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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"But I like being the Terminator..." Elinore teasingly pouted "casual cloths sounds like a good idea though. I can't imagine we're not known throughout the whole White Fang by now" she cooed. "though sense it's Aire's family, she's going to have to be the one who comes up with a plan. Though I'm sure we could borrow Tavril and Angel for the task. With Ben gone and Aires...being Aires, we don't have any faunus for the infiltration team"
"Maybe we could duct tape fake faunus ears on our heads and wear their masks to blend in? They'll never know who we are if we pretend to be one of them." William suggested as they entered their room. "Though where the dust did Aires go? Wasn't she with us a while ago?" He asked while taking off his bloodstained mask and armor.
Ben made his way to the docks and located the shipment of dust. Figuring his new equipment could come in handy he took out his new blade and shifted it into a grappling hook. The faunus then tossed it onto crane to get a lookout position. He then took note of any guards on patrol and observed their movements. Just like old times, he thought as he pulled out the dust pistol and shiv.

Jumping down, the faunus quickly got to work dispatching the guards and letting Kaze know the job was complete and he needed the men to grab the dust. He then walked to the crates and shot off the locks silently praying the police would arrive.

Trinity was following the team and listening to the chaos in a useless attempt to follow the events. How does Ben work with these people?
Kaze heard sirens in the distance right after Ben had reported his duties were fulfilled. "What the dust? Oh who cares. . . . Better get a move on, mom will hopefully tear someone else's head off. Alright men let's move out! HURRY!" Kaze demanded as his troops began to move. He landed next to Ben. "Aires will slowly become our toy. Your girlfriend just killed a team of innocent bystanders at Beacon . . . Your team is next. She's a ticking time bomb and I can't wait to see what'll happen when she explodes." He laughs as he grabs the back of the money faunus's neck and pushes him towards the men.

Aires was in her old room, the one before everyone else moved into their team mates room. She glanced at the mirror she broke and the shards on the floor. It's been half a year and they still haven't cleaned this? Yikes . . . She looked through drawers and found dust, some crystals, a couple of pieces of candy, and Loki's necklace, the one she gave him. She lost one boyfriend already . . . She couldn't lose another. "Ben, I'll get you back. I promise." She suddenly glanced over to her right, "Why do I have one of Lulu's corsets? Hmph, oh well." She then hears an explosion. "Well it's not me . . . Then it must be . . ." She sighs heavily, "It's Gavin . . . Well better find my team and give this to Elinore."

Sora becomes restless. She paces back and forth activating her semblance just to let off some steam. Ar sits, drinking some crystal liquid. "Woman, if you want me to hit you . . . I will."

"You and what army . . . Darling?" She fires up her gloves and holds her ready, un snapped fingers in front of him."So Love . . . Want to repeat that?" He takes a drink and chuckles to himself. "No ma'am . . . " He smiles at her.

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Teri prepared for the date in a rather...unique...way. While most girls would value beauty in such an occasion she wanted to take into account several factors. Durability, elegance and the ability to conceal weapons, the third one being slightly optional as subtlety was not one of her strong suits. This prompted her to search her closet, specifically her old boxes containing non-monetary rewards she had received before her time in Beacon. She smiled as she reminisced old times of her...or rather the old her, protecting several villages from Grimm. She pulled out something she had received just a couple days before starting Beacon. The old and motherly village leader had given it to her in case that 'she' ever found a girlfriend in Beacon. It was a simple yet elegant white dress lined with metallic thread tough enough to catch, but not completely stop a bullet. She put it on and stored Saving Light her ever trusty lamp post at her back.

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Putting the bloody armor under his bed for safekeeping, Gavin opens the drawer with his... normal clothes... in it. He puts on camouflage pants, a t-shirt, leather jacket, cadet hat, steel-toe boots, shoulder holster with a pistol in it, light bulletproof vest, gloves, belt with pouches, ballistic knife, bandolier full of shotgun shells, mines, shotgun, grenades, rocket launc-

"Why the dust do we need all of this?! This isn't a search and destroy mission!" William exclaimed as he rips everything off of him. He was frustrated at himself for taking so many weapons on a infiltration mission and understood why the team always fail this sort of mission in the past. "We're only bringing a pistol, several clips and grenades if things get hairy. That's all." He orders himself while putting on some of the things he ripped off earlier.

"Fine..." Gavin groaned as he follows his other personality's order with no complaints. He puts on half of what he wore earlier and looks at himself in the mirror. "This will do for now." He turns around to Elinore and Trinity. "So any idea where Aires might be right now? I'm bored and ready to go ruin someone's day."
"Just don't get killed, Gavin. I happen to like Will." She says in the doorway of her room. "Oh Lulu I think this is yours." She snickers holding up a corset. "Don't ask, but I'm pretty sure it's yours. Your emblem is on it." She enters the room and begins to strip down. Not bothering to warn the others. While dressing herself she informs them, "This isn't going to be easy, and if you don't think you can kill, then don't bother trying just take down as many if the need arises. As for my parents and brother. They are mine. But, " She hesitates, "if they were to gain control of me, " She turns to face Gavin placing her shirt on and continues cocking her boots, "You're in charge of ending me, got it? A bullet to the head, that should do it." She smiles at him. "Any questions?"
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"Always bring a knife too~" Elinore cooed as Gavin and William debated over proper infiltration gear "they're useful...and attractive." she continued. When Aires tossed her over her corset, Elinore grabbed it and held it close "Yeeessssssss" she cooed inder her breath. At least her corsets made it~ "Alright, so lets get to work. Who's going where for infiltration? And are we going to go kidnap Tavril and Angel for this mission?"
"Roger that." Gavin replied cheerfully with a salute .

