?"
Angel didn't mutter a word and just followed him quietly. 'Who was that?' She thought to herself, too afraid to ask Tavril. Following Tavril, they made way to what she thought was his room.

And just like every other room in what used to be a pleasant house, it was almost burnt to a crisp. She looked around the room, dragging her fingers along any surface they would come into contact with.

"Where are they kept, Tavril?" She asked, turning to face him.

Leaning forward to look at the burnt and broken corps of the bullhead drop from The sky Michael started to load his sword placing its unsheathed length in his lap and humming to him self madly. "never have this much fun in Adam quite dead." He spoke as he stood Aries had jumped out of the bull head. "I suppose you want me to help her William? O good morning Luna long time no see" with out waiting for will Michael moved to the doorway to see about the situation out side.
The hostile Bullhead stops shooting its guns and avoids hitting Aires as she flies past it. The faunus pilot didn't feel like getting executed for crashing into their superiors' daughter today. Firing at their target again when Aires was out of firing range, they manage to hit one of the airship's wings and causes it to go on fire.

William is pulled back to his seat by the seat belt. He watches Aires fly out of the airship before he could do take the seat belt off. "If you have wings, yes. If not, then shoot that Bullhead down before it manages to damage the airship again." He replied while looking at the burning wing of the airship. Hopefully Alex can land their Bullhead without crashing into a tree, but that's just wishful thinking. That man is probably going to kill everyone with his horrible piloting skills.

"We're all probably going to die." Alex said before he avoids crashing into a tree. He was losing control of the Bullhead and knew the landing wasn't going to be smooth. The least he can do now was to land somewhere in the forest with a clearing. Chances of surviving would be higher without any injuries or deaths and... and... the engine just shut off by itself right now. "Yup, we're doomed." The airship falls down onto a small clearing and skids across the ground for a few seconds. Dirt and grass flying everywhere underneath it, the damaged airship suddenly stops before it almost crashes into a weathered down house in its destructive path.

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