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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Get off me you dirty shisno" Tavril growled as he tried to push Elinore off of him. Elinore stood up and brushed herself off "Yep. We need both of you." she said before looking around suspiciously "for a little game of espionage" she said in a hushed voice. "...what?" Tavril asked in shock as he tried to sit up, "you can't be serious. We're students. First year students. And you're....you. You can't do anything." he said with a gesture towards Elinore.
Constelion was in his office, in his "secret" lair. There were a few knives on his desk. His exploding ones. Someone knocked on his. After a second someone walked in. "It's a pleasure to see you again." He said with just enough enthusiasm to melt a stick of butter. "I have to say we missed in our last...situation. But I suppose with what you had done, you would need to hid out." He was facing the wall behind his desk. He turned his chair around. He had his white gloves on. He was of higher birth right then the others, so he knew he should.
After one ride from the air docks to the city, William enters the building as Elinore tackles Tavril. He was about to approach them when he notice Aires and Trinity were missing. "Probably they're on their way here. Elinore did run pretty fast." He mutters to himself. Walking toward the table where everyone was talking, he hears what Tavril said to Elinore.

"That's why we need all the help we can get for our mission." William said as he makes his presence known to everyone there. He wasn't in his normal attire, but at least they knew what his face looks like... maybe. "So are you two in or not? We don't have a lot of time left."
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"He's right, I need an answer NOW." Aires said shortly landing in front of the place and entering with Trinity close behind. Her eyes were mismatched. That meant she wasn't a threat. "We need to take some certain people down."
"Okay Okay." Tavil sighed as e stood up and brushed himself off "I'll help....but I can't look like me and I'll need a nickname. Scarlet is pretty well known in the White Fang...I'd be recognized in an instant." he said with a stern nod. Elinore grinned "Alright! How about you Angel?"

she asked with a clap of her hands. This mission was underway.


"Well of course I missed our last meeting darling" Scarlet announced as she strutted into the room. The "secret lair" scene was always so drab. At least there were no humans. But what she wouldn't do to spend a little time up above with the rest of the White Fang leaders. What a bore. "I presume that the world above has calmed down a bit?" she asked as she sat down, folding her hands on top of her crossed legs "I want to pay a certain family a....visit~"
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"Move it!" Kaze yelled towards the troops as they entered the cell where all the dust they were gathering was placed. He looked backed and tried finding a certain monkey faunus. Ben was sitting on top of one of the compartment chambers and was swinging his tail checking out a crystal. "Hmph, seems your a bit non-nonchalant. You need to show more respect when I'm in your presence." Kaze demanded and Ben smirked showing his teeth, flicking the crystal at Kaze. "You little punk. Looks like someone is missing their girlfriend. Too bad your girlfriend just killed your teammates and is on her here as we speak." At that moment Ben didn't move as much as he was. Kaze smirked knowing he hit a nerve. "Of course you don't believe me, why would you? It's not like I wanted to leave my teammates and betray my sister, but what had to be done was done, and I am not ashamed." Turning his back to Ben he slowly walks away. "Too bad for you. Looks like you only family left is the one member you're going to have to kill. Unless she kills you first." Chuckling he tends to some other duties as he tells two members to watch Ben closely.

"But that's not the point here Ar!"

"Sora, calm down. She's a great fighter, a wonderful villain, and she also a member of the White Fang. What harm is there in asking her for her help or force?" Ar asked slowly rubbing his wife's shoulders. Sora pulls away violently,

"Scarlet and I have never gotten along and besides that brute for a son she has is a thorn to look at. Remember when her daughter was alive?" She paused sighing a bit, "She was so pleasant back then but it's hard to remember if that was even reality. We use to be such good friends-"

"You use to be such good friends with Goodwitch too if my memory serves me well." He slowly embraces her from behind, "Remember when you use to want to become a Huntress?" He asks kissing her neck. She shivers and then chuckles nodding her head as the memories flooded her mind. "Soon we'll be a family again. The most powerful family in the White Fang. We just need her power."

