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Fandom Beacon Academy.

Apple groaned and leaned back. So their Grimm was already killed. Lincolm and Ophelia would just be wandering around aimlessly now.

"I'm sure there's multiple King Taijitu." Solace said, his amber eyes looked tired. Now the female was crying.

"Either way, have you seen another one though? A straight yes or a no."

Apple stabbed the point of Temptation onto the ground and looked at Solace. The other girl was crying for a while now, maybe they should do something about it...

"What's the matter? Did something happen around here?" She asked softly, ignoring Solace's annoyed glance at her.
"Y-you'd have to ask Acid, she frequents the forest enough times." She sniffed out. She gave him a map to their room. "No..it's just that I found I have a family and didn't look for me...Waaaaaaah!!" She cried out.
Solace stared at the map in confusion. He asked for a simple yes or a no, but he got a map instead. He doesn't despise humans, but he despised the stupid ones. The Scorpion Faunus sighed and muttered a few things.

Apple blinked a few times as the girl started to burst into bigger sobs.

"A family left you behind? Uh. Well thats life?" Apple said, trying to comfort her. It was life. If a family left you behind, leave them as well. You're better off without something to hold you back...like her family.

Solace scrunched up the map before slowly asking another question.

"Room? Do you expect us to go all the way from this forest, back to civilisation? For Dust's sake..." Solace cried, rubbing his temples. What a day.
Teri had enough, she grabbed her lamp post and pointed it to the sky. Large flames spewed harmlessly to the sky. "There! She's on her way!"

Acid groggily woke up from her nap. 'Okay, no more drinking.' She thought as she fixed her hair and clothing. She spotted fire in the skies from their window. "Welp, duty calls." She grabbed her weapons and headed for her leader's direction. She saw her crying and she immediately got offensive. "Who made her cry?!" She demanded as she walked to them.
Everything happened way too fast, Apple noted. Fire streamed into the sky from a...lamp-post. She glanced at Solace who looked so fed up with everything.

"Who...?" She muttered as she pulled Temptation from the ground to get ready for something.

A demanding voice came out of nowhere and another female appeared. The stream of flame must've caught the person's attention.

Solace glanced at the new-comer but didn't say anything. Apple looked at Solace and realised he wasn't going to say anything so she decided to speak up.

"She was crying already, not our fault."
"J-just help them Acid...I'm going back to the room...I have a lot to think about." Teri said before slowly heading back, wiping her tears on the way.

"Okay, who are you, what do you want?" Acid asked as she calmed down.
"The King Taijitu. Apparently you were the one that killed it." Solace spoke, as bluntly as ever. Apple relaxed and she stared at the male, who was now being the one quiet. The female that summoned this person named Acid was leaving to back to her 'Room'.

"We rather not introduce ourselves, since this will be our final and only encounter." Solace added, grabbing Apple's attention again.

"Have you seen another King Taijitu? If you have, please direct us to it, and quickly. I'm tired of stalling our mission.."
"Oh yeah I've seen plenty!" She said. "They taste weird though...like tar and fish." She added thoughtfully. "I'f memory serves me correctly...they should live in the darker parts of the forest...or were those the Beowolves? Either way it's fun killing them and wearing their severed heads like hats." She turned and started to walk to the darker part of the forest. "This way!" She shouted. As soon as she did she was ambushed by a Deathstalker who received a good cleaving by the Acid Axe. before continuing to walk.
Enrique just went along with everything. When Teri started to walk away he followed her. "Hey... Wait up!" He said as he caught up to her. "Hey you wanna talk now?"
"You got a family... That's wonderful." He stopped with her. "I'm an only child so I can somewhat understand not having siblings... But Not having a family."
"...I they cared for me why didn't they look for me?" She struggled to say. Tears were threatening to break out once again but she tried to hold them back.
"Maybe they knew... You see family has a way of knowing." He said before coughing a little. "But before you ever knew that they were your sisters... did you know them?"
"Funny thing about that, the day I met them I started having...dreams? I think? About being experimented on and the words 'Perdere Monstris'." She said. "They looked familiar to me, now I know why."
"Like I said before, family always knows.... and family is family. It doesn't matter what they look like, there your sisters, and they are here for you... and they were always there for you." He said. @Mintsong 
A video was sent to all of the people that was involved in Markus’s last raid. It was Markus, before he had died. “If you have found this then the worst has come... I am dead.” He sighed. “I hope not from Williams hands atleast... he couldn’t kill a beowulf.” He said trying to lighten the mood, he chuckled a little. “In any case your probably wondering why I was there with scarlet and the white fang... I was there because of a figure called the ghost.” He held up the mask that had been wearing, the one that he had shown to William on the rooftop.

