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Fandom Beacon Academy.

"Lulu if my parents have a lock on me then that means they can control me whenever they feel like it." She held back the sting in her eyes. She couldn't help it, she hugged her sister back, tightly. "What if Will never speaks to me again, he's like my a brother to me. I can't lose the family that I truly care about." If I look at myself in a mirror and blink will it kill me?

Hmm this is interesting. Time to find that boyfriend of hers and deliver some much needed dust. Now that mind control is in place she'll come off her own will. Kaze spread his wings and flew away from the bloody scene, silently chuckling.
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"We could blindfold you" Elinore suggested as she let go of Aires. There's precautions that can be taken." she said with a reassuring nod before standing up again. She looked over her shoulder and bit her lip. William's little snap worried her. She needed to make sure his side was smoothed over as well before he and Aires could be part of a team again. "but Aires, I need to..." she said as she made gestures towards where William left for. Boy was team managing hard. Especially with all these...problems.
"Go to him, Elinore. I won't stop you." Aires said weakly. She spread her wings and began to fly away. "Maybe what I need to do is find my parents and settle this." A light bulb went off in her head. She turned and began to fly towards Beacon. Landing she heads up to her room hoping her teammates weren't there. Opening the door a trap is set off and she quickly wraps herself in her metal wings. "Phew. Alright then, let's do this." She begins to pack essentials and some more dust. After cleaning off, she brushes her hair and takes one last look in the mirror. "You know you might not come back. . .ever. You might die. I know that." She was having a legit conversation with herself in the mirror, "But they must die. Are you sure you can kill them? No. But I will." With that Aires grabs her pack, secures it to her waist, zips up her leather jacket, juts her wings out of it and takes a deep breath before opening the door. "Here goes nothing."

"Let's move, Sora wants this before the next full moon!" Kaze yelled as he landed near port witnessing most of the men lounging about. "Where is that Grey. . .Huh? LET'S MOVE IT!" He yelled shooting a Faunus in the leg with an electric dose. "Anyone else?" They all began to work faster, moving crates left and right into trucks.
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"You should have killed that traitor..." Gavin muttered, still walking in the Emerald Forest.

"Shut up." William told his other personality. He wasn't in a good mood and felt like breaking something.

"I'm just saying that she might try to back stab us again in the future."Gavin said before stopping in front of a huge tree. "Unless I need to remind you of past cases similar to-"

William smashes his head against the tree several times, cutting off Gavin mid sentence. He didn't want to hear himself talk about the past. Unfortunately, this action causes him to bite his own tongue at the same time. "Oww! Thath fesking herts!" He exclaimed, his words not being pronounced correctly.

"Wheel thet's wuth yig gyt flor intrubetting mi!" Gavin retorted as he tasted fresh blood in his mouth. Taking off his mask, he spits out bloody saliva onto the grass. Hopefully his aura would heal that minor wound up quickly before he enters the academy. No need to have others making fun of him for speaking weird. Actually...

"No, Gayden. Teth's noot e goop raisin te stort a fiyht." William muttered as he sits down and leans against the tree, feeling the sun's warmth on his exposed face. Hopefully nature won't try to get revenge on him for mistreating the tree earlier. Last thing he needed was another reason to hate life. "I heth tyes worlde..."
Elinore waited til Aires flew off to dash back to her scythe and run in the direction William had gone off in. She wandered around the forest in hopes of finding a clue as to where he had gone. She found a tree that looked like it had gone through a beating. So there was either a Grimm near by or William. Hopefully the later of the two. "William?" She called as she followed sparatic puddles of blood "are you out here? Where did you go?"
When William heard something coming toward him among the trees, he crawls into a nearby bush to hide. Spitting one more time, he looks up when Elinore appears. "Deemit." He muttered as Elinore was coming toward his hiding spot. Crawling back slowly, he bumps into something hard and dropped his mask.