"And we will get her power and Kaze's no pushover either I sense something is coming his way, something big, something that will take flight."

"Like what Father?" Kaze asks catching the end of their conversation. The two of them turn to face Kaze and see him kneelin down and bowing his head.

"Do not question us boy."

"Yes Mistress."

"Have you gotten the dust?"


"The Monkey?"


"Your sister?"

"Will shortly be arriving."

Sora smiled and approached him, "Good boy." She said patting his head.
After Constelion was finished with his visitor, he made his way out his door, and down the dimly lit hallway. "I swear if they don't fix the lights I am going to personally take care of the imbeciles myself." Closer towards the end of the hallway Constelion turned left. After a couple minutes of what seemed to be mindless wandering, he made his way to the information center. Where everything that had to do with the White Fang and hunters and huntresses were displayed on screens. 'Wouldn't kill anybody to label the Damn rooms.' He thought. He sat down in his chair. It had perks being, being the leader of the white fang. There is a lot of power that you have, you can control what people do, and how they do it.

He scratched his beard. "Ready my Airship... There is something I must do. He walked out the door. "And ready a couple of legions, and transport ships." He basically yelled.
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Angel smiled at the two, it was like watching a show on TV. "Well, if Tav's coming, then I'm going as well." She told Elinore, giving her a couple nods. "My bo staff has missed the taste of blood." She added, a devilish grin on her face, her second persona almost coming out. 'Stay in there!' She mentally yelled at Diaval, scared that she might scare both Elinore and Tavril away. 'I'll come out sooner or later, dear. Just you wait~' Diaval replied, giving Angel her signature smirk.

Shaking her head to clear things, Angel looked back to Elinore and Tavril. "So... What do we do now?"


Professor Ozpin glanced up from his desk as a hoarse of hands slammed open his door.

Mr. X entered with a severe lack of his characteristic silliness. He stomped over to Ozpin's desk quite loudly before digging his fingers into his desk as he leaned forward. Instead of the usual wacky speak and fluctuating voice, Mr. X seemed utterly serious. His voice also seemed stuck on low octaves only.

"YOU TOLD ME NOT TO WORRY!!!! THAT YOU HAD EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL!!!" Mr. X roared as he began leaving marks in the desk.

"Mr. X," Ozpin replied "I'm hoping that you can control yourself long enough to explain what you're talking about."

Mr. X cocked his head to the side and growled as several pairs of hands dumped a pile of bloody student uniforms on Ozpin's desk, causing the Professor to narrow his eyes bitterly.


Ozpin folded his hands and brought them to his mouth in contemplation, he then sighed in resignation "Which means-"

"As I suspected, William's finally lost control of his various mental instabilities and murdered his fellow students. All this time wasted on trying to find a peaceful resolution, we should have had him committed at the first sight of instability."

Ozpin watched in silence as Mr. X began pacing violently back in forth, the swarm of hands flying around erratically.

"But nooo, YOU said he could keep it under control, convinced ME that I could relax!!! We lost an entire TEAM Ozpin!!! One or two students due to a miscalculation of Grimm is one thing, but an ENTIRE TEAM!?! I was ordered to keep this Academy in as positive a light as possible while waiting for my cue, and your ignorance has jeopardized my mission. I hope you're ready to look into the eyes of the families as you tell them how you allowed the murderer of their children to attend classes with them knowing full well what the consequences would be. I, however, have to clean up the mess that you ignored."

Ozpin stayed silent as Mr. X took his leave with his horde of hands following behind. Ozpin stared at the bloody remains of his former students as Mr.X's final words echoed from the doorway.

"I'm going to find that name tarnishing runt .... and he shall answer.... to his sins."