“This being, this figure wasn’t under my control... There was once a legend of a ghost called O’mally. It passed from person to person, infecting them... Making them do things that they didn’t want to do... It possessed me... Elinore if your watching this, I tried to fight it, but you can’t fight a ghost...” He put his hand over his head.

“It’s like the old tale of Dr.Jekell and Mr.Hyde... The doctor creates a monster and can’t control him, so he becomes the beast, at any point. I can’t control when I change, or where... I can only see the damage that he does, and I can only stand bye and watch it happen.” He cleared his throat.

“Now your probably wondering why don’t I just say something to someone about it.. Get some help... I wish I could. Like I said before, I couldn’t control when I change. So when I tried telling you Elinore, he took over.” He was starting to get a little upset.

“Now for my final words. William your an amazing fighter, even if you cheated and used a mechanical suit... your one of the best fighters I have ever come to fight... You will become an amazing hunter, and I have come to call you, friend. Aries... I am sorry I couldn’t have spent more time talking and working with you... You seem so.. Nice... Traviel, protect her.. You know who I mean... And Elinore, I will miss you the most... In a cave to the west you will find a prototype of a new vehicle, it will respond to you only...and do the one thing I could not... Bring Scarlet in... and Finally to all I leave these words, your a team now, it’s going to get harder from here, look to your team mates for help and guidance.... and look for the tracker numbered 17294057261034956. There will be a gift waiting for you there.” There was a knock at the door in the video, it was Johnson. “Time to go Commander!” She said. She was talking about the mission that they had just got back from. The video was timestamped for 20 minutes before they left for the mission.

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Geeze, it was like everyone's scroll was on fire. So many messages at once. And she still didn't have a scroll. She would need to get a replacement soon or something. Elinore resorted to grabbing William by the arm and checking his built in scroll instead. She was sure he wouldn't mind~ What she saw though, was something she could never expect. There he was. Markus. Right there. Talking.... like nothing had ever happened. She was about three seconds away from a lapse back to her mindset from earlier today...3....2.... "We need to find Aires." Elinore said quietly. "Ben, I'm gad to see that you're alive, you can hang out with your sister all you want, but we need to find Aires first."
"I.. I like Fluffy.. But I'll only call you that when we're alone.. sound ok?.." She murmured, her blush deepening since she saw Tavril turn red aswell. 'Does.. Does he.. like me..?' she thought to herself, her blush getting deeper from her absurd thoughts. "W-well.. Aren't we going to eat..?" She asked, her stomach grumbling a little. She WAS hungry, that's why they went to the restaurant, to EAT.
William was having a mental debate with his other personality on whether he should A) Run Away, B) Kill the Old Man, or C) Hope that the Old Man didn't call the cops on him.

This was the same noodle house he crashed into a while ago when he fought that bear faunus wearing a suit. The owner was staring at him behind the counter the entire time, like a hunter ready to attack his prey. Only his weapon was hot soup and a cell phone. When Elinore grabbed his arm to use his scroll, William almost pulled his arm away from her, because he thought it was the po-po. He didn't do it when a video message from Markus popped up on his scroll. "Rest in peace... scumbag." He muttered coldly after the message ended.

"What the dust is a Dr. Jekell and Mr. Hyde?" Gavin asked, not caring about most of the message. "Though I do like this O'Malley spirit. Reminds me of myself, only I'm not a legendary ghost that can infect other people."

"Shut up, Gavin." William told himself. If his other personality didn't share the same mouth as him, he would duct tape it. He carefully pulls his arm away from Elinore and puts on his mask. Placing enough lien to pay for everyone's lunch next to Angel's bowl, he gets up to leave. "Sorry for interrupting your meal, Angel and Fluffy. We'll be on our way." He told Angel and Tavril before turning to his teammates + non teammate. "Let's discuss about our Aires situation somewhere else. Maybe somewhere far away from the noodle house."
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"Aires can you hear me?" Kaze asked, a little worried that he might have killed his sister. Lightly patting her on the cheek, Aires began to open her eyes.

"Oh thank goodness. You kinda passed out." He said rubbing the back of his head. Aires could tell, her head hurt slightly and she was on his floor.

"Anyway, um, how do you feel?" He asked. How do I feel? Huh. Not sick. She opened her mouth but decided to smile at him. Hey she was still alive, or in hell.

"I have to find my teammates. Ben! I have to see Ben too."

"Aires, wait." Kaze says grabbing her wrist before she exits his room.

"Forget about Ben." The air grew still.

"No. How could you say that? Ben is my boyfriend. I want to spend every minute with him. I know he's not up for that yet, but I care deeply for him. Unlike you sometimes. Dust, this whole sibling roller coaster thing is getting too old for my taste. Why don't you do us all a favor and go away! You never belonged here in the first place. Go back to the White Fang and mom and dad. As far as I'm concerned, I no longer have a family." Aires didn't know that her words wounded her brother to his very core. I wish I could tell you that I'm being controlled by father and mother's will, but I know what they'll do to me if I do. Slowly getting up he nears his sister and backs her up toward the window.