"Grrr..." The Ursa Major growls when it felt something bump into its leg. Suddenly standing up on its hind legs, the top half of the large Grimm could be seen out of the bush. It turn its head toward Elinore and roars, thinking she caused it to wake up from nap time.
She didn't even hesitate before launching a grenade from her axe at the Ursa "You wanna try that again?" Elinore asked coldly. There was blood around it. And the dent in the tree? A struggle? No, William wouldn't let himself get hurt by an Ursa. She grinned slightly. "Aires is going crazy." she said as she slowly lifted her axe and walked towards the bear "William's upset." she pulled the reverse trigger on her axe, launching a grenade behind her and thrusting the axe in an arch forward that landed in the Ursa's back. "Benjamin is missing." she pulled the trigger again to dig the blade deeper into its back "and I can feel my sanity slipping away like sand in my hands. No matter how hard I try to keep the team together, they keep falling apart, and people keep dieing." the Ursa tried to struggle, but she'd had too much practice killing these things to worry. "Maybe I just need you to hold me together. And I can make everything right again. Right~?" she asked before pulling the front trigger on the axe, freeing the axe from its back and killing the Ursa. "we're going to be a happy family."
William watches in awe as Elinore kills the Ursa Major above him with ease. Now he's a bit more afraid to get on her bad side in the future. "Ooof!" The Grimm's corpse fell on top of him and barely managed to crawl out in time to breathe. "Whire thee dest is my musk..."
"William?" Elinore asked as her smile faded away when she saw her boyfriend crawl out from under the Ursa. He was talking all funky. And it probably had something to do with the fact that his mouth was bleeding....why was she not a healer? They needed some kind of medic! William was bleeding from the mouth! Bad! She frantically looked around for something to help him. She had no idea what to do! She reached into her bag and pulled out a couple of tissues, an object she learned to keep on her at all periods of time with how much blood was thrown about the place around the. "Here, put these in your mouth." she said as she sat down in front of him and handed him the tissues "I'll look for your mask." she said as she scanned over the area. If that Ursa hurt him, ooo, it was in trouble. More trouble than it was for just being an Ursa.
"Thunks. I thunk ut's umber the Grumm yiu kulled." William said before he stuffed all of the tissues in his mouth. He wasn't sure what to say to Elinore when his aura hopefully heals up his tongue in a few minutes. Maybe he'll pretend his tongue is still bleeding after Elinore finds his mask. Then they could walk back to Beacon without a word. Yeah... that might work.
Elinore crawled over to the Ursa corpse and pried it up with her axe, sliding the mask out from underneath it. She wiped it off and handed it to William before standing up. "Do you want to head back now? You could see a nurse..." she said quietly.
William nods and takes the mask from Elinore, putting it back on before getting up. He looks at the Ursa and remembered about his last thought involving nature. "Duck yiu netire. Yiu ate sech a glitch." He muttered coldly before walking away from the corpse with Elinore.
Wait? What did he say? You know what? Doesn't matter. Elinore followed beside William on their walk towards the school. She was silent for a while, keeping her eyes to the ground as she walked, but after a while, she finally spoke up "That wasn't Gavin back there. Who slapped Aires..." she said quietly. She somewhat understood. Aires did just attack them. But she was trying to apologize. If anyone would have understood what it meant to try and harm a team member against ones own better judgement, she would think it was William, who had tried to kill Elinore on several occasions. And everyone else at least once.
William remains silent to Elinore's question, pretending to not hear it at all. He turns his head away from her to avoid eye contact, despite having a mask on. He felt foolish for rejecting Aires's apology for attacking them earlier. Elinore (and hopefully everyone else) usually forgave him for his random attempts to murder her throughout their whole relationship, which most people wouldn't do unless they were insane... which might be the case here. She isn't really a normal person to begin with. "If wae me who rijicted hir apul- huld on." He said as he took off his mask and takes out the bloody tissues in his mouth. Luckily his tongue was now healed and he could talk normal again. "It was me who rejected Aires's apology, not Gavin. Her attempt to murder us kind of reminded me of my past, which pissed me off a bit."
Elinore looked forward again and simply nodded. His past. She knew little to nothing about it. Just that it was harsh. Harsh enough to bring someone like Gavin into existence. A thought process that hated everything. Or at least, justified the killing of everything. But that was it. "I guess not all behaviors can be overlooked." she said with a simple nod. "I hope this wont cause a rift between you and her." she said silently, "a house divided cannot stand...."
"It won't be a problem anymore if Aires doesn't do it again, but I'll make sure to apologize to her later." William said as they entered the school grounds. "Though it's better to forget about it and move on with our lives. Dwelling on it won't do us any good as a team." He smiles and pats Elinore's head, hoping to end the discussion there.
Elinore smiled softly and nodded, "Perhaps~" she cooed. Pats on the head were super effective against Elinoremon. She yawned and looked down at her bloody jacket "Well...I guess it's a good day to do some laundry..." she mumbled. So much blood, all the time. She wondered if she could just burn it off. Probably not, soap did a good enough job anyways.
"Agreed." William said as he looked down at his jacket and armor too. It's easier to wash blood off of his jacket by throwing it in a washing machine, but he'll need to personally clean Archdeath later that night. Putting metal in a washing machine is not a great combination at all, unless you have enough lien to buy a new one. "Let's head back to our room first since we're doing our laundry today. I got some clothes that needs to be washed, unless you're okay with the smell of sweaty socks in the morning."
Aires opened the door and stepped out. As she neared a corner she saw Elinore and William. "Crap . . ." She exhaled sharply. She then turned right back around and entered the room once more and shut the door. She dashed towards the window and opened it. Sticking a leg out she heard the door handle jiggle.
William took out his scroll to disarm the room's door trap, but there was a notification about it being activated recently. "Elinore... there's a possible chance that we'll need to use extra soap with our laundry soon. We might have a intruder in the room." William said as grabs the doorknob and tries to open it, but couldn't since it was locked from the inside.