"Your nickname will forever be Fluffy, no matter what the situation is." William told Tavril when both faunus agreed to join the mission. "So should we get you some make-up and new clothes to change your appearance? Perhaps make you look like a girl to avoid suspicion?" Then he feels a sudden chill run up his spine. "That felt really weird..." Nodding it off quickly, he looks at Angel. "Well we should first look for some recent crimes or events connected to the White Fang in the city. Hopefully we can find some clues there that'll bring us one step closer to locating our targets."
"Well if we're going to start anywhere, we should start with the dust shipments that have been jacked" Elinore said as she looked at her scroll. It seemed to be something the news was rather focused on "the White Fang has been pretty big in the dust game lately." she said with a nod. "Shall we go check it out?"

"Sounds like something they'd do." Tavril said with a nod after he had finished glaring at William for calling him fluffy "I'm going to go find a disguise. I'll meet up with you guys in an hour." he said before walking out of the noodle shop.
Nodding at every word all three of them said, Angel shook her head once more, making sure her other half wouldn't take over her body yet again, slapping her cheeks twice just for good measure. As Tavril was about to leave, she quickly got back into reality. "Oh! Tavril, wait! I'll uhm... I'll come with you." She said, quickly following behind him, waving good bye to Elinore and William. "We'll be back, guys~!" She called out to them, making sure not to be left behind by Tavril.
Mr. X was currently on route to the city, having scoured the majority of Beacon for his metallic Target had left him with only so many options to search.

Several hands were carrying him through the air, his rage induced heavy breathing a testament to the fact that he had no intention of calming down.

His sights were clear, his goal was obvious, he just had to-

"Excuse me, Sir!"

Mr. X turned back to see what appeared to be a long flying limo trailing after him. The top window was open, and Arata was sticking her head out with a megaphone in hand.

Immediately, Mr. X chuckled and turned around midair to face her.

"Ara Ara!" he joked as he pawed at the air passively "How's your day going?"

"It would've been better if my husband wasn't trapped in a Glyph sealed janitor's closet." She stated

"So the big guy told you about that?" Mr.X stroked his mask "Isn't he supposed to be deaf? I'm pretty sure his ears were destroyed by my vibes!"

"That's Mrs. Regit you're thinking of." Arata corrected "But enough chat, tell me how to retrieve my husband."

"Can't really get to that at the moment, the counter Glyphs require a specific form of actions that only I have memorized by heart." Mr. X put a hand to his chest self-righteously. "Besides, I'm busy hunting now... I'm sure it can wait for after I harvest that turtle from his metal shell."

"I, however, don't have the luxury to wait." Arata stated as she raised a pistol from the limo with her other hand "His particular expertise is needed, and waiting will only put a damper on it."

Mr. X gave a sigh of happy resignation before halting midair and letting the Limo catch up to him. He stepped on board as it continued in the direction of the city.

"Are you going to allow me to finish my wittle hunt?" Mr. X asked as he leaned closer to Arata, who was climbing out

"Not without acceptable resistance, I'm sure you have the maturity to refrain from taking this personally."

Almost immediately Mr. X swooned with mock pain "Oh Arata how could you!" He cried "I thought we were friends! I thought sharing all those super duper secrets with you meant something!"

"Enough childish banter, draw your weapon." Arata commanded as she dropped the megaphone into the flying limo and slid her other stun baton out of her pocket while also holding the pistol behind her back.

"Very well, but as your teacher I cannot due lasting damage." he said with a feminine pout before drawing his still sheathed Cavinite machete "I hope you don't mind if I kept this little doo hicky inside its home do you?"

As he asked his horde of hands began circling around the limo, ranging from cheering to applauding.

Arata just gave him a disapproving glare as she readied her stance.

"As Port always said, Never a bad time for a sparring match."

Immediately, Arata leaped towards him Baton sparking.

As she anticipated, he caught it easily with a swing of his weapon. She quickly followed by swinging her pistol forward, already pulling the trigger.

He pushed against her baton, using her own weapon to throw off the trajectory of the bullet. It sped off into the sea of hands as she leaped back to avoid his counter swing.

She retaliated with a barrage of bullets designed to get him to come to her. It worked in a way, immediately after deflecting the majority of bullets he knelt down before propelling himself into the air like some kind of grasshopper.

