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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"You sure?" He said as the waiter walked over. "Hello, and welcome to Vale's delights. What can I start you off with?"
"I'll just take a medium coffee with a scone." He said looking over towards Teri. "And for you my dear?" He said.
"Well that's good to hear... When I first meet you, you seemed saddened... Now you seem to be happier." He said scratching his nose.
Aires felt Elinore's hands grab hers and she felt safe for a second. Then she noticed Mr. X. What the? Why is he here? Aires mindlessly wandered following after Elinore.

When they arrived at the docks there was no trace of her brother. "A police uniform, huh." She smirked as she spotted someone exactly like Will, his size at least. "Gimme a sec." Aires said dashing towards the person. She flew up in the air, high and fast and then appeared behind the policeman.

"Gah just hop in there, ugh, urm oaf! Phew, finally done. " She said as she flies high and fast into the sky and quickly lands next to Will, xD "One police uniform reporting for duty Will." She chuckled.
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"Anytime... You seemed like what you needed was someone to talk to...Plus if I didn't then you and I wouldn't be sitting here." He said as the waiter came back over. "For the lady. I have black coffee with a croissant, and for the gentleman I have a black coffee and a scone." He placed the order in front of both of them.
Ben had been under close watch right up until the police arrived. "Hey, why don't we help distract our little pest problem?" He suggested to the two guards, shiv and pistol in hand.

Both happily agreed, recruiting a few others to join before heading out to face the local law enforcement.

Once they were close enough, Ben took up a position behind a crate and fired a round into an officer's shoulder, leading to retaliating fire by both sides. The sudden uproar of gunfire caught the ears of Trinity, hurting them again.

The leader of the thieves guild had been unintentionally following team WAE as she took the less travelled route back to the Compound. "Can't it stay quiet for twenty minutes?!" She asked a higher being as she covered her ears before they became accustomed to the noise.
"Where did you... never mind. Thanks for the uniform." William said as he took the police uniform and quickly puts it on in a nearby alleyway. Leaving his clothes behind with his teammates, he passes by the police blockade. "Now to find some-" Suddenly an officer gets shot in the shoulder and falls on the ground. The other police officers open fire at their attackers as William gets behind a police car to avoid getting hit by any bullets.

"You had to leave the armor back at the dorm, just because it was bloody." Gavin complained as he takes an injured officer's pistol and blind fires behind cover. "Don't bring too many weapons. This isn't a search and destroy mission, you said." Throwing away the pistol after it ran out of bullets, he looks over his cover and aims his hand at a White Fang soldier. Firing several bolts of lightning out of his hand, the faunus gets electrified before going unconscious from the shock. "Then we get caught in the middle of a firefight with no weapons and protection! Do you want to say one last excuse before we get killed for your stupidity?!"

"How about shut up and call for help, scumbag! That's seems like the best thing to do right now!" William exclaimed as he takes out his scroll to request help from Aires and Elinore.

[sOS. Lots of baddies, bullets, and complaining from Gavin. Need assistance now. -_- ; ]
An alert on her scroll snatched Elinore's attention away from the gunfire and to the call for help she just received. That's right, William always had his suit of armor. Of course he didn't know how to avoid bullets. She walked over to the police line and leaned in towards the fight "Miss, you need to get back." the officer warned her. "Oh, yeah, sure thing officer." Elinore said as she took a few steps after spotting William crouched behind a car. She knelt down and pet her axe down in front of her. She rested a foot on top of the blade and pulled the trigger to launch her into the area. She landed down beside the car behind her axe, using it as a shield against the barrage of bullets. "Seems like the only thing Gavin's good for is complaining." Elinore sighed. Now that she had their attention, someone else had to attack the White Fang members.
"Sir isn't that the daughter of Ar?" A soldier asked his superior. "Sure is. That's the daughter. Get her. She could lead us to fame in the White Fang." The commanding officer said. Elinore was taking care of Will and Aires's eyes darted to find them. She wasn't aware of the men coming after her. What should I do?
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Noticing that everyone's attention were now toward Elinore, Gavin crawls away to a different bullet riddled police car with smoke coming out of it. He gets in it before starting the car with the keys left inside the ignition. "Beep beep! Here's Gavin!" He yelled out as he drives the smoking car toward the distracted White Fang soldiers. Hitting several of the attackers at high speed, the car crashes into a crate. "Oww... I forgot how painful airbags are without face protection." Lifting his face off the airbag, Gavin sees someone familiar behind the crate he crashed into a few seconds ago. "Benjamin... mind telling me why you're hiding behind this damn crate when your teammates are getting shot at by the White Fang?" He asked while slowly getting out of the car in pain. Then he crumbles to the ground due to feeling intense pain in his legs. Probably a broken bone or two that his aura can fix up in a few minutes. However this feels long since the car was slowly catching on fire right next to a damaged crate full of dust. "Okay, if we get out of this situation alive and intact, I'm going to murder you later. Period."
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William's little car crash was enough of a distraction for Elinore to find a legitimate cover. Her poor axe. Her poor poor dented axe. It's alright baby, you'll get polished up again real soon. Don't you worry. She looked over her shoulder to look at where William had gone. It looked like he was talking. Was that...Be-