"Nobody is going to steal my stuff without getting punished by me!" Gavin roared as he kicks the door open and bursts in with electricity flowing out of him. He sees Aires trying to leave through the window, which only pissed him off due to the recent attack an hour ago. "So you were planning to leave some bombs in here before you left, huh?! Well screw you, ya damn traitor!" He charges at Aires in a attempt to slam her out of the window with him, but it fails when his legs suddenly made him run into the wall instead. "Not cool, dude..." He said while sliding down to the floor.
"No problem, we'll have a laundry party" Elinore chuckled as they approached their room. "I'll help you clean your suit too. That thing never stays clean." she laughed. She stopped when William suggested there might have been a break-in. But it was just Aires in the room. Now was time too see if the two could get along without killing each other. She had her hand on her axe just in case.
William gets off the floor immediately and dusts himself off. He looks at Aires and silently stares at her for a few moments before saying something. "...today's laundry day." He said coldly before walking toward a basket full of dirty clothes next to his bed. After picking it up, he looks at Aires again. "You coming with us or what?"
Aires looks at Will and her eyes water. The lump in her throat makes it impossible for her to speak. She comes back into the room and nears William. Her eyes oozed an apology she couldn't say. But she didn't want to be forgiven. She then hugged Will tightly and trembled. She never hugged him, so she was determined to do so. Letting go she looked at Elinore and kissed her forehead. Turning back towards the window she sat and looked at them. After a moment she spoke. "I'm . . . Going to annihilate the Phoenix family."
William held his breath when Aires hugged him, his body unable to move at all. He's not much of a hugging sort of guy. Usually he's used to doing handshakes or pats on the back with others, though Elinore was a different case. When Aires let go off him, his ability to breath returned for a few seconds and that's when he dropped his laundry basket. "Wait... you're going to do what?"
"Well I hope you weren't planning on doing that alone." Elinore said with a smirk to the bird girl. Okay, so she wasn't a fan of killing. But this was an...exception? Oh who was she kidding, she couldn't kill anyone. She'd help as much as possible, but perhaps the killing was best left to Aires who had the vendetta in the first place. "You've got a team for a reason ya'know."

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