"Well it depends on where their base of operations is located." William said as he stuffs the ballistic knife in his temporary jacket. "Aires, do you have any idea where your family could be hiding in Vale? Like in a old part of the city or somewhere outside the walls?"
Aires slowly stared at the Will, "No." She said after a minute had past. "But I can track Ben's scent and I'm pretty sure if anyone knows for sure it's Trinity." Aires then ruffled her through her underarmor, the same armor that kept her in tact when Ben wrapped his chains around her. It was light enough that she could fly but durable that it could protect. "Oh and yes Lulu, we should kidnap Tav and Angel. The more help we get the better."
"Then let's head out before it's too late." William said as he leads the group out of the room without checking if they were all ready . The faster they obtain help and save Benjamin, the better. "Trinity, do you know where Aires's family could be hiding?" He asked Trinity, who might be confused with the whole situation. Hopefully they'll be able to answer her questions later when there's time.
"It's time for kidnapping!" Elinore cooed as she ran out after William like a child.


"I sense a disturbance...." Tavril said after a while. His ea twitched slightly. "Angel." he said with a serious expression as he stared at Angel from across the table "Run."

But it was too late. Elinore dashed into the store and tackled the wolf faunus who was trying to run off before she could get to them "Hye Angel, you wanna join us for a super secret mission~?" she cooed.
(Sorry, I didn't get the notification.)

Enrique decided that the best thing for him to do was to look nice for his date. When your traveling on the road, you rarely need anything other then the clothes you have on your back and all the necessities, like cooking material and defense. But he good thing is you learn to be resourceful, and self dependent. He did have a leather coat that he would use from time to time to keep himself dry when in the rain. He also had a few shirts that he would use as rags when it came time to tend to his wounds. It was also a good thing that he really didn't get hurt on his way to Beacon. He had a teal V-neck tee-shirt. All that was left was his jeans. He had some jeans that he knew would look good with his leather jacket and teal V-neck. He wasn't crazy. He had a few knives on him, but those were hidden. He couldn't take off the gloves though. Those things were basically surgically attached. The crystal that he used to power the gloves he hid in a pocket in the leather coat.

He mad his way out of the dorm and across the campus. He arrived just a couple of minutes before he said. He waited outside until he it was about time. He knocked on the dorm room door.

Teri opened the door and smiled. "Hi, you look nice." She said after looking at him. She twirled on the spot. "How do I look?" She asked.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
The suave and ever so extravagant Enrique was breathe takin. "I have walked this world, and I have only seen a few things that can take my breathe away. One of them is the sun rise over the plains, the calm sun as it rises into the horizon, and another one is standing right in front of me." He said with a smile on his face. She was breathtaking, and she had taken his breathe.
Teri made a fine impression of a tomato. "T-thank you for the compliment." She stuttered. She held out her arm. "Shall we go then?" She asked with amazing gracefulness as the fabrics of her clothing shifted ever so slightly and gently.
"Well were going to a nice sit down dinner." He said motioning towards the door. He hadn't really been on a date. Things like that happen when your on the road.

Tag me if I have to see it
Enrique walked outside. It was a little dark out, but not too dark. Some of the stars were out and visible. He looked up as he lead her to a secret path that lead down to the city of vale. Not many people knew about it. Enrique found it when he was walking into Beacon awhile ago. "So how long have you been at beacon?"
"Honestly, I've lost track, though it does feel like it's been a looooong while." She said as she walked alongside him. "So, I've never actually gotten your full name." She added.
"Enrique Alberto Sebastián Santo's... at your service." He said with a little bit of a spanish accent. "But please call me Enrique."
"Oh, that's a nice name." She said while smiling at him. "My name is Teri D. Arkstar, but you can call me Teri, Enrique." She added.
Angel was having fun, enjoying her date(?) with Tavril. All the hype with the others finally disappeared. As she was taking a bite out of her meal, the sound of Tav's voice broke her out of her train of thought.

"Angel." He called out, causing her to look at him, tilting her head somewhat.

"Run." Was all she heard before Tavril was tackled by Elinore. "Oh Dust!" She yelped out, jumping away from the table. "Elinore? Hello.." She said to her, being cautious.

"Hey Angel, wanna join us for a super secret mission~?" Eli replied, not getting off from Tavril. "Well.. If you need me, then sure." She replied back, standing more relaxed now. "But... Do you mind getting off Tav first..? Oh.. And, is he coming as well?" She asked, looking at the two, a little jealous of Elinore.



Tapatalk is for scrubs. I am using tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
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