Elinore felt a sharp pain in her side. She slowly looked up. In the distance she could make out a faunus girl with a sniper rifle in a...school uniform? She didn't have much time to question it. It looked like she was about ready to take another shot. She must have missed the first time. Elinore wasn't going to let her try a second. She rolled out of the way and allowed her semblance to flair up as a second layer of protection. She knelt down for a moment to catch her breath. Breathing was getting hard. Stupid bullet. She pulled the trigger on her axe so a bomb would hit the car she was currently hiding behind. The vehicle flipped over onto a White Fang member. "I think we should hurry this up guys!" Elinore called out to her team as she ran for cover again, whipping a bit of blood from her mouth. Why couldn't Aura heal at a faster rate?
You guys can't just leave me alone? Ben thought as he scrambled for his mask. Must've blasted off when will hit the container. Talk to Sora and Ar about that...

"And for my next trick, Jesse Owens." Ben muttered as he shot an ice round at Will and Elinore, disappearing as the ice grew. "Stupid goddamn karma..." He said as he moved towards the main group of WF. "Let's move. The dust is en route." He commanded as he hopped onto a small airship.

Trinity decided to move towards the chaos, finding two of Ben's teammates surrounded by ice and wreckage. "Everyone okay?" She asked telepathically, still disturbed by the presence of a third mind before destroying the ice with an arc of energy.
Angel gave Tavril a soft smile, walking up to him in a quicker pace. Although the giant hand seemed familiar, she chose to follow him and went the other way. A cold chill ran down her spine as she remembered something she wish she could have forgotten. "Uhm.. Tavril? Won't I need a mask?" She asked him, pulling on one of his sleeves. "I mean.. I've been in the base a couple of times now.. And they might recognize me since I've been seen with Aires a lot of times now." She added, a little worried now.
"Yeah, if surviving a firefight with injuries that'll normally take months to heal is considered 'okay'." William replied back sarcastically. His legs now healed, thanks to his aura, he gets off the ground and runs away from the burning car. "Thanks for the-"

"OH MY DUST! SHE'S IN OUR MIND AGAIN!" Gavin yelled out suddenly, not enjoying the strange presence in his mind.

"...as I was saying, thanks for the assist." William said after slapping himself in the face. Hopefully that'll silence his other personality for a few minutes. He looks around for his teammates before noticing Elinore with blood on her clothes and face. "Elinore, are you alright?!" William asked as he approaches Elinore to check her wounds.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" A police officer asked William after pulling him away from the group. "Let the medics take care of that Huntress. We got bigger fish to fry!"

William almost pulled away from the officer, but realized he's still wearing the police uniform. "Dammit, should have seen that coming." He muttered to himself before being ordered to shoot at the small White Fang airships that were about to fly away from the docks. Pointing the rifle that was given to him at the escaping White Fang airships, he sees Benjamin in one of them through its scope. "Goddammit. Why is Ben working for the White Fang?" His finger on the trigger, he wasn't sure if he should pull the trigger or not. Maybe his teammate has his reasons for working for them, like blackmail or something similar to that. But maybe he's actually a traitor and was a White Fang spy the entire time. Oh dear. This isn't going to end well...

"Shoot them already! They're escaping!" The police officer yelled at William before smacking his back.

William suddenly pulls the trigger after feeling someone smack his back. The bullet misses Benjamin's head and pierces itself into the hull of the airship.

"We're pulling out now." The pilot of Benjamin's airship announces as they fly away from the docks. Other White Fang airships follow its lead before none of them could be seen anymore.