"I hate you, Aires Phoenix. I should be the next heir, the oldest, first born. But no, my semblance is nothing compared to your power. You won't win. Watch your back." With that he pushes her with so much force, she breaks the window and falls. Spreading her wings Aires takes to skies once more, her freedom restored.

"Where is that Grey. . . .I am not a patient woman. Ar! Hurry up with my tea!"

"Yes dear." Ar says to Sora preparing her a tea of berries. Bringing over the tea he realizes that the ground quaked a little. "Huh, how strange. Things are about to get interesting."

"How so, my love?"

"They just are, they just are."
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Solace clapped his hands in approval. Finally, they were heading somewhere. As Acid started to lead them to the direction of the King Taijitus, she was going on about how they tasted like tar and fish, but the rest of her small speech was tuned out by him. He took a step forward to follow Acid but noticed that Apple was staring at the male and female.

"Eve, hurry up. We finish this task then we got the rest of the day off." Solace called to her as he continued to follow Acid. Apple snapped her attention back to them and quickly caught up. Those two people seemed pretty close. One day, Solace and her could be like that.

"This way!" Acid called as they reached the darker parts of Emerald Forest. Apple then noticed something attack her but she gave it a good slice and it was dead, before continuing on her way. 'Huh...' She thought, biting her lip. Was this Acid woman really trustworthy?

Solace slowed down his pace so he was next to Apple and he gave her a look of concern. She usually walked faster than him, something must be on her mind. "Are you scared of the dark?" Solace asked, his eyes scanning the shadowy areas of the forest. "No...if I was, I wouldn't really be here in the first place," Apple replied, her strawberry-coloured irises staring at Acid. "I'm just wonderin' if that woman is trustworthy."

"Does it matter? If we don't attack her, she won't attack us"

"I, I guess so. Do you trust her?"

"Of course not, if I easily trusted people, I would've died already"

"I don't think so, you're a backstabber type, aren't you Sol?"

Solace glared at her and she laughed. Scorpions were the poisonous type, not a backstabber type. Their poison could be bad or good, who knows.
"How about Trinity helps search for Aires. I remember the place and she can apologize to my girlfriend." Ben said plainly and received a glare from Trinity. "I'm sure she's fine, but I should really go see how the place is without me there. I'll be back in a couple hours. If you need me, I have my scroll."

"I'm going to kill you." Trinity thought before nodding in agreement. "Yeah I probably should apologize for nearly murdering her." She said rubbing the back of her neck.

As soon as the words left Trinity's mouth, Ben was down the street and shortly gone. The Faunus checked his surroundings before donning the WF outfit and heading for the police station via rooftops. On the way, he sent a message to Kaze.

To: Kaze Phoenix

From: Benjamin Grey

Subject: -blank-

MSG: How much dust do you need? I would like to know the quantity before I take action.

They arrived at a very dark part of the forest."Ok, here we ar-" Just as soon as Acid said those words a King Taijitu ambushed her and wrapped around her. She simply eletrocuted the living hell out of it with her semblance before shaking the charred corpse off. "Sorry, as I was saying, here we are, don't mind this one, there should be plenty more around here."
"Ben! Get the hell back... he's gone. Dammit." William muttered after seeing Benjamin dissappear down the street. Sighing, he turns to Elinore and Trinity. "So where should we look for Aires first? Maybe check the streets out a bit before heading back to Beacon to see if she's back at our room?"
Acid stopped at the darkest part of Emerald Forest and Solace stopped a short distance from her. Apple took a few steps forward of Solace to keep a closer eye on her.

"Okay, Here we ar-" Acid started but a King Taijitu came out of the shadows and wrapped itself around her. Apple opened up her parasol and let itself fold into a shape of a sword's blade. Before she had time to attack it, the King Taijitu was fried and charred, supposedly the reason why it was like that was because of Acid. Apple's jaw slacked again as Temptation returned back to it's parasol form, by unfolding itself.

"She's quite strong, isn't she?" Solace commented behind her, one amber eye open while the other was closed in boredom.

"Sorry, as I was saying..." Acid rambled.

Apple's doubt and uneasiness grew stronger. If only Ophelia and Lincolm was here, maybe they could take her down without much of a fuss. A hand poked her cheek and she slapped at it, only to be responded with a teasing chuckle.

"That's fine. We only need one fang from a King Taijitu. But the King Taijitu has to be alive while we take it out." Solace explained, walking over to Acid to stare at the fried dead one.
"Have fun with whatever you're doing, I'm going back." Acid said, walking back to Beacon.

Teri lay on her bed conflicted, should she let them explain and forgive them or ignore them and ask Ozpin to be transferred.

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