She fired after him up until he began descending face forwards like a missile.

After several more shots she rolled out of the way as Mr. X crashed head first into the roof of the limo.

He struggled for a second to tear his head out of the hole, the robotic driver inside trying desperately to keep focused on the road.

The second he tore his head out, he had to dislodge a piece of the limo's roof from the mouth of his mask.

Arata rushed to take advantage of his distraction when she had to roll back out of the way of a rather large clump of floating hands that swung towards her position.

Mr. X dislodged the piece of roof and tossed it to a nearby floating hand before the hand flew over to the clump.

A hand with an eye drawn on it grabbed hold of the top of the clump and turned it towards Arata.

She stepped back as the clump swiped at her, before leaping at it and bashing her baton against its side.

It jerked violently before flying forwards and using its own body to knock Arata back some more.

Mr. X stood near the front of the limo tapping his sheathed Cavinite machete against his shoulder and whistled a jaunty tune.

"Come on AraTara," he joked as he watched Arata battle the clump of hands "You're not even going to get to me at this rate!"

Meanwhile, inside the limo....

Besides the android chauffer, Karmella and Maxwell were packed into the back seat. Maxell flinching at the sounds of battle going on above them, he occasionally glanced at the spot where Mr. X had literally imbedded his own head in the ceiling.

Karmella was humming something happily, occasionally taking sips of the martini she'd brought from their room at Beacon.

"Ah, Max" she said with an overdramatic sigh "don't you just love the air up here? So empowering!"

As she said it, another burst of small arms fire rose up again, causing Maxwell to look up at the ceiling of the limo in concern once more.

Karmella rolled her eyes at his behavior "Oh go help her already" she muttered "your taking up leg room."

Maxwell glanced at her a bit before squeezing past her to the sun roof and climbing out.

Karmella took another sip of her Martini as Maxwell's heavy footsteps were soon added to the sounds of battle.

"Oh kids," she muttered with a smirk "they gotta act young while they can."
Elinore's attention snapped from the news reel on her scroll to the sounds of crashes in the streets "Well if we're going to move out, now's the time." Elinore said as she grabbed William and Aires by their hands and dragged them out of the store. The massive gaggle (heard...murder?) of floating hands was anything but impossible to miss. So it was Mr. X. He still brought her bad memories of him drinking....she gagged slightly and averted her gaze "Let's avoid...that as best as we can" she said with a gesture towards the area before heading off away from the mess.

Tavril look over at Angel and spotted "You should never travel alone" he said with a shrug. "I've gotta head back to my old place to go fetch my old White Fang uniform. It should still fit me, if it's even there anymore." he stopped when a giant hand crossed their path. It seemed an altercation was happening in the streets "I have a better idea. Let's not go with way."
William follows his teammates toward the docks. When they arrive, the Vale police already have the entrance blocked off with news teams in front of the blockade. Apparently everyone wants to get leads on the White Fang today. "Well this is going to be harder than I thought it would be." William said after pulling down his hat to cover his face a bit more. "So anyone have a extra police uniform on them? Or a way to obtain information without getting caught by the police?" He asked while looking for a way to get in the docks. "We're not going anywhere without knowing where to look for the White Fang."
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Enrique was sitting in the little cafe. Him and Teri were sitting outside. It was a nice day out. He heard a little commotion, but shrugged it off. "So Teri, tell me what do you like to do in your spare time?"
"Well, I used to spend my free time tweaking my weapon, now I just read stuff and maybe tinker with things from time to time. What about you? What do you do with your free time?" She said.
"Well now that's an interesting question." He said scratching his chin. " I do like to read. Then there is singing. That can entertain me for some time." He said. "But if I had to say it would be just looking up at the night sky... Have you ever really looked up at the night sky?"
"I have, a lot of times before Beacon, mostly in lookout towers outside villages that hired me." She looked somber. "It's just very beautiful..."
"Yeah. They are." He said looking up at the sky. There weren't any stars out because it was still day. He noticed her look. "Mind if I ask why you look so down?"

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