The remaining police officers begin to call for backup to help clean up the mess after they lost sight of their targets. The news teams enter the area, now that the fight was over, to question everyone about the whole incident. "How old are you?" "Are you Huntresses from Beacon Academy?" "Does Professor Ozpin support the fight against the White Fang?" "What are your names?" "Why do you fight?" "Will you marry me?!" Specifically, they were more focused on the Huntress(es) and were asking them questions non stop.
Aires felt the tickle of someone's breath on her skin. She quickly shot up in the air in time to land on some White Fang members. When she looked up into the sky she saw him. Benjamin. Ben!? But why is he helping?

"Let's get out of here!" The men yelled as they ran to a ship that was taking off.

"Damn . . . Now what are they doing to him?" She growled. Her attention was then redirected to her teammates. Oh no. She began to run towards them when she saw the men crowding around Will and Elinore. What's going on over there? Should I even go over there? Well I mean my father was a spy for the White Fang and he became Chief of Police . . . But they figured him out. . . And now my family isn't even trying to conceal it's horrid deeds. All of a sudden Aires felt a hand on her shoulder.

"So Kaze it seems that your crew didn't successfully complete their mission without being seen." Ar said in a menacing voice. Kaze hid his face,

"It was that damn Monkey father, I did not foresee this happening but Aires is closer now, isn't she?" Kaze hoped that would be enough to keep him alive.
Michael waided through the police in his heavy composite armor and sauntered up behind William on a whisper. Moving back into the taller mans shadow. (damnation press.) "Will was that Ben? What's going on here oz and I were talking and I thought it best to take a walk after and I see this what kinda malarkey is going about this place." Michael pulled his clape a bit closer.
William was trying to break through the crowd of reporters to reach Elinore and Trinity when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "I'll explain later, Michael. First we need to get my team out of the docks." He told Michael. Suddenly there was a huge explosion nearby that swept almost everyone off their feet. Apparently the burning police car finally blew up with the crate full of dust after that entire ordeal. What a well-timed distraction. "Everyone alright?" He asked his teammates as reporters run away in fear that another firefight was about to start. "Also where's Aires? We need to get out of here before anything else happens."
Before long, the firefight had ended and the White Fang scattered off. Elinore leaned forward on her axe to support her while she caught her breath and let her semblance burn down. With the danger gone, spectators flooded the scene. Reporters and fan alike crowded the group. "Stay in school kids..." Elinore muttered the the group. A car explosion cleared out most of the group and William was able to make it over to her and Trinity. Was that Michael? "Michael...long time no see...We're okay I think....a little...light..." Elinore began to mumble before finally collapsing. Her aura managed to heal her wound up enough to make it no longer an issue. Elinore was just suffering from what most people referred to as exhaustion. She'd be fine after a short nap.

Tavril smiled at Angel as he led her out of the city of Vale and into the forest "I'm sure I've got an extra mask and cowl somewhere. My house was kind of riddled with that type of stuff. You know how it is with parents." he said with a shrug. With the standard outfit, no one would be able to tell who they were. It would be perfect. Hopefully they were still in tact. Tavril's house wasn't exactly known for its tidiness.

He led Angel for quite a distance into the forest, passing by a small clearing with an abandoned log house and over a creek. There was a strange lack of grimm in the area, but who could complain about that? Eventually they reached the remains of a household. The right side of it was mostly in tact, but the left side of the house was burn down and weathered with age, "Do you want to stay here while I go get the disguise?" he asked her.
"Hello. Did you miss me?" Natalya asked Aires as she pats her shoulder. "Now let's get out of here before any of those nosey reporters notice you-" Suddenly a car explodes and Natalya cover her ears in pain. "That's really loud!" She exclaimed. "Okay, let's get out of here before something else tries to destroy my ability to hear." She leads Aires toward her team, who were not surrounded by a crowd anymore.

"Elinore! Are you alright?!" William asked as he catches Elinore's unconscious body. Did she bleed out and die?! After positioning his ear above her mouth, he could hear her breathing. Oh... she's sleeping. Probably exhausted from the recent fight and everything else that happened today. "Well at least she's okay."

Suddenly a Bullhead lands right next to the group, nearly crushing them in the process. The airship's side doors slide open to reveal a male tiger faunus behind it. "Everyone get inside the Bullhead now." Alex ordered without greeting anyone first. "We have to get out of here before X arrives."

"What the..." William said before he notices Aires arrive with Natalya. He wasn't sure what was going on, but it didn't matter at the moment. Carrying Elinore into the Bullhead, the rest of the group went inside before Alex returns to the pilot seat to fly the small airship away from the docks. "So... who here saw Benjamin fighting alongside the White Fang?" He asked while stroking Elinore's head slowly to calm himself down. "Say 'dust' if you did."

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